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Sub NoNonsenseCSV2DataTable(CSVfile As String)
Dim dTable As New DataTable
Using reader As New StreamReader(CSVfile)
    Dim CSVheader As String = reader.ReadLine
    Dim Cols = (From s In CSVheader.Split(",") Select s).ToList()
    Dim setTblColumns = (From s In Cols Select dTable.Columns.Add(s, GetType(String))).ToList
    'TEST Dim getTblColumns As List(Of String) = (From c As DataColumn In dTable.Columns Select c.ColumnName).ToList()
    Dim ReadToEnd As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
    Dim Rows = (From s In ReadToEnd.Split(vbLf) Select s).ToList()
    ' up to now everything goes well
    Dim getTblRows = (From z In Rows Select z.Split(",")).ToList()
    ' getting DataTable rows, OK

    'xxx Dim x As DataRow
    'xxx For Each s As String In Rows
    'xxx    x = dTable.NewRow()
    'xxx    x.ItemArray = s.Split(","c)
    'xxx    dTable.Rows.Add(x)
    'xxx Next
End Using

End Sub

What I have tried:

The procedure works 100% but I want to change the last part, so I would get an advantage of LINQ: nice looking code and better performance. Thanks for help in advance
Dim x As DataRow
For Each s As String In Rows
    x = dTable.NewRow()
    x.ItemArray = s.Split(","c)
Updated 14-Mar-18 11:21am

1 solution

I would get an advantage of LINQ: nice looking code and better performance.

I'm not sure that my solution meets your criteria, but...

I would change NoNonsenseCSV2DataTable(CSVfile As String) procedure into function. See:
Public Function NoNonsenseCSV2DataTable(CSVfile As String) As DataTable
	Dim lines() As String  = File.ReadAllLines(CSVfile)
        'create DataTable
	Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
	'get column names from first line and create an array of DataColumn
	Dim cols As DataColumn() = lines.Take(1) _
		.SelectMany(Function(x) x.Split(New String(){","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) _
		.Select(Function(x) New DataColumn(x, Type.GetType("System.String"))) _
	'add columns into DataTable
	'get rows - start from 2 line
	dt = lines.Skip(1) _
		.Select(Function(x) dt.LoadDataRow(x.Split(New String(){","}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), False)) _
		.ToArray() _
	'return DataTable
	Return dt

End Function

Sub Main
    Dim sFileName As String = "FullFileNameOfCsvFile.csv"
    Dim myData As DataTable = NoNonsenseCSV2DataTable(sFileName)
    'myData is ready to use!

End Sub

For further details, please see:
File.ReadAllLines Method (String) (System.IO)[^]
DataTable.LoadDataRow Method (Object[], Boolean) (System.Data)[^]
Function Statement (Visual Basic) | Microsoft Docs[^]
Sub Statement (Visual Basic) | Microsoft Docs[^]
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ATeDe 14-Mar-18 20:17pm    
Thanks Maciej for your solution, which obviously works well, despite small 'hiccup' in the beginning, as my VB.NET compiler (VS2017) does not like 1st line of code:

Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(CSVfile).ToList() complaining
Error BC30311 Value of type 'List(Of String)' cannot be converted to 'String()'

After changing to
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(CSVfile) the code executes smoothly

Another think to notice is that, it takes approx 10% longer to convert my CSV file (10 columns, 131745 records)

Thank you!

Original code elapsed time: 3490.86 Milliseconds
->Unformatted table: Count= 131745

New routine elapsed time: 3763.66 Milliseconds
->Unformatted table: Count= 131745
Maciej Los 15-Mar-18 2:24am    
Sorry, it's my fault. My first idea was to get lines into array of string, but later i decided to get lines into list. I forgot to change the type of variable declaration. Just rRemove ToList() method and it should be work. Note: i wroted it directly from my head.
Karthik_Mahalingam 14-Mar-18 23:40pm    
Maciej Los 15-Mar-18 2:24am    
Thank you, Karthik.

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