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by Stephen Cleary
How to detect a dropped TCP/IP connection
by Fredrik Bornander
How to implement an iPhone style icon menu using the .NET Compact Framework.
by Tamer Oz
PocketPcAgent is an application that can be installed on Windows Mobile devices that are running Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher. The application listens to events such as SMS Received, Call Missed, E-Mail Received, Battery Strength Changed, and much more on the Pocket PC.
by Brian P. Adams
A full-featured Task Manager for Windows Mobile.

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by John Newcombe
6502 Cross Assembly using MacOS and Atom
by John Newcombe
6502 Cross Assembly for the Apple II using MacOS
by Lee P Richardson
Xamarin vs Ionic: A Mobile, Cross Platform, Shootout
by defwebserver
You can create database driven .Net Core applications using JavaScriptServices, and PrimeNG.

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20 Jun 2009 by Stephen Cleary
How to detect a dropped TCP/IP connection
21 Apr 2009 by Fredrik Bornander
How to implement an iPhone style icon menu using the .NET Compact Framework.
7 Sep 2009 by Tamer Oz
PocketPcAgent is an application that can be installed on Windows Mobile devices that are running Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher. The application listens to events such as SMS Received, Call Missed, E-Mail Received, Battery Strength Changed, and much more on the Pocket PC.
17 Feb 2008 by Brian P. Adams
A full-featured Task Manager for Windows Mobile.
19 Dec 2007 by Bryan Sachdeva
This article describes how to create a wrapper class for the native Phone API, and then uses it to retrieve and store the call history.
23 Jan 2023 by BryanMac789
I wonder if anyone can help. I am upgrading a Windows Application from Visual Studio 2003 to 2005. After running the conversion wizard and changing/rewriting several methods I got the app to compile (already works perfectly in VS 2003)However...
26 Jul 2009 by Pete O'Hanlon
ChiSmile wrote:dAdapt1.Fill(dSet1, "Patient Profile")ChiSmile wrote:dt = dSet1.Tables("Patient_Profile")Do you see the problem there? Here's a hint - you've got a magic string issue - when you use a string in one place to name something, you've...
28 Jul 2009 by Luc Pattyn
Hi,I don't think you can use STAThreadAttributes for that purpose. Here are two possible solutions:1. do you user interaction before you start the thread;2. or set Thread.ApartmentState before calling Thread.Start Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines]...
12 Aug 2009 by Luc Pattyn
You can use Visual Studio (versions above 6, including C++ Express) to build either Win32 (=Native code) or CLR (=Managed .NET code) applications. Check under menu File/New/Project... Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]The quality and...
6 Jul 2011 by Dalek Dave
As someone who creates crosswords may I give a few pointers.Firstly have a set of blank grids, about a dozen or so.Secondly, have a very good dictionary to hand.Thirdly, have a cerebrum like a spiral staircase.Fourthly, on no account attempt to create a program that will make...
23 Dec 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
The aim of PropertyCross is to make it easier for developers to choose a suitable framework from the ever-growing range of cross-platform mobile application development frameworks. This blog post provides a little bit of background to the project.
13 Mar 2017 by defwebserver
You can create database driven .Net Core applications using JavaScriptServices, and PrimeNG.
15 Jul 2009 by Adam R Harris
If I'm understanding you right, you are trying to get rid of the dialog that pops up telling the user to uninstall the existing version before installing this version.If thats right, I had a similar problem not to long ago. The solution is simple...
16 Jul 2009 by Mark Salsbery
Just like writing to the HKLM section of the registry, creating anevent source requires elevated privileges. And also just like writing toHKLM in the registry, apps that runs without elevation need to do these operationsat install time (which is...
23 Jul 2009 by Jimmanuel
Easier than tampering with the IL is tampering with the source code. I used to do formal unit testing and I don't know if it's a formal term or not but we called it "instrumenting a file" and it's a bit of tedium that automated processes are...
13 Aug 2012 by gggustafson
This article discusses two lessons learned during the development of a mobile application.
14 Jan 2009 by Anil_gupta
This article describes how to get notification when a Windows CE based device is connected or disconnected from a desktop machine.
27 May 2009 by Eddy Vluggen
manjusha s when i take rs[1] instead of rs[31],then error is like unsuccessful loginWell, that's what your code is supposed to say when you type a wrong password. This is what happens, whit rs[2];Here you check whether username and...
16 Jul 2009 by Luc Pattyn
Hi,a single-instance app never really is single-instance. At best the second, third or whatever instance gets launched, detects it isn't number one, and exits again, hopefully after passing its work to the first instance, maybe by sending its...
22 Jul 2009 by Mark Salsbery
Try [XmlRoot(Namespace = "")] public class Shapes { private Circle _circle = new Circle(); public Circle Circle { get { return _circle; } ...
7 Aug 2009 by Deflinek
Greetings.I'm trying to communicate between desktop PC and Windows CE 5.0 device connected by usb (cradle).I feel like I'm missing something obvious, because I can't find how to establish connection between them. What namespace to look? I just...
10 Aug 2009 by annathor
Maybe take a look at the rapi.dll and see if it does what you need, you need to p/invoke the methodes.Take a look hereAnd here
15 Dec 2010 by EFEaglehouse
Windows CE/Mobile printing client for LPR, LPRng, and Socket API.
10 Feb 2012 by Bertus Bever
Suppressing key and mouse events while loading
21 Jul 2014 by Phil Jeffrey
How to run a ClickOnce app as Administrator on Windows 8 when the app includes a SQL Compact database
13 Aug 2014 by Qwertie
In the netherworld between T[] and List
21 Oct 2014 by MVukoje
Cross domain RESTful API calls?
24 Dec 2015 by Alaa-eddine KADDOURI
If you are reading this you already know that nodejs is a powerful engine for your realtime application or multiplayer game. But it’s not easy to setup an up and running platform, which is self monitored.
11 Sep 2016 by Avatar2400
This is a simple class that allows you to have message box with checkbox and other small features.
19 Dec 2010 by Moreno Airoldi
I don't think it can be done. Even if you copy all the registry settings and files and manage to register it all in a new machine in a small time, you still risk having something which won't work properly, and the cost of keeping this "custom installer" updated would be big.The best way to...
19 Dec 2010 by Pete O'Hanlon
You might want to look into an option where the framework elements you need are compiled into your application. These are generally fairly expensive though, but they might be just what you want. Take a look at things like Thinstall[^] or Xenocode[^].
26 May 2009 by Pete O'Hanlon
Unfortunately, the only thing you can do outside the form is use Application.AddMessageFilter to add your own filter, and (as you've surmised), this only works on capturing a message before it is dispatched to the window. What you could possibly...
5 Jul 2009 by Gideon Engelberth
Well, the UI thread is the main thread, so you can't really make it another thread. I would assume (but don't know for sure) that when you do Control.BeginInvoke or similar, it doesn't create another "temporary thread" since the whole thing with...
19 Jul 2009 by Nicholas Butler
It sounds like your Socket object is being disposed! I would expect that putting a reference to it in your AsyncState would stop the GC collecting it, so are you disposing of it somewhere else?I don't have a simple answer, but you could try this:...
23 Jul 2009 by gantww
I've noted with interest that there seems to be a lack of open source tools for .NET test coverage analysis. I'm pretty comfortable with .NET, but off the top of my head, I can't figure out how someone could do it without making their own version...
23 Jul 2009 by Curtis Schlak.
The .NET Framework has a profiling API available for just such a thing. Here's a nice introductory article.[^]. "we must lose precision to make significant statements about complex systems."-deKorvin on uncertainty
15 Aug 2009 by Adam Maras
Be sure you've assigned an icon to NotifyIcon component. Unlike Forms, there's no default icon for tray icons (so they won't show unless you've assigned one). Adam Maras | Software DeveloperMicrosoft Certified Professional Developer
6 Oct 2010 by guidebee
Code example on how to draw enhanced graphics 2D pictures on Windows Mobile
16 Jun 2011 by BobJanova
WinForms radio buttons are standard Windows controls, and therefore it's quite difficult to perform small extensions on them.A radio button, button and text together, is one control. If you want to change its appearance, you can override OnPaint, but you need to draw both parts.I found...
16 Sep 2011 by Colin Eberhardt
TweetSearch – A cross platform Metro UI WinRT and Silverlight Application
13 Nov 2014 by Zoltán Zörgő
First of all, this is not what's Enum for. Using enum for such a task is really not a good idea. Let's suppose you have pnly given us a bad example...This is working in 3.5 (and 3.5 CF) also:int x = 52;Console.WriteLine(((Packers)x).ToString());If you want to have something similar...
3 Feb 2015 by Rion Williams
.NET becomes Open Source and Cross-Platform
4 Apr 2008 by tommykkk
How restart Windows Mobile device in application.
7 Aug 2008 by Mike Dimmick
There is a way to change the clip region: set the Clip property of the Graphics object. Supported since .NET Compact Framework 1.0. DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991
21 Jan 2011 by Mike_Finch
I have a custom type, FooNode, defined in my C# code. I want to add an instance of that custom type to the global System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard, and then retrieve it from the clipboard again. The add seems to work, but I am not able to retrieve the instance. Upon retrieval, several exceptions...
29 May 2009 by Pete O'Hanlon
Gary Wheeler wrote:Do the .NET libraries contain 'pre-built' ValidationRule classes for the base types? I'm thinking of simple things like length checks on strings, range checks for numeric values, and that sort of thing. I've not been able to...
4 Jun 2009 by Pete O'Hanlon
TARAK NATH ROY wrote:I want to implement the progress bar here to inform how many hours or minutes or seconds left to to finise the entire process from storing xml data into list to saving data in databaseYou can't really do this. When you think...
19 Mar 2010 by DaveyM69
This registry key seems to have all the information required - on this system anyway.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP
6 Jul 2009 by supercat9
There is a world of difference between performing BeginInvoke on a delegate, and performing it on a control (passing a delegate as a parameter). IMHO, using the same name for both methods was a mistake, but what's done is done.Performing...
19 Jul 2009 by Luc Pattyn
Hi,not sure this will fix it, however it might as your current code is too expensive: for every item drawn you:- create a new SolidBrush- and you don't call Dispose on it, which you should as the class offers such method.It would be better to...
6 Aug 2008 by Mark Salsbery
Sandeep Akhare wrote:If it is true then valu types declared in class will get stored in Heap. Only if the object of the class they are members of is allocated on the managed heap.What if they are members of a value class?Sandeep Akhare wrote:And...
28 Aug 2008 by Manas Bhardwaj
indian143 wrote:Can anybody please help where "_" should be used in declarations and please tell me give me a link to get the best coding conventions and practices for VB.Net and C#.Net tooThe basic idea of having conventions is to have...
28 Aug 2008 by Scott Dorman
Take a look at the Framework Design Guidelines[^].That being said, the goal of a coding style is to create code that is easily readable and maintainable by any developer by creating a consistent "look and feel" and structure. Scott...
11 Aug 2009 by N a v a n e e t h
Leonardo Muzzi wrote:around 30000 handles for the processThats too much. AFAIK, the handles count includes the file handles, threads, mutex, semaphore etc. Look at the application source and ensure the resources are properly released. No resource...
15 Aug 2009 by 0x3c0
The process you're talking about is called simplifying. I would assume it's done by going through each element (where element 0 is 2x2, element 1 is -5x2, etc) and making a note of each unique index (the power). When you encounter an index that's...
16 Aug 2009 by Luc Pattyn
Hi,1. use Directory.GetFiles();2. use File.Delete();3. do not use Process.Start("cmd.exe", "/C del *.*"); Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]The quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely...
1 Dec 2008 by Simon P Stevens
Yes it's possible.You basically have 2 choices.1) Write it yourself.2) Find 3rd party controls.If you choose to write it yourself, the best way to go about it will probably be creating some kind of custom control. You'll have to write all the...
4 Aug 2009 by Jack Vanderhorst
I've often wondered about this docking behaviour as well, and I share your disbelief that it is not a standard control. Unfortunately I think you may be looking at building your own, or using a Third party component... I know Infragistics makes...
13 Aug 2009 by Tristan Rhodes
It might be worth bearing in mind that you can implement IXmlSerializable in an object and just dump that into the object hierachy you use the automated serializer for (XmlSerializer). The serializer will call the IXmlSerializable instead of...
18 Mar 2009 by Simon P Stevens
Sp1 contains two types of stuff.1) New libraries (e.g. the entity framework).Provided you don't go using these, it won't matter that your users don't have them. You will need to be very careful to make sure you don't accidentally use some new sp1...
12 Oct 2010 by Sarath C
GetSystemInfo provides the basic system information and processor architecture of the underlying platform. This API can be used successfully in both x64 and x86 platform. But, under 64-bit WIndows, we can run 32 bit Applications( WOW64). If a WOW64 process call GetSystemInfo API, it will return the
4 Feb 2011 by OriginalGriff
The compact framework does not include the whole of .NET - as I'm sure you know.Unfortunately, File.ReadAllBytes and File.WriteAllBytes are two of the casualties.They are simple to replace though:public static byte[] ReadAllBytes(string path) { byte[] data; using...
1 Apr 2011 by Arik Poznanski
Flashcards.Show – Planning a Cross-Platform Solution
5 Jul 2011 by Keith Barrow
Please look at my answer here[^] for a spookily similar question.
24 Feb 2012 by Not Active
This could easily be done with a stored procDECLARE @invnum INT;SELECT @invnum = MAX(InvoiceNumber) FROM InvoiceTable@invnum = @invnum + 1INSERT INTO InvoiceTable (InvoiceNumber) VALUES (@invnum)RETURN @invnumusing(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("proc name",...
25 Feb 2013 by Matt T Heffron
Add a reference to the System.Numerics assembly, then add using System.Numerics; to the c# source and then declare your numbers using the type BigInteger instead of int.
18 Dec 2013 by BillWoodruff
I have no experience with the Compact FrameWork, but I believe that if you define an EventHandler for the Click Event, or the MouseDown Event: that event will get fired every time you click on the Row.It's hard to imagine any version of .NET, and any .NET Control, would not provide that...
18 Dec 2013 by Maciej Los
Have a look here: How to handle OnClick event of ListView?[^]
12 Aug 2014 by Ben Liebert
Using jQuery Binding to Make Cross-domain Calls with Closure Callbacks
18 May 2016 by Patrice T
Advice:- use a char array to store the data received from serial. You can't have expectations about what is the data you are receiving. Never receive in a string and then transform to char.- To debug the serial link, replace 1 of the devices with a computer using a terminal emulator. it will...
7 Aug 2017 by John Newcombe
6502 Cross Assembly using MacOS and Atom
7 Aug 2017 by John Newcombe
6502 Cross Assembly for the Apple II using MacOS
28 May 2009 by Russtavo
Hey folks, I am doing some preliminary research for a fairly large forms/data-driven business application I am due to develop. There are 4 basic requirements for this application:1. Can install/run app on local PC or as a hosted application...
28 May 2009 by Pete O'Hanlon
Potentially you could look at using Silverlight and WPF. It's possible to share quite a bit of code between Silverlight and WPF if you know the tricks and gotchas. Take a look at the work we've done on Onyx[^] to get some ideas. "WPF has many...
29 May 2009 by Gary Wheeler
I'm building a WPF application, and I'm at the point where I need to validate user-entered data in a dialog.Do the .NET libraries contain 'pre-built' ValidationRule classes for the base types? I'm thinking of simple things like length checks on...
4 Jun 2009 by TARAK NATH ROY
I have several list collections(i.e list1,list2 list3...etc)and i have one xml file(i.e data.xml).I am storing the xml data to my suitable lists(i.e edge data in list1, subpart data in list2 like this...)Now after storing the xml data in list...
21 Jun 2009 by Julen
Hi,I am designing an architecture in .NET framework. I use the Three tier model to design my application but I have a concern about how is the way to properly model the access to database layer. I have separate DLL for each layer.In my business...
21 Jun 2009 by Dave Kreskowiak
Julen wrote:I use the tree tier model It's "three-tier", as in the number 3, not "tree tier". A guide to posting questions on CodeProject[^] Dave KreskowiakMicrosoft MVPVisual Developer - Visual Basic     2006, 2007, 2008modified on Sunday,...
19 Mar 2010 by #realJSOP
I'm trying to get the latest installed version of .NET on a given machine. I've tried a couple of different ways, but it keeps coming back with 2.0, which is curious since I'm running a WPF app on a machine that I *KNOW* has 3.5 SP1 on it.How should I go about properly retrieving the .NET...
2 Jul 2009 by ShweBo
noticed the strange behavior of Databinding to ToolstripComboBox.Combobox when it is being added to ToolstripDropdown or Contextmenu. Normally I'm binding SQL data to ToolstripcomboBox.Combobox by following code. ...
4 Jul 2009 by Infarkt
try this Me.tspcbxTest.ComboBox.BindingContext = Me.BindingContext Me.tspcbxTest.ComboBox.ValueMember = "ID" Me.tspcbxTest.ComboBox.DisplayMember = "Column_to_Dispaly" Me.tspcbxTest.ComboBox.FormattingEnabled = True ...
7 Jul 2009 by richard072
Hi All,My question is simple, but VERY important to me .. as far as I know, one managed wnd can be parent of any unmanaged wnd... no vicevesa... I'm not an expert and I'd like to suggest that someone could post one example to do this...could be...
7 Jul 2009 by Eddy Vluggen
richard072 wrote:could be VERY useful to everybodyWhehe, good argument First, you add a using clause;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;Next, copy this code into your class;[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow", SetLastError =...
3 Aug 2009 by vishal lele
how to insert data into database using sqldata adapter
3 Aug 2009 by Henry Minute
Have you read the documentation for SqlDataAdapter? Henry MinuteDo not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark TwainGirl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
1 Feb 2011 by Paul Conrad
Dave,Have you read the article Good Bye MD5[^] by ediazc here on Code Project? It may point you in the direction you want to go.Paul
18 Jul 2008 by Rob Caldecott
First post in this forum, so please be gentle. We have a product, written in C#, using .NET 2, running on a server. It is a normal process, not a service. Occasionally we are seeing a .NET 2.0.x 'Fatal Execution Engine Error', and I wanted...
18 Jul 2008 by led mike
This Bugslayer article[^] should get you going led mike
5 Aug 2008 by Sandeep Akhare
Hi all, I don't know how many times this question has been asked in any .NET Forum, but still i have certain doubts regarding value types storage. In almost every book (I read)it is written that value types are going to be stored in Stack. But...
28 Aug 2008 by Rob Graham
These guys[^] have a decent coding standard for C#.
30 Aug 2008 by Kevin McFarlane
There are various guidelines available but you could just start here:Design Guidelines for Developing Class Libraries[^] Kevin
16 Sep 2008 by Ray Cassick
So I am declaring a new event for a class and I get to the point where I need to define the event args. All I really need to pass through is a text string. Now I usually follow some diligent best practice guide that I remember reading awhile ago...
16 Sep 2008 by Giorgi Dalakishvili
This will help: Event Arguments (EventArgs)[^] Giorgi Dalakishvili#region signaturemy articlesMy blog[^]#endregion
11 Aug 2009 by Leonardo Muzzi
Hi there. In my company, we have a windows service app that relies on multiple threads functionality to process many socket requests at a time, using the Socket events OnDataArrival to proccess the arriving data.Although the system is working...
11 Aug 2009 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're probably not really using that many handles, but have a leak in your code somewhere where handles are not being released properly. A guide to posting questions on CodeProject[^] Dave KreskowiakMicrosoft MVPVisual Developer - Visual...
11 Aug 2009 by Luc Pattyn
Hi,I haven't done any mass socket stuff, however the way I understand .NET sockets you don't need explicit threads at all; a BeginConnect, BeginAccept, or BeginReceive is handled asynchronously, and the events get handled on some other thread,...
11 Aug 2009 by Moreno Airoldi
It's most likely a leakage, I doubt you are really using all those handles. You may check for missing calls to Dispose() and similar.Not only for sockets, since handles are used also for open files etc. 2+2=5 for very large amounts of 2(always...
16 Aug 2009 by
I was trying to build a program to clean temp, unwanted, junk files from applications like chat clients, browsers, p2p applications, on windows platform. Can anyone please provide some guidance on how to proceed.
1 Dec 2008 by Mark Churchill
Theres a third choice, which is to actually use the Visual Studio shell, which MS makes available for free. Mark ChurchillDirector, Dunn & Churchill Pty LtdFree Download: Diamond Binding: The...