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by David Rogers Dev
Learn how to load related entities using the Entity Framework with simple examples
by The Ænema
This article will teach you how to create an amazing, clean and smooth WPF/Winform UI for your native application without using any complex, unsafe, ActiveXish methods, etc.
by tetsushmz
This article explains how to dynamically create RDLC.
by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.

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by Sufyan S Jabr
All that you need to know when working with MSDTC, troubleshooting and problem solving.
by Alexey A. Popov 2
A simple implementation of Miller columns (cascading columns) control
by chris_mackay
A reference for writing your own dialog message box in Windows
by #realJSOP
A rewrite of a previous article with more liquid nitrogen and bacon

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24 Jun 2013 by Madhur Kapoor
In this post, we are going to learn how to call an ASP.NET WebAPI using HttpClient libraries.
6 Sep 2016 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained generic methods and events.
30 Sep 2013 by Md. Rashim Uddin
How to download different types of files in
2 Nov 2015 by Sibeesh Passion
How to load data from database using Web API
15 Jul 2014 by Kevin Mack
Web API or cutting out the middle man
5 Oct 2014 by morzel
How to shoot paintball marker with relay, Arduino and .NET Winforms
4 Jan 2016 by levelnis
How do you post to a Web API controller from an MVC controller?
27 Aug 2012 by Gergo Bogdan
Some thoughts about Visual Studio 2012 and First Windows 8 App Development with JavaScript and HTML
29 Oct 2012 by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Embrace reflection and export any List collection to CSV
21 Nov 2013 by Philipp Sumi
Here are some quick and dirty tooltips - revisited and interactive
3 Dec 2013 by Rion Williams
Applying conditional attributes in ASP.NET MVC Views.
5 Apr 2014 by Pragmateek
Synchronization, Memory Visibility and Leaky Abstractions
4 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Send a success message to a View using TempData
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Article examining one approach to reducing controller dependencies in an ASP.NET MVC application by using generic factories.
19 Oct 2016 by Manjuke Fernando
27 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
This .NET Tutorial will tell you how to Install and Configure MiniProfiler for .NET 4.5 MVC 4 Web Application including Entity Framework logging.
30 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
In this programming article, I will show how to generate an approved sitemap automatically for use with search engines.
30 Oct 2013 by Manoj.Kumar12
Authentication against CRM contact using custom STS
4 Jan 2016 by levelnis
How do you display WebAPI model errors in MVC?
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
In an earlier article, I wrote about reducing controller dependencies with generic factories. One criticism of this approach, which I agree with, is that it hides those dependencies. This article looks at an alternate approach - using facades.
26 Feb 2013 by Pete O'Hanlon
This is a copy of the post I made on the Intel site here. For the duration of the contest, I am posting a weekly blog digest of my progress with using the Perceptual Computing items. The first weeks post is really a scene setter where I explain how I got to this point, and [...]
12 Jan 2014 by Nitesh Kejriwal
Book Review – Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 Expert Development Cookbook
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Article discussing how to handle posted data in an MVC controller action by using commands and handlers
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Article discussing how to unit test ASP.NET MVC controllers using NUnit and NSubstitute
9 Oct 2012 by Paulo Morgado
Sometimes, for demo or testing purposes, I need a synchronization context that behaves like the user interface ones but doesn’t force me to build applications with a user interface and the TPL Dataflow Library seemed like a good option to implement such synchronization context.
27 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
A programming with .NET article with code of how to create a compliant RSS 2.0 feed using .NET XmlDocument
28 Jan 2013 by Paulo Morgado
With Rx, events are first class citizens that can be passed around and composed as needed in a very simple way.
3 Feb 2013 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
As a follow-up to my previous article about WebAPI, I received an interesting question from a friend on LinkedIn: Is there a way to emit data in Protobuf format?
11 Feb 2013 by Stephen Brannan
WPF Enumeration Data Provider
4 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Article exploring how ViewModels fit in to the MVC ecosystem and how to use factories to create them.
27 Feb 2017 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for.
7 Apr 2017 by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained methods and constructors.
3 Nov 2014 by Taiseer Joudeh
AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
29 Sep 2013 by Md. Rashim Uddin
28 Sep 2015 by Shivprasad koirala
This blog explains C# Out and REF parameters in detail.
3 Feb 2013 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
HttpHandlers had their place, but going forward, I'm going to use WebAPI whenever I need to transmit data over HTTP to browsers or any other connected client.
15 Jul 2013 by Zhuyun Dai
In this serial of articles, I will share some knowledge I learnt recently in using WebSocket in .NET 4.5.
29 Apr 2016 by Mayur V Lohite
30 Mar 2015 by Camilo Reyes
How to get started with ASP.NET MVC 5
1 May 2015 by Camilo Reyes
Writing JavaScript can be daunting. What begins with fun light scripting, quickly escalates into a tangled mess. I once found myself in an unimaginative hodgepodge of callbacks tight coupled to HTML. But then, I began to believe that there must be a better way.
27 Dec 2012 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
I've been spending a bit of time over the past month looking into ALL of ASP.NET, not just MVC or SignalR or WebAPI.  
21 May 2015 by Camilo Reyes
The DefaultModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC for N00bs
24 Sep 2015 by Rajneesh Kumar Verma
This article will let you to start developing Universal Windows App in windows 10 using Visual Studio 2015
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
In this post, we'll discuss how display templates can simplify our view logic.
11 Oct 2013 by SonuKSingh
Types of constructors available in C#
30 Jun 2013 by Md. Rashim Uddin
Getting introduced to WCF WebSocket
28 Dec 2012 by Karl Stoney
In this programming article, I will show you how to create a custom action filter for .NET MVC which will throttle repeat requests.
8 Feb 2013 by Adrian Alexander
Data-binding among complex expressions in C#
5 Jan 2016 by levelnis
Article discussing how to unit test HttpContext.Current outside of a controller
9 Oct 2012 by Paulo Morgado
Sample code I use to demonstrate the use of async/await in C# 5.0
28 Jan 2013 by Paulo Morgado
5 Dec 2015 by Hamid Mosalla
How to change the ASP.NET identity security setup that comes with default MVC template to use the simple username instead of email
4 Jan 2016 by levelnis
How do you call a Web API Endpoint without using JavaScript?