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Everything / Web Development / CSS3



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by veen_rp
Some templates for HTML5, CSS3 and pure JS to create .NET style panels and splitcontainers, using CSS classes for docking. Pure HTML/CSS/JS solution, JQuery not needed.
by Florian Rappl
Creating a highly extensible presentation app with multi-user and device integration for tablets.
by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Styling Your First Web Page
by Peter Leow
Getting familiar with Bootstrap's powerful, versatile, responsive, and mobile-first grid system.

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by ADemontis
Create a visual automatic webpage generator bot using ChatGPT-4o API
by Amarnath S
Sum of Sines in HTML5
by Zijian
Basic user interaction designs with buttons in Web applications
by Graeme_Grant
ARIA compliant normal and EditForm Toggle switches with light & dark theme support baked in. Six bonus custom skins included.

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13 Nov 2016 by veen_rp
Some templates for HTML5, CSS3 and pure JS to create .NET style panels and splitcontainers, using CSS classes for docking. Pure HTML/CSS/JS solution, JQuery not needed.
13 Aug 2013 by Florian Rappl
Creating a highly extensible presentation app with multi-user and device integration for tablets.
4 Apr 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Styling Your First Web Page
17 Feb 2016 by Peter Leow
Getting familiar with Bootstrap's powerful, versatile, responsive, and mobile-first grid system.
15 Mar 2012 by David Rousset
We’ll see in this article an interesting demo highlighting the potential of CSS3 animations, how to build simple animations & how to handle fallback in JavaScript
2 Apr 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Building on the Basics
12 Aug 2014 by Ben Liebert
Here is a step by step guide to building a cross-platform application in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
6 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This article is a startup kit for anyone who is new to HTML and CSS.
7 Jul 2017 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
An ugly look of a TOC based on ul elements is the only problem preventing full automation of article writing; still, it's easy to fix
13 Oct 2017 by veen_rp
A small JavaScript module to create a modal dialog box or user input box in the familiar .NET style
12 Jun 2013 by Anshu Krishna
A tiny JavaScript library for dynamic CSS.
7 Apr 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Laying Out Your First Web Page
21 Jan 2016 by Kamlesh Ganar
This tip will show how to design Treeview in HTML using CSS and JQuery in a simple way.
4 Jun 2014 by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
Using CSS to animate a Solar System
24 Mar 2015 by Sander Rossel
Using Twitter Bootstrap to create pages that'll look good on all devices
10 May 2020 by Serge Desmedt
An article on the Bootstrap 4 Navigation Bar layout: what makes it work as it does?
27 Jun 2012 by Technoses
The above code will slow down the browser and the browser can hang when Rows in Grid will be 10000 or above.Please view the below suggestion:CS Codeprotected void grvGroups_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){ if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ...
16 Mar 2015 by Sander Rossel
The sixth in a series on web development.
27 Feb 2020 by Jeremy Likness
See what is possible to build using only plain, native "Vanilla.js" JavaScript. No frameworks!
4 Dec 2020 by Shmuel Zang
Create a component that presents samples graph using Vue Framework
22 Jan 2022 by Graeme_Grant
User preference theme support - supporting OS / Browser preference to custom user selection
5 Jun 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Here is the code sample I made: ...
7 Jun 2012 by Konstantin Kichinsky
How to use multiple backgrounds with CSS3.
7 Jun 2012 by David Rousset
The aim of this article will be to first describe the concept of transitions and then to see how CSS3 Transitions works and how we can handle browsers that don’t support the feature.
5 Apr 2013 by David Rousset
The Star Wars intro in pure CSS3 thanks to 3D transform & animations
30 Mar 2014 by Jacques Loubser
Part 1 of 12 to become a web design rock god!
2 Jul 2015 by Dave_Voyles
In short, I wanted to determine if does actually have great mobile performance, as well as have an understanding of how straightforward the process was for packaging my web application as mobile app.
15 Jul 2016 by Gabor L Ugray
A quick Windows programmers' guide to building a secure .NET Core web app for a Linux VPS and NGINX
22 Jul 2016 by Andrei Ion Rînea
Having fun with HTML 5 history API - Part 3
13 Mar 2024 by Graeme_Grant
Floats and clearfix are used for the old IE days. Modern browsers now use Grid[^]. Here is a video that shows you how: Responsive Dashboard Layouts with CSS Grid - YouTube[^]. And here is a series by guru Kevin Powell: The EASIEST way to get...
28 Oct 2010 by Steve Wellens
If you want to use divs and CSS for layout, look at the samples here:[^]
28 Oct 2010 by Dalek Dave
Some thing like this?A Header for the pageThe Navigation bar stuffJust set the css page items to your requirements.Here is an example....bodyclass{ margin-left:auto; ...
28 Nov 2010 by Pranay Rana
Handling long text using TEXT-OVERFLOW : ECLLIPSIS
7 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
Well, doing this[^], gave me these:Web Standards: Mastering Html5, Css3, and Xml[^]Learn HTML5: 10+1 Must Read Lessons[^]HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using[^]Learning about...
27 Aug 2012 by Gergo Bogdan
Windows 8 application development using the WinJS framework - DataBinding
25 Jul 2014 by Thomas Maierhofer (Tom)
TinyMCE additional HTML elements
26 Apr 2015 by saleem faeq
Animation of a cube using CSS only without any JavaScript or JQuery
31 Aug 2015 by Prava-MFS
Hello everyone, today I am going to share one basic thing, which you all may know about it. I am going to explain how can we create numbered list using CSS. So, let’s go through it quickly without wasting much of our time :). HTML provides us few ways of creating lists.
9 Sep 2015 by Dave_Voyles
I discuss the ins-and-outs of in depth in this article.
31 Jan 2016 by dan!sh
Each control in ASP.Net has its own Render method that creates the HTML that should be sent out to browser. This method uses HtmltextWriter to do so. I have not studied the internals of ASP.Net code so cannot really provide you with exact details. However, you can take a look at Reference...
27 May 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Portfolio Instead of #, you should provide the path to the related html pages.# refers, it will not target any URL, So by clicking the link it wont navigate to any other page, unless there is a jquery click event mapped to the anchor tags, but i am not seeing those in...
20 Feb 2017 by F-ES Sitecore
Use notepad to paste the contents of the three css files into a single css file.
20 Feb 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
based on the comment from Peter's solutionQuote:please share demo Step 1: Create/open a new Notepad file Step 2: open the abc.css file in a notepad (right click -> open with notepad ), copy the content and paste it in the new notepad file ( step 1 )Step 3: open the efg.css file in a...
20 Apr 2020 by Serge Desmedt
An update article on what you can do with the flex based Bootstrap 4 Grid system and what makes it different from the Bootstrap 3 implementation
22 Mar 2011 by dilnawazkhan
21 Aug 2011 by Daniel Gidman
Use of a CSS reset stylesheet is recommended more than something like this one off. Normalize the CSS across browsers. In general, it is better to add borders as the exception than it is to remove them from elements. There are many good CSS reset stylesheets and some like from the YUI Library...
16 Dec 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is a generator of CSS code for WebKit, Gecko and browsers implementing CSS3, so you can support them all in one CSS code:[^].—SA
16 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Check theseCSS3 Rounded Corner Generator[^]25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS[^]
24 Jan 2013 by HTML5 Partners
Getting to Know CSS3 Selectors, Part 2: State-Based, Target and Negation Pseudo-Classes
24 Mar 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Nobody said, that the color values in wpf are html color codes. Look here:[^]There is a comment in the article:Quote:So, those color codes are RGBA[^] codes. And now about html: CSS3 is supporting alpha...
5 Apr 2013 by Graham Breach
It's the CSS 3 general sibling selector:[^]
5 Apr 2013 by Brian A Stephens
Beware of the difference between ~ and ~= in selectors. The question refers to ~ which is used in a selector to find elements preceded by other elements with the same parent (see[^]).In the example in question, the z-index will be applied...
8 Apr 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You are not using the power of jQuery. For example, document.getElementById is not needed, because the jQuery ID selector does it. As to your question: you don't use clicked anywhere in code, so what do your expect?Try to follow the general pattern of jQuery code, use $( document...
1 May 2013 by Thanks7872
Excellent description is available on these links:Busy mouse cursor when page loading in ASP.NETChange the cursor to a Wait cursor in ASP.NET
7 Sep 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This problem has nothing to do with HTML5 or 4 (or any HTML version, as soon as it can use CSS). I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with embedding CSS style in the page and it won't confuse anything, whatsoever.As to the performance, it will be somewhat improved compared to the case...
26 Feb 2014 by Aravindba
Hai How to stretch background image for ie8,ie9,chrome and mozila ?TITLE HERE
20 Nov 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. I hope it will provide you with the hint of what to do. Do everything accuracy and avoid redundancy, that's all.—SA
29 Dec 2013 by thatraja
You didn't ask a specific question. And it's not a simple task what have you asked.You should start from beginning. Check this series for more details, almost everything covered.Challenges and solutions - Architecture of a Modern Web Application - Part 1[^]Challenges and Solutions -...
3 Mar 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You use paging media rules under @page, but not @media rules, which are designed specially for such purposes. Please see:[^],[^].This is the way to specify separate style set for printing.—SA
1 May 2014 by Sanket Saxena
You have write the code on DayRender event (DamithSL is correct)protected void Calendar1_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e) { if (!e.Day.Date > DateTime.Now.Date) e.Cell.BackColor=System.Drawing.Color.Red; }
27 May 2014 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Please have a look at these articles.How To Embedded StyleSheet File with Custom Control[^]Embedding and inlining resources in ASP.NET Web Controls[^]Regards,
11 Aug 2014 by Trung Nguyen Son
The parent div is missing!Simply add a parent div: within your body tag.
17 Aug 2014 by Ben Liebert
How to architect CSS
8 Nov 2014 by Chengxi Li
Introduce a Stunning Performance Mobile First Slider
15 May 2015 by Richard Deeming
No need for Javascript - you can do this in pure CSS:\#p1 { background-color:hsl(150, 100%, 80%); animation: color-change 18s infinite;}@keyframes color-change { 0% { background-color: hsl(0, 100%, 80%); } 50% { background-color: hsl(180, 100%, 80%); } 100% {...
1 Sep 2015 by Christian_Heilmann
The ES6 conundrum
11 Oct 2015 by Palash Mondal_
You can vh for height here like:.left { width:50%; height:100vh; float:left; background-color:#000000;}.right { width:50%; height:100vh; float:right; background-color:#04F9C8;}vh here actually is 1/100th viewport height.
18 Dec 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Host it somewhere and give the link to the clients.
28 May 2016 by Patrice T
See tag usage:HTML a tag[^]This site is a good tutorial to learn a lot of web related things.
17 Jun 2016 by Sinisa Hajnal
You have this in your CSS.container #images img:hover { cursor: pointer; border: 3px solid blue;If you don't want images to dance, don't put big border on the hover. Or if you want to have it, put on each image transparent border of the same width.
5 Sep 2016 by David_Wimbley
I think what you mean to do is the following:h1.class{ color:green;}h1.class1{ color:blue;}Or you can simply do.class{ color:green;}.class1{ color:blue;}Which does not limit your css here to just h1 elements.
20 Feb 2017 by Peter Leow
Paste the contents of the 3 css files in the order that they appear into one text file and call it say 'three_in_one.css", then link it to your html file
8 May 2017 by Richard Deeming
What you've got shouldn't work - a page loaded from the internet should not be able to load a file from the user's local file system. The fact that it works in Edge seems like a bug to me. You can either use URL.createObjectURL[^] or FileReader.readAsDataURL[^] to load a preview of the image....
11 May 2017 by OriginalGriff
Um. You do realize that Netscape died as a browser in 2008? And that any new features added to the spec since then will not work? And that the market share for Netscape today is so low that it isn't even recorded separately in the "others" that share 1.7% of the browser market? Check your code:...
11 May 2017 by Jochen Arndt
Why do you want to support the Netscape Navigator? That is no longer maintained and the last version is from 2008. If you really want to support it you have to avoid CSS3 because the browser has only very limited CSS support.
2 Nov 2017 by Karthik_Mahalingam
try using iTextSharp.text; using iTextSharp.text.pdf; using System.Data; using System.IO; namespace B13 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10, 10, 10, 10); var pdfPath =...
28 Nov 2019 by Harsh.Shah.ifour
Hi Hover works on disabled button. i have tried to run your code and found a one syntax mistake. but then by solving it, your code is working now. take a look here: Hover over disabled button[^] hi you have used text as a class in above div but when you apply...
26 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
Quote: what is the languages used in creating Code Project? A bunch of 'em: English, Australian, and French. PLus the usual culprits: C#, Javascript, a huge pile of SQL, and some JS frameworks, I believe. Quote: best choice of languages to...
1 Jun 2021 by Richard Deeming is the element which was clicked: - Web APIs | MDN[^] .dataset returns the set of data-* attributes on that element: HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset - Web APIs | MDN[^] Using data attributes - Learn web development | MDN[^] ...
3 Jan 2023 by OriginalGriff
Pretty much all tables work the same way as a calendar: days across, weeks down: February Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat W1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 W2 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 W3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 W4 22 23 24 25 ...
22 May 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
As per Karthik_Mahalingam, All of your elements is enclosed inside this div - The style is set to not display hence the fact that you see nothing whilst the code is running fine as expected...
25 May 2023 by Graeme_Grant
If you are looking at fragment navigation within a page, then you need an element with an id property. the id property marks the destination target. Then you can use your anchor to navigate to it. The id property can be any element type, even...
9 Oct 2023 by Mike Hankey
Start here Learn Web Development Basics – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Explained for Beginners[^]
26 Nov 2023 by Mike Hankey
According to this :nth-child | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks[^] looks like this will work [href*="blog"]:nth-child(-n+3) { background-color: red; } [Update] Went to W3Schools Tryit Editor[^] and this seems to work ...
7 Feb 2024 by Graeme_Grant
Here you go: *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Gotham Rounded, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 16px; } body { padding: 0; margin: 0; background: linear-gradient(to right, #00fffb,...
24 Feb 2024 by
Try to change the font size of your html element, not the body font size.[^]
11 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
Press ESC and it will ignore all it's suggestions - then you can press TAB without an insert. Or you can disable Intellisense in "Tools ... Options .... Text Editor ... Your prefered language ... Intellisense ... Show completion list after a...
11 Mar 2024 by Richard MacCutchan
You already have the answer in your earlier post of this question. Please do not repost.
31 Mar 2024 by OriginalGriff
Google is your friend: Be nice and visit him often. He can answer questions a lot more quickly than posting them here... Less than a minute with google gave me this: How to Write HTML/CSS Faster with Emmet Cheat-Codes[^] When there, use CTRL+F...
25 Aug 2010 by senguptaamlan
Hard luck....found the following link in forums.asp.net[^]
16 Jan 2011 by Blesson Mathew
just a look on the below link.this may help you[^]
16 Jan 2011 by raju melveetilpurayil
check the link it may help you[^]
9 Aug 2011 by Christian Graus
This[^] is how google works. Examples included.
12 Aug 2011 by thatraja
You can do that by using javascript. Just show/hide DIV based on mouse events, that's all.DIV Popup for the OnmouseOver Event[^]
20 Nov 2011 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Hi,this is works fine for me. i have tested it with (IE: 8.0, FF: 6.0)Hello to world You may use following: a .box { height: 300px; width: 500px; font-size: 1em; } a .box:hover ...
3 Feb 2012 by Martin Arapovic
Hi,As I can see from code that you posted everything is ok with your css.Only thing that makes you problem is jquery css fuction which is used to apply styles to an image. Look at jquery site[^] for help about it.The code must look like this:$("#ceo-image").css({ ...
7 Feb 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I tried it, compared Mozilla (SeeMonkey), Chrome and IE. IE sucks! However, it basically worked; I observed a different problem: your background color did not cover all the table on extreme zoom with IE, but it looked fine in other browsers.If fixed it by setting the background for the table...
11 Feb 2012 by DieOnTime
I have created a HTML5 webpage in which few spans appears by 'slideDown'(the jQuery style :)). But i'm having problems with animating it. So i tried the following.1. Commented the entire DOCTYPE tag Result: it's...
1 Mar 2012 by JeremyKyle
These are easy to implement:[^][^]take pick
12 Mar 2012 by dhage.prashant01
hello friends,please have a look on below code Name: Pwd: