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This is a feed parser prototype that I personally made in PHP. As you can see, it's a mess. No one is going to make it this way. :(
It uses a mysql database and links in tables store unique webpage links to documents. If this link doesn't exist, parse and save.
These links are indexed and are very fast.

To use it, type ./xparser.php -l in the console screen to parse and save the saved feed address from beginning to end. When done, repeat from the beginning. There are 17200 feed URLs and about 97000 saved feed documents.

The problem is that after 2-3 days of parsing, the hard disk head makes a moving sound and breaks down. Several hard disks have already failed. The SSD is also broken.

Are these feed parsing or crawling for retrieval inherently fatal to hard disks???

My code is messed up, but I don't think it's the cause of the hard disk error. Is it related to indexed links?

I wonder what is the cause of hard disk failure.

*Please forgive the lack of comments in the code. I can't write comments because I'm not an English speaker.

What I have tried:


ini_set("display_errors", 1);

require_once( "connect_db.php" );

$num = '1';
$option = '';
$limit = '';
$op = array( '-i', '-l', '-c', '-f', '-x', '-o');

if( $argv[1] ){
    if( in_array( $argv[1], $op ) ){
        $option = $argv[1];
        echo "ERROR: Type of Option is Wrong or No Option That do for you!\n";
        return ;

if( $argv[2] ){
    if( is_numeric( $argv[2] ) ){
        $num = $argv[2];
        echo "ERROR: Type of Option must to be number.\n";
        return ;

if( $argv[3] ){
    $limit = $argv[3];
    if( $num > $limit ){
        echo "ERROR: Wrong option value! Cause can't over option 1 value better than option 2 value"."\n";
        return ;

startCrw( $option , $num , $limit );

function getFeedAdr( $id ){
    $conn = connect();
    $result = $conn->query("select id, url from wc_xml_url where id={$id} and crawl_status='0'") or die( mysqli_error( $conn ).__LINE__);

    return $result;

function count_status( $id = '' , $string_url = '' ){
    $conn = connect();
    $result = $conn->query("select incount, decount from schedule_crawle where url_id='".$id."'");
    if( mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0 ){
        $feed_result = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );
        echo "\n\e[1;37;44mR-AVOID\e[0m " . " \033[1;36mID:\033[0m " . $id . " \033[1;36mInC\033[0m " . $feed_result['incount'] . " \033[1;36mDeC\033[0m " . $feed_result['decount'] . $string_url;

function startCrw( $option = '' , $num = '' , $limit = '' ){

    $start_id = $num;
    $max_client_value = '';
    $max_status = true;

    if( $limit === '' || empty( $limit ) ){

        $max_status = false;
        $max_result = get_limit_value();

        if( !$max_result ){ 
             echo "cannot connect db"; 
             return ;
        $max_client = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $max_result );
        mysqli_free_result( $max_result );
        $max_client_value = $max_client['id'];
    }else if( $limit || isset( $limit ) ){
        $max_client_value = $limit;

    if( $option === '-f' ){

        $result = getFeedAdr( $num );
        if( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) ){
            $feed_result = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );           
            echo "\033[1;33mCONNECT \033[0m>> " .$feed_result['id']." \e[1;37;40m". replace_ampersand( $feed_result['url'] )."\e[0m\n";                  
            $parser_result = feedParser( $feed_result );  
        echo "\n" . $num . ": No value";
        updateCrawleStatus( $num );

    }else if( $option === '-x' ){
        /* x option is output whole tag text */
        $result = getFeedAdr( $num );
        if( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) ){

            $feed_result = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );
            echo "\033[1;33mCONNECT \033[0m>> "  .$feed_result['id']." \e[1;37;40m". replace_ampersand( $feed_result['url'] )."\e[0m\n";       
            $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
            /* error position */
            $xmlDoc->load( replace_ampersand( $feed_result['url'] ) );

            print_r( $xmlDoc );
    }else if( $option === '-i' ){
        /* information start */
        $conn = connect();
        $max_url_num = $conn->query("select count(*) from wc_xml_url");
        $max_url =  mysqli_fetch_row( $max_url_num );
        $max_post_num = $conn->query("select count(*) from wc_xml_post");
        $max_post =  mysqli_fetch_row( $max_post_num );

        echo "Count URL: ".$max_url['0']."\n";
        echo "Count POST: ".$max_post['0']."\n";        
        echo "Max Url Id: ". $max_client_value."\n";
        return ;

    }else if( $option === '-l' || $option === '-c' || $option === '-o' ){
        while( $num-2 < $max_client_value ){
            $conn = connect();
            $result = $conn->query("select id, url, crawl_status from wc_xml_url where id={$num} and crawl_status='0'") or die( mysqli_error( $conn ) );
            $url = array();
            if ( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) ){                
                $url = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );         
                /* Check Scan Schedule */ 
                if( scanSchedule( $url['id'] ) == false ){
                    //    echo "\n\e[1;37;44mR-AVOID\e[0m " . count_status($url['id']) . " " . 
                    $string_url = " \033[1;30m". replace_ampersand( $url['url'] )."\033[0m";
                    count_status($url['id'], $string_url);
                    echo "\033[1;33mCONNECT \033[0m>> "  .$url['id']." \e[1;37;40m". replace_ampersand( $url['url'] )."\e[0m\n";
                    $result = feedParser( $url );

                    if(isset( $result ) && is_resource( $result )){
                        mysqli_free_result( $result );
                echo "\n" . $num . ": No value";

            if( $num == $max_client_value ){         
                if( $option == '-o' ){
                    $num = "1";               
                }else if( $option == '-l' ){
                    $num = $start_id;
                }else if( $option == '-c' ){
                    break ;            

        }  //while                
    }//else if  

function scanSchedule( $url ){

    $db = connect();
    $query = $db->query("select incount, decount from schedule_crawle where url_id = '".$url."'") or die( mysqli_error( $db ) );

    if(mysqli_num_rows( $query ) > 0 ){
        $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $query );
        if( $result['incount'] == $result['decount'] ){
            return true;
        }else if( $result['incount'] > $result['decount'] ){
            $result = $db->query("update schedule_crawle set decount = decount + '1' , update_date = '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."' where url_id='".$url."'");
        }else if( $result['incount'] < $result['decount'] ){
	     /* This is Error cause decount can't be high better incount. */
            $result = $db->query("update schedule_crawle set incount = ROUND(incount/2), decount = '0', update_date = '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."' where url_id='".$url."'");
        /* create Table */
        $result = $db->query("insert into schedule_crawle( url_id, incount, update_date, create_date) values('".$url."', '0','".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."','".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."')");
        if( $result ){
            return true;

/* @connect data from url server */
function feedParser( $url = array(), $num = 0 ){

    $succ_count = 0;
    $url = preg_replace( array('/\s+/') , array('') ,$url);
    $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
	/* error position */
	if( $xmlDoc->load( replace_ampersand( $url['url'] ) ) ){
	/* output elements from "<channel>"		 
        * @item(atom) or @entry(rss)
        *================================= */
        if( $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('item')->item(0) ){
            /* @item(rss) */                            
            foreach( $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $x ){ 
                 $item_link = $x->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    /* if true is crawled and false is not yet */
                 if( detect( $item_link , $url['id'] ) == true ){
                       $query['url_id']      = $url['id'];
                       $query['xml'] 	      = $url['url'];
                       $query['title']       = $x->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['author']      = $x->getElementsByTagName('author')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['field']       = 'xml';                        
                       $query['link'] 	      = $x->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['pubdate']     = $x->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['description'] = $x->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       if( $query['description'] == '' || empty( $query['description'] ) ){
                           $query['description'] = $x->getElementsByTagName('encoded')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['enclosure']   = get_thumbnail_cnode( $x );
                       if( insertFeed( $query ) == 'true' ){
                           $succ_count = $succ_count+1;
                       if( $query['content'] ){ echo $query['content']; }                       
                       unset( $query );        
                 } // else
            } // foreach
        }else if( $x = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('entry') ){
                /* @iten(atom) */                
            for( $i = 0 ; $i < $x->length ; ++$i ){
                 $query['link'] = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->getAttribute('href');                              
                 if( detect( $query['link'] , $url['id'] ) == true ){
                       $query['url_id']       = $url['id'];
                       $query['xml'] 	      = $url['url'];
                       $query['title']        = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['author']       = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('author')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['field']        = "xml";
                       $query['link']         = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
                       $query['pubdate']      = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('updated')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       $query['description']  = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('content')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                       if( $query['description'] == '' || empty( $query['description'] ) ){
                           $query['description'] = $x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('encoded')->item(0)->nodeValue;

                       $query['enclosure']    = get_thumbnail_cnode( $x->item($i) );
                       if( insertFeed( $query ) == 'true' ){
                           $succ_count = $succ_count+1;	            
                       unset( $query );        
                    } // else 
                } // for
            } // else if
	   /* error reporting: Address Error */
        if( updateCrawleStatus( $url['id'] )){
            $string = "\033[31mE: Failed\033[0m ID: " . $url['id'] . " \033[1;30m". $url['url']."\033[0m \n";
            $file = 'log/Disallowed_Url_';
            if( file_exists( $ 'Y-m-d', time()).".txt" ) ){
                file_writing( $file,  $string );
                if( $fh = fopen( $ 'Y-m-d', time()).".txt", 'c') or die("failed to create file".__LINE__."\n")){
                    file_writing( $file, $string );
                    echo "Could not write to file: 2";
	updateSchedule( $url['id'] , $succ_count );

function updateCrawleStatus( $url_id = '' , $line ){

    $conn = connect();
    $update_status = $conn->query("select crawl_status from wc_xml_url where url='".$url_id."'") or die( mysqli_error( $conn ));
    if( mysqli_num_rows( $update_status ) > 0 ){
        $result = $conn->query("update wc_xml_url set crawl_status='1' where id='".$url_id."'") or die( mysqli_error( $conn));
        echo "\e[1;37;41mDisallowed Url: ".$url_id." ".$line."\e[0m\n";
        return true;
        return false;

function updateSchedule( $url = '' , $success_count = '' ){

    $conn = connect();
    $db = $conn->query("SELECT * from schedule_crawle where url_id='".$url."'") or die ("Database access failed: " . mysqli_error($conn).__LINE__);

    if( mysqli_num_rows( $db ) > 0 ){
        /* update */
        if( $success_count > 0 ){
            $result = $conn->query("update schedule_crawle set incount = ROUND(incount/2), decount = '0', count = '".$success_count."' , update_date = '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."' where url_id='".$url."'");
       	    echo "\e[7mupdate ".$success_count." ".$url." \e[0m\n";
	 }else if( $success_count == 0 ){
            $result = $conn->query("update schedule_crawle set incount = incount+1 , decount = '0', count = '0', update_date = '".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."' where url_id='".$url."'");

function mathRound( $int = '' ){
    $result = $int / 2;
    return round($result,0);

function realEncode( $conn ,  $url = '' ){
    return htmlentities(mysqli_real_escape_string( $conn, $url ) , ENT_QUOTES , 'UTF-8' );

function insertFeed( $query = array() ){

    $conn = connect();

    $query['author']    = setSlashTag( $query['author'] );
    $query['category']  = setSlashTag( $query['category'] ); 
    $query['link']      = realEncode( $conn , $query['link'] );
    $query['title']     = setSlashTag( $query['title'] );     

    if( !is_null( $query['enclosure'] ) ){ 
        $query['enclosure'] = realEncode( $conn , $query['enclosure'] );      
        $query['enclosure'] = NULL;

    $ipr = getFeedImage( $query['description'] );
    if( is_array( $ipr )){
         $query['img'] = $ipr[0];
         $query['imgurl'] = $ipr[1];	          	         
    if( !is_null( $query['imgurl'] ) ){ 
        $query['imgurl'] = realEncode( $conn , $query['imgurl'] );      
        $query['imgurl'] = NULL;
    $item_desc = preg_replace( '/<script\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/script>/is', "", $query['description'] );
    $query['description'] = realEncode( $conn , $item_desc );
    $query['pubdate']     = cvrtStrtoDate( $query['pubdate'] );

    $result = $conn->query ("SELECT * from wc_xml_post where link='".$query['link']."' and url_id='".$query['url_id']."'") or die ("Database access failed: " . mysqli_error($conn) . __LINE__ );
    if( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ){
    	$error = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );

        $sendError = "\033[31mE: Crawled\033[0m " . $error['id'] . " \033[1;30m" . sainitString($error['link']) . "\033[0m " . sainitString($error['title']) . "\n Date: " . date("Y-m-d h:i:s",$date['reg_date']);
 	    echo $sendError;
        writeLog( $sendError );
        $setTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
        $rss_query = $conn->query("insert into wc_xml_post(url_id, author, category, link, title, enclosure, image, field, pubdate, parse_date )values('".$query['url_id']."','".$query['author']."','".$query['category']."','".$query['link']."','".$query['title']."','".$query['enclosure']."','".$query['imgurl']."','".$query['field']."','".$query['pubdate']."','".$setTime."' )")or die ("Insert failed: " . __LINE__ . mysqli_error($conn));		

        $insert_id = mysqli_insert_id( $conn );
        if( $insert_id ){        
            $postmeta = $conn->query("insert into wc_xml_postmeta(xml_post_id, meta_value) values('".$insert_id."','".$query['description']."')");
            $update_url = $conn->query("update wc_xml_url set last_updated='".$setTime."' where id='".$query['url_id']."'")or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "\033[36mSuccess\033[0m \033[1;37m" .$insert_id. " \033[0m ";
        echo "\033[1;32m".$query['title']."\033[0m \n";
        if( $query['imgurl'] )
            echo "\033[33m".$query['imgurl']."\033[0m \n";
        if( $query['enclosure'] )
            echo "\033[35m".$query['enclosure']."\033[0m \n";

    mysqli_free_result( $result );     
    mysqli_close( $conn );

    return true;

function detect( $link , $url_id ){

    $conn = connect();    
        $result = $conn->query ("SELECT link from wc_xml_post where link='".realEncode( $conn , $link )."' and url_id='".$url_id."'");
    if( !$result )
        throw new Exception("Database access failed: " . mysqli_error($conn), 16);
    }catch( Exception $e ){
        $message = $e->getMessage()." ".$e->getLine();
        writeLog($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode);
        return false;
    if( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) ){
        $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result );
        echo "\033[31mCrawled\033[0m ".$result['link']."\n";
        return true;
        return false;

function getFeedImage( $description = '' ){

     if( !$description || empty( $description ) ){
         return "Error 1";	
     preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', stripslashes( $description ), $description );
     foreach( $description as $imgVal){
          foreach( $imgVal as $keystone ){     			          
               preg_match('/src="([^"]+)/i',$keystone , $result);         
               $foo = $result[1];				
               list($width, $height) = getimagesize($foo);
               if( $width > 62 && $height > 62 ){	
                   $image = array( $keystone , $foo );
                   return $image;
                   return ;

function writeLog( $string = '' , $option = '' ){

    $file = '';
    if( $option == '16' ){
        $file = "log/Exception";
        $file = "log/error_log";
    if( file_exists( $ 'Y-m-d', time()).".txt" ) ){
        file_writing( $file,  $string );
        if( $fh = fopen( $ 'Y-m-d', time()).".txt", 'c') or die("failed to create file".__LINE__."\n")){
            file_writing( $file, $string );
            echo "Could not write to file: 2";

function file_writing( $file,  $string ){
   $timestamp = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
   if( $fh = fopen( $ 'Y-m-d', time()).".txt", 'a+') or die("failed to create file".__LINE__."\n") ){
        fwrite($fh, pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf) );
        fwrite($fh, $string." date: ".$timestamp."\n" ) or die("Could not write to file");

/* bad cording. */
function get_xml_cnode( $parent = '' , $child = '' ){
    if( $parent->getElementsByTagName($child) ){     
		if( $parent->getElementsByTagName($child)->item(0) ){     
			if( $parent->getElementsByTagName($child)->item(0)->childNodes->item(0) ){
				return  $parent->getElementsByTagName($child)->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
				return null;
			return null;
		return null;
function cvrtStrtoDate( $string = '' ){
    if( $string ){
        $timestamp = strtotime( $string );
        $time = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp );
        return $time;
        return null;

function get_thumbnail_cnode( $item = '' ){
    if( $item->getElementsByTagName('enclosure')->item(0) ){
         return $item->getElementsByTagName('enclosure')->item(0)->getAttribute('url');       
    }else if( $item->getElementsByTagName('thumbnail')->item(0) ){
         return $item->getElementsByTagName('thumbnail')->item(0)->getAttribute('url');       
    }else if( $item->getElementsByTagName('content')->item(0) ){
         return $item->getElementsByTagName('content')->item(0)->getAttribute('url');       
         return null;

function sainitString( $string = '' ){
	 $string = strip_tags( $string );
	 $string = addslashes( $string );
	 return $string;

function setSlashTag( $string = '' ){
    $string = htmlentities( $string );
    $string = addslashes( $string );
    return $string;

function set_tag_n_slash( $var = array() ){
	$count = count( $var );
	for( $i = 0 ; $i< $count ; ++$i){
		$var[$i] = htmlentities( $var[$i] );
		$var[$i] = addslashes( $var[$i] );	
	return $var;

function off_tag_n_slash( $var = array() ){	
	$count = count( $var );
	for( $i = 0 ; $i< $count ; ++$i){
		$var[$i] = stripslashes( $var[$i] );
		$var[$i] = html_entity_decode( $var[$i] );			
	return $var;	

function get_limit_value(){

    /* get max limit url id */
    $conn = connect();
    $max_result = $conn->query("select id from wc_xml_url order by id DESC limit 1");
    return $max_result;

function replace_ampersand( $address = '' ){
    return str_replace('&', '&', $address );

Updated 18-May-22 23:15pm

1 solution

I would typically be surprised to see hard-drives fail so quickly within such a short period of time, some hard-drives can support millions of writes before it becomes an issue, maybe less so with SSDs which can only sometimes support several hundreds of thousands. That being said, if your script is designed to infinitely run this process, I could see how it could quickly reach these maximums.

I can't immediately tell if you're downloading each of the feed URL webpages as files on the local file system, but you're still demanding your system do a lot of disk processing. Remember that most select statements is going to be a disk read, and each insert, update is going to be a disk write. In addition to all these queries you're also writing to log files very frequently, also by opening and closing the file handle on each write!

I'd be curious as to how long it takes to process these 17200 feed URLs and 97000 feed documents. If, for example, it took 6 hours to process them then you'd be processing 68800 feed URLs and 388000 feed documents per day. After 3 days that's 206400 feed URLs and 1146000 feed documents. And if your script averaged a total of 10 writes to the disk for each document, you're looking at a massive 11,460,000 disk writes over the span of 3 days.

And to make matters worse, given this script is designed to restart immediately upon completion, you're not even giving your hard-drive chance to cool down. The head is going to be actively moving the entire time that the script is running, which just further increases the chances of something breaking.

All in all, much like creating a script to just write to a disk constantly and left running for days, this script is probably the cause of your headaches. Remember that companies who do this sort of thing will likely have datacenters packed with machines, each one responsible for handling a very small percentage of the load. Distributing this process across hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of machines, is how you would normally do this sort of thing.
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Chopin2001 19-May-22 7:49am    
Your answer cleared my doubts. Hard disk failure symptoms mainly occur in the head. Frequent write/read puts a burden on the hard disk. Thank you for answer.

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