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Everything / Desktop Programming / Cocoa



Great Reads

by David Lashkhi
Working with UIPopoverPresentationController
by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to setup and handle clipboard copying and pasting for X11, WinAPI, and Cocoa.
by PeteBarber
Optional Chaining with Dictionaries (in Swift)
by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to use macOS's Cocoa API in Pure-C.

Latest Articles

by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to setup and handle clipboard copying and pasting for X11, WinAPI, and Cocoa.
by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to use macOS's Cocoa API in Pure-C.
by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to setup and handle software rendering for X11, WinAPI, and Cocoa.
by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to lock the cursor and enable raw mouse input for X11, WinAPI, Cocoa, and Emscripten.

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19 Aug 2024 by ColleagueRiley
A tutorial that explains how to setup and handle software rendering for X11, WinAPI, and Cocoa.
25 Jun 2016 by Will J Miller
This article describes the implementation of a custom class called MMSCropImageView. The class gives the feature of drawing and moving a rectangle over an image to identify the crop region and return it in an UIImage. It explains the considerations and solutions for cropping a bitmap.
9 Aug 2024 by ColleagueRiley
Tutorial for creating an accelerated opengl context for X11, Windows, and MacOS. Based on my project: RGFW.
22 Jun 2015 by Will J Miller
Describes a design approach for implementing dynamic rows in a UITableView
22 Feb 2023 by Serhii Krotkykh
On easy example shown how to implement UIKit and SwiftUI TableView auto resizable cells and explained difference between Nib and Xib, how to load nib file and what exactly owner parameter of the load nib file method.