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CursorCntl.h code:



/*--------------- C u r s o r C n t l . h ---------------


This is the interface to CursorCntl.cpp.


// To simulate not running in Windows, include the following line.

//#define NoGraphics

// 03-24-2016 gpc - Correct conditional compile order

#ifndef _WIN32

#define NoGraphics


#ifdef NoGraphics

void Sleep(unsigned ms);


//----- f u n c t i o n p r o t o t y p e s

void getxy(int &x, int &y); // Return the column (x) and row (y) positions of the cursor.

void gotoxy(int x, int y); // Move the cursor to column "x", row "y".

void clrscr(); // Clear the entire screen.

void clreol(); // Clear from the cursor to the end of line.

void SaveXY(); // Save the current cursor position.

void RestoreXY(); // Restore the current cursor position.


CursorCntl.cpp code:

/*--------------- C u r s o r C n t l . c p p ---------------


This module defines a collection of console window cursor control routines

NOTE: Type int is used instead of unsigned to be consistent with the original gotoxy().


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "CursorCntl.h"

/*--------------- S l e e p ( ) --------------


Sleep for "speed" ms. This function is for non-windows environments.


ms -- the number of ms. to sleep


#if defined NoGraphics

#include <ctime>

void Sleep(unsigned ms)


#ifdef __LINUX__

#include <unistd.h>

// Linux, use usleep()

usleep(1000 * ms);


// 03-24-2016 gpc - Fix non-windows Sleep() function.

// Not Windows or Linux, use time.h to delay.

// NOTE: This code is a CPU hog.

const unsigned MsPerSec = 1000;

// Clock ticks per ms.

clock_t clocksPerMs = CLOCKS_PER_SEC / MsPerSec;

// In case of insufficient clock resolution (i.e. CLOCKS_PER_SEC < 1000)

if (clocksPerMs < 1)

clocksPerMs = 1;

clock_t tDone = clock() + ms * clocksPerMs;

while (clock() < tDone)




/*--------------- g e t x y ( ) --------------


Obtain the cursor location from the screen.


x -- the x (column) location of the cursor

y -- the y (row) location of the cursor


void getxy(int &x, int &y)


x = 0;

y = 0;


/*--------------- g o t o x y ( ) --------------


Move the cursor to a specific screen position.


x -- the x (column) location of the cursor

y -- the y (row) location of the cursor


void gotoxy(int x, int y)



/*--------------- c l r s c r ( ) --------------


Erase the console window and move the cursor home.


void clrscr(void)



/*--------------- c l r e o l ( ) --------------


Erase from the cursor to the end of the line.


void clreol(void)



/*--------------- S a v e C u r s o r ( ) --------------


Save the current screen cursor location.


void SaveXY(void)



/*--------------- R e s t o r e C u r s o r ( ) --------------


Restore the screen cursor location


void RestoreXY(void)




#include <windows.h>

/*--------------- g l o b a l s ---------------*/

// Console window colors




















// Saved cursor location

static int cursorSaveX;

static int cursorSaveY;

// Background and foreground colors.

static int BACKGROUND = BLACK;


/*--------------- g e t x y ( ) --------------


Obtain the cursor location from the screen.


x -- the x (column) location of the cursor

y -- the y (row) location of the cursor


void getxy(int &x, int &y)



GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &screenBfr);

x = screenBfr.dwCursorPosition.X;

y = screenBfr.dwCursorPosition.Y;


/*--------------- g o t o x y ( ) --------------


Move the cursor to a specific screen position.


x -- the x (column) location of the cursor

y -- the y (row) location of the cursor


void gotoxy(int x, int y)


COORD point;

point.X = (SHORT)x;

point.Y = (SHORT)y;

SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), point);


/*--------------- c l r s c r ( ) --------------


Erase the console window and move the cursor home.


void clrscr()



COORD home = {0, 0};

DWORD written;


GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &screenBfr);

int screenChars = screenBfr.dwSize.X * screenBfr.dwSize.Y;

FillConsoleOutputAttribute ( GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),



home, &written);

FillConsoleOutputCharacter ( GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),

' ',






gotoxy(0, 0);


/*--------------- c l r e o l ( ) --------------


Erase from the cursor to the end of the line.


void clreol()


COORD start;

DWORD written;


GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &screenBfr);

int x; // Current column

int y; // Current row.

// Find the cursor location

getxy(x, y);

start.X = (SHORT)x;

start.Y = (SHORT)y;

// How many characters from the cursor to the end of line?

int numChars = screenBfr.dwSize.X - start.X;

// Erase







' ',





/*--------------- S a v e C u r s o r ( ) --------------


Save the current screen cursor location.


void SaveXY()


getxy(cursorSaveX, cursorSaveY);


/*--------------- R e s t o r e C u r s o r ( ) --------------


Restore the screen cursor location


void RestoreXY()


gotoxy(cursorSaveX, cursorSaveY);


Maze.h code :

#ifndef POSITION_H
#define POSITION_H

#ifndef MAZE_H
#define MAZE_H

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

#include "Position.h"

//#include "Stack.h"

//----- c o n s t a n t d e f i n i t i o n s

const unsigned GridSize = 10; // Number of rows and columns in the grid.

//----- t y p e d e f i n i t o n s -----

// Cell states are ASCII characters.

typedef char CellState;

// Define the possible states for cells in the grid.

const char Open = ' ';

const char Obstacle = '-';

const char Visited = 'V';

const char Rejected = 'R';

const char StartCell = 'S';

const char GoalCell = 'G';

const char PathCell = 'P';

//----- c l a s s M a z e -----

class Maze



// Constructor


// Accessors

bool IsOpen(const Position &cellPos) const;

bool IsVisited(const Position &cellPos) const;

Position Start() { return start; }

Position Goal() { return goal; }

// Mutators

void Visit(const Position &p);

void Reject(const Position &p);

void MarkPathCell(const Position &p);


// The square grid of maze cells

CellState cell[GridSize][GridSize];

// The starting position in the maze.

Position start;

// The goal position in the maze.

Position goal;

// Maze File Name

string mazeFileName;

// Log File Output Stream

ofstream logFile;

// The number of moves per second

int speed;

// Display the maze on the screen.

void Show() const;

// Display the state of one cell on the screen.

void ShowCell(const Position &p, const CellState state) const;

// Load the maze definition from a file.

void OpenMazeFile(string &mazeFileName, ifstream &mazeFile);

void StoreCell(char c, int rowNum, int colNum);

void LoadMazeFile();

// Set the speed of travel.

void SetSpeed();



Position.h code:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

//----- c l a s s P o s i t i o n -----

class Position



// Constructors

Position() { defined = false; }

Position(const int theRow, const int theCol) : row(theRow), col(theCol), defined(true) { }

// Accessors

int Row() const { return row; }

int Col() const { return col; }

bool Defined() { return defined; }

// Overloaded operators

Position operator+(const Position &b) const;

Position operator+=(const Position &b);

bool operator!=(const Position &b) const { return (row != b.row) || (col != b.col); }

bool operator==(const Position &b) const { return (row == b.row) && (col == b.col); }


int row; // the row (y) location of a position

int col; // the column (x) location of a position

bool defined; // True if the position has been defined


//----- c o n s t a n t d e f i n i t i o n s -----

// Offsets to neighboring cells (relative positions)

const Position StepEast = Position(0, +1); // One step east

const Position StepSouth = Position(+1, 0); // One step south

const Position StepWest = Position(0, -1); // One step west

const Position StepNorth = Position(-1, 0); // One step north


position.cpp code:

#include <iostream>

#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

#include "Position.h"

/*----- P o s i t i o n : : o p e r a t o r + ( ) -----


Add two positions by adding the row numbers and adding the

column numbers.


b -- the second operand of "+"


Position Position::operator+(const Position &b) const


Position result;

result.row = row + b.row;

result.col = col + b.col;

result.defined = true;

return result;


/*----- P o s i t i o n : : o p e r a t o r + = ( ) -----


Add position "b" to this position.


b -- the second operand of "+="


Position Position::operator+=(const Position &b)


row = row + b.row;

col = col + b.col;

defined = true;

return *this;


stack.h code:
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H

#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include "Position.h"

const int StackCapacity = 100;

// Make the stack element type be a grid position.

typedef Position StackElement;

//---------- c l a s s S t a c k ----------

// Define an array based stack class.

class Stack


struct Node


StackElement data; // the "contents" of the node

Node *next; // Link to the next node

// Node constructor Functions


Node(const StackElement &theData, Node *const theNext = 0): data(theData), next(theNext) {}



// Contruct an empty stack.

Stack() { tos = -1; }

// Test for an empty stack.

bool Empty() const { return tos < 0; }

// Test for a full stack.

bool Full() const { return tos >= StackCapacity - 1; }

// Push a new element onto the top of the stack.

void Push(const StackElement &elem);

// Retrieve the top element and pop it off of the stack.

StackElement Pop();

// Retrieve the top element, but do not remove it from the stack.

StackElement Top() const;


int tos; // Index (subscript) of the top stack element

Node *top;

StackElement stack[StackCapacity]; // Storage for the stack elements



stack.cpp code:

#include "stack.h"


/*--------------- P u s h ( ) ---------------

Push a new element onto the top of the stack.


elem -- the element to add to the top of stack


void Stack::Push(const StackElement &elem)



stack[++tos] = elem;


/*--------------- P o p ( ) ---------------

Pop the top element off of the stack and return its value.


The old top of stack


StackElement Stack::Pop()



tos = Rejected;

return stack[tos--];


main program code:

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "CursorCntl.h"

#include "Maze.h"

#include "Stack.h"

/*----- M a z e : : S o l v e ( ) -----


Naive maze traversal algorithm. Try all possible next

positions, but give up at a dead end.


maze -- the maze object to solve

stack -- the stack of traversed positions


true -- a solution was found.

false -- failed to find a solution.


bool Solve(Maze &maze, Stack &stack)


Position curPos; // The current position

// Move to the start cell.

curPos = maze.Start();


// Repeatedly find a next move until the goal is reached.

while (curPos != maze.Goal())


if (maze.IsOpen(curPos + StepEast))

curPos += StepEast;

else if (maze.IsOpen(curPos + StepSouth))

curPos = curPos + StepSouth;

else if (maze.IsOpen(curPos + StepWest))

curPos = curPos + StepWest;

else if (maze.IsOpen(curPos + StepNorth))

curPos = curPos + StepNorth;


return false;



// Found a solution.

return true;


/*----- M a z e : : R e t r a c e P a t h ( ) -----


Find the way back from the goal position to the start position


maze -- the maze object to retrace

stack -- the stack of traversed positions


void RetracePath(Maze &maze, Stack &stack)


Stack object; // object of stack

object.Pop(); // calling pop function to distroy top of stack (tos)

// F I L L I N M I S S I N G D E F I N I T I O N


/*--------------- m a i n ( ) ---------------*/

int main(void)


// Screen positions

const unsigned XResult = 15;

const unsigned YResult = 5;

const unsigned XFinish = 0;

const unsigned YFinish = 20;

// Position stack remembers visited positions.

Stack posStack;

// Construct a maze from a maze definition file.

Maze maze;

// Traverse the maze.

bool success = Solve(maze, posStack);

// Indicate success or failure.

gotoxy(XResult, YResult);

if (!success)

cout << "Failed: No path from start to goal exists." << endl;



cout << "Success: Found a path. Press <enter> to retrace." << endl;

cin.get(); // Wait for a ENTER key.

// Retrace the path back from the goal position back to the start position.

RetracePath(maze, posStack);


// Done

gotoxy(XFinish, YFinish);

return 0;


maze.cpp code:

#include <limits.h>#include <cassert>

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

#include <cctype>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

// 03-24-206 gpc - Include CursorCntl.h first.

#include "CursorCntl.h"

#include "Maze.h"

#include "Stack.h"

// 03-24-206 gpc Include Windows.h if running in Windows and NoGraphics mode is not enabled.

#if (defined _WIN32) && (!defined NoGraphics)

#include <windows.h>


//----- c o n s t a n t d e f i n t i o n s -----

const unsigned DefaultSpeed = 6; // Default speed to travel the maze

const unsigned MsPerSec = 1000; // Number of ms. in one second

//------ f u n c t i o n s -----

/*----- M a z e : : O p e n M a z e F i l e ( ) -----


Open a maze definition file.


mazeFileName -- a string giving the name of the opened file

mazeFile -- the opened stream


void Maze::OpenMazeFile(string &fileName, ifstream &mazeFile)


const char DefFileName[] = "maze"; // Default maze definition file name

const string ext = ".txt"; // Maze definition file extension

// Repeatedly ask for a file name and try to open it.

for (;;)


// Get the file name. If empty, use the default.

cout << "Maze file name [default = \"" << DefFileName << "\", ctrl-C quits]: ";

if (cin.peek() == '\n')


cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');

fileName = DefFileName;



getline(cin, fileName);

// Insure that the file extension is correct.

if (fileName.length() >= ext.length())


if (fileName.substr(fileName.length() - ext.length()) != ext)

fileName += ext;



fileName += ext;

// Try to open the file.;

// If success, open a log file.

if (mazeFile.is_open())


const string LogFileExt = ".log"; // Log file extension

// The log file name is the same as the maze file name

// with the extension changed to ".log."

string logFileName = mazeFileName;

logFileName.erase(logFileName.length() - ext.length(), ext.length());

logFileName += LogFileExt;;

// Make sure the log file opened.




// Open failed: clear the stream state, give an error message, and try again.


cout << "*** ERROR: No such file: " << fileName << endl;



/*----- M a z e : : S t o r e C e l l ( ) -----


Initialize one cell in the maze.


c -- a character indicating the initial cell state.

rowNum -- the cell's row number

colNum -- the cell's column number


Abort if more than one start or goal position are defined.


void Maze::StoreCell(char cellStateChar, int rowNum, int colNum)


// Use the character to set the initial state of the next maze cell.

switch (toupper(cellStateChar))


// Cell is open.

case '0':

case ' ':

case 'O':

cell[rowNum][colNum] = Open;


// Cell is the start cell.

case StartCell:

// If start already found, quit.

if (start.Defined())


cout << "*** ERROR: More than one start position specified." << endl;



// Mark the cell and record the start position.

cell[rowNum][colNum] = StartCell; // 10-16-2003 gpc

start = Position(rowNum, colNum);


// Cell is the goal cell.

case GoalCell:

// If goal already found, quit.

if (goal.Defined())


cout << "*** ERROR: More than one goal position specified." << endl;



// Mark the cell and record the goal position.

cell[rowNum][colNum] = GoalCell; //0-16-2003 - gpc

goal = Position(rowNum, colNum);


// Any other character represents an obstacle.


cell[rowNum][colNum] = Obstacle;




/*----- M a z e : : L o a d M a z e F i l e ( ) -----


Initialize the maze from a maze definition file.


Abort if incomplete maze, or no start or goal position are defined.


void Maze::LoadMazeFile()


// The stream from which the maze is loaded

ifstream mazeFile; // Maze file input stream

// Open the maze definition file.

OpenMazeFile(mazeFileName, mazeFile);

// The file is open; load in the maze.

// Read "Gridsize" lines from the file.

for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < GridSize; rowNum++)


// Read "GridSize" columns from each line.

for (int colNum = 0; colNum < GridSize; colNum++)


char cellStateChar; // the next character from the file

// Get the next character.


// If early end-of-file reached, abort.

if (mazeFile.eof())


cout << "*** ERROR: Unexpected end of file on " << mazeFileName << endl;



// Set the cell state.

StoreCell(cellStateChar, rowNum, colNum);


// Flush newline before reading the next line from the file.

mazeFile.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');


// Done with the file, close it.


// Make sure that the file contained start and goal positions.

if (!start.Defined())


cout << "*** ERROR: No start positon specified." << endl;



if (!goal.Defined())


cout << "*** ERROR: No goal positon specified." << endl;




/*----- M a z e : : S e t S p e e d ( ) -----


Get the maze travel speed.


void Maze::SetSpeed()


const unsigned MinSpeed = 1; // Speed must be bigger than zero.

const unsigned DefSpeed = 6; // Default speed setting

const unsigned XPrompt = 0; // Screen column for speed prompt

const unsigned YPrompt = 15; // Screen row for speed prompt

bool needSpeed; // True until a valid speed is entered.

// Repeatedly ask for a speed until a valid value is given.



// Read the speed.

needSpeed = true;

gotoxy(XPrompt, YPrompt);


cout << "Speed [minimum = " << MinSpeed << ", default = " << DefSpeed << ", ctrl-C quits]: ";

if (cin.peek() == '\n')


// If empty, use the default.

speed = DefaultSpeed;

needSpeed = false;




// Not empty, read in the speed number.

cin >> speed;

// Make sure the speed is valid.

if (


// A bad integer was entered.


cout << "***ERROR: Speed must be a positive integer." << endl;



else if (speed < MinSpeed)


// The speed is too low.


cout << "***ERROR: Speed must be at least " << MinSpeed << "." << endl;



// Entered speed was valid.

needSpeed = false;


// Flush the newline.

cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');

} while (needSpeed);

// Clean up any remaining error messages.

gotoxy(XPrompt, YPrompt + 1);



/*----- M a z e : : M a z e ( ) -----


Construct a Maze object from a maze definition file.




// Load the maze from the maze definition file.


// Display the maze on the screen.


// Set the speed of travel.



/*----- M a z e : : S h o w ( ) -----


Display the maze on the screen.


void Maze::Show(void) const


// Column numbers

const char ColHeadings[] = " 0123456789";

// Erase the console window.


// Show column numbers above the grid.

cout << ColHeadings << " " << mazeFileName << endl;

// Show the grid, one row at a time.

for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < GridSize; rowNum++)


// Give the row number to the left of the grid.

cout << rowNum;

// Show the next row.

for (int colNum = 0; colNum < GridSize; colNum++)

cout << cell[rowNum][colNum];

// Give the row number to the left of the grid.

cout << rowNum << endl;


// Show column numbers above the grid.

cout << ColHeadings << endl;


/*----- M a z e : : I s O p e n ( P o s i t i o n & ) -----


Determine the whether a given maze cell is open.


cellPos -- the position of the cell whose state is to be



true if the cell is open; otherwise false


bool Maze::IsOpen(const Position &cellPos) const


// If the position is off the grid, it is illegal.

if (cellPos.Row() < 0 || cellPos.Row() >= GridSize)

return false;

if (cellPos.Col() < 0 || cellPos.Col() >= GridSize)

return false;

// The start and goal cells are open until visited.

if (cell[cellPos.Row()][cellPos.Col()] == StartCell) // 10-16-2003 - gpc

return true;

if (cell[cellPos.Row()][cellPos.Col()] == GoalCell) // 10-16-2003 - gpc

return true;

// Use the stored cell state.

return cell[cellPos.Row()][cellPos.Col()] == Open;


/*----- M a z e : : Is V i s i t e d ( P o s i t i o n & ) -----


Determine the whether a given maze cell is marked "Visited".


cellPos -- the position of the cell whose state is to be



true if the cell is marked Visited; otherwise falseThe cell state.


bool Maze::IsVisited(const Position &cellPos) const


// If the position is off the grid, it is illegal.

if (cellPos.Row() < 0 || cellPos.Row() >= GridSize)

return false;

if (cellPos.Col() < 0 || cellPos.Col() >= GridSize)

return false;

// Use the stored cell state.

return cell[cellPos.Row()][cellPos.Col()] == Visited;


/*----- M a z e : : S h o w C e l l ( ) -----


Display the state of on cell on the screen.


p -- the position of the cell whose state is to be displayed.

state -- the state to be displayed


void Maze::ShowCell(const Position &p, const CellState state) const


// 03-01-2018 gpc const unsigned MsPerSec = 1000; // Number of ms. in one second

const char CurPosChar = '+'; // Current position display character

const unsigned curPosX = 15; // X location to display current position

const unsigned curPosY = 2; // Y location to display current position

// Display the numeric current position (x, y).

gotoxy(curPosX, curPosY);

cout << "Position: (" << p.Col() << ", " << p.Row() << ")";

// Display the new state.

gotoxy(p.Col() + 1, p.Row() + 1);

// Wait and then change and display the new state character.

// Delay(MsPerSec/speed);

cout << state;


/*----- M a z e : : V i s i t ( ) -----


Mark a maze cell visited.


p -- the position of the visited cell


void Maze::Visit(const Position &p)


// Record move to log file.

logFile << "Visit (" << p.Row() << ", " << p.Col() << ")" << endl;

cell[p.Row()][p.Col()] = Visited;

#if (defined NoGraphics)



ShowCell(p, Visited);


Sleep(MsPerSec / speed);


/*----- M a z e : : R e j e c t ( ) -----


Mark a maze cell rejected.


p -- the position of the rejected cell


void Maze::Reject(const Position &p)


// Record move to log file.

logFile << "Reject (" << p.Row() << ", " << p.Col() << ")" << endl;

cell[p.Row()][p.Col()] = Rejected;

#if (defined NoGraphics)



ShowCell(p, Rejected);


Sleep(MsPerSec / speed);


/*----- M a z e : : M a r k P a t h C e l l ( ) -----


Mark a maze cell rejected.


p -- the position of the rejected cell


void Maze::MarkPathCell(const Position &p)


// Record move to log file.

logFile << "Retrace (" << p.Row() << ", " << p.Col() << ")" << endl;

cell[p.Row()][p.Col()] = PathCell;

#if (defined NoGraphics)



ShowCell(p, PathCell);


Sleep(MsPerSec / speed);


What I have tried:

I tried to modify these codes (stack .h and stack.cpp and prog4.cpp )

questions can be found here:

Stack.h , Stack.cpp And Prog4.cpp Need To Be Modif... |[^]
Updated 12-Oct-18 10:30am

So you think the best thing to do is dump a pile of unformatted, double spaced code on us and go "you sort it out"?

No. Not going to happen.
We do not do your homework: it is set for a reason. It is there so that you think about what you have been told, and try to understand it. It is also there so that your tutor can identify areas where you are weak, and focus more attention on remedial action.

Try it yourself, you may find it is not as difficult as you think! And by that I mean: read you homework question and try to write the code to solve it yourself - not find something that might be similar on a cheat site and hope. You might just learn something that way, and then you stand a chance of passing the exams at the end when you can't use a cheat site. Just a thought.

If you meet a specific problem, then please ask about that and we will do our best to help. But we aren't going to do it all for you!
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Member 14017515 12-Oct-18 10:40am    
I am not dumping any pile of unformatted. I just put the entire code because every time I ask for help. they ask me to provide the program to run it and check what is the error. This website platform a bit different then what I usually use. by the way, I am not trying to let someone doing my homework or cheat!!! Because If want. I know where to go, so I am here to learn !!!.
I will send you my " specific problem ".
thank you for your response. Really appreciated

I am trying to find the definition of this code, and I need help.

void RetracePath(Maze &maze, Stack &stack)
Stack object; // object of stack
object.Pop(); // calling pop function to distroy top of stack (tos)

OriginalGriff 12-Oct-18 10:54am    
What do you call the pile of code in your "question" then? Is it indented? Just the bits we might be interested in?
Or is it unformatted, and the whole of "your" code?

If it's the later, then it's an unformatted code dump ...
It is your homework and you should do it yourself. You must carefully read the comments and than implement the missing pieces. Ofcourse it would help when you have listened to your teacher while he explained the stuff.

An example: at first you must decide what your cursor is. I think it is a point-structure.

//somewhere else AND only one global !!!
POINT cursor;

/*Move the cursor to a specific screen position.


x -- the x (column) location of the cursor
y -- the y (row) location of the cursor

void gotoxy(int x, int y)
  cursor.x = x;
  cursor.y = y;
And so on.

Tip: Google for some tutorials or read your school stuff
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questions can be found here:

So, you show no attempt to solve the problem yourself, you have no question, you just want us to do your HomeWork.
HomeWork problems are simplified versions of the kind of problems you will have to solve in real life, their purpose is learning and practicing.
We do not do your HomeWork.
HomeWork is not set to test your skills at begging other people to do your work, it is set to make you think and to help your teacher to check your understanding of the courses you have taken and also the problems you have at applying them.
Any failure of you will help your teacher spot your weaknesses and set remedial actions.
Any failure of you will help you to learn what works and what don't, it is called 'trial and error' learning.
So, give it a try, reread your lessons and start working. If you are stuck on a specific problem, show your code and explain this exact problem, we might help.

As programmer, your job is to create algorithms that solve specific problems and you can't rely on someone else to eternally do it for you, so there is a time where you will have to learn how to. And the sooner, the better.
When you just ask for the solution, it is like trying to learn to drive a car by having someone else training.

I am not dumping any pile of unformatted.

900 lines of code with double spacing is a dump of code and it is unindented.
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