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I'm playing with C++/CLI and calling into a .NET assembly. There is no specific use case, I simply want to learn.

I wrote the assembly in C#. It exports a class with a few methods, and a delegate type which is used in one of the methods:
namespace CsWorker
    public class CsWorkerClass
        public delegate int IntCallback(int i);
        public int DoSomething(int i)
            return i + 7;
        public int DoSomething(int i, IntCallback cb)
            return i + cb(i);

In the C++/CLI code, I load the assembly, then find the class, invoke its constructor, and store the object reference which the call returns (error checking removed):
auto assembly = System::Reflection::Assembly::LoadFrom(gcnew System::String(pszAssemblyPath));
auto type = assembly->GetType(gcnew System::String(pszType), true);
auto ctor = type->GetConstructor(System::Type::EmptyTypes);
msclr::auto_gcroot<System::Object^> m_pWorker = ctor->Invoke(System::Type::EmptyTypes);

To invoke the method, I retrieve the method with matching signature, in this case: 'int DoSomething(int)', and invoke it.
auto otype = m_pWorker->GetType();
auto param_types = gcnew array<Type^>(1) { int::typeid };
auto method = otype->GetMethod(gcnew System::String(L"DoSomething"), param_types);
if (method->ReturnType != int::typeid)
    throw std::runtime_error("Method has wrong return type");
auto args = gcnew array<System::Object^>(1) { int_value };
auto ret = method->Invoke(m_pWorker.get(), args);

This works fine.

Now I'd like to call the method 'int DoSomething(int, IntCallback)'. Of course, the type IntCallback is not known to the C++ code because I don't import the C# assembly. I call 'otype->GetMethods();' to retrieve all methods, then iterate over the returned array to find the one with matching arguments list. "Matching", here, means: first parameter type is 'int' and second parameter type is derived from System::Delegate. This also works.

To invoke the method, I must construct the arguments list.
// This is the function which I intend to use as delegate
my_delegate = [](int i) -> 
int {/*something useful*/ return i;};
auto args = gcnew array<System::Object^>(2) 
{ int_value, my_delegate };
auto ret = method->Invoke(m_pWorker.get(), args);

Of course, this doesn't compile because I cannot assign a std::function (or a C style function pointer or a C++ pointer-to-method) to an Object^. The question is, how can I do it?

What I have tried:

I found the wonderful article C++/CLI: Storing Lambda in a Delegate on CodeProject with magic code which works like a charm when you can name the delegate type at compile time, because this type goes into a template parameter. I tried to replace the delegate type TDelegate in the CreateDelegate function by a function argument of type System::Type, and the same in the function call chain down to CreateDelegateHelper.

All attempts failed with various error messages, some at compile time, some at run time. For example:
template< typename TLambda, 
typename TReturn, typename... TArgs >
System::Object^ CreateDelegateHelper(System::Type^ type, 
TLambda&& lambda, TReturn(__thiscall TLambda::*)
(TArgs...) const)
    LambdaWrapper<TLambda>^ wrapper = 
    gcnew LambdaWrapper<TLambda>(std::forward<TLambda>(lambda));
    auto ctor = type->GetConstructor(Type::EmptyTypes);
    auto args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
    args[0] = wrapper;
    args[1] = &LambdaWrapper<TLambda>
              ::Call<TReturn, TArgs...>;
    return ctor->Invoke(args);

(Please refer to the mentioned article and its code for definition of 'ref class LambdaWrapper'; 'lambda' is a lambda which wraps the callback).
This fails at the line which assigns the pointer-to-member-function LambdaWrapper::Call, with this compiler error:
error C3374: can't take address of 'DelegateUtility::LambdaWrapper<TLambda>::Call' unless creating delegate instance

That's what I'm doing, but the compiler doesn't recognize it...
Updated 17-Aug-23 5:46am

1 solution

had you try the next way:
int MyCallback(int i) {}
public delegate int IntCallback(int i);
IntCallback^ callback = gcnew IntCallback(MyCallback);
// Use callback variable as an argument
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hans.sch 22-Aug-23 8:51am    
@Maxim, thank you for your reply!

The line `IntCallback^ callback = gcnew IntCallback(MyCallback);` generates compiler error C3352: 'int (__cdecl *__cdecl cb)(int)': the specified function does not match the delegate type 'int (int)'. It only compiles when I declare 'int (__clrcall MyCallback)(int)' but when I do that, I have to propagate the __clrcall attribute into native code, and would have to compile the native code with /clr which may or may not work, but which I don't want to do for reasons beyond this discussion.
Maxim Kartavenkov 22-Aug-23 9:00am    
As I understand your code is already half managed as you are use the C++/CLI. Right, your callback should be managed, but from that managed part you can call unmanaged things.
Maxim Kartavenkov 22-Aug-23 9:08am    
You can look how I design managed/unmanaged callback linkage here:
the sources are available in github

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