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I am pretty much new in python and I'm trying to build a dots and boxes algorithm along with two classes. However, I am having problem with the following methods:

one_horizontal_line_in_grid(self, index_of_row)
__str__(self) # where I use that self.one_horizontal_line_in_grid(index_row)

I have tried the following program to run. For convenience, I'm including both classes into the main program.

Visual grid example for a 2x2 grid be like:

      1    2
   o —— o —— o
1  | A  |
   o —— o    o
2       |    |
   o    o —— o

What I have tried:


# class number 1, filename is

class BaseGrid:

    LEFT = 0
    UP = 1
    RIGHT = 2
    DOWN = 3

    def __init__(self):    
        self.__user, self.__left_side, self.__right_side, self.__up_side, self.__down_side = None, False, False, False, False

    def get_user(self):
        return self.__user

    def add_user(self, user):     
        self.__user = user

    def has_line_on_side(self, side):   
        if side == self.LEFT:
            if self.__left_side:
                return True
        if side == self.UP:
            if self.__up_side:
                return True
        if side == self.RIGHT:
            if self.__right_side:
                return True
        if side == self.DOWN:
            if self.__down_side:
                return True
        return False

    def add_line(self, side):   
        if not self.has_line_on_side(side):
            if side == self.LEFT:
                self.__left_side = True
                return True
            if side == self.UP:
                self.__up_side = True
                return True
            if side == self.RIGHT:
                self.__right_side = True
                return True
            if side == self.DOWN:
                self.__down_side = True
                return True
        return False

    def four_lines_placed(self):    
        if self.has_line_on_side(self.LEFT) and self.has_line_on_side(self.UP) and self.has_line_on_side(self.RIGHT) and self.has_line_on_side(self.DOWN):
            return True
        return False


# class number 2, filename is

# from base_grid import BaseGrid

class FullGridLoaded:

    USER1 = "A"
    USER2 = "B"
    DRAW = "draw"

    def __init__(self, grid_width, grid_height, user_name_1, user_name_2):
        self.__grid_width, self.__grid_height, self.__user_name_1, self.__user_name_2 = grid_width, grid_height, user_name_1, user_name_2
        self.__grid = self.create_grid()

    def create_grid(self):
        templist = [[BaseGrid()] * self.__grid_width] * self.__grid_height
        return [list(list_) for list_ in templist]

    def adding_owner_name_if_four_line(self, obj_, user):
        if user == self.__user_name_1:
        elif user == self.__user_name_2:

    def add_line(self, x, y, side, user):
        bool_value_1, bool_value_2 = False, False
        if self.__grid[x-1][y-1].add_line(side):
            bool_value_1 = True
            self.update_neighbour_of_box(x-1, y-1, side)
            if self.__grid[x-1][y-1].four_lines_placed():
                self.adding_owner_name_if_four_line(self.__grid[x-1][y-1], user)
                bool_value_2 = True
        return bool_value_1, bool_value_2

    def update_neighbour_of_box(self, row_index, column_index, side):
        if self.get_neighbour_on_side(side, row_index-1 , column_index-1) is not None:
            self.get_neighbour_on_side(side, row_index-1 , column_index-1).add_line((side + 2) % 4)

    def IndexError_raiser(self, row_of_neigh, column_of_neigh):
        if row_of_neigh < 1 or column_of_neigh < 1:
            raise IndexError

    def get_neighbour_on_side(self, side, row, column):
            if side == 0:
                self.IndexError_raiser(row, column-1)
                return self.__grid[row-1][column-2]
            if side == 1:
                self.IndexError_raiser(row-1, column)
                return self.__grid[row-2][column-1]
            if side == 2:
                    return self.__grid[row-2][column-1]
            if side == 3:
                    return self.__grid[row-1][column-2]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def total_point_of_user(self, user):
        tot_a, tot_b = 0,0
        for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
            for j in range(len(self.__grid[0])):
                if self.__grid[i][j].get_user() == self.USER1:
                    tot_a += 1
                elif self.__grid[i][j].get_user() == self.USER2:
                    tot_b += 1
        if user == self.USER1:
            return tot_a
        if user == self.USER2:
            return tot_b

    def is_ended(self):
        list_ = []
        for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
            for j in range(len(self.__grid[0])):
                if not self.__grid[i][j].four_lines_placed():
        if False in list_:
            return False
        return True

    def winner(self):
        if self.total_point_of_user(self.USER1) > self.total_point_of_user(self.USER2):
            return self.USER1
        elif self.total_point_of_user(self.USER1) < self.total_point_of_user(self.USER2):
            return self.USER2
            return self.DRAW

    def print_score(self):
        str_ = '\n'
        str_ += 'Score:\n\n'
        str_ += '{:15s} | {:15s}'.format(self.__user_name_1 + ' ({:})'.format(self.USER1), self.__user_name_2 + ' ({:})'.format(self.USER2))
        str_ += '\n' + '-' * 37
        str_ += '\n{:<15d} | {:<15d}\n'.format(int(self.total_point_of_user(self.USER1)), int(self.total_point_of_user(self.user2)))
        return str_

    def one_horizontal_line_in_grid(self, index_of_row):     # not working
        str_, ministr_ = '', ''
        if index_of_row % 2 == 0:
            str_ += '   '
            str_ += 'o'
            if BaseGrid().has_line_on_side(1):
                ministr_ += ' —— '
                ministr_ += '    '
            ministr_ += 'o'
            str_ += ministr_ * self.__grid_width
            if BaseGrid().has_line_on_side(0):
                str_ += '  |'
                if BaseGrid().four_lines_placed():
                    str_ += ' {:}  '.format(BaseGrid().get_user())
        str_ += '\n'

        return str_

    def __str__(self):     # not working because of one_horizontal_line_in_grid
        str_ = '  '
        for i in range(1, self.__grid_width + 1):
            str_ += '    {:}'.format(i)
        str_ += '\n'
        for j in range(1, (self.__grid_height + 1) * 2):
            if j % 2 == 0:
                str_ += '{:}'.format(int(j/2))
            str_ += self.one_horizontal_line_in_grid(j-1)
        str_ += self.print_score()

        return str_

# main program
# from base_grid import BaseGrid
# from full_grid_loaded import FullGridLoaded

def ask_int():
    while True:
            integer = int(input())
            return integer
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid integer! Enter an integer again:")
def ask_direction():
    print("Enter the side of the box to place the line.")
    while True:
        print("Use the following letters: l, r, u, d")
        print("(l = LEFT, r = RIGHT, u = UP, d = DOWN):")
        letter = input()
        if letter.lower() == 'l':
            return BaseGrid.LEFT
        elif letter.lower() == 'u':
            return BaseGrid.UP
        elif letter.lower() == 'r':
            return BaseGrid.RIGHT
        elif letter.lower() == 'd':
            return BaseGrid.DOWN
            print("Wrong input.")

def ask_coordinates(max_row, max_column):
    while True:
        print("Enter the coordinates separated by comma (row,column):")
        coord_string = input()
        parts = coord_string.split(",")
            row = int(parts[0])
            column = int(parts[1])
            while row > max_row or row < 1 or column > max_column or column < 1:
                print("Coordinates are out of range.")
                print("A horizontal coordinate is between 1 and {:d}, and a vertical coordinate is between 1 and {:d}.".format(max_row, max_column))
                print("Enter the coordinates separated by comma (row,column):")
                coord_string = input()
                parts = coord_string.split(",")
                row = int(parts[0])
                column = int(parts[1])
            return row, column
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input!")
            print("You need to give numbers separated by comma.")
        except IndexError:
            print("Invalid input!")
            print("Separate the coordinates with comma.")

def main():
    print("The game begins...")
    player1 = input("Enter the name of the first player:\n")
    player2 = input("Enter the name of the second player:\n")
    print("Enter the width of the grid:")
    width = ask_int()
    while width < 1:
        print("The width has to be at least 1. Enter the width of the grid again:")
        width = ask_int()
    print("Enter the height of the grid:")
    height = ask_int()
    while height < 1:
        print("The height has to be at least 1. Enter the height of the grid again:")
        height = ask_int()

    game = FullGridLoaded(width, height, player1, player2)

    player = player1

    while not game.is_ended():
        print("It is {:s}'s turn.".format(player))
        row, column = ask_coordinates(height, width)
        direction = ask_direction()

        line_added, point_earned = game.add_line(row, column, direction, player)
        while not line_added:
            print("There is already a line here. Give coordinates again.")
            row, column = ask_coordinates(height, width)
            direction = ask_direction()
            line_added, point_earned = game.add_line(row, column, direction, player)

        if point_earned:
            if game.is_ended():
                print("{:s} got a point!".format(player))
                print("{:s} got a point and takes another move!".format(player))
            if player == player1:
                player = player2
                player = player1

    print("End of the game.")
    winner = game.winner()
    if winner == FullGridLoaded.DRAW:
        print("It is a draw.")
        print("The winner is {:s}, congratulations!".format(winner))


Updated 1-Dec-21 17:52pm

1 solution

This fixes some of the problems. At least with this, you can see the game start to plot, This still doesn't deal with some serious issues. The bottom of cell 2,2 is THE SAME WALL as the top of 3,2. You are only drawing the left and top walls for each cell, so if I take the right of 2,2, it doesn't display. This same problem means that you aren't drawing the bottom of the bottom row. That's a serious problem.

class FullGridLoaded:

    user1 = "A"
    user2 = "B"
    DRAW = "draw"

    def __init__(self, grid_width, grid_height, user_name_1, user_name_2):
        self.__grid_width, self.__grid_height, self.__user_name_1, self.__user_name_2 = grid_width, grid_height, user_name_1, user_name_2
        self.__grid = self.create_grid()

    def create_grid(self):
        return  [[BaseGrid() for _ in range(self.__grid_width)] for _ in range(self.__grid_height)]

    def adding_owner_name_if_four_line(self, obj_, user):
        if user == self.__user_name_1:
        elif user == self.__user_name_2:

    def add_line(self, x, y, side, user):
        bool_value_1, bool_value_2 = False, False
        if self.__grid[x-1][y-1].add_line(side):
            bool_value_1 = True
            self.update_neighbour_of_box(x-1, y-1, side)
            if self.__grid[x-1][y-1].four_lines_placed():
                self.adding_owner_name_if_four_line(self.__grid[x-1][y-1], user)
                bool_value_2 = True
        return bool_value_1, bool_value_2

    def update_neighbour_of_box(self, row_index, column_index, side):
        if self.get_neighbour_on_side(side, row_index-1 , column_index-1) is not None:
            self.get_neighbour_on_side(side, row_index-1 , column_index-1).add_line((side + 2) % 4)

    def IndexError_raiser(self, row_of_neigh, column_of_neigh):
        if row_of_neigh < 1 or column_of_neigh < 1:
            raise IndexError

    def get_neighbour_on_side(self, side, row, column):
            if side == 0:
                self.IndexError_raiser(row, column-1)
                return self.__grid[row-1][column-2]
            if side == 1:
                self.IndexError_raiser(row-1, column)
                return self.__grid[row-2][column-1]
            if side == 2:
                    return self.__grid[row-2][column-1]
            if side == 3:
                    return self.__grid[row-1][column-2]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def total_point_of_user(self, user):
        tot_a, tot_b = 0,0
        for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
            for j in range(len(self.__grid[0])):
                if self.__grid[i][j].get_user() == self.user1:
                    tot_a += 1
                elif self.__grid[i][j].get_user() == self.user2:
                    tot_b += 1
        if user == self.user1:
            return tot_a
        if user == self.user2:
            return tot_b

    def is_ended(self):
        list_ = []
        for i in range(len(self.__grid)):
            for j in range(len(self.__grid[0])):
                if not self.__grid[i][j].four_lines_placed():
        if False in list_:
            return False
        return True

    def winner(self):
        if self.total_point_of_user(self.user1) > self.total_point_of_user(self.user2):
            return self.user1
        elif self.total_point_of_user(self.user1) < self.total_point_of_user(self.user2):
            return self.user2
            return self.DRAW

    def print_score(self):
        str_ = '\n'
        str_ += 'Score:\n\n'
        n1 = self.__user_name_1 + ' (' + self.user1 + ')'
        n2 = self.__user_name_2 + ' (' + self.user1 + ')'
        str_ += '{:15s} | {:15s}'.format(n1, n2)
        str_ += '\n' + '-' * 37
        str_ += '\n{:<15d} | {:<15d}\n'.format(int(self.total_point_of_user(self.user1)), int(self.total_point_of_user(self.user2)))
        return str_

    def one_horizontal_line_in_grid(self, index_of_row):     # not working
        str_ = '  '
        for cell in self.__grid[index_of_row//2]:
            if index_of_row % 2 == 0:
                str_ += 'o'
                if cell.has_line_on_side(1):
                    str_ += ' —— '
                    str_ += '    '
                if cell.has_line_on_side(0):
                    str_ += '| '
                    if cell.four_lines_placed():
                        str_ += ' {:}  '.format(cell.get_user())
                        str_ += '   '
                    str_ += '     '
        if index_of_row % 2 == 0:
            str_ += 'o'
        str_ += '\n'
        return str_

    def __str__(self):     # not working because of one_horizontal_line_in_grid
        str_ = '  '
        for i in range(self.__grid_width):
            str_ += '    {:}'.format(i+1)
        str_ += '\n'
        for j in range(self.__grid_height*2):
            if j % 2 == 1:
                str_ += '{:} '.format(j//2+1)
                str_ += "  "
            str_ += self.one_horizontal_line_in_grid(j)
        str_ += self.print_score()

        return str_
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