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How do I find characters in filenames and if found, delete all files that are not in search? For example: I have 5 file in directory with name:


What I have tried:

I need search name of file: "123" It results return found will delete 4 file 2,3,4,5 and repeat this when more files are added Can anyone help me do this?
Updated 29-Jan-21 16:14pm

You could use something like this to get the non-matching files:
var files = from f in Directory.EnumerateFiles("C:\\Temp")
            where f.Contains("123") == false
            select f;
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Sơ Mi Tv 29-Jan-21 21:26pm    
Can you help me code delete file if the content in the search is not mactching as the file name to search?
RickZeeland 1-Feb-21 2:23am    
Use foreach(file in files)
Look at using the Directory.GetFiles method override that includes a search string: Directory.GetFiles Method (System.IO) | Microsoft Docs[^] - it returns an array of matching files.
The search string can't include negatives though, so there are two solutions:
1) Call GetFiles twice: once to get all "*.txt" files, and once to get just "*123*.txt" files. You can then use the Linq Except method to exclude them, giving you a list of files to delete.
string[] all = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.txt");
string[] match = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*123*.txt");
var toDelete = all.Except(match);
You may have to change the sel3ect criteria if the folder path can contain the search string with teh second option.
2) Call Getfiles once to get all "*.txt" files, and then use the Linq Where method to remove the ones you want to keep:
string[] all = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.txt");
var toDelete = all.Where(f => !f.ToLower().Contains("man"));
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Sơ Mi Tv 28-Jan-21 7:29am    
Can you show more detailed code? Example of placing code in if_else statement pair. Because I'm beginner :)
OriginalGriff 28-Jan-21 7:57am    
How much more detailed do you need it: two full solutions that give you a list of "files to delete" ...
With your solution I don't really understand it yet. Can you help me with code in my project when I call DelFile ()?
private void CompeteLog ()
            string[] all = Directory.GetFiles(cbChoisePS.Text, "*.tar");
            string[] match = Directory.GetFiles(cbChoisePS.Text, "_ACB-");
            var toDelete = all.Except(match);
              \\ i don't understand we are delete file where?
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Richard Deeming 1-Feb-21 10:00am    
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