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I am trying to get a handle on how to drag and drop an image file from Windows File Explorer into a DataGridView cell in a Windows Form.

The basic function of dropDrop works but I don't know what the cell to drop into is.
So I try go get the cell column/row from other events but it goes into the wrong cell.

What I seen is to use HitTest in the DaaGriveView DragDrop event but the hittest type is always none so the column and row index is always -1. (The type should be cell).

So what is the proper method to Drag a image file from Windows File Explorer into a cell in a DataGridView?


What I have tried:

Using HitTest but the type is always none
Using other events to get the last good cell column/row.
Updated 17-Apr-18 5:14am
Maciej Los 16-Apr-18 14:40pm    
What have you tried?

Using HitTest but the type is always none

DataGridView.HitTest Method (Int32, Int32) (System.Windows.Forms)[^] returns location information, such as row and column indices, given x- and y-coordinates.

Well, you didn't mention about the way you get mouse coordinates... So, please check this: c# - Datagridview context menu always shows -1 in hittest[^] to get more details about your issue.

Here's an article: Drag and Drop Text from One to Other Datagrirdview in C# Windows Application[^] which might be helpful in resolving your issue.
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QuickBooksDev 17-Apr-18 6:47am    
Here is the DropDrag code seqment but it is from e.x and e.y. I will review the other posting but this is from an external source (File Explorer) not another cell.
QuickBooksDev 17-Apr-18 8:16am    
Private Sub DataGridView1_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.DragDrop
Dim C, R as integer
Dim myDGV As DataGridView = sender
        Dim HtInfo As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = myDGV.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)
        If HtInfo.Type = DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell Then
            C = HtInfo.ColumnIndex
            R = HtInfo.RowIndex
            DropColNo = C : DropRowNo = R
            lblDebug.Text &= " Hit=" & C & "," & R & " "
            myUseCol = C : myUseRow = R
            'DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1(C, R)
            Debug.WriteLine("Drag Drop Current HIT Cell " & C & "," & R)
            GoTo DoPic
            C = HtInfo.ColumnIndex : R = HtInfo.RowIndex
            Debug.WriteLine("Drag Drop Current Bad HT=" & C & "," & R)
            lblDebug.Text &= " Invalid type " & HtInfo.Type.ToString()
            If DropColNo > -1 AndAlso DropRowNo > -1 Then
                myUseCol = DropColNo : myUseRow = DropRowNo
                'DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1(DropColNo, DropRowNo)
                Debug.WriteLine("Drag Drop bad Hit Cell " & DropColNo & "," & DropRowNo & " " & HtInfo.Type.ToString())
                lblDebug.Text &= " invalid drop=" & DropColNo & "," & DropRowNo & " "
                Debug.WriteLine("Drag Drop bad dropCol/Row invalid drop=" & DropColNo & "," & DropRowNo & " ")
            End If
        End If
End Sub
Maciej Los 17-Apr-18 12:04pm    
You have to handle 3 events: CellMouseDown, DragEnter, DragDrop, but you're using only one. Follow this: How to provide file drag-and-drop functionality in a Visual C# application and change to your needs.
It looks like that other posting has the solution and using
Point p = dataGridView2.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y);
DataGridView.HitTestInfo info = dataGridView2.HitTest(p.X, p.Y);

Solved the problem.

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