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I have a select statement in the code below that will always display as a 5 character month and year (example: JAN14) as a string. The problem I am having is I can't seem to get it to order the correct way when it displays as an option in a parameter.

I know I have to convert it to a date time, but I can't seem to get this to work. I need to concatenate the day into the code as the 5 characters selected do not include that. Does anyone know how this may be accomplished? Thanks in advance. The code is below- the first line selects the string in question.

SELECT right(barcode,5) AS barcode,
assettype."aname" AS aname

     "public"."assettype" assettype INNER JOIN "public"."asset" asset ON assettype."id" = asset."assettype_id"

asset."client_id" = $P!{LoggedInUserAttribute_ClientID}
and aname = 'Micro DPC'
and SUBSTRING(barcode,7,3) IN ('JAN','FEB','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG',
order by right(convert(datetime,'15' +  'barcode', 6),5)
Updated 12-Oct-14 16:16pm
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 12-Oct-14 21:01pm    
First of all, don't store time data as varchar, use appropriate data types, such as DATE.
Member 11147914 12-Oct-14 21:09pm    

Thanks for the response-

I actually don't have control of that date- it is actually a bar code field that always ends in a month and year (JAN14, FEB14, MAR13 etc.) so I am trying to take those characters and convert them to a date to order them, ideally they would be converted like so- JAN14 would become 15JAN14.

It may not be possible- but I assume there is a way?
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 12-Oct-14 21:16pm    
Convert does it — see you SQL reference....
Member 11147914 12-Oct-14 22:43pm    
Convert doesn't seem to do it- I think it is because the string only represents the Month and year (JAN14)- is there a way to concatenate the day with that? I tried style 6 which would return dd,mon,yy but that didn't work. Or possibly I have the wrong syntax?
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 12-Oct-14 23:05pm    
Well, use SQL CONCAT...

1 solution

right(convert(datetime,'15' +  'barcode', 6),5)

convert(datetime,'15' + right( 'barcode', 5),6)

This is working in SQL Server 2008
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Member 11147914 13-Oct-14 12:04pm    

Thanks- I'm having no luck with this either. I apologize, but I probably should have been more specific in where I'm using this- it is a Single Select SQL query in Jasper Ireports 5.0.

I would think that the latest SQL version would apply here. The Server is in Postgres sql 9.3

The query works fine until I add the order by and try to convert to a datetime, so I'm pretty sure SQL would still apply here, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

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