I tried some different I don't know it's correct way or not but I am satisfied that project is working
My target was to check session expiry.
when I login to my ASP.NET 2 Application I Store 1 user name using normal Session variable
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Session["username"] = txtUserName.Text
I put my MVC3 Solution in that website
In my Controllers Add Delete Update methods was there so when you run MVC Application the Controller and it's method get's called
Now for this url my Controller was like
public ActionResult ADD()
return View();
Now I added one extra parameter
public ActionResult ADD(string userName)
return View();
In menu click for MVC View
for Eg ADD
Redirect("MVC_APP/testAPP/ADD?userName?="+ Session["userName"])
Redirect("MVC_APP/testAPP/Edit?userName?="+ Session["userName"])
And when anyone clicks on ASP .Net menu automatically view gets called