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I need to cut a sequence/period of an avi video file. Let's say the video is 5min long. I need to create a new video for example from time 1min to 2min. only images are mandatory, I don't care about the audio (my videos are without audio)

by using
iMediaSeek. GetDuration (out duration) and iMediaSeek. GetAvailable (out earliest, out latest)
I have created a sort of a help file (in text format) to get the number of Frames and their duration time. so I know which frame is set at a given time. The problem is, I have no Idea how to extract this frame and make a new avi video file of them.


I managed to create a directshow Graph that read the video file and make a copy to a new file. though it still makes a 1:1 copy of the original file, I'm pretty sure that I can manage the task with
IMediaSeeking SetPostion
as mentioned before.

To understand the work process of a Directshow graph, I have used GraphStudioNext.

Once I finish I'll post the final code as an answer.

What I have tried:

private static void checkHR(int hr, string msg)
             if (hr < 0)
                LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(msg, SwitchLevel.Info);
          #region Member variables
          // graph builder interfaces
          private static ICaptureGraphBuilder2 pGraphBuilder;
          private static IReferenceClock pClock;
          private static void BuildGraph(IGraphBuilder pGraph, string FileName, string NewFile)
             const bool USEDAVISPLITTER = false;
             int hr = 0;
             Guid guid = new Guid(USEDAVISPLITTER ? "D3588AB0-0781-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770"   // AVISource
                                                   : "CEA8DEFF-0AF7-4DB9-9A38-FB3C3AEFC0DE"); // osAviSource
             //Graph builder
             pGraphBuilder = new CaptureGraphBuilder2() as ICaptureGraphBuilder2;
             hr = pGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(pGraph);
             checkHR(hr, "Can't SetFilterGraph");
             //Add AVI File Source
             IBaseFilter sourceFilter = (IBaseFilter)new AVIDec();
             sourceFilter.SetSyncSource(null);   //Set Graph Clock to Null
             hr = pGraph.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "AVI File Source");
             checkHR(hr, "Can't add AVI File Source to Graph");
             //set Source filename        
                sourceFilter = DXHelper.CreateFilter(guid);
             catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                // can try to register and try again
             if (null == sourceFilter) sourceFilter = RegisterAviSplitter(guid);
             if (null != sourceFilter)
                DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(pGraph.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "sourceFilter"));
                IFileSourceFilter sourceFilter_src = sourceFilter as IFileSourceFilter;
                if (sourceFilter_src == null) checkHR(unchecked((int)0x80004002), "Cant't get IFileSourceFilter");
                hr = sourceFilter_src.Load(FileName, null);
                checkHR(hr, "Can't load file");
             //add AVI Mux
             IBaseFilter pAVIMux = (IBaseFilter)new AviDest();
             hr = pGraph.AddFilter(pAVIMux, "AVI MUX");
             checkHR(hr, "Can't add AVI Mux to graph");
             //connect AVI File Source and AVI Mux
             hr = pGraph.ConnectDirect(GetPin(sourceFilter, "Video 0"), GetPin(pAVIMux, "Input 01"), null);
             checkHR(hr, "Cant connect AVI File Source to AVI Mux");
             //add File writer
             IBaseFilter pFilewriter = (IBaseFilter)new FileWriter();
             hr = pGraph.AddFilter(pFilewriter, "File Writer");
             checkHR(hr, "Can't add File writer to graph");
             //Set destination filename
             IFileSinkFilter pFilewriter_sink = pFilewriter as IFileSinkFilter;
             if (pFilewriter_sink == null) checkHR(unchecked((int)0x8004002), "Can't get IFileSinkFilter");
             hr = pFilewriter_sink.SetFileName(NewFile, null);
             checkHR(hr, "Can't set filename");
             //connect AVI Mux and File writer         
             hr = pGraph.ConnectDirect(GetPin(pAVIMux, "AVI Out"), GetPin(pFilewriter, "in"), null);
             checkHR(hr, "Can't connect AVI Mux and File writer");
          private static IBaseFilter RegisterAviSplitter(Guid guid)
             string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\registerOSAviSplitter.bat";
             System.Diagnostics.Process reg = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
             //This file registers .dll files as command components in the registry.
             reg.StartInfo.FileName = filePath;
             reg.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
             reg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
             reg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
             reg.WaitForExit(10 * 1000);
             return DXHelper.CreateFilterSafe(guid);
          private static IPin GetPin(IBaseFilter filter, string pinname)
             IEnumPins epins;
             int hr = filter.EnumPins(out epins);
             checkHR(hr, "Can't ennumerate pins");
             IntPtr fetched = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(4);
             IPin[] pins = new IPin[1];
             while(epins.Next(1, pins, fetched) == 0)
                PinInfo pinfo;
                pins[0].QueryPinInfo(out pinfo);
                bool found = ( == pinname);
                if (found) return pins[0];
             checkHR(-1, "Pin not found");
             return null;
          public static void createNewFile(string fileName, string newFile)
                IGraphBuilder graph = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();
                LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Building graph...", SwitchLevel.Info);
                BuildGraph(graph, fileName, "D:\\Test_Cut2.avi");
                LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Running...", SwitchLevel.Info);
                IMediaControl mediaControl = (IMediaControl)graph;
                IMediaEvent mediaEvent = (IMediaEvent)graph;
                int hr = mediaControl.Run();
                checkHR(hr, "Can't run the graph");
                bool stop = false;
                   LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(".", SwitchLevel.Info);
                   EventCode ev;
                   IntPtr p1, p2;
                   while (mediaEvent.GetEvent(out ev, out p1, out p2, 0) == 0)
                      if (ev == EventCode.Complete || ev == EventCode.UserAbort)
                         LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Done!", SwitchLevel.Info);
                         stop = true;
                      else if (ev == EventCode.ErrorAbort)
                         LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(string.Format("An error occured: HRESULT={0,X}", p1), SwitchLevel.Info);
                         stop = true;
                      mediaEvent.FreeEventParams(ev, p1, p2);
             catch (COMException ex)
                ErrorManager.Instance.HandleException(ex, SwitchLevel.Error);
                LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("COM error: " + ex.ToString(), SwitchLevel.Info);            
             catch (Exception ex)
                LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Error: " + ex.ToString(), SwitchLevel.Info);
                ErrorManager.Instance.HandleException(ex, SwitchLevel.Error);
Updated 10-Jan-19 2:58am

And here we go, for those who need to do something similar It's not that difficult as I thought in the beginning, when you know what you have to do! And that was exactly my main issue. I had no idea what to do or how to approach the task. So to get started in DirectShow you need to build a graph which do for you the task. I recommend to use GraphEdit provided with the SDK, or in my case GraphStudioNext. the best way to start is if you have any program that play's a video file or better an application that make a video file from a web cam. with the editor you can connect to that application and it will generate for you the graph used. Then you can create/simulate your own graph with your needs.

After that you only need to code your own graph. With the help of the documentations, the c++ code from the link provided by @RickZeeland in answer1 and your friend google, it's easy enough to know the basics.

and here is my code:

sing System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DirectShowLib;

namespace Modules.File.Video
   public class AviSplitter
      private static void checkHR(int hr, string msg)
         if (hr < 0)
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(msg, SwitchLevel.Info);

      #region Member variables
      public static double Duration { get; private set; }
      public static long NrFramesInAVI { get; private set; }

      // graph builder interfaces
      private static ICaptureGraphBuilder2 pGraphBuilder;
      private static IMediaSeeking pmediaSeeking;

      private static void BuildGraph(IGraphBuilder pGraph, string FileName, string NewFile)
         const bool USEDAVISPLITTER = false;
         int hr = 0;
         Guid guid = new Guid(USEDAVISPLITTER ? "D3588AB0-0781-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770"   // AVISource
                                               : "CEA8DEFF-0AF7-4DB9-9A38-FB3C3AEFC0DE"); // osAviSource

         //Graph builder
         pGraphBuilder = new CaptureGraphBuilder2() as ICaptureGraphBuilder2;
         hr = pGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(pGraph);
         checkHR(hr, "Can't SetFilterGraph");

         //Add AVI File Source
         IBaseFilter sourceFilter = (IBaseFilter)new AVIDec();
         //sourceFilter.SetSyncSource(null);   //Set Graph Clock to Null
         hr = pGraph.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "AVI File Source");
         checkHR(hr, "Can't add AVI File Source to Graph");
         //set Source filename        
            sourceFilter = DXHelper.CreateFilter(guid);
         catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
            // can try to register and try again
         if (null == sourceFilter) sourceFilter = RegisterAviSplitter(guid);
         if (null != sourceFilter)
            DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(pGraph.AddFilter(sourceFilter, "sourceFilter"));
            IFileSourceFilter sourceFilter_src = sourceFilter as IFileSourceFilter;
            if (sourceFilter_src == null) checkHR(unchecked((int)0x80004002), "Cant't get IFileSourceFilter");
            hr = sourceFilter_src.Load(FileName, null);
            checkHR(hr, "Can't load file");

         //add AVI Mux
         IBaseFilter pAVIMux = (IBaseFilter)new AviDest();
         hr = pGraph.AddFilter(pAVIMux, "AVI MUX");
         checkHR(hr, "Can't add AVI Mux to graph");

         //connect AVI File Source and AVI Mux
         hr = pGraph.ConnectDirect(GetPin(sourceFilter, "Video 0"), GetPin(pAVIMux, "Input 01"), null);
         checkHR(hr, "Cant connect AVI File Source to AVI Mux");

         //add File writer
         IBaseFilter pFilewriter = (IBaseFilter)new FileWriter();
         hr = pGraph.AddFilter(pFilewriter, "File Writer");
         checkHR(hr, "Can't add File writer to graph");
         //Set destination filename
         IFileSinkFilter pFilewriter_sink = pFilewriter as IFileSinkFilter;
         if (pFilewriter_sink == null) checkHR(unchecked((int)0x8004002), "Can't get IFileSinkFilter");
         hr = pFilewriter_sink.SetFileName(NewFile, null);
         checkHR(hr, "Can't set filename");

         //connect AVI Mux and File writer         
         hr = pGraph.ConnectDirect(GetPin(pAVIMux, "AVI Out"), GetPin(pFilewriter, "in"), null);
         checkHR(hr, "Can't connect AVI Mux and File writer");

      private static IBaseFilter RegisterAviSplitter(Guid guid)
         string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\registerOSAviSplitter.bat";
         System.Diagnostics.Process reg = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
         //This file registers .dll files as command components in the registry.
         reg.StartInfo.FileName = filePath;
         reg.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
         reg.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
         reg.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
         reg.WaitForExit(10 * 1000);
         return DXHelper.CreateFilterSafe(guid);

      private static IPin GetPin(IBaseFilter filter, string pinname)
         IEnumPins epins;
         int hr = filter.EnumPins(out epins);
         checkHR(hr, "Can't ennumerate pins");
         IntPtr fetched = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(4);
         IPin[] pins = new IPin[1];
         while (epins.Next(1, pins, fetched) == 0)
            PinInfo pinfo;
            pins[0].QueryPinInfo(out pinfo);
            bool found = ( == pinname);
            if (found) return pins[0];
         checkHR(-1, "Pin not found");
         return null;

      private static double TimeOfFrame(long frame)
         double time = (double)frame * Duration;
         return time / (double)NrFramesInAVI;

      private static double TimeOfMediaTime(long mediaTime)
         return ((double)mediaTime / 10000000.0);

      private static long MediaTimeOfTime(double time)
         return (long)(time * 10000000.0);

      private static double getDuration()
         if (pmediaSeeking == null) return 0.1;
         long duration; pmediaSeeking.GetDuration(out duration);
         return TimeOfMediaTime(duration);

      private static long GetNbOfFrames()
         long ret = 0;
         if (pmediaSeeking != null)
               long earliest, latest;
               pmediaSeeking.GetAvailable(out earliest, out latest);
               return latest;
            catch { }
         return ret;

      public static void createNewFile(string fileName, string newFile, long startPos, long endPos)
            IGraphBuilder graph = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph();
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Building graph...", SwitchLevel.Info);

            BuildGraph(graph, fileName, "D:\\Test_Cut3.avi");
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Running...", SwitchLevel.Info);

            IMediaControl mediaControl = (IMediaControl)graph;
            IMediaEvent mediaEvent = (IMediaEvent)graph;

            pmediaSeeking = (IMediaSeeking)graph;
            NrFramesInAVI = GetNbOfFrames();
            Duration = getDuration();

            //Set Start Position
            long Starttime = MediaTimeOfTime(TimeOfFrame(startPos));
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Set Start at frame: " + startPos.ToString() + "[" + (Starttime / 10000000).ToString() + "])", SwitchLevel.Info);
            pmediaSeeking.SetPositions(Starttime, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, 0, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning);

            //set Stop Position
            long endtime = MediaTimeOfTime(TimeOfFrame(endPos));
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Set End at frame: " + endPos.ToString() + "[" + (Starttime / 10000000).ToString() + "])", SwitchLevel.Info);
            pmediaSeeking.SetPositions(endtime, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning, 0, AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning);

            int hr = mediaControl.Run();
            checkHR(hr, "Can't run the graph");

            bool stop = false;
            while (!stop)
               LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(".", SwitchLevel.Info);
               EventCode ev;
               IntPtr p1, p2;
               while (mediaEvent.GetEvent(out ev, out p1, out p2, 0) == 0)
                  if (ev == EventCode.Complete || ev == EventCode.UserAbort)
                     LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Done!", SwitchLevel.Info);
                     stop = true;
                  else if (ev == EventCode.ErrorAbort)
                     LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile(string.Format("An error occured: HRESULT={0,X}", p1), SwitchLevel.Info);
                     stop = true;
                  mediaEvent.FreeEventParams(ev, p1, p2);
         catch (COMException ex)
            ErrorManager.Instance.HandleException(ex, SwitchLevel.Error);
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("COM error: " + ex.ToString(), SwitchLevel.Info);
         catch (Exception ex)
            LogFileManager.Instance.WriteToLogFile("Error: " + ex.ToString(), SwitchLevel.Info);
            ErrorManager.Instance.HandleException(ex, SwitchLevel.Error);
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RickZeeland 10-Jan-19 9:31am    
Well done, and thanks for sharing the information !
See answers here: How to trim the video using Directshow!?[^]

And here: C# Video TimeLine Control for DirectShow & VLC Like Adobe AfterEffects[^]

It also might be needed to install an older DirectX version, like the DirectX 9 SDK.
This should still be available for download as DXSDK_Jun10.exe.
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Nizar Belhiba 8-Jan-19 8:39am    
Sorry I have already found that Thread but the DirectShow sample Project is in c++, and I've been trying to convert it to c# since weeks.
Second, unfortunately I have to use DirectShow and not ffmpeg and in the second answer the hint to use IMediaSeeking SetPostion as I mentioned in my Question is maybe good but unfortunately not good enough to me, I need more explanation.

And unfortunately the article in the link you provided regarding c# has been deleted.

Anyway, I have found and a solution, I'have post what I have done so far. Still working to finish it, once it's done I'll post the code as an answer

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