There are no asynchronous operations.
You need to use asynchronous
methods. Alternatively, wrap your call to
in a
in the
Linq method.
I have knocked up an example of how to do it with the Asynchronous file method. I do not have your files, so I modified the filtering.
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function RunTest() As Task
dim files As List(Of String) =
dim Infos = files.Select(Function(file) new FileInfo(file))
dim tasks = Infos.Select(function(fileInfo)
dim results = Await Task.WhenAll(tasks)
for Each fileInfo as FileInfo in results
Console.WriteLine($"> {fileInfo.Name}")
End Function
Private Async Function ProcessFileAsync(fileInfo as FileInfo)
As Task(Of FileInfo)
if (await FilterFileAsync(fileInfo)) Then
return fileInfo
End If
return Nothing
End Function
Private async Function FilterFileAsync(fileInfo as FileInfo)
As Task(Of boolean)
dim bytes As Byte() = await file
Console.WriteLine($"Thread ID:
return (Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes).Contains("a"))
End Function
End Module
Note: lines are wrapped to fit area. If you create a console app and drop in the code (with the wrapping fixed), you can run and see it work.
And here is the output (for me):
Thread ID: 9
Thread ID: 7
Thread ID: 8
Thread ID: 5
Thread ID: 10
> AsyncManyFilesVb
> AsyncManyFilesVb.deps.json
> AsyncManyFilesVb.runtimeconfig.json
> AsyncManyFilesVb.dll
> AsyncManyFilesVb.pdb
You can see each file is processed on a different thread.
Here is a FileStream version that should work with .Net Framework (see documentation via the link in the conversation below):
Private Async Function ProcessFileAsync(fileInfo as FileInfo)
As Task(Of FileInfo)
if (await FilterFileStreamAsync(fileInfo)) Then
return fileInfo
End If
return Nothing
End Function
Private async Function FilterFileStreamAsync(fileInfo as FileInfo)
As Task(Of boolean)
await Task.Yield()
Console.WriteLine($"Thread ID:
using ms as MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
using fileStream as FileStream =
file.Open(fileinfo.FullName, FileMode.Open)
await fileStream.CopyToAsync(ms)
ms.Position = 0
Dim sr As New StreamReader(ms)
return (sr.ReadToEnd().Contains("a"c))
End Using
End Using
End Function
NOTE: I've put the Thread ID output before the async call. To force the compiler to correctly report the Thread ID I use a
. I've done this just in case you need to do it before and not after. If you don't, it will report the same Thread ID. Comment out the
and run the code and you will see the same Thread ID. A trap for many. ;)
And here is the output:
Thread ID: 10
Thread ID: 8
Thread ID: 7
Thread ID: 9
Thread ID: 5
> AsyncManyFilesVb
> AsyncManyFilesVb.deps.json
> AsyncManyFilesVb.runtimeconfig.json
> AsyncManyFilesVb.dll
> AsyncManyFilesVb.pdb
I woke up this morning with your question on my mind. I would do things a little different. So, for educational purposes, here is how I would modify my answer for my own use. The aim is to:
1. simplify the API and expose a custom filter that can be changed when calling the processor
2. apply the Task result handler to use what was learned in the last question:
Tasks not being created?[
For #2, we can convert to an extension method:
Module TaskExtensions
Public Iterator Function WaitForAllCompleted(Of T) _
(tasks As IList(Of Task(Of T))) _
As IEnumerable(Of Task(Of T))
While tasks.Count > 0
Dim completed As List(Of Task(Of T)) =
tasks.Where(Function(task) task.IsCompleted).ToList()
If completed?.Any() = True Then
For Each task As Task In completed.ToList()
Yield task
End If
End While
End Function
End Module
Next, for #1, I would move the processing to a service
(static class). It depends on how you want to use it.
Module SomeService
Public Iterator Function ProcessFiles(
files As IEnumerable(Of FileInfo),
filter As Predicate(Of (file As FileInfo, fileData As String))) _
As IEnumerable(Of Task(Of FileInfo))
For Each file As FileInfo In files
Dim result = ProcessFileAsync(file, filter)
Yield result
End Function
Private Async Function ProcessFileAsync(fileInfo As FileInfo,
filter As Predicate(Of (file As FileInfo, fileData As String))) _
As Task(Of FileInfo)
If (Await FilterFileStreamAsync(fileInfo, filter)) Then
Return fileInfo
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Async Function FilterFileStreamAsync(fileInfo As FileInfo,
filter As Predicate(Of (file As FileInfo, fileData As String))) _
As Task(Of Boolean)
Await Task.Yield()
Console.WriteLine($"* Thread ID:
Using ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
Using fileStream As FileStream =
File.Open(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open)
Await fileStream.CopyToAsync(ms)
ms.Position = 0
Dim sr As New StreamReader(ms)
Return filter((fileInfo, Await sr.ReadToEndAsync()))
End Using
End Using
End Function
End Module
Here I am using a
Predicate(Of T) Delegate [
^] to pass a filter into the service method. TLDR; a
returns a
value. I am also using a
Yield Statement[
^] to return each item for handling rather than the complete list. The remainder is Identical to my previous answer above (update #2).
Now we can use the new service API and Task extension method:
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main(args As String())
Console.WriteLine($"-- started: {DateTime.Now}")
Console.WriteLine($"-- Finished: {DateTime.Now}")
Console.WriteLine($"- press any key to exit -")
End Sub
Private Async Function RunTest() As Task
Dim files As List(Of String) = Directory _
.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory) _
.Where(Function(file) _
Not (Path.GetExtension(file).Equals(".exe") OrElse
Path.GetExtension(file).Equals(".pdb"))) _
Dim Infos = files.Select(Function(file) New FileInfo(file))
Dim filter As Predicate(Of (file As FileInfo, fileData As String)) =
Function(data) data.fileData.Contains("a"c)
For Each completedTask In SomeService.ProcessFiles(Infos, filter) _
Dim fileInfo = Await completedTask
If fileInfo IsNot Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine($"> {fileInfo.Name}")
End If
End Function
End Module
As you can see, I am defining a filter, then passing it to the API call
SomeService.ProcessFiles(Infos, filter)
, I convert that to a list so we can remove completed tasks, then calling the Task extension method
. The whole statement is used in a
For Each ...
as we
each completed task rather than the whole list of tasks allowing for further processing or reporting as each Task completes, rather than at the end of the process.
And yes, this was written and tested on my Dev (Windows) PC. That is why I am filtering out the
The code is a little bit more verbose however now we have moved the different parts to their own concerns (single responsibilities), exposes a simple API, allows custom filtering, and is now easier to maintain and use.
Lastly, the output:
-- started: 6/08/2023 8:54:38 AM
* Thread ID: 3
* Thread ID: 4
> AsyncManyFilesVb.xml
> AsyncManyFilesVb.exe.config
-- Finished: 6/08/2023 8:54:38 AM
- press any key to exit -
Lots to unpack.... enjoy!