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Hi I am a beginner in python and I am working on the blockchain I want to store any hash that creates by any transaction. I want to transfer that hash to a local database. Can anyone tell me how can I do that? Here is my code. can anyone give me hint how to do it i will be veryhelpful

class Block:
    def __init__( self, previous_block_hash, transaction_list ):
        self.previous_block_hash = previous_block_hash
        self.transaction_list = transaction_list

        self.block_data = f"{' - '.join(transaction_list)} - {previous_block_hash}"
        self.block_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.block_data.encode()).hexdigest()

class Blockchain:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.chain = [ ]

    def generate_genesis_block( self ):
        self.chain.append(Block("0", [ 'Genesis Block' ]))

    def create_block_from_transaction( self, transaction_list ):
        previous_block_hash = self.last_block.block_hash
        self.chain.append(Block(previous_block_hash, transaction_list))

    def display_chain( self ):
        for i in range(len(self.chain)):
            print(f"Hash {i + 1}: {self.chain [ i ].block_hash}\n")

    def last_block( self ):
        return self.chain [ -1 ]

**t1 = Time_sensitive_df
t2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
t3 = normal_df
myblockchain = Blockchain()

What I have tried:

i try to do it with socket programming but get many errors.
but i am getting an error On client side . on line sock.sendall(bytes(data,"utf-8")) TypeError: encoding without a string argument Can any one please tell what ia m doing wrong.?

<pre>import socket
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import hashlib

df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\DELL\OneDrive\Desktop\mythesisdataset.csv",
                 names=[ 'SBP', 'DBP', 'HEARTRATE', "Temperature" ])
normal_df = (df [ (df.SBP > 120) & (df.DBP > 90) & (df.HEARTRATE < 100) & (df [ 'Temperature' ] < 100) ])

class Block:
    def __init__( self, previous_block_hash, transaction_list ):
        self.previous_block_hash = previous_block_hash
        self.transaction_list = transaction_list

        self.block_data = f"{' - '.join(transaction_list)} - {previous_block_hash}"
        self.block_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.block_data.encode()).hexdigest()

class Blockchain:
    def __init__( self ):
        self.chain = [ ]

    def generate_genesis_block( self ):
        self.chain.append(Block("0", [ 'Genesis Block' ]))

    def create_block_from_transaction( self, transaction_list ):
        previous_block_hash = self.last_block.block_hash
        self.chain.append(Block(previous_block_hash, transaction_list))

    def display_chain( self ):
        for i in range(len(self.chain)):
            print(f"Hash {i + 1}: {self.chain [ i ].block_hash}\n")

    def last_block( self ):
        return self.chain [ -1 ]

t1 = "abcdergfhiklm"
t2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
t3 = normal_df

myblockchain = Blockchain()

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = socket.gethostname()
port = 12345
s.bind((host, port))

print("host name:", host, " socket name:", socket)

while True:
    c, addr = s.accept()
    # print('Got connection from', addr, '...')
    df2 = pickle.dumps({myblockchain.create_block_from_transaction(t3)})

    c.close()  # Close the connection

This is the client side
import socket
import pickle
import data as data
import sys
# Create a # socket (SOCK_STREAM means a TCP socket)

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    # Connect to server and send data
    sock.connect((socket.gethostname(), 12345))

    # Receive data from the server and shut down
    data = (sock.recv(1024))
    df3 = pickle.loads(data)
    print("Alert send")
    print("received data on fog node")
Updated 11-Jun-22 5:09am

1 solution

In your client code you have the following at line 12:

But you have not declared data, or created any information to send.
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Ayesha Tassaduq 11-Jun-22 11:54am    
do you have any solution of it i try my best but its notworking
Ayesha Tassaduq 11-Jun-22 11:55am    
i want to transfer generated hash to a local server or on adatabse
Ayesha Tassaduq 11-Jun-22 12:21pm    
i remove that line now i am not sending any data .but still i am receiving none.
Richard MacCutchan 11-Jun-22 12:30pm    
You need to use the debugger to find out what is going on when you call the sock.recv function.
Ayesha Tassaduq 11-Jun-22 18:17pm    
i do debug but it shows nothing

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