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I am using highcharts for showing graphs. The problem is, sometimes the chart context menu is appearing two times and it is purely uncertain. It is more like a magic to me.

I am using the following code to enable exporting.

exporting { enabled : true ;}

Please help in this regard.
Updated 6-Dec-13 1:22am

HighCharts - Support[^] would be a better place to ask for help on this specific product.
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Ajay.Agrawal888 6-Dec-13 7:10am    
The sample solution using High Chart withy C# is as follows:

.ASPX File:

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="Default3.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default3" %>

<%@ Register Assembly="Highchart" Namespace="Highchart.UI" TagPrefix="highchart" %>
<asp:content id="Content1" contentplaceholderid="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
margin: 0;
background-color: #FFF; /*#369*/
overflow: auto;

background: #FFF; /*369*/
height: 880px;
width: 950px;
position: relative;
top: 1200px;
z-index: 0;

position: relative;
top: -60px;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 25px;
font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode" , "Lucida Grande" , sans-serif;

position: relative;
top: -60px;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 25px;
font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode" , "Lucida Grande" , sans-serif;


High Chart Samples

<asp:label id="Label1" runat="server" text="Line Chart">

<highchart:linechart id="hcLinechart" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

<asp:label id="Label2" runat="server" text="Column Chart">

<highchart:columnchart id="hcColumnChart" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

<asp:label id="Label3" runat="server" text="Pie Chart">

<highchart:piechart id="hcPieChart" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

<asp:label id="Label4" runat="server" text="Area Spline Chart">

<highchart:areasplinechart id="hcAreaSplineChart" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

<asp:label id="Label5" runat="server" text="Line Chart">

<highchart:linechart id="hcLineChartTheme" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

<asp:label id="Label6" runat="server" text="Scatter Chart">

<highchart:scatterchart id="hcScatterChart" runat="server" width="300" height="300" xmlns:highchart="#unknown" />

Code Behind File (.cs):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Highchart.Core;
using Highchart.Core.Data.Chart;
using Highchart.Core.PlotOptions;
using Highchart.Core.Appearance;
using System.IO;

public partial class Default3 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
#region Line chart
// Title
hcLinechart.Title = new Title("Rating Details");
//Defining Axis
hcLinechart.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Ratings") });
hcLinechart.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { categories = new[] { "ACVM2908U", "ACVM4998U", "ACVS3109W", "ACVS3308W", "ACVS3509W", "ACVM2808U", "ACVM4908U", "ACVM4708U", "ACVS4109W", "ACVS3107W" } });

//New data collection
//var series = new Collection<serie>();
var series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 299, 200, 378, 328, 403, 334, 328, 328, 330, 294 } });

//bind data to chart
hcLinechart.DataSource = series;

#region Column chart
hcColumnChart.Title = new Title("Rating Details");
hcColumnChart.SubTitle = new SubTitle("Source: AiMedia Live");

// Axis
hcColumnChart.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Ratings") });
hcColumnChart.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem
categories = new[] { "ACVM2908U", "ACVM4998U", "ACVS3109W", "ACVS3308W", "ACVS3509W", "ACVM2808U", "ACVM4908U", "ACVM4708U", "ACVS4109W", "ACVS3107W" }

// Data
series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie
name = "Items",
data = new Object[] { 299, 200, 378, 328, 403, 334, 328, 328, 330, 294 }

hcColumnChart.PlotOptions = new PlotOptionsColumn { borderColor = "#dedede", borderRadius = 4 };
hcColumnChart.Tooltip = new ToolTip("''+ +'
' + this.x + ': '+ this.y +''");

// Bind
hcColumnChart.DataSource = series;

#region Pie chart
hcPieChart.Title = new Title("Rating Details");

series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie
size = 130,

data = new object[] {
new object[] { "ACVM2908U", 9.28 },
new object[] { "ACVM4998U", 6.21 },
new object[] { "ACVS3109W", 11.73 },
new object[] { "ACVS3308W", 10.18 },
new object[] { "ACVS3509W", 12.51 },
new object[] { "ACVM2808U", 10.37 },
new object[] { "ACVM4908U", 10.18 },
new object[] { "ACVM4708U", 10.18 },
new object[] { "ACVS4109W", 10.24 },
new object[] { "ACVS3107W", 9.12 }

hcPieChart.PlotOptions = new PlotOptionsPie
allowPointSelect = true,
cursor = "pointer",
dataLabels = new DataLabels { enabled = true }

hcPieChart.Tooltip = new ToolTip("''+ +': '+ this.y +' %'");
hcPieChart.Theme = "pink-floral";

// Bind
hcPieChart.DataSource = series;

#region Area Spline chart
hcAreaSplineChart.Title = new Title("Rating Details");

//definining axis
hcAreaSplineChart.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Rating Details") });
hcAreaSplineChart.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { categories = new[] { "ACVM2908U", "ACVM4998U", "ACVS3109W", "ACVS3308W", "ACVS3509W", "ACVM2808U", "ACVM4908U", "ACVM4708U", "ACVS4109W", "ACVS3107W" } });

series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie { name = "Ratings", data = new object[] { 299, 200, 378, 328, 403, 334, 328, 328, 330, 294 } });

hcAreaSplineChart.PlotOptions = new PlotOptionsAreaSpline { stacking = Stacking.normal, fillOpacity = 0.3 };

//customizing the tooltip
hcAreaSplineChart.Tooltip = new ToolTip("this.x +': '+ this.y +''");

//customizing the legend
hcAreaSplineChart.Legend = new Legend
layout = Layout.horizontal,
borderWidth = 3,
align =,
verticalAlign = Highchart.Core.VerticalAlign.bottom,
shadow = true //,
//backgroundColor = "#e3e6be"

hcAreaSplineChart.DataSource = series;

#region Line chart - theme
hcLineChartTheme.Title = new Title("Rating Details");
//hcLineChartTheme.SubTitle = new SubTitle("Gross Revenue");

//Defining Axis
hcLineChartTheme.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Ratings") });
//hcLineChartTheme.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { categories = new[] { "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002" } });
hcLineChartTheme.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { categories = new[] { "ACVM2908U", "ACVM4998U", "ACVS3109W", "ACVS3308W", "ACVS3509W", "ACVM2808U", "ACVM4908U", "ACVM4708U", "ACVS4109W", "ACVS3107W" } });

//New data collection
//var series = new Collection<serie>();
series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 299, 200, 378, 328, 403, 334, 328, 328, 330, 294 }, name = "Ratings" });
//series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 254, 402, 576, 85, 257, 684, 601, 410, 543 }, name = "Clothing" });
//series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 125, 471, 247, 120, 397, 451 }, name = "Sports" });

hcLineChartTheme.Theme = "gray";
hcLineChartTheme.Legend = new Legend { align =, layout = Layout.horizontal, verticalAlign = Highchart.Core.VerticalAlign.bottom, borderWidth = 0 };
//hcLineChartTheme.Appearance = new Appearance { marginBottom = 30, marginRight = 130, borderRadius = 15 };

//bind data to chart
hcLineChartTheme.DataSource = series;

#region Scatter chart - theme
hcScatterChart.Title = new Title("Rating Details)");
//hcScatterChart.SubTitle = new SubTitle("Gross Revenue");

//Defining Axis
hcScatterChart.YAxis.Add(new YAxisItem { title = new Title("Rating Details") });
hcScatterChart.XAxis.Add(new XAxisItem { categories = new[] { "ACVM2908U", "ACVM4998U", "ACVS3109W", "ACVS3308W", "ACVS3509W", "ACVM2808U", "ACVM4908U", "ACVM4708U", "ACVS4109W", "ACVS3107W" } });

//New data collection
//var series = new Collection<serie>();
series = new List<serie>();
series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 299, 200, 378, 328, 403, 334, 328, 328, 330, 294 }, name = "Ratings" });
series.Add(new Serie { data = new object[] { 400, 435, 446, 479, 554, 634, 687, 750, 831 }, name = "Rating 2" });

hcScatterChart.Theme = "gray";
hcScatterChart.Legend = new Legend { align =, layout = Layout.horizontal, verticalAlign = Highchart.Core.VerticalAlign.bottom, borderWidth = 0 };
//hcLineChartTheme.Appearance = new Appearance { marginBottom = 30, marginRight = 130, borderRadius = 15 };

//bind data to chart
hcScatterChart.DataSource = series;
catch (Exception)


// Method to delete temporary png files
private void DeleteImages()
string str = "";
str = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(str);//Assuming Test is your Folder
FileInfo[] Files = d.GetFiles("*.png"); //Getting Text files
foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
string temp = str + file;
if (temp.EndsWith("png"))
catch (IOException ee)

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Ajay.Agrawal888 6-Dec-13 7:14am    
Data is getting populated. Everything is working fine. Only that chart context menu is appearing two times that too not always. I am using the following code for enabling exporting.

{ enabled : true;}
MukeshSagar 6-Dec-13 7:36am    
Provide me the code so that i can review the root cause.
Ajay.Agrawal888 9-Dec-13 1:08am    
function LoadStudentStandardPerformanceReportWheel(result, container, width, height) {

var dataObj = new Array();
var varDistance = 30;
var varDataLabelDistance1 = 0;
var varDataLabelDistance2 = -50;
var varDataLabelDistance3 = -10;
var size1 = '5%';
var innersize1 = '40%';
var size2 = '60%';
var innersize2 = '25%';
var size3 = '75%';
var innersize3 = '50%';

var spacingTop = 0;
var spacingRight = 25;
var spacingLeft = 25;
var spacingBottom = 0;
height = "360";
width = "450";

var dataObj = new Array();
$(result[0].ObjectiveCode).each(function (index, data) {
var strO = result[0].ObjectiveCode[index].strObjectives.split(":");

var obj = new Object(); = strO[1] + ': ' + strO[2] + '%';
obj.y = Number(strO[3]);
obj.color = strO[4];

var dataSubObj = new Array();

$(result[0].SubObjectiveCode).each(function (index, data) {
var strO = result[0].SubObjectiveCode[index].strObjectives.split(":");
var obj = new Object(); = strO[1] + ': ' + strO[2] + '%';
obj.y = Number(strO[3]);
obj.color = strO[4];

var dataQuestion = new Array();

$(result[0].QuestionNo).each(function (index, data) {
var strO = result[0].QuestionNo[index].strObjectives.split(":");

var obj = new Object(); = strO[1] + ': ' + strO[2] + '%';
obj.y = Number(1);
obj.color = strO[4];

new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: container,
type: 'pie',
height: height,
width: width
spacingTop: spacingTop,
spacingRight: spacingRight,
spacingLeft: spacingLeft,
spacingBottom: spacingBottom
plotOptions: {
pie: {
borderWidth: 1//,

series: {
pointPadding: 0,
groupPadding: 0,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
title: {
text: null
tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
return '' + + ''// + this.point.y.toFixed(2);
series: [{
name: 'Browsers',
data: dataObj,
size: size1,
innerSize: innersize1,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
distance: varDataLabelDistance1,
// rotation: -10,
style: {
fontSize: '7px',
fontFamily: 'verdana',
color: '#000'
formatter: function () {
var varName =":");
varName = varName[0].split(" ");
return '' + varName[0] + ''
, {
name: 'Versions',
data: dataSubObj,
size: size2,
innerSize: innersize2,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
distance: varDataLabelDistance2,
// rotation: 270,
style: {
fontSize: '7px',
fontFamily: 'verdana',
color: '#000'
formatter: function () {
var varName =":");
return '' + varName[0] + ''
, {
name: 'Versions',
Ajay.Agrawal888 9-Dec-13 1:17am    
data: dataQuestion,
size: size3,
innerSize: innersize3,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
distance: varDataLabelDistance3,
style: {
fontSize: '7px',
fontFamily: 'verdana',
color: '#000'
formatter: function () {
var varName =":");
return '' + varName[0] + ''
Ajay.Agrawal888 9-Dec-13 1:19am    
I have posted the whole code in two comments. For exporting, I am using the downloaded js files. Some of the codes may be unnecessary. Please tell if they affect to the rest code.

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