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I managed to get the range working correctly to include the whole row, but deleting the row fails. It does not produce an error; it just does not delete the row. Finding the empty row works fine, and I placed a marker several rows below the empty row. The result is the empty row is not getting deleted. The sheet is not protected.

The code is:
private void cmdEnterData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      bool found = false;
      int intRowIndex;

      string targetSheetName = txtDate.Text.Substring(0, 3);
      // Add the current year to the name 
      //which gives the full name of the sheet
      targetSheetName = targetSheetName + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
      // Get the worksheet
      Excel.Worksheet targetWorksheet =
      // Find the first empty row using the sheet index number
      int emptyRow = frmFoodPantry.FindEmptyRow
      (RegGlobals.StartingRow, targetWorksheet.Index, RegGlobals.dateCol);
     for(intRowIndex = RegGlobals.StartingRow; 
         intRowIndex < emptyRow && !found; intRowIndex++)
       DateTime dtSheetDate = targetWorksheet.Cells[intRowIndex, RegGlobals.intDateCol].Value;
      if (DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text) < dtSheetDate)
         Excel.Range rngRow = frmFoodPantry.theWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range[RegGlobals.dateCol + emptyRow.ToString()].EntireRow;

        // For debugging
        string temp1 = rngRow.Address;


       // Saving the file for debugging
       frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
       frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = true;

       found = true;
   LoadData(intRowIndex, targetSheetName);
   if (EditsMade)
      frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
      frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
      EditsMade = false;

What I have tried:

targetWorksheet.Cells.Delete(rngRow); (will freeze running)
Updated 29-Aug-23 0:41am
Richard MacCutchan 24-Aug-23 4:02am    
I just tried a simple test and the row gets deleted correctly. You will need to gather more information, probably by using the debugger.
Andre Oosthuizen 24-Aug-23 6:15am    
I did not test but have you tried -
PaulaJoannAllen 24-Aug-23 7:19am    
I just tried it and had no results; I know I am making some simple mistake.
Richard MacCutchan 24-Aug-23 7:24am    
Use the debugger to check what is happening. There is no point in saying things like, "I know I am making some simple mistake.", as that tells us nothing useful.
PaulaJoannAllen 24-Aug-23 7:29am    
It worked

1 solution

Thanks to Richard MacCutchan

private void cmdEnterData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   bool found = false;
   int intRowIndex;

   // Get the month for the sheet we want to enter the data into
   string targetSheetName = txtDate.Text.Substring(0, 3);
   // Add the current year to the name which gives the full name of the sheet
   targetSheetName = targetSheetName + " " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
   // Get the worksheet
   Excel.Worksheet targetWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)frmFoodPantry.theWorkbook.Worksheets[targetSheetName];
   // Find the first empty row using the sheet index number
   int emptyRow = frmFoodPantry.FindEmptyRow(RegGlobals.StartingRow, targetWorksheet.Index, RegGlobals.dateCol);
   for(intRowIndex = RegGlobals.StartingRow; intRowIndex < emptyRow && !found; intRowIndex++)
      // Get the new cell date and time for comparison to the date and time entered
      DateTime dtSheetDate = targetWorksheet.Cells[intRowIndex, RegGlobals.intDateCol].Value;
      if (DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text) < dtSheetDate)
         // Assign the range for the empty row.
         Excel.Range rngRow = frmFoodPantry.theWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range[RegGlobals.dateCol + emptyRow.ToString()].EntireRow;
         // Delete the empty row to make room for the new row
         // Redifine the range for the row to insert
         rngRow = frmFoodPantry.theWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range[RegGlobals.dateCol + intRowIndex.ToString()].EntireRow;
         // Inserting a row into the worksheet above the older date
                    found = true;
  // Load the data into the new row
  LoadData(intRowIndex - 1, targetSheetName);
  if (EditsMade)
     frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
     frmFoodPantry.objApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
     EditsMade = false;
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