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I had the following message errors when running my program. It is a window console program that runs all the operations found inside the .lib file.

the following are the error messages:

Error 1:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall WAVE_VNS::VNS::Receive::setSTD_Map_Datum(unsigned int)" (?setSTD_Map_Datum@Receive@VNS@WAVE_VNS@@QAEXI@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall VNS_Output::Standard_Output(unsigned char *)" (?Standard_Output@VNS_Output@@QAEXPAE@Z) C:\Common Data\WAVE\VNS_Emulator\VNS\VNS_Console\VNS_Console\VNS_Output.obj VNS_Console

Error 2:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: unsigned int __thiscall WAVE_VNS::VNS::Receive::getSTD_Map_Datum(void)" (?getSTD_Map_Datum@Receive@VNS@WAVE_VNS@@QAEIXZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall VNS_Output::Standard_Output(unsigned char *)" (?Standard_Output@VNS_Output@@QAEXPAE@Z) C:\Common Data\WAVE\VNS_Emulator\VNS\VNS_Console\VNS_Console\VNS_Output.obj VNS_Console

Error 3:
error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals C:\Common Data\WAVE\VNS_Emulator\VNS\VNS_Console\Debug\VNS_Console.exe Line 1 Column 1 VNS_Console

Somehow, I'm quite confused by the errors. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!

the following is the program cpp file:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VNS_Output.h"


	received = new unsigned char[512];

	int choice;

		cout << "*******Main Menu***********\n";
		cout << "1 - Initialise UDP\n";
		cout << "2 - Receive Data\n";
		cout << "3 - Quit\n";
		cout << "Enter Selection: ";

		cin >> choice;

		switch(choice) {

		case 1:

		case 2: 

		case 3: 
			cout << "Goodbye!";

      } while(choice !=3);                            


	int result;

	result = UdpServer::endSock(EDIP_UDP_PORT_NO);

void VNS_Output::Initialise_UDP()

	sock_no =  UdpServer::initSock(EDIP_UDP_PORT_NO);

	cout<< endl << "Socket is initialised."<< endl;

void VNS_Output::Receive_Data()
	int result;
	result=  UdpServer::rec(sock_no, receive, sizeof(receive), EDIP_UDP_IP_NO);

	//if result is OK
	if (result != -1)
		for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
			//Carry the array of char into unsigned char array [Byte Data]
			received = (unsigned char *)receive;


void VNS_Output::decode_Message(unsigned char *data)
	//Check for ID of message

	//System parameters msg
	case 0x90:

	//standard output msg
	case 0x91:

	case 0x92:

	case 0x93:

void VNS_Output::Standard_Output(unsigned char *data)
	int val = strlen((const char*)data);

	if ((data[6] == 0x24) && (data[7] == 0x5D))
			for (int i =0; i< 396; i++)
				//prints out the entire message data
				printf("%X", received[i]);

			//Map Datum
			data[28] = recv.getSTD_Map_Datum();
			Map_datum = data[28];



The following is the program .h file:
#ifndef VNS_Output_H_
#define VNS_Output_H_

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VNS_Lib.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>

#define EDIP_UDP_PORT_NO		5555
#define EDIP_UDP_IP_NO			""
#define VNS_UDP_PORT_NO			2222
#define VNS_UDP_IP_NO			""
#define BUFLEN					512

using namespace WAVE_VNS;
using namespace Stk;
using namespace std;

class VNS_Output
	unsigned int Map_datum;

	VNS::Receive recv;
	char receive[BUFLEN];
	unsigned char *received;
	int sock_no;
	void Initialise_UDP();
	void Standard_Output(unsigned char *data);
	void decode_Message(unsigned char *data);
	void Receive_Data();


The Following is the .cpp file of the .lib file:
#include <cstdio>
#include "VNS_Lib.h"
#include <iostream>

//using namespace WAVE_VNS;

using namespace std;
using namespace WAVE_VNS;

/*initialise Ethernet UDP Socket*/
int VNS::initSock( unsigned int port )
    int sock ;
    unsigned long io ;
    int ret ;
    ret = 0 ;
    io  = 1 ;

	WSAData data;
    WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ), &data );

    // port must be 0..65535 , prefarably high (as low values are often INET services reserved)
    if( port < 0 || port > 65535 ) return -9;

    // create the UDP socket in non-blocking mode and bind it to the indicated port number  
    sin.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY;//INADDR_ANY accepte toutes les ip...
    sin.sin_port=htons( (unsigned short)port);

    if ( ( sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP ) ) < 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "init : socket sock=%d error=%d \n",sock,LOC_ERRNO );
        ret = -1 ;
    else if( bind( sock, (const SOCKADDR *)( &sin ), sizeof( sin ) ) != 0 )

		fprintf( stderr, "init : bind error %d\n", LOC_ERRNO );
        ret = -1 ;
    	if ( ioctlsocket( sock, FIONBIO, &io ) < 0 )
        	// non-blocking mode (only method on QNX ) io=1 activate non-blocking ( io=0 deactivate)
            fprintf( stderr, " init : ioctl error %d\n", LOC_ERRNO );
            ret = -1 ;    	
    		return sock ;
    return ret ;

/*Close Ethernet UDP Socket*/
int VNS::endSock( int sock )
	int ret;

	ret = 0;

	if ( closesocket(sock) != 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "endSock close errno=%d \n",LOC_ERRNO );
        ret = -1;


    return ret;

/*Receive data from Ethernet UDP Socket*/
int VNS::rec( int sock, char * buffer, int len, char * senderipaddress )
	// get the next received (well formed) message on the local socket (sock)
    // timeout is 0 if no waiting (non blocking) , else value in millisec (-1 is infinite)   
    // return 1 if OK, 2 if new cnx, 0 if no message, -1 if dcnx or comm error, and other negative if error
    // return the cnxID
    // len is the max length of buffer on entry, and the receive number of bytes on out
    SOCKADDR_IN sin;
    int ret, mok, sinsize = sizeof( sin );
    mok = 0 ;
    ret = recvfrom( sock , buffer, len, 0, ( SOCKADDR *)&sin, &sinsize );
    if ( ret == -1 )
        // WIN32 socket returns ECONNRESET (remote host port unreachable) if remote socket don't exist or closed
        // WSAEWOULDBLOCK is returned if no data is available
		{ // no data is available
            ret = 0 ;
		{ // true error
            fprintf( stderr, " recvfrom error errno=%d\n", LOC_ERRNO );
            ret = -2 ;
		senderipaddress = inet_ntoa( sin.sin_addr );    		
 		ret = 1;  
        // good message 

    return ret;

/*Transmit data using Ethernet UDP Socket*/
int VNS::send( int sock, const char * data, int len, const char * targetIpAdr, int port )
	// send a message (id= identifier) on the connexion cnxID
    // return 0 if OK, -1 if blocking, other negative if error
    int Messlen, ret;
    SOCKADDR_IN peerAdr;
    Messlen = len ;
    peerAdr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    peerAdr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( targetIpAdr ); // IP adr like ""
    peerAdr.sin_port        = htons( ( unsigned short )port );
    if ( sock <= 0 ) return -7 ;
    if ( ( ret = sendto( sock, data, len, 0, ( const SOCKADDR *)&peerAdr, sizeof( SOCKADDR ) ) ) 
		      != Messlen )
        // probably EWOULDBLOCK, which means that local UDP  buffers are full,
        // (too many messages sent (too fast) or cable/network problem = impossible to send ) 
        // it's a flow control problem, application could retry the sending 
        // (connexion local state has not changed)
        if( ret == -1 && LOC_ERRNO == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) return -1;
        if( ret == -1 && LOC_ERRNO == WSAEHOSTDOWN ) return -9;
        fprintf( stderr, "sendTo error errno=%d ret=%d \n", LOC_ERRNO, ret );

        return -4;
        // message sent, update local state
        return 0;      

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_ID()
	/*return Ack ID*/ 
	return Ack.Ack_ID;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_Error_Type()
	/*return Error Type*/
	return Ack.Error_Type;

void VNS::Receive::setACK_Error_Type(unsigned int Et)
	/*initate Error Type*/
	Ack.Error_Type = Et;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_Reject_Msg_ID()
	/*return rejected Msg ID*/
	return Ack.Reject_Msg_ID;

void VNS::Receive::setACK_Reject_Msg_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*initiate rejected Msg ID*/
	Ack.Reject_Msg_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_DACK_Msg_Counter()
	/*return Msg Counter*/
	return Ack.DACK_Msg_Counter;

void VNS::Receive::setACK_DACK_Msg_Counter(unsigned int count)
	/*initiate Msg Counter*/
	Ack.DACK_Msg_Counter = count;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_DACK_Msg_ID()
	/*return DACK Msg ID*/
	return Ack.DACK_Msg_ID;

void VNS::Receive::setACK_DNACK_Msg_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*initiate DACK Msg ID*/
	Ack.DACK_Msg_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getACK_DNACK_Msg_Counter()
	/*return DNACK MSG Counter*/
	return Ack.DNACK_Msg_Counter;

void VNS::Receive::setACK_DNACK_Msg_Counter(unsigned int count)
	/*inititate DACK Msg Counter*/
	Ack.DNACK_Msg_Counter = count;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_ID()
	/*return Transmit Rate ID*/
	return trd_R.TR_ID;

unsigned long VNS::Receive::getTDR_Validity()
	/*return Validity*/
	return trd_R.Validity;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_Validity(unsigned long v)
	/*set validity*/
	trd_R.Validity = v;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Msg_1_ID()
	/*return TX MSG 1 ID*/
	return trd_R.TX_Msg_1_ID;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Msg_1_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX MSG 1 ID*/
	trd_R.TX_Msg_1_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_1()
	/*return TX Rate MSG 1*/
	return trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_1;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_1(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate MSG 1*/
	trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_1 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Msg_2_ID()
	/*return TX MSG 2*/
	return trd_R.TX_Msg_2_ID;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Msg_2_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX MSG 2*/
	trd_R.TX_Msg_2_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_2()
	/*return TX Rate MSG 2*/
	return trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_2;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_2(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate MSG 2*/
	trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_2 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Msg_3_ID()
	/*return TX Msg 3 ID*/
	return trd_R.TX_Msg_3_ID;
void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Msg_3_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX Msg 3 ID*/
	trd_R.TX_Msg_3_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_3()
	/*return TX Rate Msg 3*/
	return trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_3;
void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_3(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate Msg 3*/
	trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_3 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Msg_4_ID()
	/*return Tx MSG 4 ID*/
	return trd_R.TX_Msg_4_ID;
void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Msg_4_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set the Tx MSg 4 ID*/
	trd_R.TX_Msg_4_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_4()
	/*return Tx Rate MSG 4 */
	return trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_4;
void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_4(unsigned int rate)
	/*set Tx Rate Msg 4*/
	trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_4 = rate;
unsigned int VNS::Receive.getTDR_TX_Msg_5_ID()
	/*return TX Msg 5 ID*/
	return trd_R.TX_Msg_5_ID;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Msg_5_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX Msg 5 ID*/
	trd_R.TX_Msg_5_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_5()
	/*return TX Rate Msg 5*/
	return trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_5;

void VNS::Receive::setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_5(unsigned int rate)
	/*set the TX Rate Msg 5*/
	trd_R.TX_Rate_Msg_5 =  rate;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSP_ID()
	/*return SP_ID*/
	return SysP_R.SP_ID;

unsigned long VNS::Receive::getSPValidity()
	/*return Validity*/
	return SysP_R.Validity;

void VNS::Receive::setSPValidity(unsigned long v)
	/*set Validity*/
	SysP_R.Validity = v;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPMap_Datum()
	/*return Datum*/
	return SysP_R.Map_Datum;

void VNS::Receive::setSPMap_Datum(unsigned int d)
	/*set Datum*/
	SysP_R.Map_Datum = d;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPheading()
	/*return heading*/
	return SysP_R.heading; 

void VNS::Receive::setSPHeading(unsigned int h)
	/*set heading*/
	SysP_R.heading = h;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPAltitude()
	/*return Altitude*/
	return SysP_R.altitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSPAltitude(unsigned int Alt)
	/*set Altitude*/
	SysP_R.altitude = Alt;
int VNS::Receive::getSPUTC_TO_hrs()
	/*return UTC to Hrs*/
	return SysP_R.utc_TO_hrs;

void VNS::Receive::setSPUTC_TO_hrs(int h)
	/*set UTC to Hrs*/
	SysP_R.utc_TO_hrs = h;

int VNS::Receive::getSPUTC_TO_mins()
	/*return UTC TO Mins*/
	return SysP_R.utc_TO_mins;

void VNS::Receive::setSPUTC_TO_mins(int m)
	/*set UTC to Mins*/
	SysP_R.utc_TO_mins = m;

int VNS::Receive::getSPVMS()
	/*return VMS*/
	return SysP_R.VMS;
void VNS::Receive::setSPVMS(int vms)
	/*set VMS*/
	SysP_R.VMS = vms;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPMount_pols()
	/*return Mount*/
	return SysP_R.mount_pols; 
void VNS::Receive::setSPMount_pols(unsigned int p)
	/*set Mount*/
	SysP_R.mount_pols = p;
int VNS::Receive::getSPMisalign_Roll()
	/*return Misalign Roll*/
	return SysP_R.misalign_Roll;
void VNS::Receive::setSPMisalign_Roll(int roll)
	/*Set Misalign Roll*/
	SysP_R.misalign_Roll = roll;

int VNS::Receive::getSPMisalign_Pitch()
	/*return Misalign Pitch*/
	return SysP_R.misalign_Pitch;
void VNS::Receive::setSPMisalign_Pitch(int pitch)
	/*set Misalign Pitch*/
	SysP_R.misalign_Pitch = pitch;

int VNS::Receive::getSPAngle_Hdg()
	/*return Angle*/
	return SysP_R.Angle_Hdg;
void VNS::Receive::setSPAngle_Hdg(int angle)
	/*set Angle*/
	SysP_R.Angle_Hdg = angle;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPINU_Mode()
	/*return INU Mode*/
	return SysP_R.INU_Mode;

void VNS::Receive::setSPINU_Mode(int m)
	/*set INU Mode*/
	SysP_R.INU_Mode = m;

int VNS::Receive::getSPGPS_X()
	/*return GPS X*/
	return SysP_R.GPS_X;

void VNS::Receive::setSPGPS_X(int x)
	/*set GPS _X*/
	SysP_R.GPS_X = x;

int VNS::Receive::getSPGPS_Y()
	/*return GPS_Y*/
	return SysP_R.GPS_Y;
void VNS::Receive::setSPGPS_Y(int y)
	/*set GPS Y*/
	SysP_R.GPS_Y = y;
int VNS::Receive::getSPGPS_Z()
	/*return GPS Z*/
	return SysP_R.GPS_Z;
void VNS::Receive::setSPGPS_Z(int z)
	/*set GPS Z*/
	SysP_R.GPS_Z = z;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPNMEA_GPS_BR()
	/*return BR*/
	return SysP_R.NMEA_GPS_BR;
void VNS::Receive::setSPNMEA_GPS_BR(unsigned int n)
	/*set BR*/
	SysP_R.NMEA_GPS_BR = n;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPVMS_Type()
	/*return VMS Type*/
	return SysP_R.VMS_Type;
void VNS::Receive::setSPVMS_Type(unsigned int vms)
	/*set VMS Type*/
	SysP_R.VMS_Type = vms;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPGPS_Type_Mode()
	/*return GPS Type Mode*/
	return SysP_R.GPS_Type_Mode;
void VNS::Receive::setSPGPS_Type_Mode(unsigned int mode)
	/*set GPS Type Mode*/
	SysP_R.GPS_Type_Mode = mode;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPGSSIP_Init()
	/*return Init*/
	return SysP_R.GSSIP_Init;
void VNS::Receive::setSPGSSIP_Init(unsigned int init)
	/*set Init*/
	SysP_R.GSSIP_Init = init;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSPGSSIP_Mode()
	/*return GSSIP Mode*/
	return SysP_R.GSSIP_Mode;
void VNS::Receive::setSPGSSIP_Mode(unsigned int mode)
	/*set GGSIP Mode*/
	SysP_R.GSSIP_Mode = mode;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getEC_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.EC_ID;
unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getECMAC_Source()
	/*return mac src*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.MAC_Source;
void VNS::Receive::setECMAC_Source(unsigned char *mac)
	/*set mac src*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.MAC_Source = mac;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getECMAC_Dest()
	/*return MAC Dest*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.MAC_Dest;

void VNS::Receive::setECMAC_Dest(unsigned char *dest)
	/*set MAC Dest*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.MAC_Dest = dest;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getECIP_Source()
	/*return IP Source*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.IP_Source;
void VNS::Receive::setECIP_Source(unsigned char *source)
	/*set IP Source*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.IP_Source = source;
unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getECIP_Dest()
	/*return IP Dest*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.IP_Dest;
void VNS::Receive::setECIP_Dest(unsigned char *dest)
	/*set IP Dest*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.IP_Dest = dest;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getECSrc_port()
	/*return source port*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.src_port;

void VNS::Receive::setECSrc_port(unsigned int port)
	/*set source port*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.src_port = port;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getECDest_port()
	/*return dest port*/
	return EtherConf_rb_R.dest_port;
void VNS::Receive::setECDest_port(unsigned int port)
	/*set dest port*/
	EtherConf_rb_R.dest_port = port;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_ID()
	/*return STD ID*/
	return StOut.STD_ID;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_TDR_Validity_HI()
	/*return Validity high*/
	return StOut.Validity_HI;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_TDR_Validity_HI(unsigned int s)
	/*set Validity High*/
	StOut.Validity_HI = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_TDR_Validity_LO()
	/*return Validity Low*/
	return StOut.Validity_LO;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_TDR_Validity_LO(unsigned int s)
	/*set Validity Low*/
	StOut.Validity_LO = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Update_Counter()
	/*return counter*/
	return StOut.Update_Counter;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Update_Counter(unsigned int c)
	/*set counter*/
	StOut.Update_Counter = c;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Status()
	/*return status*/
	return StOut.Status;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Status(unsigned int stat)
	/*set status*/
	StOut.Status = stat;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Alert()
	/*return Alert*/
	return StOut.Alert;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Alert(unsigned int a)
	/*setSTD_ Alert*/
	StOut.Alert = a;


unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Map_Datum()
	/*return Map Datum*/
	return StOut.Map_Datum;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Map_Datum(unsigned int d)
	/*setSTD_ Map Datum*/
	StOut.Map_Datum = d;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Heading_Format()
	/*return Heading Format*/
	return StOut.heading_Format;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Heading_Format(unsigned int h)
	/*setSTD_ Heading Format*/
	StOut.heading_Format = h;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Altitude_Format()
	/*return Altitude format*/
	return StOut.altitude_Format;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Altitude_Format(unsigned int a)
	/*setSTD_ Altitude Format*/
	StOut.altitude_Format = a;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_UTM_Northing()
	/*return UTM Northing*/
	return StOut.UTM_Northing;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_UTM_Northing(float n)
	/*setSTD_ UTM Northing*/
	StOut.UTM_Northing = n;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_UTM_Easting()
	/*getSTD_ UTM EAsting*/
	return StOut.UTM_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_UTM_Easting(float n)
	/*setSTD_ UTM Easting*/
	StOut.UTM_Easting = n;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_UTM_Zone()
	/*getSTD_ UTM Zone*/
	return StOut.UTM_Zone;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_UTM_ZoneO(unsigned int z)
	/*setSTD_ UTM Zone*/
	StOut.UTM_Zone = z;
char * VNS::Receive::getSTD_UTM_hemi()
	/*getSTD_ UTM hemi*/
	return StOut.UTM_hemi;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_UTM_hemi(char *data)
	/*setSTD_ UTM Hemi*/
	StOut.UTM_hemi = data;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GEO_Latitude()
	/*getSTD_ Latitude*/
	return StOut.GEO_Latitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GEO_Latitude(float lat)
	/*setSTD_ Latitude*/
	StOut.GEO_Latitude = lat;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GEO_Longtitude()
	/*return Longtitude*/
	return StOut.GEO_Longtitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GEO_Longtitude(float lg)
	/*setSTD_ Longtitude*/
	StOut.GEO_Longtitude = lg; 

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Northing()
	/*return Northing*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Northing;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Northing(float n)
	/*setSTD_ Northing*/
	StOut.MGRS_Northing = n;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Easting()
	/*return MGRS Easting*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Easting(float e)
	/*setSTD_ Easting*/
	StOut.MGRS_Easting = e;

char VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Row()
	/*return MGRS Row*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Row;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Row(char R)
	/*setSTD_ Row*/
	StOut.MGRS_Row = R;

char VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Col()
	/*return MGRS col*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Col;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Col(char C)
	/*setSTD_ MGRS COL*/
	StOut.MGRS_Col = C;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Zone()
	/*return Zone*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Zone;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int z)
	/*setSTD_ Zone*/
	StOut.MGRS_Zone = z;
char VNS::Receive::getSTD_MGRS_Zone_Field()
	/*return Zone Field*/
	return StOut.MGRS_Zone_Field;

void VNS::Receive::setSTD_MGRS_Zone_Field(char z)
	/*setSTD_ Zone Field*/
	StOut.MGRS_Zone_Field = z;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Pos_Accuracy()
	/*return Pos Accuracy*/
	return StOut.Pos_Accuracy;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Pos_Accuracy(float p)
	/*setSTD_ Pos Accuracy*/
	StOut.Pos_Accuracy = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Pos_Src()
	/*return Pos Src*/
	return StOut.Pos_Src; 
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Pos_Src(unsigned int p)
	/*setSTD_ Pos Src*/
	StOut.Pos_Src = p;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Altitude()
	/*return Altitude*/
	return StOut.Altitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Altitude(float a)
	/*setSTD_ Altitude*/
	StOut.Altitude = a;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Alt_Accuracy()
	/*return Alt_Accuracy*/
	return StOut.Alt_Accuracy;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Alt_Accuracy(float a)
	/*setSTD_ Alt_Accuracy*/
	StOut.Alt_Accuracy = a;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Alt_Src()
	/*return Alt Src*/
	return StOut.Alt_Src;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Alt_Src(unsigned int a)
	/*setSTD_ Alt Src*/
	StOut.Alt_Src = a;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_heading()
	/*return heading*/
	return StOut.heading;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_heading(float h)
	/*setSTD_ heading*/
	StOut.heading = h;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Heading_accuracy()
	/*return heading Accuracy*/
	return StOut.heading_accuracy;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Heading_accuracy(float a)
	/*setSTD_ heading Accuracy*/
	StOut.heading_accuracy  = a ;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Heading_src()
	/*return heading src*/
	return StOut.heading_src;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Heading_src(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ heading Accuracy*/
	StOut.heading_src = s;
float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Pitch()
	/*return Pitch*/
	return StOut.Pitch;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Pitch(float p)
	/*setSTD_ pitch*/
	StOut.Pitch = p;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Roll()
	/*return Roll*/
	return StOut.Roll;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Roll(float R)
	/*setSTD_ Roll*/
	StOut.Roll = R;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Cant()
	/*return Cant*/
	return StOut.Cant;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Cant(float c)
	/*setSTD_ Cant*/
	StOut.Cant = c;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Roll_pitch_Accuracy()
	/*return pitch Accuracy*/
	return StOut.roll_pitch_Accuracy;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Roll_pitch_Accuracy(float s)
	/*setSTD_ pitch Accuracy*/
	StOut.roll_pitch_Accuracy = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Waypoint_no()
	/*return Waypoint no*/
	return StOut.Waypoint_no;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Waypoint_no(unsigned int w)
	/*setSTD_ Waypoint no*/
	StOut.Waypoint_no = w;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Waypoint_Dist()
	/*return Waypoint dist.*/
	return StOut.Waypoint_Dist;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Waypoint_Dist(float w)
	/*setSTD_ waypoint dist*/
	StOut.Waypoint_Dist = w ;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Waypoint_Bearing()
	/*return Waypoint Bearing*/
	return StOut.Waypoint_Bearing;

void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Waypoint_Bearing(float w)
	/*setSTD_ waypoint bearing*/
	StOut.Waypoint_Bearing = w;
float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Waypoint_Deviation()
	/*return Waypoint Deviation*/
	return StOut.Waypoint_Deviation;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Waypoint_Deviation(float w)
	/*setSTD_ waypoint Deviation*/
	StOut.Waypoint_Deviation = w;
float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Horizontal_Velocity()
	/*return Horizontal Velocity*/
	return StOut.Horizontal_Velocity;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Waypoint_Velocity(float w)
	/*setSTD_ Horizontal Velocity*/
	StOut.Horizontal_Velocity = w;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_North_Velocity()
	/*return North Velocity*/
	return StOut.North_Velocity;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_North_Velocity(float v)
	/*setSTD_ North Velocity*/
	StOut.North_Velocity = v;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_East_Velocity()
	/*return East Velocity*/
	return StOut.East_Velocity;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_East_Velocity(float v)
	/*setSTD_ East Velocity*/
	StOut.East_Velocity = v;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_Down_Velocity()
	/*return down velocity*/
	return StOut.Down_Velocity;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Down_Velocity(float v)
	/*setSTD_ down velocity*/
	StOut.Down_Velocity = v;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Velocity_Status()
	/*return velocity status*/
	return StOut.Velocity_Status;

void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Velocity_Status(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ velocity status*/
	StOut.Velocity_Status = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Velocity_Source()
	/*return velocity source*/
	return StOut.Velocity_Source;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Velocity_Source(unsigned int v)
	/*setSTD_ Velocity source*/
	StOut.Velocity_Source = v;
float VNS::Receive::getSTD_dist_travelled()
	/*return dist travelled*/
	return StOut.dist_travelled;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_dist_travelled(float d)
	/*setSTD_ dist travelled*/
	StOut.dist_travelled = d;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Year()
	/*return Year*/
	return StOut.year;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Year(unsigned int y)
	/*setSTD_ Year*/
	StOut.year = y;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Month()
	/*return Month*/
	return StOut.month;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Month(unsigned int m)
	/*setSTD_ Month*/
	StOut.month = m;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Day()
	/*return Day*/
	return StOut.Day;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Day(unsigned int d)
	/*setSTD_ Day*/
	StOut.Day = d;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_Date_status()
	/*return Date Status*/
	return StOut.Date_status;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_Date_status(unsigned int d)
	/*setSTD_ Date Status*/
	StOut.Date_status = d;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_hours()
	/*return hours*/
	return StOut.hours;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_hours(unsigned int h)
	/*setSTD_ hours*/
	StOut.hours = h;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_mins()
	/*return mins*/
	return StOut.mins;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_mins(unsigned int m)
	/*setSTD_ mins*/
	StOut.mins = m;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_secs()
	/*return secs*/
	return StOut.secs;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_secs(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ secs*/
	StOut.secs = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_time_status_src()
	/*return status src*/
	return StOut.time_status_src;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_time_status_src(unsigned int t)
	/*setSTD_ status src*/
	StOut.time_status_src = t;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_DY()
	/*return GPS DY*/
	return StOut.GPS_DY;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_DY(unsigned int y)
	/*setSTD_ GPS DY*/
	StOut.GPS_DY = y;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_DM()
	/*return GPS DM*/
	return StOut.GPS_DM;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_DM(unsigned int dm)
	/*setSTD_ GPS DM*/
	StOut.GPS_DM = dm;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_DD()
	/*return GPS DD*/
	return StOut.GPS_DD;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_DD(unsigned int dd)
	/*setSTD_ GPS DD*/
	StOut.GPS_DD = dd;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_UTC_Hours()
	/*return UTC Hours*/
	return StOut.GPS_UTC_Hours;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_UTC_Hours(unsigned int h)
	/*setSTD_ UTC Hours*/
	StOut.GPS_UTC_Hours = h;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_UTC_Mins()
	/*return UTC Mins*/
	return StOut.GPS_UTC_Mins;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_UTC_Mins(unsigned int mins)
	/*setSTD_ UTC Mins*/
	StOut.GPS_UTC_Mins = mins;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_UTC_Secs()
	/*return UTC Secs*/
	return StOut.GPS_UTC_Secs; 
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_UTC_Secs(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ UTC Secs*/
	StOut.GPS_UTC_Secs = s;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_Latitude()
	/*return GPS Latitude*/
	return StOut.GPS_Latitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_Latitude(float lat)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Latitude*/
	StOut.GPS_Latitude = lat;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_Longtitude()
	/*return GPS Longtitude*/
	return StOut.GPS_Longtitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_Longtitude(float l)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Longtitude*/
	StOut.GPS_Longtitude = l;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_Altitude()
	/*return GPS Altitude*/
	return StOut.GPS_Longtitude;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_Altitude(float a)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Altitude*/
	StOut.GPS_Altitude = a;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_track_angle()
	/*return GPS track angle*/
	return StOut.GPS_track_angle;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_track_angle(float a)
	/*setSTD_ GPS track angle*/
	StOut.GPS_track_angle = a;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_ground_speed()
	/*return GPS Ground Speed*/
	return StOut.GPS_ground_speed;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_ground_speed(float s)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Ground Speed*/
	StOut.GPS_ground_speed = s;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_velocity_north()
	/*return GPS Velocity North*/
	return StOut.GPS_velocity_north;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_velocity_north(float n)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Velocity North*/
	StOut.GPS_velocity_north  = n;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_velocity_east()
	/*return GPS Velocity East*/
	return StOut.GPS_velocity_east;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_velocity_east(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Velocity East*/
	StOut.GPS_velocity_east = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_velocity_up()
	/*return GPS Velocity up*/
	return StOut.GPS_velocity_up;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_velocity_up(float v)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Velocity up*/
	StOut.GPS_velocity_up = v;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_EHE()
	/*return GPS_EHE*/
	return StOut.GPS_EHE;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_EHE(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS_EHE*/
	StOut.GPS_EHE = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_EVE()
	/*return GPS_EVE*/
	return StOut.GPS_EVE;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_EVE(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS_EVE*/
	StOut.GPS_EVE = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_EAE()
	/*return GPS EAE*/
	return StOut.GPS_EAE;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_EAE(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS EAE*/
	StOut.GPS_EAE = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_HDOP()
	/*return GPS HDOP*/
	return StOut.GPS_HDOP;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_HDOP(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS HDOP*/
	StOut.GPS_HDOP = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_PDOP()
	/*return GPS PDOP*/
	return StOut.GPS_PDOP;

void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_PDOP(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS PDOP*/
	StOut.GPS_PDOP = e;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_VDOP()
	/*return GPS_VDOP*/
	return StOut.GPS_VDOP;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_VDOP(float e)
	/*setSTD_ GPS_VDOP*/
	StOut.GPS_VDOP = e;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_NAV_Mode()
	/*return GPS_NAV_Mode*/
	return StOut.GPS_NAV_Mode;

void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_NAV_Mode(unsigned int m)
	/*setSTD_ GPS NAV Mode*/
	StOut.GPS_NAV_Mode = m;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_GPS_Status()
	/*return GPS Status*/
	return StOut.GPS_Status;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_GPS_Status(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ GPS Status*/
	StOut.GPS_Status = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_VMS_Counter()
	/*return VMS Counter*/
	return StOut.VMS_Counter;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_VMS_Counter(unsigned int c)
	/*setSTD_ VMS Counter*/
	StOut.VMS_Counter = c;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSTD_VMS_Status()
	/*return VMS_Status*/
	return StOut.VMS_Status;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_VMS_Status(unsigned int s)
	/*setSTD_ VMS Status*/
	StOut.VMS_Status = s;

float VNS::Receive::getSTD_internal_time()
	/*return internal time*/
	return StOut.internal_time;
void VNS::Receive::setSTD_internal_time(float t)
	/*setSTD_ internal time*/
	StOut.internal_time = t;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return Bit.SB_ID;

unsigned long VNS::Receive::getSB_Validity()
	/*return Validity*/
	return Bit.Validity;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_Validity(unsigned long v)
	/*set validity*/
	Bit.Validity = v;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getSB_INU_Part()
	/*return INU_Part*/
	return Bit.INU_Part;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_INU_Part(unsigned char *p)
	/*setSB_ Inu part*/
	Bit.INU_Part = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_INU_SN()
	/*return INU SN*/
	return Bit.INU_SN;

void VNS::Receive::setSB_INU_SN(unsigned int n)
	/*setSB_ INU SN*/
	Bit.INU_SN = n; 

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_INU_IDENT()
	/*return INU IDENT*/
	return Bit.INU_IDENT;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_INU_IDENT(unsigned int t)
	/*setSB_ INU IDENT*/
	Bit.INU_IDENT = t;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_INU_SW()
	/*return INU_SW*/
	return Bit.INU_SW;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_INU_SW(unsigned int w)
	/*setSB_ INU SW*/
	Bit.INU_SW = w;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_Stat()
	/*return stat*/
	return Bit.Stat;

void VNS::Receive::setSB_Stat(unsigned int s)
	/*setSB_ stat*/
	Bit.Stat = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_AAlert()
	/*return alert*/
	return Bit.Alert;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_AAlert(unsigned int a)
	/*setSB_ alert*/
	Bit.Alert = a;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_Bit1()
	/*return Bit 1*/
	return Bit.Bit1;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_Bit1(unsigned int b)
	/*setSB_ bit 1*/
	Bit.Bit1 = b;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_Bit2()
	/*return bit2*/
	return Bit.Bit2;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_Bit2(unsigned int b)
	/*setSB_ bit2*/
	Bit.Bit2 = b;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_Bit3()
	/*return bit 3*/
	return Bit.Bit3;

void VNS::Receive::setSB_Bit3(unsigned int b)
	/*setSB_ bit 3*/
	Bit.Bit3 = b;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_LRI_1()
	/*return LRI 1*/
	return Bit.LRI_1;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_LRI1(unsigned int l)
	/*setSB_ LRI 1*/
	Bit.LRI_1 = l;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_LRI_2()
	/*return LRI 2*/
	return Bit.LRI_2;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_LRI2(unsigned int l)
	/*setSB_ LRI 2*/
	Bit.LRI_2 = l;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_LRI_3()
	/*return LRI3*/
	return Bit.LRI_3;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_LRI_3(unsigned int l)
	Bit.LRI_3 = l;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getSB_Wrap()
	/*return wrap*/
	return Bit.Wrap;
void VNS::Receive::setSB_Wrap(unsigned int w)
	/*setSB_ Wrap*/
	Bit.Wrap = w;

 unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD_ID()
	 /*return ID*/
	 return td.TD_ID;
unsigned long VNS::Receive::getTD_Validity()
	/*return validity*/
	return td.Validity;
void VNS::Receive::setTD_Validity(unsigned long t)
	/*setTD_ validity*/
	td.Validity = t;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD__update_counter()
	/*return update counter*/
	return td.update_counter;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__update_counter(unsigned int c)
	/*setTD_ update counter*/
	td.update_counter = c;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD__vms_counter()
	/*return vms counter*/
	return td.vms_counter;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__vms_counter(unsigned int c)
	/*setTD_ vms counter*/
	td.vms_counter = c;
float VNS::Receive::getTD__vms_skf_Deviation()
	/*return vms skf deviation*/
	return td.vms_skf_Deviation;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__vms_skf_Deviation(float c)
	/*setTD_ vms skf deviation*/
	td.vms_skf_Deviation = c;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD_GPS_Stat()
	/*return gps stat*/
	return td.GPS_Stat;
void VNS::Receive::setTD_GPS_Stat(unsigned int s)
	/*setTD_ gps stat*/
	td.GPS_Stat = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD__viewed_Sate()
	/*return viewed state*/
	return td.viewed_Sate;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__viewed_State(unsigned int s)
	/*setTD_ viewed state*/
	td.viewed_Sate = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD__vms_skf_verification_stat()
	/*return skf verification stat*/
	return td.vms_skf_verification_stat;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__vms_skf_verification_stat(unsigned int s)
	/*setTD_ skf verification stat*/
	td.vms_skf_verification_stat = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getTD__vms_int_Type2()
	/*return vms int type 2*/
	return td.vms_int_Type2;
void VNS::Receive::setTD__vms_int_Type2(unsigned int s)
	/*setTD_ vms int type2*/
	td.vms_int_Type2 = s;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return wp_R.WP_ID;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWp_no()
	/*return ID*/
	return wp_R.Waypoint_no;
void VNS::Receive::setWp_no(unsigned int w)
	/*set wp no*/
	wp_R.Waypoint_no =  w;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getWp_Waypoint_name()
	/*return WP name*/
	return wp_R.Waypoint_name;

void VNS::Receive::setWp_Waypoint_name(unsigned char *p)
	/*set WP name*/
	wp_R.Waypoint_name = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWp_Waypoint_status()
	/*return WP stat*/
	return wp_R.Waypoint_status;
void VNS::Receive::setWp_Waypoint_status(unsigned int w)
	/*set WP Stat*/
	wp_R.Waypoint_status = w;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_UTM_Northing()
	/*return UTM Northing*/
	return wp_R.WP_UTM_Northing;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_UTM_Northing(float p)
	/*set UTM Northing*/
	wp_R.WP_UTM_Northing = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_UTM_Easting()
	/*return UTM Northing East*/
	return wp_R.WP_UTM_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_UTM_Easting (float p)
	/*set Northing Easting*/
	wp_R.WP_UTM_Easting = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_UTM_Zone()
	/*return UTM Zone*/
	return wp_R.WP_UTM_Zone;

void VNS::Receive::setWP_UTM_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set Northing Easting*/
	wp_R.WP_UTM_Zone = p;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getWp_UTM_Hemi()
	/*return UTM Hemi*/
	return wp_R.UTM_Hemi;
void VNS::Receive::setWp_UTM_Hemi(unsigned char *utm_hemi)
	/*set UTM Hemi*/
	wp_R.UTM_Hemi = utm_hemi;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_GEO_LT()
	/*return GEO LT*/
	return wp_R.WP_GEO_LT;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_GEO_LT(float p)
	/*set GEO LT*/
	wp_R.WP_GEO_LT = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_GEO_LONG()
	/*return GEO LONG*/
	return wp_R.WP_GEO_LONG;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_GEO_LONG(float p)
	/*set GEO LONG*/
	wp_R.WP_GEO_LONG = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_Northing()
	/*return MGRS Northing*/
	return wp_R.WP_MGRS_Northing;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_Northing(float p)
	/*set MGRS Northing*/
	wp_R.WP_MGRS_Northing = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_Easting()
	/*return MGRS Easting*/
	return wp_R.WP_MGRS_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_Easting(float p)
	/*set MGRS Easting*/
	wp_R.WP_MGRS_Easting = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_RL()
	/*return MGRS RL*/
	return wp_R.WP_MGRS_RL;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p)
	/*set MGRS RL*/
	wp_R.WP_MGRS_RL = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_CL()
	/*return MGRS CL*/
	return wp_R.WP_MGRS_CL;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p)
	/*set MGRS CL*/
	wp_R.WP_MGRS_CL = p;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_Zone()
	/*return MGRS Zone*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Zone;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set MGRS Zone*/
	wp_R.MGRS_Zone = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_Zone_field()
	/*return Zone Field*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Zone_field;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p)
	/*set zone field*/
	wp_R.MGRS_Zone_field = p;
unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_MGRS_Map_datum()
	/*return MGRS Map Datum*/
	return wp_R.WP_MGRS_Map_datum;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_MGRS_Map_datum(unsigned int d)
	/*set MGRS Map Datum*/
	wp_R.WP_MGRS_Map_datum = d;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_UTM_Northing()
	/*return UTM Northing*/
	return wp_R.UTM_Northing; 
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_UTM_Northing(float p)
	/*set UTM Northing*/
	wp_R.UTM_Northing = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_UTM_Easting()
	/*return UTM Easting*/
	return wp_R.UTM_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_UTM_Easting(float p)
	/*set UTM Easting*/
	wp_R.UTM_Easting = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_UTM_Zone()
	/*return UTM Zone*/
	return wp_R.UTM_Zone;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_UTM_Zone(unsigned int w)
	/*set UTM ZONE*/
	wp_R.UTM_Zone = w;

unsigned char *VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_UTM_Hemisphere()
	/*return UTM HEmisphere*/
	return wp_R.UTM_Hemisphere;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_UTM_Hemisphere(unsigned char *p)
	/*set UTM Hemisphere*/
	wp_R.UTM_Hemisphere = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_GEO_Lat()
	/*return GEO LAT*/
	return wp_R.GEO_Lat;

void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_GEO_Lat(float p)
	/*set GEO LAT*/
	wp_R.GEO_Lat = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_GEO_Long()
	/*return GEO LONG*/
	return wp_R.GEO_Long;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_GEO_Long(float p)
	/*set GEO LONG*/
	wp_R.GEO_Long = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_Northing()
	/*return MGRS Northing*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Northing;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_Northing(float p)
	/*set MGRS Northing*/
	wp_R.MGRS_Northing = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_Easting()
	/*return MGRS Easting*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Easting;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_Easting(float p)
	/*set MNGRS Easting*/
	wp_R.MGRS_Easting = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_RL()
	/*return MGRS RL*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_RL;

void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p)
	/*set MGRS RL*/
	wp_R.MGRS_RL = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_CL()
	/*return MGRS CL*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_CL;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p)
	/*set MGRS CL*/
	wp_R.MGRS_CL = p;

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone()
	/*return MGRS  ZONE*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Zone;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set MGRS Zone*/
	wp_R.MGRS_Zone = p;

unsigned char VNS::Receive::getWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone_field()
	/*return MGRS Zone Field*/
	return wp_R.MGRS_Zone_field;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p)
	/*set MGRS zone Field*/

unsigned int VNS::Receive::getWP_heading_Format()
	/*return heading format*/
	return wp_R.heading_Format;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_heading_Format(unsigned int p)
	/*set heading format*/
	wp_R.heading_Format = p;
float VNS::Receive::getWP_heading()
	/*return heading*/
	return wp_R.heading;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_heading(float p)
	/*set heading*/
	wp_R.heading = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Dist()
	/*return Dist*/
	return wp_R.WP_Dist;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Dist(float p)
	/*return Dist*/
	wp_R.WP_Dist = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Bearing()
	/*return bearing*/
	return wp_R.WP_Bearing;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Bearing(float p)
	/*set bearing*/
	wp_R.WP_Bearing = p;

float VNS::Receive::getWP_Deviation()
	/*return Deviation*/
	return wp_R.WP_Deviation;
void VNS::Receive::setWP_Deviation(float p)
	/*set Deviation*/
	wp_R.WP_Deviation = p;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getMCD_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return comd_Msg.MCD_ID;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getReq_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return comd_Msg.Req_ID;
void VNS::Transmit::setReq_ID(unsigned int p)
	/*set ID*/
	comd_Msg.Req_ID = p;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getCommand()
	/*return Command*/
	return comd_Msg.Command;
void VNS::Transmit::setCommand(unsigned int p)
	/*set command*/
	comd_Msg.Command = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getUTM_Northing()
	/*return Northing*/
	return comd_Msg.UTM_Northing;
void VNS::Transmit::setUTM_Northing(float p)
	/*set Northing*/
	comd_Msg.UTM_Northing = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getUTM_Easting()
	/*return Easting*/
	return comd_Msg.UTM_Easting;
void VNS::Transmit::setUTM_Easting(float p)
	/*set Easting*/
	comd_Msg.UTM_Easting = p;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getUTM_Zone()
	/*return Zone*/
	return comd_Msg.UTM_Zone;
void VNS::Transmit::setUTM_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set Zone*/
	comd_Msg.UTM_Zone = p;

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getUTM_Hemi()
	/*return Hemi*/
	return comd_Msg.UTM_Hemi;
void VNS::Transmit::setUTM_Pos(unsigned char p)
	/*set Hemi*/
	comd_Msg.UTM_Hemi = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getGeo_Lat()
	/*return Geo Lat*/
	return comd_Msg.Geo_Lat;
void VNS::Transmit::setGeo_Lat(float p)
	/*set Geo lat*/
	comd_Msg.Geo_Lat = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getGeo_Long()
	/*return Geo long*/
	return comd_Msg.Geo_Long;
void VNS::Transmit::setGeo_Long(float p)
	/*set Geo long*/
	comd_Msg.Geo_Long = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getGeo_Pos()
	/*return Geo pos*/
	return comd_Msg.Geo_Pos;
void VNS::Transmit::setGeo_Pos(float p)
	/*set Geo Pos*/
	comd_Msg.Geo_Pos = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_Northing()
	/*return MGRS Northing*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_Northing;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_Northing(float p)
	/*set MGRS Northing*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_Northing = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_Easting()
	/*return Easting*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_Easting;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_Easting(float p)
	/*set easting*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_Easting = p;
unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_ROW()
	/*return Row*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_ROW;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_ROW(unsigned char p)
	/*set Row*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_ROW = p;

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_COL()
	/*return COL*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_COL;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_COL(unsigned char p)
	/*set COL*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_COL = p;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_Zone()
	/*return Zone*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_Zone;

void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set Zone*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_Zone = p;

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_Field()
	/*return Field*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_Field;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_Field(unsigned char p)
	/*set Field*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_Field = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getMGRS_PosA()
	/*return PosA*/
	return comd_Msg.MGRS_PosA;
void VNS::Transmit::setMGRS_PosA(float p)
	/*take PosA*/
	comd_Msg.MGRS_PosA  = p;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTDR_ID()
	/*return Transmit Rate ID*/
	return trd_T.TR_ID;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Msg_1_ID()
	/*return TX MSG 1 ID*/
	return trd_T.TX_Msg1_ID;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Msg_1_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX MSG 1 ID*/
	trd_T.TX_Msg1_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Rate_Msg_1()
	/*return TX Rate MSG 1*/
	return trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg1;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Rate_Msg_1(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate MSG 1*/
	trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg1 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Msg_2_ID()
	/*return TX MSG 2*/
	return trd_T.TX_Msg2_ID;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Msg_2_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX MSG 2*/
	trd_T.TX_Msg2_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Rate_Msg_2()
	/*return TX Rate MSG 2*/
	return trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg2;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Rate_Msg_2(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate MSG 2*/
	trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg2 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Msg_3_ID()
	/*return TX Msg 3 ID*/
	return trd_T.TX_Msg3_ID;
void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Msg_3_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX Msg 3 ID*/
	trd_T.TX_Msg3_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Rate_Msg_3()
	/*return TX Rate Msg 3*/
	return trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg3;
void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Rate_Msg_3(unsigned int rate)
	/*set TX Rate Msg 3*/
	trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg3 = rate;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Msg_4_ID()
	/*return Tx MSG 4 ID*/
	return trd_T.TX_Msg4_ID;
void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Msg_4_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set the Tx MSg 4 ID*/
	trd_T.TX_Msg4_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Rate_Msg_4()
	/*return Tx Rate MSG 4 */
	return trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg4;
void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Rate_Msg_4(unsigned int rate)
	/*set Tx Rate Msg 4*/
	trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg4 = rate;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Msg_5_ID()
	/*return TX Msg 5 ID*/
	return trd_T.TX_Msg5_ID;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Msg_5_ID(unsigned int id)
	/*set TX Msg 5 ID*/
	trd_T.TX_Msg5_ID = id;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getTX_Rate_Msg_5()
	/*return TX Rate Msg 5*/
	return trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg5;

void VNS::Transmit::setTX_Rate_Msg_5(unsigned int rate)
	/*set the TX Rate Msg 5*/
	trd_T.TX_Rate_Msg5 =  rate;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getEC_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.EC_ID;

unsigned char *VNS::Transmit::getMAC_Dest()
	/*return MAC Dest*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.MAC_Dest;

void VNS::Transmit::setMAC_Dest(unsigned char *dest)
	/*set MAC Dest*/
	EtherConfg_rbT.MAC_Dest = dest;

unsigned char *VNS::Transmit::getIP_Source()
	/*return IP Source*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.IP_Source;
void VNS::Transmit::setIP_Source(unsigned char *source)
	/*set IP Source*/
	EtherConfg_rbT.IP_Source = source;
unsigned char *VNS::Transmit::getIP_Dest()
	/*return IP Dest*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.IP_Dest;
void VNS::Transmit::setIP_Dest(unsigned char *dest)
	/*set IP Dest*/
	EtherConfg_rbT.IP_Dest = dest;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getSrc_port()
	/*return source port*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.src_port;

void VNS::Transmit::setSrc_port(unsigned int port)
	/*set source port*/
	EtherConfg_rbT.src_port = port;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getDest_port()
	/*return dest port*/
	return EtherConfg_rbT.dest_port;
void VNS::Transmit::setDest_port(unsigned int port)
	/*set dest port*/
	EtherConfg_rbT.dest_port = port;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getSP_ID()
	/*return SP_ID*/
	return SysP_T.SP_ID;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getMap_Datum()
	/*return Datum*/
	return SysP_T.Map_Datum;

void VNS::Transmit::setMap_Datum(unsigned int d)
	/*set Datum*/
	SysP_T.Map_Datum = d;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getheading()
	/*return heading*/
	return SysP_T.heading; 

void VNS::Transmit::setHeading(unsigned int h)
	/*set heading*/
	SysP_T.heading = h;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getAltitude()
	/*return Altitude*/
	return SysP_T.altitude;
void VNS::Transmit::setAltitude(unsigned int Alt)
	/*set Altitude*/
	SysP_T.altitude = Alt;
int VNS::Transmit::getUTC_TO_hrs()
	/*return UTC to Hrs*/
	return SysP_T.utc_TO_hrs;

void VNS::Transmit::setUTC_TO_hrs(int h)
	/*set UTC to Hrs*/
	SysP_T.utc_TO_hrs = h;

int VNS::Transmit::getUTC_TO_mins()
	/*return UTC TO Mins*/
	return SysP_T.utc_TO_mins;

void VNS::Transmit::setUTC_TO_mins(int m)
	/*set UTC to Mins*/
	SysP_T.utc_TO_mins = m;

int VNS::Transmit::getVMS()
	/*return VMS*/
	return SysP_T.VMS;
void VNS::Transmit::setVMS(int vms)
	/*set VMS*/
	SysP_T.VMS = vms;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getMount_pols()
	/*return Mount*/
	return SysP_T.mount_pols; 
void VNS::Transmit::setMount_pols(unsigned int p)
	/*set Mount*/
	SysP_T.mount_pols = p;
int VNS::Transmit::getMisalign_Roll()
	/*return Misalign Roll*/
	return SysP_T.misalign_Roll;
void VNS::Transmit::setMisalign_Roll(int roll)
	/*Set Misalign Roll*/
	SysP_T.misalign_Roll = roll;

int VNS::Transmit::getMisalign_Pitch()
	/*return Misalign Pitch*/
	return SysP_T.misalign_Pitch;
void VNS::Transmit::setMisalign_Pitch(int pitch)
	/*set Misalign Pitch*/
	SysP_T.misalign_Pitch = pitch;

int VNS::Transmit::getAngle_Hdg()
	/*return Angle*/
	return SysP_T.misalign_Angle_Hdg;
void VNS::Transmit::setAngle_Hdg(int angle)
	/*set Angle*/
	SysP_T.misalign_Angle_Hdg = angle;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getINU_Mode()
	/*return INU Mode*/
	return SysP_T.INU_Mode;

void VNS::Transmit::setINU_Mode(int m)
	/*set INU Mode*/
	SysP_T.INU_Mode = m;

int VNS::Transmit::getGPS_X()
	/*return GPS X*/
	return SysP_T.GPS_X;

void VNS::Transmit::setGPS_X(int x)
	/*set GPS _X*/
	SysP_T.GPS_X = x;

int VNS::Transmit::getGPS_Y()
	/*return GPS_Y*/
	return SysP_T.GPS_Y;
void VNS::Transmit::setGPS_Y(int y)
	/*set GPS Y*/
	SysP_T.GPS_Y = y;
int VNS::Transmit::getGPS_Z()
	/*return GPS Z*/
	return SysP_T.GPS_Z;
void VNS::Transmit::setGPS_Z(int z)
	/*set GPS Z*/
	SysP_T.GPS_Z = z;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getNMEA_GPS_BR()
	/*return BR*/
	return SysP_T.NMEA_GPS_BR;
void VNS::Transmit::setNMEA_GPS_BR(unsigned int n)
	/*set BR*/
	SysP_T.NMEA_GPS_BR = n;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getVMS_Type()
	/*return VMS Type*/
	return SysP_T.VMS_Type;
void VNS::Transmit::setVMS_Type(unsigned int vms)
	/*set VMS Type*/
	SysP_T.VMS_Type = vms;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getGPS_Type_Mode()
	/*return GPS Type Mode*/
	return SysP_T.GPS_Type_Mode;
void VNS::Transmit::setGPS_Type_Mode(unsigned int mode)
	/*set GPS Type Mode*/
	SysP_T.GPS_Type_Mode = mode;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getGSSIP_Init()
	/*return Init*/
	return SysP_T.GSSIP_Init;
void VNS::Transmit::setGSSIP_Init(unsigned int init)
	/*set Init*/
	SysP_T.GSSIP_Init = init;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getGSSIP_Mode()
	/*return GSSIP Mode*/
	return SysP_T.GSSIP_Mode;
void VNS::Transmit::setGSSIP_Mode(unsigned int mode)
	/*set GGSIP Mode*/
	SysP_T.GSSIP_Mode = mode;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_ID()
	/*return ID*/
	return WP_T.WP_ID;
unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_no()
	/*return WP*/
	return WP_T.Waypoint_no;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_no(unsigned int w)
	/*set WP*/
	WP_T.Waypoint_no = w;

unsigned char *VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_name()
	/*return name*/
	return WP_T.Waypoint_name;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_name(unsigned char *w)
	/*set name*/
	WP_T.Waypoint_name = w;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_cmd()
	/*return cmd*/
	return WP_T.Waypoint_cmd;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_cmd(unsigned int p)
	/*set cmd*/
	WP_T.Waypoint_cmd = p;
float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_UTM_Northing()
	/*return Northing*/
	return WP_T.WP_UTM_Northing;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_UTM_Northing(float p)
	/*set Northing*/
	WP_T.WP_UTM_Northing = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_UTM_Easting()
	/*return easting*/
	return WP_T.WP_UTM_Easting;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_UTM_Easting(float p)
	/*set easting*/
	WP_T.WP_UTM_Easting = p;

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_UTM_Zone()
	/*return UTM Zone*/
	return WP_T.UTM_Zone;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_UTM_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set UTM Zone*/
	WP_T.UTM_Zone = p;
unsigned char *VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_UTM_Hemi()
	/*return UTM Hemi*/
	return WP_T.UTM_Hemi;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_UTM_Hemi(unsigned char *p)
	/*set UTM Hemi*/
	WP_T.UTM_Hemi = p;
float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_GEO_LT()
	/*return GEO LT*/
	return WP_T.WP_GEO_LT;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_GEO_LT(float p)
	/*set GEO LT*/
	WP_T.WP_GEO_LT = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_GEO_LONG()
	/*return GEO LONG*/
	return WP_T.WP_GEO_LONG;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_GEO_LONG(float p)
	/*set GEO LONG*/
float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_Northing()
	/*return MGRS Northing*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_Northing;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_MGRS_Northing(float p)
	/*set MGRS Northing*/
	WP_T.WP_MGRS_Northing = p;

float VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_Easting()
	/*return Easting*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_Easting;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_MGRS_Easting(float p)
	/*set easting*/
	WP_T.WP_MGRS_Easting = p;

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_RL()
	/*return RL*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_RL;
void VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p)
	/*set RL*/

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_CL()
	/*return CL*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_CL;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p)
	/*set CL*/

unsigned int VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_Zone()
	/*return Zone*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_Zone;
void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p)
	/*set Zone*/
	WP_T.WP_MGRS_Zone = p;

unsigned char VNS::Transmit::getWaypoint_MGRS_Zone_field()
	/*return Zone field*/
	return WP_T.WP_MGRS_Zone_field;

void VNS::Transmit::setWaypoint_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p)
	/*set Zone Field*/
	WP_T.WP_MGRS_Zone_field = p;

The following is the .h file of the .Lib file:
 * @file UdpServer.h
 * @date Created on: 02/03/2015
 * @author Created by: CB
 * @brief Description: VNS Library file
 * $Revision: $
 * $Id: $

#ifndef VNS_Lib_H_
#define VNS_Lib_H_

#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") //Winsock Library

#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define LOC_ERRNO errno

// This class is exported from the Ether.Lib
namespace WAVE_VNS
	class VNS{
		//****Receiving Portion******//
		/*message is transmitted once after each message received indicating success or failure of received commands/data [FROM INU]*/
		struct Acknowledge {
			static const unsigned int Ack_ID = 0x82;

			unsigned int Error_Type;
			unsigned int Reject_Msg_ID;
			unsigned int DACK_Msg_ID;
			unsigned int DACK_Msg_Counter;
			unsigned int DNACK_Msg_ID;
			unsigned int DNACK_Msg_Counter;

		/* message Transmit Rate definition. IF validity is 0 or update rate 0, message will not be transmitted continuously [FROM INU]*/
		struct Transmit_Rate_DEF_R {
			static const unsigned int TR_ID = 0x8A;
			unsigned long Validity;
			unsigned int TX_Msg_1_ID;
			unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg_1;
			unsigned int TX_Msg_2_ID;
			unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg_2;
			unsigned int TX_Msg_3_ID;
			unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg_3;
			unsigned int TX_Msg_4_ID;
			unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg_4;
			unsigned int TX_Msg_5_ID;
			unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg_5;

		/*message used for setting ethernet communication parameters[FROM INU]*/
		struct Ether_Confg_Msg_RB_R {		
			static const unsigned int EC_ID = 0x8C;
			unsigned char *MAC_Source;
			unsigned char *MAC_Dest;
			unsigned char *IP_Source;
			unsigned char *IP_Dest;
			unsigned int src_port;
			unsigned int dest_port;

		/*message used to provide system parameters and is transmitted upon request[FROM INU]*/
		struct System_Parameter_R {
			static const unsigned int SP_ID = 0x90;

			unsigned long Validity;
			unsigned int Map_Datum;
			unsigned int heading;
			unsigned int altitude;
			int utc_TO_hrs;
			int utc_TO_mins;
			int VMS;
			unsigned int mount_pols;
			int misalign_Roll;
			int misalign_Pitch;
			int Angle_Hdg;
			unsigned int INU_Mode;
			int GPS_X;
			int GPS_Y;
			int GPS_Z;
			unsigned int NMEA_GPS_BR;
			unsigned int VMS_Type;
			unsigned int GPS_Type_Mode;
			unsigned int GSSIP_Init;
			unsigned int GSSIP_Mode;
		/*message: cyclic 4hz. Rate can be changed by Transmission Rate Definition message [FROM INU]*/ 
		struct STD_Output{
			static const unsigned int STD_ID = 0x91;
			unsigned int Validity_HI;
			unsigned int Validity_LO;
			unsigned int Update_Counter;
			unsigned int Status;
			unsigned int Alert;
			unsigned int Map_Datum;
			unsigned int heading_Format;
			unsigned int altitude_Format;
			float UTM_Northing;
			float UTM_Easting;
			unsigned int UTM_Zone;
			char *UTM_hemi;
			float GEO_Latitude;
			float GEO_Longtitude;
			float MGRS_Northing;
			float MGRS_Easting;
			char MGRS_Row;
			char MGRS_Col;
			unsigned int MGRS_Zone;
			char MGRS_Zone_Field;
			float Pos_Accuracy;
			unsigned int Pos_Src;
			float Altitude;
			float Alt_Accuracy;
			unsigned int Alt_Src;
			float heading;
			float heading_accuracy;
			unsigned int heading_src;
			float Pitch;
			float Roll;
			float Cant;
			float roll_pitch_Accuracy;
			unsigned int Waypoint_no;
			float Waypoint_Dist;
			float Waypoint_Bearing;
			float Waypoint_Deviation;
			float Horizontal_Velocity;
			float North_Velocity;
			float East_Velocity;
			float Down_Velocity;
			unsigned int Velocity_Status;
			unsigned int Velocity_Source;
			float dist_travelled;
			unsigned int year;
			unsigned int month;
			unsigned int Day;
			unsigned int Date_status;
			unsigned int hours;
			unsigned int mins;
			unsigned int secs;
			unsigned int time_status_src;
			unsigned int GPS_DY;
			unsigned int GPS_DM;
			unsigned int GPS_DD;
			unsigned int GPS_UTC_Hours;
			unsigned int GPS_UTC_Mins;
			unsigned int GPS_UTC_Secs;
			float GPS_Latitude;
			float GPS_Longtitude;
			float GPS_Altitude;
			float GPS_track_angle;
			float GPS_ground_speed;
			float GPS_velocity_north;
			float GPS_velocity_east;
			float GPS_velocity_up;
			float GPS_EHE;
			float GPS_EVE;
			float GPS_EAE;
			float GPS_HDOP;
			float GPS_PDOP;
			float GPS_VDOP;
			unsigned int GPS_NAV_Mode;
			unsigned int GPS_Status;
			unsigned int VMS_Counter;
			unsigned int VMS_Status;
			float internal_time;
		/*LLN Status and BIT output is transmitted in default setup config. on request [FROM INU]*/
		struct Status_BIT
			static const unsigned int SB_ID = 0x92;
			unsigned long Validity;
			unsigned char *INU_Part;
			unsigned int INU_SN;
			unsigned int INU_IDENT;
			unsigned int INU_SW;
			unsigned int Stat, Alert, Bit1, Bit2, Bit3; 
			unsigned int LRI_1, LRI_2, LRI_3;
			unsigned int Wrap;
		/*Test Data transmitted in default setup config. on request [FROM INU]*/
		struct Test_Data
			static const unsigned int TD_ID = 0x93;
			unsigned long Validity;
			unsigned int update_counter;
			unsigned int vms_counter;
			float vms_skf_Deviation;
			unsigned int GPS_Stat;
			unsigned int viewed_Sate;
			unsigned int vms_skf_verification_stat;
			unsigned int vms_int_Type2;

		/*active waypoint message. Is transmitted upon request. currently not in use [FROM INU]*/
		struct WayPoint_R
			static const unsigned int WP_ID = 0x94;
			unsigned int Waypoint_no;
			unsigned char *Waypoint_name;
			unsigned int Waypoint_status;
			float WP_UTM_Northing;
			float WP_UTM_Easting;
			unsigned int WP_UTM_Zone;
			unsigned char *UTM_Hemi;
			float WP_GEO_LT;
			float WP_GEO_LONG;
			float WP_MGRS_Northing;
			float WP_MGRS_Easting;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_RL;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_CL;
			unsigned int WP_MGRS_Zone;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_Zone_field;
			unsigned int WP_MGRS_Map_datum;
			float UTM_Northing;
			float UTM_Easting;
			unsigned int UTM_Zone;
			unsigned char *UTM_Hemisphere;
			float GEO_Lat;
			float GEO_Long;
			float MGRS_Northing;
			float MGRS_Easting;
			unsigned char MGRS_RL;
			unsigned char MGRS_CL;
			unsigned int MGRS_Zone;
			unsigned char MGRS_Zone_field;
			unsigned int heading_Format;
			float heading;
			float WP_Dist;
			float WP_Bearing;
			float WP_Deviation;

		/*Receive Portion of the VNS Message From the INU*/
		struct Receive {
			unsigned int  System_Stat;
			unsigned int  Msg_ID;
			unsigned int  MsgCounter;
			unsigned int  LRI_Status;
			unsigned long RTI_Count;
			//For version number
			unsigned int Version_Num[2];

			Acknowledge Ack;
			Transmit_Rate_DEF_R trd_R;
			Ether_Confg_Msg_RB_R EtherConf_rb_R;
			System_Parameter_R SysP_R;
			STD_Output StOut;
			Status_BIT Bit;
			Test_Data td;
			WayPoint_R wp_R;


			unsigned int getACK_ID();

			unsigned int getACK_Error_Type();
			void setACK_Error_Type(unsigned int Et);

			unsigned int getACK_Reject_Msg_ID();
			void setACK_Reject_Msg_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getACK_DACK_Msg_ID();
			void setACK_DACK_Msg_ID(unsigned int id);

			unsigned int getACK_DACK_Msg_Counter();
			void setACK_DACK_Msg_Counter(unsigned int count);

			unsigned int getACK_DNACK_Msg_ID();
			void setACK_DNACK_Msg_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getACK_DNACK_Msg_Counter();
			void setACK_DNACK_Msg_Counter(unsigned int count);

			/*Transmit Data Rate*/
			unsigned int getTDR_ID();
			unsigned long getTDR_Validity();
			void setTDR_Validity(unsigned long v);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Msg_1_ID();
			void setTDR_TX_Msg_1_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_1();
			void setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_1(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Msg_2_ID();
			void setTDR_TX_Msg_2_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_2();
			void setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_2(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Msg_3_ID();
			void setTDR_TX_Msg_3_ID(unsigned int id);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_3();
			void setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_3(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Msg_4_ID();
			void setTDR_TX_Msg_4_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_4();
			void setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_4(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Msg_5_ID();
			void setTDR_TX_Msg_5_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_5();
			void setTDR_TX_Rate_Msg_5(unsigned int rate);

			/*system Parameters*/
			unsigned int getSP_ID();

			unsigned long getSPValidity();
			void setSPValidity(unsigned long v);

			unsigned int getSPMap_Datum();
			void setSPMap_Datum(unsigned int d);

			unsigned int getSPheading();
			void setSPHeading(unsigned int h);
			unsigned int getSPAltitude();
			void setSPAltitude(unsigned int Alt);
			int getSPUTC_TO_hrs();
			void setSPUTC_TO_hrs(int h);

			int getSPUTC_TO_mins();
			void setSPUTC_TO_mins(int m);
			int getSPVMS();
			void setSPVMS(int vms);

			unsigned int getSPMount_pols();
			void setSPMount_pols(unsigned int p);
			int getSPMisalign_Roll();
			void setSPMisalign_Roll(int roll);

			int getSPMisalign_Pitch();
			void setSPMisalign_Pitch(int pitch);

			int getSPAngle_Hdg();
			void setSPAngle_Hdg(int angle);

			unsigned int getSPINU_Mode();
			void setSPINU_Mode(int m);
			int getSPGPS_X();
			void setSPGPS_X(int x);

			int getSPGPS_Y();
			void setSPGPS_Y(int y);
			int getSPGPS_Z();
			void setSPGPS_Z(int z);

			unsigned int getSPNMEA_GPS_BR();
			void setSPNMEA_GPS_BR(unsigned int n);

			unsigned int getSPVMS_Type();
			void setSPVMS_Type(unsigned int vms);
			unsigned int getSPGPS_Type_Mode();
			void setSPGPS_Type_Mode(unsigned int mode);

			unsigned int getSPGSSIP_Init();
			void setSPGSSIP_Init(unsigned int init);

			unsigned int getSPGSSIP_Mode();
			void setSPGSSIP_Mode(unsigned int mode);

			/*Ethernet Conf*/
			unsigned int getEC_ID();
			unsigned char *getECMAC_Source();
			void setECMAC_Source(unsigned char *mac);

			unsigned char *getECMAC_Dest();
			void setECMAC_Dest(unsigned char *dest);

			unsigned char *getECIP_Source();
			void setECIP_Source(unsigned char *source);
			unsigned char *getECIP_Dest();
			void setECIP_Dest(unsigned char *dest);

			unsigned int getECSrc_port();
			void setECSrc_port(unsigned int port);

			unsigned int getECDest_port();
			void setECDest_port(unsigned int port);

			/*stand output*/
			unsigned int getSTD_ID();
			unsigned int getSTD_TDR_Validity_HI();
			void setSTD_TDR_Validity_HI(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getSTD_TDR_Validity_LO();
			void setSTD_TDR_Validity_LO(unsigned int s);
			unsigned int getSTD_Update_Counter();
			void setSTD_Update_Counter(unsigned int c);

			unsigned int getSTD_Status();
			void setSTD_Status(unsigned int stat);

			unsigned int getSTD_Alert();
			void setSTD_Alert(unsigned int a);
			unsigned int getSTD_Map_Datum();
			void setSTD_Map_Datum(unsigned int d);
			unsigned int getSTD_Heading_Format();
			void setSTD_Heading_Format(unsigned int h);
			unsigned int getSTD_Altitude_Format();
			void setSTD_Altitude_Format(unsigned int a);

			float getSTD_UTM_Northing();
			void setSTD_UTM_Northing(float n);

			float getSTD_UTM_Easting();
			void setSTD_UTM_Easting(float n);
			unsigned int getSTD_UTM_Zone();
			void setSTD_UTM_ZoneO(unsigned int z);
			char *getSTD_UTM_hemi();
			void setSTD_UTM_hemi(char *data);

			float getSTD_GEO_Latitude();
			void setSTD_GEO_Latitude(float lat);

			float getSTD_GEO_Longtitude();
			void setSTD_GEO_Longtitude(float lg);

			float getSTD_MGRS_Northing();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Northing(float n);

			float getSTD_MGRS_Easting();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Easting(float e);

			char getSTD_MGRS_Row();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Row(char R);

			char getSTD_MGRS_Col();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Col(char C);

			unsigned int getSTD_MGRS_Zone();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int z);
			char getSTD_MGRS_Zone_Field();
			void setSTD_MGRS_Zone_Field(char z);

			float getSTD_Pos_Accuracy();
			void setSTD_Pos_Accuracy(float p);

			unsigned int getSTD_Pos_Src();
			void setSTD_Pos_Src(unsigned int p);

			float getSTD_Altitude();
			void setSTD_Altitude(float a);

			float getSTD_Alt_Accuracy();
			void setSTD_Alt_Accuracy(float a);

			unsigned int getSTD_Alt_Src();
			void setSTD_Alt_Src(unsigned int a);
			float getSTD_heading();
			void setSTD_heading(float h);

			float getSTD_Heading_accuracy();
			void setSTD_Heading_accuracy(float a);

			unsigned int getSTD_Heading_src();
			void setSTD_Heading_src(unsigned int s);
			float getSTD_Pitch();
			void setSTD_Pitch(float p);

			float getSTD_Roll();
			void setSTD_Roll(float R);

			float getSTD_Cant();
			void setSTD_Cant(float c);

			float getSTD_Roll_pitch_Accuracy();
			void setSTD_Roll_pitch_Accuracy(float s);

			unsigned int getSTD_Waypoint_no();
			void setSTD_Waypoint_no(unsigned int w);

			float getSTD_Waypoint_Dist();
			void setSTD_Waypoint_Dist(float w);

			float getSTD_Waypoint_Bearing();
			void setSTD_Waypoint_Bearing(float w);
			float getSTD_Waypoint_Deviation();
			void setSTD_Waypoint_Deviation(float w);
			float getSTD_Horizontal_Velocity();
			void setSTD_Waypoint_Velocity(float w);
			float getSTD_North_Velocity();
			void setSTD_North_Velocity(float v);

			float getSTD_East_Velocity();
			void setSTD_East_Velocity(float v);

			float getSTD_Down_Velocity();
			void setSTD_Down_Velocity(float v);

			unsigned int getSTD_Velocity_Status();
			void setSTD_Velocity_Status(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getSTD_Velocity_Source();
			void setSTD_Velocity_Source(unsigned int v);
			float getSTD_dist_travelled();
			void setSTD_dist_travelled(float d);

			unsigned int getSTD_Year();
			void setSTD_Year(unsigned int y);

			unsigned int getSTD_Month();
			void setSTD_Month(unsigned int m);
			unsigned int getSTD_Day();
			void setSTD_Day(unsigned int d);

			unsigned int getSTD_Date_status();
			void setSTD_Date_status(unsigned int d);

			unsigned int getSTD_hours();
			void setSTD_hours(unsigned int h);

			unsigned int getSTD_mins();
			void setSTD_mins(unsigned int m);

			unsigned int getSTD_secs();
			void setSTD_secs(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getSTD_time_status_src();
			void setSTD_time_status_src(unsigned int t);
			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_DY();
			void setSTD_GPS_DY(unsigned int y);

			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_DM();
			void setSTD_GPS_DM(unsigned int dm);

			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_DD();
			void setSTD_GPS_DD(unsigned int dd);

			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_UTC_Hours();
			void setSTD_GPS_UTC_Hours(unsigned int h);
			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_UTC_Mins();
			void setSTD_GPS_UTC_Mins(unsigned int mins);
			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_UTC_Secs();
			void setSTD_GPS_UTC_Secs(unsigned int s);

			float getSTD_GPS_Latitude();
			void setSTD_GPS_Latitude(float lat);

			float getSTD_GPS_Longtitude();
			void setSTD_GPS_Longtitude(float l);

			float getSTD_GPS_Altitude();
			void setSTD_GPS_Altitude(float a);

			float getSTD_GPS_track_angle();
			void setSTD_GPS_track_angle(float a);
			float getSTD_GPS_ground_speed();
			void setSTD_GPS_ground_speed(float s);

			float getSTD_GPS_velocity_north();
			void setSTD_GPS_velocity_north(float n);

			float getSTD_GPS_velocity_east();
			void setSTD_GPS_velocity_east(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_velocity_up();
			void setSTD_GPS_velocity_up(float v);

			float getSTD_GPS_EHE();
			void setSTD_GPS_EHE(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_EVE();
			void setSTD_GPS_EVE(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_EAE();
			void setSTD_GPS_EAE(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_HDOP();
			void setSTD_GPS_HDOP(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_PDOP();
			void setSTD_GPS_PDOP(float e);

			float getSTD_GPS_VDOP();
			void setSTD_GPS_VDOP(float e);

			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_NAV_Mode();
			void setSTD_GPS_NAV_Mode(unsigned int m);

			unsigned int getSTD_GPS_Status();
			void setSTD_GPS_Status(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getSTD_VMS_Counter();
			void setSTD_VMS_Counter(unsigned int c);

			unsigned int getSTD_VMS_Status();
			void setSTD_VMS_Status(unsigned int s);

			float getSTD_internal_time();
			void setSTD_internal_time(float t);

			/*status bits*/
			unsigned int getSB_ID();
			unsigned long getSB_Validity();
			void setSB_Validity(unsigned long v);
			unsigned char *getSB_INU_Part();
			void setSB_INU_Part(unsigned char *p);

			unsigned int getSB_INU_SN();
			void setSB_INU_SN(unsigned int n);

			unsigned int getSB_INU_IDENT();
			void setSB_INU_IDENT(unsigned int t);

			unsigned int getSB_INU_SW();
			void setSB_INU_SW(unsigned int w);

			unsigned int getSB_Stat();
			void setSB_Stat(unsigned int s);
			unsigned int getSB_AAlert();
			void setSB_AAlert(unsigned int a);
			unsigned int getSB_Bit1();
			void setSB_Bit1(unsigned int b);
			unsigned int getSB_Bit2();
			void setSB_Bit2(unsigned int b);
			unsigned int getSB_Bit3();
			void setSB_Bit3(unsigned int b);

			unsigned int getSB_LRI_1();
			void setSB_LRI1(unsigned int l);
			unsigned int getSB_LRI_2();
			void setSB_LRI2(unsigned int l);
			unsigned int getSB_LRI_3();
			void setSB_LRI_3(unsigned int l);

			unsigned int getSB_Wrap();
			void setSB_Wrap(unsigned int w);

			/*test data*/
		    unsigned int getTD_ID();
			unsigned long getTD_Validity();
			void setTD_Validity(unsigned long t);

			unsigned int getTD__update_counter();
			void setTD__update_counter(unsigned int c);
			unsigned int getTD__vms_counter();
			void setTD__vms_counter(unsigned int c);
			float getTD__vms_skf_Deviation();
			void setTD__vms_skf_Deviation(float c);

			unsigned int getTD_GPS_Stat();
			void setTD_GPS_Stat(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getTD__viewed_Sate();
			void setTD__viewed_State(unsigned int s);
			unsigned int getTD__vms_skf_verification_stat();
			void setTD__vms_skf_verification_stat(unsigned int s);

			unsigned int getTD__vms_int_Type2();
			void setTD__vms_int_Type2(unsigned int s);

			/*way point*/
			unsigned int getWP_ID();
			unsigned int getWp_no();
			void setWp_no(unsigned int w);

			unsigned char *getWp_Waypoint_name();
			void setWp_Waypoint_name(unsigned char *p);
			unsigned int getWp_Waypoint_status();
			void setWp_Waypoint_status(unsigned int w);

			float getWP_UTM_Northing();
			void setWP_UTM_Northing(float p);

			float getWP_UTM_Easting();
			void setWP_UTM_Easting (float p);

			unsigned int getWP_UTM_Zone();
			void setWP_UTM_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char *getWp_UTM_Hemi();
			void setWp_UTM_Hemi(unsigned char *utm_hemi);

			float getWP_GEO_LT();
			void setWP_GEO_LT(float p);

			float getWP_GEO_LONG();
			void setWP_GEO_LONG(float p);

			float getWP_MGRS_Northing();
			void setWP_MGRS_Northing(float p);

			float getWP_MGRS_Easting();
			void setWP_MGRS_Easting(float p);

			unsigned char getWP_MGRS_RL();
			void setWP_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned char getWP_MGRS_CL();
			void setWP_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p);
			unsigned int getWP_MGRS_Zone();
			void setWP_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char getWP_MGRS_Zone_field();
			void setWP_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p);
			unsigned int getWP_MGRS_Map_datum();
			void setWP_MGRS_Map_datum(unsigned int d);

			float getWP_Actual_UTM_Northing();
			void setWP_Actual_UTM_Northing(float p);

			float getWP_Actual_UTM_Easting();
			void setWP_Actual_UTM_Easting(float p);

			unsigned int getWP_Actual_UTM_Zone();
			void setWP_Actual_UTM_Zone(unsigned int w);

			unsigned char *getWP_Actual_UTM_Hemisphere();
			void setWP_Actual_UTM_Hemisphere(unsigned char *p);

			float getWP_Actual_GEO_Lat();
			void setWP_Actual_GEO_Lat(float p);

			float getWP_Actual_GEO_Long();
			void setWP_Actual_GEO_Long(float p);

			float getWP_Actual_MGRS_Northing();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_Northing(float p);

			float getWP_Actual_MGRS_Easting();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_Easting(float p);

			unsigned char getWP_Actual_MGRS_RL();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned char getWP_Actual_MGRS_CL();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned int getWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char getWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone_field();
			void setWP_Actual_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p);

			unsigned int getWP_heading_Format();
			void setWP_heading_Format(unsigned int p);
			float getWP_heading();
			void setWP_heading(float p);

			float getWP_Dist();
			void setWP_Dist(float p);

			float getWP_Bearing();
			void setWP_Bearing(float p);

			float getWP_Deviation();
			void setWP_Deviation(float p);


		//******Transmitting portion***********//

		/*Commands to INU as well as data input to INU*/

			static const unsigned int MCD_ID = 0x86;
			unsigned int Req_ID;
			unsigned int Command;
			float UTM_Northing;
			float UTM_Easting;
			unsigned int UTM_Zone;
			unsigned char UTM_Hemi;
			float UTM_Pos;

			float Geo_Lat;
			float Geo_Long;
			float Geo_Pos;
			float MGRS_Northing;
			float MGRS_Easting;
			unsigned char MGRS_ROW;
			unsigned char MGRS_COL;
			unsigned int MGRS_Zone;
			unsigned char MGRS_Field;
			float MGRS_PosA;

		enum Msg_ID
			STD_OUTPUT_MSG = 0x91,
			STATUS_BIT_MSG = 0x92,
			TEST_DATA_MSG = 0x93,
			WAYPOINT_MSG = 0x94,


		/*up to five transmit messages continuously after startup mode. IF validity is 0 or update rate 0, message will not be transmitted continuously 
		Invalid IDS will be ignored [to INU]*/
		struct Transmit_Rate_DEF_T{
				static const unsigned int TR_ID = 0x8A;
				unsigned int TX_Msg1_ID;
				unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg1;
				unsigned int TX_Msg2_ID;
				unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg2;
				unsigned int TX_Msg3_ID;
				unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg3;
				unsigned int TX_Msg4_ID;
				unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg4;
				unsigned int TX_Msg5_ID;
				unsigned int TX_Rate_Msg5;

				Msg_ID MSG;
				static const unsigned int MSG_0 = 0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_1 = 0.1;
				static const unsigned int MSG_2 = 0.25;
				static const unsigned int MSG_3 = 0.5;
				static const unsigned int MSG_4 = 1.0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_5 = 2.0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_6 = 4.0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_7 = 10.0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_8 = 20.0;
				static const unsigned int MSG_9 = 40.0;
		/*message used for setting ethernet communication parameters [to INU]*/
		struct Ether_Confg_Msg_RB_T {
			static const unsigned int EC_ID = 0x8C;
			unsigned char *MAC_Dest;
			unsigned char *IP_Source;
			unsigned char *IP_Dest;
			unsigned int src_port;
			unsigned int dest_port;

		/*message used to provide system parameters and is transmitted upon request[to INU]*/
		struct System_Parameter_T {
			static const unsigned int SP_ID = 0x90;
			unsigned int Map_Datum;
			unsigned int heading;
			unsigned int altitude;
			int utc_TO_hrs;
			int utc_TO_mins;
			int VMS;
			unsigned int mount_pols;
			int misalign_Roll;
			int misalign_Pitch;
			int misalign_Angle_Hdg;
			unsigned int INU_Mode;
			int GPS_X;
			int GPS_Y;
			int GPS_Z;
			unsigned int NMEA_GPS_BR;
			unsigned int VMS_Type;
			unsigned int GPS_Type_Mode;
			unsigned int GSSIP_Init;
			unsigned int GSSIP_Mode;

		/*message used to set and read internal waypoints [up to 50] [to INU]*/
		struct WayPoint_T
			static const unsigned int WP_ID = 0x94;
			unsigned int Waypoint_no;
			unsigned char *Waypoint_name;
			unsigned int Waypoint_cmd;
			float WP_UTM_Northing;
			float WP_UTM_Easting;
			unsigned int UTM_Zone;
			unsigned char *UTM_Hemi;
			float WP_GEO_LT;
			float WP_GEO_LONG;
			float WP_MGRS_Northing;
			float WP_MGRS_Easting;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_RL;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_CL;
			unsigned int WP_MGRS_Zone;
			unsigned char WP_MGRS_Zone_field;

		/*Transmit Portion of the VNS Message to the INU*/
		struct Transmit{
			static const unsigned int reserved = 0x00;
			unsigned int MsgID;
			unsigned int msg_count;
			unsigned int validity;

			Transmit_Rate_DEF_T trd_T;
			Ether_Confg_Msg_RB_T EtherConfg_rbT;
			System_Parameter_T SysP_T;
			WayPoint_T WP_T;

			//Command message
			unsigned int getMCD_ID();
			unsigned int getReq_ID();
			void setReq_ID(unsigned int p);
			unsigned int getCommand();
			void setCommand(unsigned int p);

			float getUTM_Northing();
			void setUTM_Northing(float p);

			float getUTM_Easting();
			void setUTM_Easting(float p);

			unsigned int getUTM_Zone();
			void setUTM_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char getUTM_Hemi();
			void setUTM_Pos(unsigned char p);

			float getGeo_Lat();
			void setGeo_Lat(float p);

			float getGeo_Long();
			void setGeo_Long(float p);

			float getGeo_Pos();
			void setGeo_Pos(float p);

			float getMGRS_Northing();
			void setMGRS_Northing(float p);

			float getMGRS_Easting();
			void setMGRS_Easting(float p);
			unsigned char getMGRS_ROW();
			void setMGRS_ROW(unsigned char p);

			unsigned char getMGRS_COL();
			void setMGRS_COL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned int getMGRS_Zone();
			void setMGRS_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char getMGRS_Field();
			void setMGRS_Field(unsigned char p);

			float getMGRS_PosA();
			void setMGRS_PosA(float p);

			/*Transmit Data Rate*/
			unsigned int getTDR_ID();
			unsigned int getTX_Msg_1_ID();
			void setTX_Msg_1_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTX_Rate_Msg_1();
			void setTX_Rate_Msg_1(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTX_Msg_2_ID();
			void setTX_Msg_2_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTX_Rate_Msg_2();
			void setTX_Rate_Msg_2(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTX_Msg_3_ID();
			void setTX_Msg_3_ID(unsigned int id);

			unsigned int getTX_Rate_Msg_3();
			void setTX_Rate_Msg_3(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTX_Msg_4_ID();
			void setTX_Msg_4_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTX_Rate_Msg_4();
			void setTX_Rate_Msg_4(unsigned int rate);

			unsigned int getTX_Msg_5_ID();
			void setTX_Msg_5_ID(unsigned int id);
			unsigned int getTX_Rate_Msg_5();
			void setTX_Rate_Msg_5(unsigned int rate);

			/*Ethernet Conf*/
			unsigned int getEC_ID();
			unsigned char *getMAC_Dest();
			void setMAC_Dest(unsigned char *dest);

			unsigned char *getIP_Source();
			void setIP_Source(unsigned char *source);
			unsigned char *getIP_Dest();
			void setIP_Dest(unsigned char *dest);

			unsigned int getSrc_port();
			void setSrc_port(unsigned int port);

			unsigned int getDest_port();
			void setDest_port(unsigned int port);


			/*system Parameters*/
			unsigned int getSP_ID();

			unsigned int getMap_Datum();
			void setMap_Datum(unsigned int d);

			unsigned int getheading();
			void setHeading(unsigned int h);
			unsigned int getAltitude();
			void setAltitude(unsigned int Alt);
			int getUTC_TO_hrs();
			void setUTC_TO_hrs(int h);

			int getUTC_TO_mins();
			void setUTC_TO_mins(int m);
			int getVMS();
			void setVMS(int vms);

			unsigned int getMount_pols();
			void setMount_pols(unsigned int p);
			int getMisalign_Roll();
			void setMisalign_Roll(int roll);

			int getMisalign_Pitch();
			void setMisalign_Pitch(int pitch);

			int getAngle_Hdg();
			void setAngle_Hdg(int angle);

			unsigned int getINU_Mode();
			void setINU_Mode(int m);
			int getGPS_X();
			void setGPS_X(int x);

			int getGPS_Y();
			void setGPS_Y(int y);
			int getGPS_Z();
			void setGPS_Z(int z);

			unsigned int getNMEA_GPS_BR();
			void setNMEA_GPS_BR(unsigned int n);

			unsigned int getVMS_Type();
			void setVMS_Type(unsigned int vms);
			unsigned int getGPS_Type_Mode();
			void setGPS_Type_Mode(unsigned int mode);

			unsigned int getGSSIP_Init();
			void setGSSIP_Init(unsigned int init);

			unsigned int getGSSIP_Mode();
			void setGSSIP_Mode(unsigned int mode);
			unsigned int getWaypoint_ID();
			unsigned int getWaypoint_no();
			void setWaypoint_no(unsigned int w);

			unsigned char *getWaypoint_name();
			void setWaypoint_name(unsigned char *w);

			unsigned int getWaypoint_cmd();
			void setWaypoint_cmd(unsigned int p);
			float getWaypoint_UTM_Northing();
			void setWaypoint_UTM_Northing(float p);

			float getWaypoint_UTM_Easting();
			void setWaypoint_UTM_Easting(float p);

			unsigned int getWaypoint_UTM_Zone();
			void setWaypoint_UTM_Zone(unsigned int p);
			unsigned char *getWaypoint_UTM_Hemi();
			void setWaypoint_UTM_Hemi(unsigned char *p);
			float getWaypoint_GEO_LT();
			void setWaypoint_GEO_LT(float p);

			float getWaypoint_GEO_LONG();
			void setWaypoint_GEO_LONG(float p);
			float getWaypoint_MGRS_Northing();
			void setWaypoint_MGRS_Northing(float p);

			float getWaypoint_MGRS_Easting();
			void setWaypoint_MGRS_Easting(float p);

			unsigned char getWaypoint_MGRS_RL();
			void getWaypoint_MGRS_RL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned char getWaypoint_MGRS_CL();
			void setWaypoint_MGRS_CL(unsigned char p);

			unsigned int getWaypoint_MGRS_Zone();
			void setWaypoint_MGRS_Zone(unsigned int p);

			unsigned char getWaypoint_MGRS_Zone_field();
			void setWaypoint_MGRS_Zone_field(unsigned char p);

			/*initialise Ethernet UDP Socket*/
			static int initSock( unsigned int port );
			/*Close Ethernet UDP Socket*/
			static int endSock( int sock );
			/*Receive data from Ethernet UDP Socket*/
			static int rec( int sock, char * buffer, int len,char * senderipaddress );
			/*Transmit data using Ethernet UDP Socket*/
			static int send( int sock, const char * data, int len, const char * targetIpAdr, int port );


#endif /*VNS_Lib_H_*/

1 solution

I'm not going to go through all your code - the message is obvious if you read the documentation.[^]

//Map Datum
data[28] = recv.getSTD_Map_Datum();
Map_datum = data[28];

Here you use get and set but they are obviously never defined.
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