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.NET 3.0


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by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
by Nish Nishant
This articles explains how to implement a TypeDescriptionProvider for a class to support multiple object types using a single class type
by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR

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by Christ Kennedy
A fully functional Irish Language Word Processor written in C#
by Rahman Masudur
Few tricks about using a Resource Dictionary in WPF
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by pdoxtader
A multithreaded server class that accepts multiple connections from a provided client class. Each client can send and receive files and text (byte data) simultaneously along 250 available channels.

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.NET 3.0 

15 Feb 2013 by Dread_Sharp
How to build an easy plugin system with C# which only takes about 30 lines of code!
19 Mar 2012 by Rishikesh_Singh
The article displays how to save user setting or preference at run time.
14 Dec 2014 by MarkLTX
Automatically implement INotifyPropertyChanged for every property in Entity Framework 6.0 entity classes
28 Apr 2015 by Hassan Alrehamy
JSON Deserialization in depth concept and Dictionary mapping. Special Thanks to Dr. Coral Walker
20 Nov 2011 by Bernhard Hiller
That's far too obscure.All you need to do is store a reference to the TabPage instance which was removed from the TabPages collection of the TabControl. You may use the form where the TabControl is placed for that purpose.You could also create your own TabControl which has an extra property...
17 Apr 2012 by abhinavshastri
How to Call WebService Dynamically and Read WebService Definition
25 Feb 2017 by RickZeeland
Create an Installer which allows to change the Forms application settings in a custom Inno Setup page
29 Mar 2012 by barrd
Fix an exception related to ISupportInitialize.BeginInit and learn why it happens.
25 Feb 2013 by TnTinMn
UpdateDefaultButton - Allows detecting change in ActiveControl
14 Feb 2014 by BenScharbach
How-To Convert a String Collection to a Multi-Enum item using TryParse
28 May 2014 by Thava Rajan
Copy and insert data at any postion in your datagridview
27 Jan 2015 by HiDensity
Class providing methods to count up a string using a definable character set.
11 Sep 2016 by Avatar2400
This is a simple class that allows you to have message box with checkbox and other small features.
25 May 2012 by Tauseef M
This tool is used for Encryption of Database in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
2 Aug 2012 by Himanshu Thawait
WCF With No config file needed – all setting in code only, No IIS – Self hosted, consume by channel factory
20 Sep 2012 by Sreedhar Puligundla
Simple steps to create SQL joins by using SQL Server 2008 Management Studio
9 May 2013 by Abhay@Accenture
14 Jun 2013 by Mike Meinz
Source code to demonstrate the creation of a new task in Windows Task Scheduler.
11 Oct 2013 by heemanshubhalla
How to use Masked Textbox control in .NET
25 Dec 2011 by Juan Davel
Managing Application Scoped Connection Strings
27 Nov 2012 by Aadhar Joshi
Creating job in sql server which automates taking backup of all stored procedures and functions in physical drive.
19 May 2013 by Yossi Yaari
A solution for monitoring Events called during test.
19 May 2013 by Yossi Yaari
A basic yet generic state machine implementation
14 May 2014 by atlaste
How to fix hiding controls in the Visual Studio user control designer
29 Jun 2010 by crackruckles
Days Left Timer VBS self deleting
12 May 2011 by DrABELL
Hello Steven,As FYI: recently I have published on CodeProject a short article (tip) on rather efficient implementation of GCD/LCM based on Euclid algorithm. They use iteration instead of recursion, because re-cursive algorithms in general and in this particular case are relatively...
31 Jul 2012 by HemendraSingh88
Hi, here we will see how to query a DataSet with LINQ(Language Integrated Query).
5 Oct 2012 by TheCoolCoder
Numbering for Multilevel ASP.Net Treeview using CSS Counters
18 Feb 2013 by dirigo
Preventing a log file from growing forever
3 Apr 2013 by In the Face of God
Generalize to access data in a database via HTTP
28 Mar 2013 by dgDavidGreene
Helper utility replaces magic string property names.
8 Dec 2009 by Your Display Name Here
How to use WebBrowser, a form, and an MDI parent to open Excel files
24 Jan 2012 by MacSpudster
Here's a .NET 3.5 version.Basic testing done./// /// /// /// mods by GNoter ~ 20120124_094448 /// - Made dotNET v3.5 compatible /// - dotNET v3.5 does not have the optional param capability that dotNET...
14 May 2012 by Mohamed Amine Aboura
Using Google Search By Image within your .NET application
6 Apr 2013 by Marco Medrano
Merged two CodeProject articles to make a better control, the TreeListViewEx.
4 Jun 2013 by V R Shukla
How to access Active Director users on a WinNT network and show them in a dropdown list.
9 Jun 2013 by TapasU
IsolatedStorage with Log4Net
17 Apr 2014 by muralikannan_t
How to pass values from one Silverlight application to another using WCF service
14 Jun 2014 by Kaveh Yazdi Nezhad
A simple solution to capture entire HTML code of a web page which is displaying on Internet Explorer
9 Jun 2014 by Mario Z
Small WinForm application for reading multiple DOCX files and retrieving their text content
10 Dec 2016 by Cory Charlton
A thread-safe implementation of the ObservableCollection class
6 Apr 2013 by Thomas Daniels
A tip about how to set the position of a Windows Forms MessageBox in C#
1 Nov 2013 by Tecfield
This post shows how to create a zip package using System.IO.Compressio.
29 Oct 2012 by Hernán Hegykozi
Show you how to make a connection dialog developed completely from scratch.
26 Apr 2012 by Manoj K Bhoir
A Glass style progress bar
15 Jan 2013 by Yugal Pandya
Database driven N-Level Dynamic Menu Control using C#.NET and SQL Server with stylesheet CSS
21 Nov 2012 by AdamNThompson
A reusable component for makeing REST service requests using C#
30 May 2012 by Ahsan Murshed
This article gives ideas to developers to increase development time productivity using the free Visual Studio 2010 extensions.
1 Nov 2012 by Fenil Desai
Check which .NET Framework version is installed from command line
1 Jan 2014 by Kees van Spelde
To encrypt or not to encrypt with C# .NET
16 May 2011 by J a a n s
For C# guys....using System ;using System.Runtime ;using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;public class Internet{ [DllImport("wininet.dll")] private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState( out int Description, int ReservedValue ) ; public static bool...
17 May 2014 by Mukund Thakker
In this post, we will see how we can convert date time in "X Time ago" format in C#.
10 Jul 2014 by maz2331
License Key class to make generating and validating keys easy.
1 Aug 2014 by Bryan Lyman
A method for duplicating a web page (including all scripts and styles) to run as if it originated from your own server, then modify server-side and client-side functionality afterwards.
7 Jul 2013 by Amit_Mittal
An easy way to bind XAML with properties defined in code behind
8 Sep 2008 by cesar_boucas
A custom derivative of ServiceHostFactory to control how WCF service hosts are created.
8 Feb 2011 by M.Farrukh Abbas
There is no fool-proof technique to catch the browser close event for 100% of time. The trouble lies in the stateless nature of HTTP. I will explain one of them which is very effective and tested
27 Apr 2014 by munagalasantosh
Receive IPV6 or IPV4 based data using TcpListener
10 Dec 2013 by JRINC
Connect to remote socket via System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect method with timeout controlled by System.Threading.Timer
17 Feb 2013 by Anurag Sarkar
How to export DataGridView data to Excel.
5 Apr 2017 by Juan Francisco Morales Larios
Useful Actions for debugger in System.Diagnostics
29 Dec 2015 by Rajesh Buddaraju
A simplified example is used to describe the state pattern
25 Oct 2013 by Monotosh Roy Mon
XML Serialization & Deserialization for converting our object to XML and XML to Object
23 Apr 2014 by Rajendra D. Patel
How to insert data using stored procedure in ASP.NET
31 Oct 2014 by ShaikAnwar
This topic gives us an idea of how to write Linq queries on Entities & DataTable. This covers some basic querying and also usage of joins and group by using LINQ.
11 Feb 2015 by Emiliano El Mariachi
Here is a small library to help you have an automatic undo/redo feature without explicit dependency on Undo/Redo system.
30 May 2013 by Mohammed Hameed
Check-in/Check-Out mechanism for TFS - To avoid Build errors and improve productivity.
18 Jan 2013 by Tawani Anyangwe
A dead simple HTML Sanitizer (and HTML Parser) you can use to clean user HTML input.
6 Dec 2013 by User 4835047
A simple way to serialize DataTables to JSON and push the data to a browser in MVC
6 Mar 2014 by Jacky Yiu
Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which allows visual information (pictures, text, etc.) to be encrypted in such a way that the decryption can be performed by the human visual system, without the aid of computers.
12 May 2012 by Md. Rashim Uddin
XML Serialization and Deserialization in c#
26 Nov 2014 by Sambhav Yadav - Sam D Silva
ASP.NET page/master page/user control's life cycle from the perspective of Session and View State
16 May 2013 by Pasan Eeriyagama
30 May 2013 by KK Kod
How to compress JavaScript and CSS files in a web application to reduce page loading time, using GZIP.
16 Jan 2012 by Robby Tendean
Simple implementation guide for log4net in a VB.NET web application.
18 Aug 2014 by Emiliarge
Read and write data to Access databases without limitations caused by the use of the SQL.
30 Aug 2014 by Emiliarge
2 ways to read and write data to *.xls and *.xls files and display it on DataGridView.
20 Jan 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
CTE Query for optimizing complexity of query in sql server
27 Aug 2012 by the retired
High performance C# byte array to hex string to byte array.
25 Dec 2011 by Gandhi Ashish
Checking Internet Is Connected Or Not From .NET
5 Apr 2013 by dapeacenforcement
Easy way to edit the right ListViewItem (Row/Column) after MouseDoubleClick.
21 May 2013 by jay1_z
The easiest, most straight-forward delegate tutorial.
6 Sep 2012 by Pankaj_Shukla
This tip describes how to change username/password for a Windows service programmatically.
27 May 2011 by Anshul R
Dim value As Boolean = My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable can be used in a situation where the only network a system will be connected to is the Internet.Dim value As Boolean = My.Computer.Network.Ping(hostNameOrAddress ,timeout) hostNameOrAddress can be any valid website -...
6 Oct 2013 by Muhammad Ahmed Azam
"Database Driven Dynamic Menu Control"
20 May 2013 by Sunil P V
How to access a 64bit registry key from 32bit built application in .NET 3.5 and lower
29 Apr 2014 by munagalasantosh
send data to other system using two different ways, one way using IPV6 and other way is IPV4.
6 Mar 2015 by Darkencrow
A multi-drawer style collapsable UI container
9 Jan 2014 by nasir_ml
ASP.NET textbox validation made easy.
10 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
It is to be noted, .NET has lately introducedResponse.RedirectParmanent() after a long await. The main motive of this is tohave permanent response redirection to the Search Engines.Response.RedirectParmanent() is an extension function introduced in .NET 4.0.Themain motive of it is to indicate
27 Aug 2012 by textorijum
How to SIMPLY populate TreeView from some sort of "list" variable / object / structure
14 Oct 2013 by S. M. Ahasan Habib
I will demonstrate a generic factory method which will create object from interface type parameter from an assembly (either current or provided) with the help of reflection
14 Oct 2013 by marks-mike
Demonstrates how to cascade delete on a single table that maintains hierarchy by a ParentId that points to the primary key of the same table