Here is the location of their api documentation:
Bandwidth API Documentation[
^] or more specifically,
Here is a link to their C# SDK with sample code (from the links above):
GitHub - Bandwidth/csharp-sdk: C# SDK for Bandwidth Voice & Messaging[
^] and more code samples here:
Bandwidth Samples · GitHub[
There are no VB.Net-specific examples that I could see. You can use ChatGPT to convert the C# into VB.Net. You can ask it to:
Convert the following C# code to VB.Net:
Then add the code to be converted. It does a better job than any tool out there that performs this specific task however it is not always 100% accurate. It is enough to point you in the right direction.
For example, if I ask it:
Convert the following C# code to VB.Net:
using Bandwidth.Standard;
var client = new BandwidthClient.Builder()
.MessagingBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.VoiceBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.TwoFactorAuthBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
.WebRtcBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password")
The output is:
Imports Bandwidth.Standard
Dim client = New BandwidthClient.Builder() _
.Environment(Bandwidth.Standard.Environment.Production) _
.MessagingBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password") _
.VoiceBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password") _
.TwoFactorAuthBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password") _
.WebRtcBasicAuthCredentials("username", "password") _