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by Ivan Yakimov
What are certificates in ASP.NET, why we need them, how to create self-signed certificate for testing and use certificates with ASP.NET Core
by Robert_Dyball
Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 SPA. Source includes VS2015 and VS2017 versions.
by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
by thangchung
Learn to organize clean architecture to modular patterns

Latest Articles

by Zohaib Waqar
Building a RESTful API using ASP.NET Web API and consume it using AJAX for seamless interaction between the front-end and back-end.
by Zohaib Waqar
Simplifying data access using class libraries and Entity Framework without the need for a .edmx file (ADO.NET)
by Zijian
Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App talking to ASP.NET Core Web API with generated client API codes in C#
by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to implement authentication in Blazor and ASP.NET Core ?

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14 Oct 2021 by Ivan Yakimov
What are certificates in ASP.NET, why we need them, how to create self-signed certificate for testing and use certificates with ASP.NET Core
9 Mar 2017 by Robert_Dyball
Add JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT) using OpenIDDict to our ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 SPA. Source includes VS2015 and VS2017 versions.
17 Sep 2020 by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
22 Oct 2017 by thangchung
Learn to organize clean architecture to modular patterns
13 Oct 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article will walk you through on building a data-driven web app from scratch within the context of ASP.NET Core 1.0 using Angular 2 and Web API 2.
16 Jun 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
A detailed look at the anatomy and workings of a Blazor Server Component
20 Jan 2020 by Marc Clifton
The Secret Sauce
14 Jan 2018 by Darko Jurić
WebSocket RPC library for .NET with auto JavaScript client code generation, supporting ASP.NET Core.
28 Dec 2016 by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
1 May 2018 by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we will get an overview and generate a basic level code using our database table column that will help in development.
4 Jun 2020 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article will talk about how to implement a custom wrapper for your ASP.NET Core and Web API applications for managing exceptions, providing meaningful and consistent responses to consumers.
8 Jan 2018 by thangchung
This article will show you how to expose the database schema to the APIs, then query from it. No boilerplate code for simple query actions. Go and read it.
25 Dec 2016 by syed shanu
In this article, let’s see how to create our first ASP.NET Core Angular 2 Starter Application (.NET Core) using Template pack using Entity Framework 1.0.1 and Web API to display data from the database to our Angular2 and ASP.NET Core web application.
16 Mar 2017 by Robert_Dyball
Create a simple data grid that provides list, add, edit and delete and uses a simple 'parent/child' template to provide view, edit or add functionality
27 Jan 2019 by syed shanu
Getting started with Angular 7 and ASP.NET Core 2.0 using Angular 7 Web Application (.NET Core) Template and ASP.NET Core MVC Application
1 Dec 2019 by Vincent Maverick Durano
The new version of ApiBoilerPlate has recently been released. In this post, we will take a look at the new features added to the template.
19 Jul 2020 by amitp_naik
WhiteApp or QuickApp API solution template built on Onion Architecture
6 Oct 2020 by Ansel Castro
Leveraging Protobuf and code generation tools to drive the development of microservices and REST APIs
7 Jun 2018 by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to create new build and release definition using VSTS. There are short descriptions of DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment.
12 Sep 2023 by Zijian
Code First approach for generating client APIs for ASP.NET Core Web API, in C# and in TypeScript for jQuery, Aurelia, Axios and Angular 2+.
21 Feb 2018 by Yunus Emre Kalkan
How to create custom repostories in ASP.NET Boilerplate and use stored procedure, view, user defined functions inside your repository
7 Sep 2018 by Robert Vandenberg Huang
Experiment, run and compare different pathfinding algorithms and heuristic functions
21 Mar 2017 by Robert_Dyball
How to use NSwag to create Typescript data models and data services for Angular 2 and to generate Swagger Web API documentation.
19 Aug 2017 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
.NET Core 2.0 brings a lot of improvements to the system, and it brings a lot of pain to the developers as well. I had a lot of problems upgrading .NET Core 1.x apps to .NET Core 2.0; I yet have to feel the promise it makes about performance and so, but let us see how to upgrade our existing applica
1 Aug 2018 by Habibur Rony
This article mainly covers how to setup and configure Azure AD tenant and integrating Azure AD into ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app for authentication and role based authorization.
1 Aug 2018 by Ajcek84
Client-side music notation rendering in Blazor
22 Dec 2018 by Ken Haggerty
Scaffold and modify Identity in the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor pages template
5 Nov 2020 by Ev Uklad
This article describes a technique to serialize models containing dynamic types with System.Text.Json JsonSerializer, that doesn’t support $type.
9 Mar 2022 by Coding Notes
An introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
14 Aug 2018 by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we are going to implement dynamic highchart with Angular6 and ASP.NET Core.
28 Jan 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
A practical walkthrough of Async Programming in DotNetCore
10 Apr 2017 by Robert_Dyball
Covering conversion from Angular 2.40 to Angular 4.0 + Publishing the ASP.Net Core / Angular 4 SPA to IIS using VS2017
19 Apr 2017 by Robert_Dyball
Publishing the ASP.Net Core 1.1 / Angular 4 SPA to Azure and external IIS hosts. Also covering code cleanup, optimization, bundling and minification. Gulp, Grunt, Webpack and some architecture and development philosophy.
17 Jul 2018 by Karthik. A
User specific implementation of feature flags, which can be used to roll out features targeting specific users without doing multiple releases
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Application triggers for ASP.NET Core 2.1 Entity Framework Core
5 Aug 2019 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This is the first article of the ASP.NET Core and Blazor Code Venture series. The goal of this article series is to build a data driven Blazor app from scratch starting from setting up your development workspace, authentication, data access with CRUD, consuming Rest APIs and down to deployment.
1 Aug 2018 by dsuryd
How to create a powerful reactive form on an ASP.NET Core Razor Page in MVVM style, with field configuration and validations written in C# and communicating with SignalR.
16 Aug 2018 by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we are going to implement braintree payment gateway with ASP.NET Core 2.1
30 Oct 2018 by Leonard E. James
Create initial object model and database and display first Razor Page
3 Nov 2019 by MajdaOsmic
This article explains the issues encountered shortly after implementing the ASP.NET Core integration test the same way as explained in the official tutorial, as well as the solution.
8 Feb 2020 by Aram Tchekrekjian
How to create and deploy your first ASP.NET Core Web API on IIS
8 Jul 2020 by zainafzal
How to access DynamoDB locally using ASP.NET Core Web API
12 Feb 2021 by O.Nasri
Steps to create a nice dashboard web page using .NET MVC Core
3 Feb 2021 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Mastercard MIGS payment service and how to capture payments from clients
16 Feb 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
How to build an Edit Framework for Blazor Forms
24 Apr 2024 by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to implement authentication in Blazor and ASP.NET Core ?
11 Aug 2020 by Shaun C Curtis
A guide to async programming in Blazor
12 Jun 2024 by Zijian
Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App talking to ASP.NET Core Web API with generated client API codes in C#
17 Feb 2017 by Mosti16
Use a custom Authorize Attribute which use a own PermissionProvider with custom Permission-Management.
8 Apr 2018 by Sem Shekhovtsov
The how-to article that summarises best practices for unit testing ASP NET Core MVC controller using NUnit and Moq framework
20 Jun 2018 by vnmatt
How to take advantage of ASP .NET Core's Razor (.cshtml) views and have dynamic routes for Aurelia
9 Nov 2018 by YasIkeda
Tutorial about how to add authentication functionalities to your existing ASP.NET Core project using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI package
30 Jul 2019 by Lee P Richardson
Fighting File Downloads and Dinosaurs with NSwag via ASP.NET Boilerplate
1 Jul 2017 by Milan Stanacev
This article covers internal workings of LiteApi and explains aspects of creating MVC-like WebAPI middleware running on ASP.NET Core .
31 Jan 2018 by Pawel idzikowski
How to replace the web API request query string to provide case insensitive OData search
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
How to add functionality to an ASP.NET Core application outside of a request
6 Jun 2019 by Tom Ling
The code for this example can be found here. What is dependency injection. Dependency injection (DI) is a software design pattern that allows developers to write loosely coupled code.
21 Mar 2021 by Mohammad Elsheimy
How to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks in ASP.NET Core, JavaScript and Angular
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
How to enhance ASP.NET Core logging pipeline with Serilog
22 Dec 2018 by Ken Haggerty
Scaffold and modify Identity in the new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor pages template
18 Oct 2019 by Vincent Maverick Durano
Highlights the detail about what's new in AutoWrapper Version 2. AutoWrapper is a simple, yet customizable global exception handler and response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs
22 Jan 2020 by Flávio Henrique de Carvalho
This is a practical article that serves with a guide of steps describing problems and solutions found when deploying an application with an ASP.NET Core backend and Angular frontend, aimed at developers and other beginner professionals.
13 Nov 2020 by Ziya Mollamahmut
Localizing ASP.NET Core powered by online translation and auto resource creating...
10 Oct 2022 by syed shanu
Blazor Server APP in ASP.NET Core 6.0
8 Dec 2023 by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
6 May 2017 by Hamdy Ghanem
Integrate ASp.Net Core api with Angular 2 using TypeScript
25 Oct 2017 by didourebai
How to develop multi-platform and connected apps and deploy on Azure
19 May 2018 by User 1043264
How to implement Azure AD authentication in ASP.NET Core 2.0.Continue reading
6 Jun 2018 by Gunnar S
Third article in a series of three regarding NServiceBus, WebAPI and Azure Service Fabric
13 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Branching authentication in ASP.NET Core 2.1
13 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
ASP.NET Core 1.1 and Identity Adventures
18 Dec 2020 by Shaun C Curtis
Blazor Component update process explored
16 Mar 2021 by Shaun C Curtis
A Blazor control to manage and monitor edit state in a form
17 Mar 2022 by Coding Notes
An introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
6 Jun 2022 by syed shanu
Getting started with .NET 6.0 and Standalone Angular Template in VS 2022
23 Feb 2024 by Zijian
Overcome the 53-bit limitation of number of JavaScript while keeping strongly typed integral types of .NET. Part 2.
22 Mar 2017 by Fiyaz Hasan
Know how to create a custom request/response formatter for ASP.NET Core apps
14 Mar 2018 by Ed Charbeneau
In this article, we'll learn how to migrate existing HTML Helper patterns to Tag Helpers. Through this process, we'll form a solid reference for utilizing Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core projects.
9 Jul 2018 by JamesEJ
Setting up a CMS to be able to preview and automatically route content in Angular with .Net Core
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Automation testing dogma and exploration
12 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
How to test SignalR Hubs in ASP.NET Core 2.1
3 Oct 2020 by Garai Márton
The first try hiccups and successes installing Bolero, a Webassembly framework for F#
8 Sep 2023 by Dawid Borycki
This article demonstrates how you can use ASP.NET Core with Windows 11 to build a web server for a headless IoT application. You will gain insights into harnessing Arm64-powered devices that offer high performance while consuming minimal power for your IoT applications.
6 Dec 2020 by Shenwei Liu
An Angular sample application that includes selecting, adding, updating, and deleting data with HttpClient service, reactive forms for object and array types, in-line data list editing, custom input validations, and various other features (latest update with Angular 11 CLI and ASP.NET Core 5.0).
11 May 2018 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Most of the examples using Blazor I've seen so far include some simple pages, buttons and forms. So I decided to investigate whether it would work with my old Bricks game to help explore WebAssembly.
2 Oct 2019 by Eduard Silantiev
Deep refactoring and refinement of ASP.NET Core WEB API application code
17 Oct 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
In this article, we will learn how to implement a simple Real-Time poll vote results using SignalR 2, MVC, Web API 2, jQuery and HighCharts.
15 Feb 2021 by Shenwei Liu
Presenting an advanced Angular modal dialog service and demonstrating dialog uses and issue resolutions (updated to Angular 11 and available with npm library package).
18 Aug 2018 by Jitendra Selvam
This article is on how to upload and retrieve images from your .NET core 2.1 API.
2 Jun 2018 by Juan G. Carmona
7 Nov 2023 by Michael Gledhill
A cheatsheet for getting your Web APIs up and running as quickly and painlessly as possible
27 Mar 2017 by Tyler Rhodes
Reflections on writing a simple blog engine in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core
29 Jul 2019 by Akhil Mittal
For this tutorial, we’ll create a simple ASP.NET Core web application, containerize it with Docker, then deploy it to an AKS cluster.
22 Mar 2018 by Angel Gabriel Valdés Sarduy
This project is an ASPNET Core MVC site with a generic controller for CRUD and searchs.
29 Nov 2020 by Shenwei Liu
A full-structured data service sample application migrated from ASP.NET Web API 2.0 to and between ASP.NET Core version 2.1, 3.1 and 5.0
4 Apr 2017 by Robert_Dyball
Covering conversion from Angular 2.40 to Angular 4.0 + Publishing the ASP.Net Core / Angular 4 SPA to IIS using VS2015.