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I use Pycharm 2020 community as an IDE. I use pygame 1.9.6 to the play chess board. I use Python 3.7.4.

When ever I'm trying to make a valid pawn move after whites pawn move nothing happens. I even do the trick where you put a print("here") to see if a code is reaching, but it's not. Put say if I make 3+ pawns moves then I hit undo all by pressing 'u' 3 times then it says "here" after that, but when I go to make a black pawn move nothing happens or a white pawn move first then black nothing still. I don't know why my code isn't reaching it.

import pygame as p
from Chess import ChessEngine

WIDTH = HEIGHT = 512  # 400 is another option
DIMENSION = 8  # dimensions of a chess board are 8x8
MAX_FPS = 15  # for animations later on

Initialize a global dictionary of images. This will be called exactly once in the main  
class GameState:
    def __init__(self):
        # board is an 8x8 2d list, each element of lest has 2 character.
        # The first character represents the color of the piece, "b" or "w"
        # The second character represents the type of the piece, "K", "Q", "R", "B", "N", or "p"
        # "--" - represents an empty space with no piece.
        self.board = [
            ["bR", "bN", "bB", "bQ", "bK", "bB", "bN", "bR"],
            ["bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp", "bp"],
            ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
            ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
            ["--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", "--"],
            ["--", "--", "--", "--", "bp", "--", "--", "--"],
            ["wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp", "wp"],
            ["wR", "wN", "wB", "wQ", "wK", "wB", "wN", "wR"]]
        self.moveFunctions = {'p': self.getPawnMoves, 'R': self.getRookMoves, 'N': self.getKnightMoves,
                              'B': self.getBishopMoves, 'Q': self.getQueenMoves, 'K': self.getKingMoves}
        self.whiteToMove = True
        self.moveLog = []
    Takes a Move as a parameter and executes it (this will not work for castling, pawn promotion, and en passant 
    def makeMove(self, move):
        self.board[move.startRow][move.startCol] = "--"
        self.board[move.endRow][move.endCol] = move.pieceMoved
        self.moveLog.append(move)  # log the move so we can undo it later
        self.whiteToMove = not self.whiteToMove  # swap players
    Undo the last move  
    def undoMove(self):
        if len(self.moveLog) != 0:  # make sure there is a move to undo
            move = self.moveLog.pop()
            self.board[move.startRow][move.startCol] = move.pieceMoved
            self.board[move.endRow][move.endCol] = move.pieceCaptured
            self.whiteToMove = not self.whiteToMove  # switch turns back

    All moves considering checks
    def getValidMoves(self):
        return self.getAllPossibleMoves()  # for now will not worry about checks

    All moves without considering checks
    def getAllPossibleMoves(self):
        moves = []
        for r in range(len(self.board)):  # number of rows
            for c in range(len(self.board[r])):  # number of cols in given row
                turn = self.board[r][c][0]
                if (turn == 'w' and self.whiteToMove) or (turn == 'b' and not self.whiteToMove):
                    piece = self.board[r][c][1]
                    self.moveFunctions[piece](r, c, moves)  # calls the appropriate move function based on piece type
        return moves
    Get all the pawn moves for the pawn located at row, col and add these moves to the list
    def getPawnMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        if self.whiteToMove:  # white pawn moves
            if self.board[r-1][c] == "--":  # 1 square pawn advance
                moves.append(Move((r, c), (r-1, c), self.board))
                if r == 6 and self.board[r-2][c] == "--":  # 2 square pawn move
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r-2, c), self.board))
            if c-1 >= 0:  # capture to the left
                if self.board[r-1][c-1][0] == 'b':  # enemy piece to capture
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r-1, c-1), self.board))
            if c+1 <= 7:  # capture to the right
                if self.board[r-1][c+1][0] == 'b':  # enemy piece to capture
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r-1, c+1), self.board))

        else:  # black pawn moves
            if self.board[r + 1][c] == "--":  # 1 square move
                moves.append(Move((r, c), (r + 1, c), self.board))
                if r == 1 and self.board[r + 2][c] == "--":  # 2 square moves
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r + 2, c), self.board))
            # captures
            if c-1 >= 0:  # capture to left
                if self.board[r + 1][c - 1][0] == 'w':
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r + 1, c - 1), self.board))
            if c+1 <= 7:  # capture to right
                if self.board[r + 1][c + 1][0] == 'w':
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (r + 1, c + 1), self.board))
        # add pawn promotions later

        Get all the rook moves for the rook located at row, col and add these moves to the list
    def getRookMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        directions = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1))  # up, left, down, right
        enemyColor = "b" if self.whiteToMove else "w"
        for d in directions:
            for i in range(1, 0):
                endRow = r + d[0] * i
                endCol = c + d[1] * i
                if 0 <= endRow < 8 and 0 <= endCol < 8:  # on board
                    endPiece = self.board[endRow][endCol]
                    if endPiece == "--":  # empty space valid
                        moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))
                    elif endPiece[0] == enemyColor:  # enemy piece valid
                        moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))
                    else:  # friendly piece invalid
                else:  # off board

        Get all the knight moves for the knight located at row, col and add these moves to the list

    def getKnightMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        knightMoves = ((-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 2), (2, -1), (2, 1))
        allyColor = 'w' if self.whiteToMove else "b"
        for m in knightMoves:
            endRow = r + m[0]
            endCol = c + m[0]
            if 0 <= endRow < 8 and 0 <= endCol < 8:
                endPiece = self.board[endRow][endCol]
                if endPiece[0] != allyColor:  # not an ally piece (empty or enemy piece)
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))

        Get all the bishop moves for the bishop located at row, col and add these moves to the list

    def getBishopMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        directions = ((-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1))
        enemyColor = "b" if self.whiteToMove else "w"
        for d in directions:
            for i in range(1, 8):  # bishop can move max of 7 squares
                endRow = r + d[0] * i
                endCol = c + d[1] * i
                if 0 <= endRow < 8 and 0 <= endCol < 8:  # is it on board
                    endPiece = self.board[endRow][endCol]
                    if endPiece == "--":  # empty space valid
                        moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))
                    elif endPiece[0] == enemyColor:  # enemy piece valid
                        moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))
                    else:  # friendly piece invalid
                else:  # off board

        Get all the queen moves for the queen located at row, col and add these moves to the list

    def getQueenMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        self.getRookMoves(r, c, moves)
        self.getBishopMoves(r, c, moves)

        Get all the king moves for the king located at row, col and add these moves to the list

    def getKingMoves(self, r, c, moves):
        kingMoves = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1))
        allyColor = "w" if self.whiteToMove else "b"
        for i in range(8):
            endRow = r + kingMoves[i][0]
            endCol = c + kingMoves[i][1]
            if 0 <= endRow < 8 and 0 <= endCol <8:
                endPiece = self.board[endRow][endCol]
                if endPiece[0] != allyColor:  # not an ally piece (empty or enemy piece)
                    moves.append(Move((r, c), (endRow, endCol), self.board))

class Move:
    # maps key to values
    # key : value
    ranksToRows = {"1": 7, "2": 6, "3": 5, "4": 4,
                   "5": 3, "6": 2, "7": 1, "8": 0}
    rowsToRanks = {v: k for k, v in ranksToRows.items()}
    filesToCols = {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2, "d": 3,
                   "e": 4, "f": 5, "g": 6, "h": 7}
    colsToFiles = {v: k for k, v in filesToCols.items()}

    def __init__(self, startSq, endSq, board):
        self.startRow = startSq[0]
        self.startCol = startSq[1]
        self.endRow = endSq[0]
        self.endCol = endSq[1]
        self.pieceMoved = board[self.startRow][self.startCol]
        self.pieceCaptured = board[self.endRow][self.endCol]
        self.moveID = self.startRow * 1000 + self.startCol * 100 + self.endRow * 10 + self.endCol

    Overriding the equals method
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Move):
            return self.moveID == other.moveID
        return False

    def getChessNotation(self):
        # you can add to make this like real chess notation
        return self.getRankFile(self.startRow, self.startCol) + self.getRankFile(self.endRow, self.endCol)

    def getRankFile(self, r, c):
        return self.colsToFiles[c] + self.rowsToRanks[r]

def loadImages():
    pieces = ['wp', 'wR', 'wN', 'wB', 'wK', 'wQ', 'bp', 'bR', 'bN', 'bB', 'bK', 'bQ']
    for piece in pieces:
        IMAGES[piece] = p.transform.scale(p.image.load("images/" + piece + ".png"), (SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE))
    # Note: we can access an image saving "IMAGES"['wp']

The main driver for our code. This will handle user input and updating the graphics.

def main():
    screen = p.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
    clock = p.time.Clock()
    gs = ChessEngine.GameState()
    validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
    moveMade = False  # flag variable for when a move is made

    loadImages()  # only do this once, before the while loop
    running = True
    sqSelected = ()  # no square is selected, keep track of the last click of the user (tuple: (row, col))
    playerClicks = []  # keep track of player clicks (two tuples [6,4), (4,4)]

    while running:
        for e in p.event.get():
            if e.type == p.QUIT:
                running = False
            # mouse handler
            elif e.type == p.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                location = p.mouse.get_pos()  # (x, y) location of mouse
                col = location[0]//SQ_SIZE
                row = location[1]//SQ_SIZE
                if sqSelected == (row, col):  # the user clicked the same square twice
                    sqSelected = ()  # deselect
                    playerClicks = []  # clear player clicks
                    sqSelected = (row, col)
                    playerClicks.append(sqSelected)  # append for both 1st and 2nd clicks
                if len(playerClicks) == 2:  # after 2nd click
                    move = ChessEngine.Move(playerClicks[0], playerClicks[1], gs.board)
                    if move in validMoves:
                        makeMove = True
                        sqSelected = ()  # reset user clicks
                        playerClicks = []
                        playerClicks = [sqSelected]
            # key handler
            elif e.type == p.KEYDOWN:
                if e.key == p.K_u: # undo when 'u' is pressed
                    moveMade = True

        if moveMade:
            validMoves = gs.getValidMoves()
            moveMade = False

        drawGameState(screen, gs)

Responsible for all the graphics within a current game state.

def drawGameState(screen, gs):
    drawBoard(screen)  # draw squares on the board
    # add in piece highlighting or move suggestions (later)
    drawPieces(screen, gs.board)  # draw pieces on top of those squares

Draw the squares on the board. The top left square is always light.

def drawBoard(screen):
    colors = [p.Color("white"), p.Color("grey")]
    for r in range(DIMENSION):
        for c in range(DIMENSION):
            color = colors[((r+c) % 2)]
            p.draw.rect(screen, color, p.Rect(c * SQ_SIZE, r * SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE))

Draw the pieces on the board using the current GameState.board

def drawPieces(screen, board):
    for r in range(DIMENSION):
        for c in range(DIMENSION):
            piece = board[r][c]
            if piece != "--":  # not empty square
                screen.blit(IMAGES[piece], p.Rect(c * SQ_SIZE, r * SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE, SQ_SIZE))

if __name__ == "__main__":

What I have tried:

I've tried to change the else statement in black pawn moves to elif not self.whiteToMove:
but nothing. I've finding where the code reaches, it reaches in all the places like getValidMoves, undoMove, getAllPossibleMoves. I've tried checking if any my code is wrong, but I can't find what. I just don't know why it's working. I've tried everything I could think of honestly. I just need help, maybe with blind spots.
Updated 24-Aug-20 9:02am

This is a repost of your other question: How come my white pieces work, but my black pieces don't?[^] which has two answers.

I'd suggest that you re-read them and think about what they say: the answers aren';t going to change because you don't like them.
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It's not running the black pawn code for some reason. Why is it doing that?

You can't ask such question and trow 325 lines of code, because finding what is wrong is a real job. Nobody will want to invest hours studying your code for free.

You really need to learn debugging techniques
I even do the trick where you put a print("here") to see if a code is reaching, but it's not.

You need to extend the technique to every function in code because knowing what code is not executed is not informative.
print("function name: Entry and add parameters")
print("function name: Exit and return value")

advice: define a global variable
Tracker= True or false

And put the prints in an if
if tracker: print("function name: Entry and add parameters")

Debugger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^]

Mastering Debugging in Visual Studio 2010 - A Beginner's Guide[^]
Basic Debugging with Visual Studio 2010 - YouTube[^]

27.3. pdb — The Python Debugger — Python 3.6.1 documentation[^]
Debugging in Python | Python Conquers The Universe[^]
pdb – Interactive Debugger - Python Module of the Week[^]

The debugger is here to only show you what your code is doing and your task is to compare with what it should do.
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