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by Gokuldas
Real time SPC is a Web Application for iPad and Androind using HTML5 and jQuery AJAX.
by Ponnurangam D
BlackBerry Java application development using Visual Studio.
by Renaun Erickson
Some basic concepts about the RIM BlackBerry PlayBook, the Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash Player runtimes, the relevant SDKs and tooling choices, the BlackBerry ecosystem, and how they all fit together
by Mihai Corlan
Extend TileList and AlternatingCellRenderer QNX

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by Android on Intel
Linderdaum Engine is an open source, purely object-oriented 3D gaming engine for Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and BlackBerry OS 10 written in C++.
by Marco Bertschi
A short guide on how you can style and customize the appearance of you QML controls in a CSS-like way
by K Stock
Article #2: How to install the multi-mobile-platform MoSync development environment
by K Stock
Article #3: Getting started with MoSync for Android (and other mobile platforms)

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