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I have a code written in Python that after execution I realized that the part of the code that is enclosed in ********* is very time consuming and my goal is to use this 'for loop' From numba I can increase the speed

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from skimage.filters.rank import entropy
    from skimage.morphology import square
    import copy
    import time

    class BlurDetector(object):
        def __init__(self, downsampling_factor=4, num_scales=4, scale_start=3, entropy_filt_kernel_sze=7, sigma_s_RF_filter=15, sigma_r_RF_filter=0.25, num_iterations_RF_filter=3):
            self.downsampling_factor = downsampling_factor
            self.num_scales = num_scales
            self.scale_start = scale_start
            self.entropy_filt_kernel_sze = entropy_filt_kernel_sze
            self.sigma_s_RF_filter = sigma_s_RF_filter
            self.sigma_r_RF_filter = sigma_r_RF_filter
            self.num_iterations_RF_filter = num_iterations_RF_filter
            self.scales = self.createScalePyramid()
            self.__freqBands = []
            self.__dct_matrices = []
            self.freq_index = []

        def disp_progress(self, i, rows, old_progress):
            progress_dict = {10:'[|                  ] 10%',
                             20:'[| |                ] 20%',
                             30:'[| | |              ] 30%',
                             40:'[| | | |            ] 40%',
                             50:'[| | | | |          ] 50%',
                             60:'[| | | | | |        ] 60%',
                             70:'[| | | | | | |      ] 70%',
                             80:'[| | | | | | | |    ] 80%',
                             90:'[| | | | | | | | |  ] 90%',
                             100:'[| | | | | | | | | |] 100%'}

            i_done = i / rows * 100;
            p_done = round(i_done / 10) * 10;
            if(p_done != old_progress):
                os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
                old_progress = p_done

        def createScalePyramid(self):
            scales = []
            for i in range(self.num_scales):
                scales.append((2**(self.scale_start + i)) - 1)          # Scales would be 7, 15, 31, 63 ...

        def computeImageGradientMagnitude(self, img):
            __sobelx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)  # Find x and y gradients
            __sobely = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT)

            # Find gradient magnitude
            __magnitude = np.sqrt(__sobelx ** 2.0 + __sobely ** 2.0)

        def __computeFrequencyBands(self):
            for current_scale in self.scales:
                matrixInds = np.zeros((current_scale, current_scale))

                for i in range(current_scale):
                    matrixInds[0 : max(0, int(((current_scale-1)/2) - i +1)), i] = 1

                for i in range(current_scale):
                    if (current_scale-((current_scale-1)/2) - i) <= 0:
                        matrixInds[0:current_scale - i - 1, i] = 2
                        matrixInds[int(current_scale - ((current_scale - 1) / 2) - i - 1): int(current_scale - i - 1), i]=2;
                matrixInds[0, 0] = 3

        def __dctmtx(self, n):
            [mesh_cols, mesh_rows] = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, n-1, n), np.linspace(0, n-1, n))
            dct_matrix = np.sqrt(2/n) * np.cos(np.pi * np.multiply((2 * mesh_cols + 1), mesh_rows) / (2*n));
            dct_matrix[0, :] = dct_matrix[0, :] / np.sqrt(2)

        def __createDCT_Matrices(self):
            if(len(self.__dct_matrices) > 0):
                raise TypeError("dct matrices are already defined. Redefinition is not allowed.")
            for curr_scale in self.scales:
                dct_matrix = self.__dctmtx(curr_scale)

        def __getDCTCoefficients(self, img_blk, ind):
            rows, cols = np.shape(img_blk)
            # D = self.__dctmtx(rows)
            D = self.__dct_matrices[ind]
            dct_coeff = np.matmul(np.matmul(D, img_blk), np.transpose(D))

        def entropyFilt(self, img):
            return(entropy(img, square(self.entropy_filt_kernel_sze)))

        def computeScore(self, weighted_local_entropy, T_max):
            # normalize weighted T max matrix
            min_val = weighted_local_entropy.min()
            weighted_T_Max = weighted_local_entropy - min_val
            max_val = weighted_local_entropy.max()
            weighted_T_Max = weighted_local_entropy / max_val

            score = np.median(weighted_local_entropy)

        def TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(self, I, D, sigma):

            a = np.exp(-np.sqrt(2) / sigma)
            F = copy.deepcopy(I)
            V = a ** D
            rows, cols = np.shape(I)

            for i in range(1, cols):
                F[:, i] = F[:, i] + np.multiply(V[:, i], (F[:, i-1] - F[:, i]))

            # Right --> Left Filter
            for i in range(cols-2, 1, -1):
                F[:, i] = F[:, i] + np.multiply(V[:, i+1], (F[:, i + 1] - F[:, i]))


        def RF(self, img, joint_img):
            if(len(joint_img) == 0):
                joint_img = img
            joint_img = joint_img.astype('float64')
            joint_img = joint_img / 255

            if(len(np.shape(joint_img)) == 2):
                cols, rows = np.shape(joint_img)
                channels = 1
            elif(len(np.shape(joint_img)) == 3):
                cols, rows, channels = np.shape(joint_img)

            dIcdx = np.diff(joint_img, n=1, axis=1)
            dIcdy = np.diff(joint_img, n=1, axis=0)

            dIdx = np.zeros((cols, rows));
            dIdy = np.zeros((cols, rows));

            dIdx[:, 1::] = abs(dIcdx)
            dIdy[1::, :] = abs(dIcdy)

            dHdx = (1 + self.sigma_s_RF_filter / self.sigma_r_RF_filter * dIdx)
            dVdy = (1 + self.sigma_s_RF_filter / self.sigma_r_RF_filter * dIdy)

            dVdy = np.transpose(dVdy)
            N = self.num_iterations_RF_filter
            F  = copy.deepcopy(img)
            for i in range(self.num_iterations_RF_filter):

                sigma_H_i = self.sigma_s_RF_filter * np.sqrt(3) * 2 ** (N - (i + 1)) / np.sqrt(4 ** N - 1)
                F = self.TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(F, dHdx, sigma_H_i)
                F = np.transpose(F)

                F = self.TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(F, dVdy, sigma_H_i)
                F = np.transpose(F)


        def detectBlur(self, img, ):
            ori_rows, ori_cols = np.shape(img)

            InputImageGaus = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (3, 3), sigmaX=0.5, sigmaY=0.5)
            __gradient_image = self.computeImageGradientMagnitude(InputImageGaus)

            total_num_layers = 1 + sum(self.scales)



            for i in range(self.num_scales):
                curr_freq_band = self.__freqBands[i]
                self.freq_index.append(np.where(curr_freq_band == 0))

            __padded_image = np.pad(__gradient_image, int(np.floor(max(self.scales)/2)), mode='constant')

            rows, cols = np.shape(__padded_image)
            L = []

            total_num_points = len([i for i in range(int(max(self.scales)/2), rows - int(max(self.scales)/2), self.downsampling_factor)]) * len([j for j in range(int(max(self.scales) / 2), cols - int(max(self.scales) / 2), self.downsampling_factor)])
            L = np.zeros((total_num_points, total_num_layers))

            iter = 0
            n = 0
            old_progress = 0

            for i in range(int(max(self.scales)/2), rows - int(max(self.scales)/2), self.downsampling_factor):
                old_progress = self.disp_progress(i, rows, old_progress)
                m = 0
                n += 1
                for j in range(int(max(self.scales) / 2), cols - int(max(self.scales) / 2), self.downsampling_factor):
                    m += 1
                    high_freq_components = []
                    for ind, curr_scale in enumerate(self.scales):
                        Patch = __padded_image[ : + 1, : + 1]
                        dct_coefficients = np.abs(self.__getDCTCoefficients(Patch, ind))


                    high_freq_components = np.hstack(high_freq_components)
                    result = np.argpartition(high_freq_components, total_num_layers)
                    L[iter, :] = high_freq_components[result[:total_num_layers]]
                    iter += 1

            L = np.array(L)

            for i in range(total_num_layers):
                max_val = max(L[:, i])
                L[:, i] = L[:, i] / max_val

            ind1d = 0
            T_max = np.zeros((n, m))
            max_val = 0
            min_val = 99999
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(m):
                    T_max[i][j] = max(L[ind1d, :])
                    max_val = max(max_val, T_max[i][j])
                    min_val = min(min_val, T_max[i][j])
                    ind1d += 1

            # Final Map and Post Processing
            local_entropy = self.entropyFilt(T_max)
            weighted_local_entropy = np.multiply(local_entropy, T_max)

            score = self.computeScore(weighted_local_entropy, T_max)
            #rows, cols = np.shape(weighted_local_entropy)
            print('this is score : ',score)
            # resize the input image to match the size of local_entropy matrix
            #resized_input_image = cv2.resize(InputImageGaus, (cols, rows))
            #aSmooth = cv2.GaussianBlur(resized_input_image, (3, 3), sigmaX=1, sigmaY=1)
            #final_map = self.RF(weighted_local_entropy, aSmooth)

            # resize the map to the original resolution
            #final_map = cv2.resize(final_map, (ori_cols, ori_rows))

            # normalize the map
            #final_map = final_map / np.max(final_map)
            #print('this is final map : ',final_map)
            return score

What I have tried:

The execution time of this code snippet on my system is about 0.04 seconds and this time is not suitable at all for the real time application that I prefer.
I'm very curious to know how much 'no python numba' can cost me this time
Updated 13-Nov-21 23:40pm

1 solution

It costs you time because it's a nested loop: for each iteration of the outer loop you execute the whole of the inner loop. And since scales doesn't change at all in either loop, it will execute as many times as there are values in scales every time round.
SO if there are 100 values in scales and you execute the outer loop 10 times, the body of the inner loop will execute 100 * 10 == 1000 times.
If scales has 1000 elements, it executes 1000 * 10 == 10000 times.
As these numbers increase, the execution time starts to rocket up.

So look at how many times you need to do this, and see if you can find a better algorithm - particularly since you appear to dump the collection as soon as the inner loop is over ...
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makios 14-Nov-21 7:51am    
thank you so much,i added @jit(nopython=True) above def detect function ,but i have follwing error:

numba.core.errors.TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline (step: nopython frontend)
Untyped global name 'sum': Cannot determine Numba type of <class 'builtin_function_or_method'="">

File "", line 184:
def detect(self, img,):

total_num_layers = 1 + sum(self.scales)

This error may have been caused by the following argument(s):
- argument 0: Cannot determine Numba type of <class 'detector1.detector'="">
Dave Kreskowiak 14-Nov-21 11:10am    
You can through every library you want at that code. None of it is going to make the code or calculation run any faster. You have to rethink how you approach the problem entirely, getting rid of as many loops, especially nested loops, as possible.

Numba isn't going to help you.
Dave Kreskowiak 14-Nov-21 11:09am    
It's actually worse than that. He's got a loop inside a loop, inside another loop.

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