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by Michael Haephrati
Now you can store your own voice recordings kept by Amazon but not made available to customers
by Dave Kerr
There are cases where great efforts have been made to adopt microservice patterns without understanding the specifics of the problem at hand...
by Timothy Svecz
Amazon AWS: Setting up FTP on EC2 Windows Instances
by Mike V Baker
This article describes the process of setting up Single-Sign-On (SSO) for a Node.js website hosted on Amazon Web Services and configuring Elastic Beanstalk for HTTPS.

Latest Articles

by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use Amazon ECS and API Gateway to implement Microservice
by Bohdan Stupak
This article describes a super-minimalistic auth endpoint based on AWS Lambda.
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Application that can be used to work with subd and connecting Amazon RDS to the project
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
In this article, I'll show you how easy it is to move your MS SQL database to Amazon RDS cloud

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7 Nov 2019 by Michael Haephrati
Now you can store your own voice recordings kept by Amazon but not made available to customers
16 Jun 2018 by Mike V Baker
This article describes the process of setting up Single-Sign-On (SSO) for a Node.js website hosted on Amazon Web Services and configuring Elastic Beanstalk for HTTPS.
14 Sep 2019 by Arthur V. Ratz
How to create and export TensorFlow S&P 500 Index prediction model and serve it using TensorFlow Model Server
7 Oct 2023 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Use Amazon ECS and API Gateway to implement Microservice
11 Mar 2019 by Preetam U Ramdhave
This article will help you to implement the functionality where you can store your sensitive data in the amazon Secrets Manager and access while bootstrapping the application.
8 Sep 2019 by Arthur V. Ratz
How to properly install and configure SAP-HANA and TensorFlow Model Server to predict the S&P 500 Index
8 Aug 2012 by irriss
How the Amazon Cloud solutions help tackle huge load and how much it may cost
21 Jul 2016 by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Article illustrates "infrastructure as a code" concept for automating Amazon VPC creation.
3 Aug 2022 by Bohdan Stupak
This article describes a super-minimalistic auth endpoint based on AWS Lambda.
19 Dec 2015 by RiniBoo
Automatically update your dynamic IP address, supports multiple DNS Providers and IpCheckers. Project was started to update Amazon AWS Route 53.
19 Apr 2018 by Sudip Bhakta
How to create AWS Serverless API (API Gateway + Lambda Function) in .NET Core, C# using AWS SDK for Visual Studio
3 Jul 2018 by raddevus
Arduino Uno: Using your ATMega328p-u as stand-alone
27 Jan 2019 by Vangos
Today, I would like to introduce you to the Orbbec Astra sensor and the Nuitrack body-tracking SDK. This is an in-depth tutorial for software developers who would like to use a new depth sensor and a new body-tracking SDK to develop amazing motion applications.
9 Mar 2019 by Rajat-Indiandotnet
Web scraping for analysis using the Microsoft Power BI tool
19 Apr 2016 by Richard Hyatt
Part 2 of our series on simplifying and securing AWS Lambda code using Node.js
15 Dec 2017 by Intel
This guide demonstrates steps to communicate with Amazon Kinesis and DynamoDB on Ubuntu using the UPSquared and a Gigabyte gateway.
29 Dec 2019 by Matthew Casperson
Learn how to call API Gateway with Cognito credentials from a JavaScript client application
14 Jun 2021 by PaulKukiel
Build a Custom PHP MVC in 30 mins and deploy to AWS lambda
25 Mar 2013 by Amazon
If you’re new to the Amazon Mobile App SDK, it provides APIs, tools, and resources to leverage the features and services offered by Amazon.
7 Apr 2013 by Amazon
Getting Started with the Amazon Mobile Ads API
14 Dec 2015 by Dr. Song Li
This is a study note to setup Tomcat on an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance.
21 Jul 2017 by Intel
This tutorial will show you a method to restart your Amazon Greengrass Core Device remotely using HDC.
27 Jul 2017 by Kurt Swendson
Steps to do unattended Elastic Beanstalk install
30 Oct 2019 by Krishna P Seetharaman
Describes how HANA and SageMaker can be used to analyze the truck and driver data for ML predictions
9 May 2020 by Dr. Song Li
Discussion about AWS CLI & SAM CLI
20 May 2019 by James A. Brannan
How to use AWS Java 2 API to create a Rest application using Spring Boot that reads and writes to a DynamoDB database
2 Jun 2019 by James A. Brannan
Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service using the Java 2 Software Development Kit
7 Dec 2016 by DataBytzAI
Understand what Amazon AWS Lambda and Azure functions are and how they emerged.
4 Mar 2019 by Ryan Peden
A brief overview of what Serverless is, and why giving it a try is worth your time.
13 Jul 2017 by Chris Moutsos
How to connect to Amazon S3 with gSOAP to store and retrieve data
6 Feb 2017 by Anuja Pawar Indore
Multi-Tenancy means same instance shared amongst all customers.
12 Dec 2011 by RaisKazi
Step by step overview of consuming Amazon Web Services (SQS, S3) using C#.NET
3 Feb 2013 by TheCodeKing
This article provides a solution for deploying multiple applications to a single AWS instance when using AWSDeploy.
4 Nov 2019 by Allister Beharry
Using data from the Global Historical Climatology Network project we can crunch, analyze, and make predictions using gigabytes of numeric climate data collected over two centuries with the SAP HANA in-memory database and Amazon SageMaker hosted Jupyter notebooks.
23 Dec 2011 by Henry He
This article is to show all the cloud products in Amazon web service family to let developers have a big picture of Amazon cloud computing solution.
14 Apr 2016 by johnniealan
My interview experience with Amazon
25 Feb 2017 by Vipul_Poojara
Write serverless functions using AWS lambda and C#
2 Mar 2011 by Won Dong
To utilize cloud service as an anonymous desktop environment in Amazon S3 and EC2 Windows instances
31 May 2014 by netfed
A Winforms application for configuring EC2 security groups - a future winforms ec2 console
10 Apr 2016 by Richard Hyatt
First part in a three part series that covers using the open source project vandium to simplify and secure AWS Lambda code
19 Jul 2017 by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
30 Oct 2019 by Krishna P Seetharaman
Storing and analyzing various patient data can be useful for diagnosis and prediction