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Great Reads

by syed shanu
CocosSharp for Windows phone
by Android on Intel
This step-by-step guide walks you through the process of setting up and compiling different libraries that are used in gaming and multimedia specifically for x86 target platforms.
by Android on Intel
Icy Rocks Workload: A Real Workload for the Android Platform
by Android on Intel
In this article, I will explain how to build an NDK app for Android* on Intel® architecture.

Latest Articles

by YevheniyK
The article describes a general approach to using Cocos2d-x on top of native components and relevant coding specifics for Cocos2d-x, iOS and Android.
by syed shanu
CocosSharp for Windows phone
by Android on Intel
This article describes the best tools and engines to use for game development.
by Android on Intel
Icy Rocks Workload: A Real Workload for the Android Platform

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