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C# 2.0


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by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
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Article describes how to build an assembly that exposes functions to unmanaged code without C++/CLI
by Waleed Elkot
Reading text from any image using Microsoft Office 2007 OCR
by Josh Smith
Reviews a pattern which enables new possibilities for data binding.

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by Shivprasad koirala
Design Pattern FAQ - Interview Questions (Quick Reference)
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An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
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Clearcove.Logging is a very simple logging library designed to meet most logging needs with straight-forward licensing terms.
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In this article you will find an implementation of a stream player control.

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C# 2.0 

3 Feb 2017 by
In "REST - Overview" article, I were introduced the basic rules in RESTful, Can you show me how to implement in WebApi?Ok, in this article, we will learn how to implement those rules in WebApi using C#.Where could I get sourcode was used in this article?Please checkout the code at
30 Sep 2013 by Md. Rashim Uddin
How to download different types of files in
22 May 2009 by Diego Resnik
Cache mechanism is one of the basic infrastructures in every medium & above project, either web application or winForm application.
1 Sep 2009 by Jeremy Likness
Silverlight, with its powerful text and graphics manipulation capabilities and strong interaction with the scripting DOM, seems to be the perfect engine for a Captcha challenge.
14 Apr 2010 by Nuno M. F. Gomes
Finding out whether an assembly was compiled in Debug or Release mode is a task we must do from time to time...
8 Oct 2012 by Bahrudin Hrnjica
Golden Ratio and GPdotNET v2 User Interface
18 Mar 2014 by Pragmateek
How to reduce the size of MongoDB documents generated from .NET/C#
5 Apr 2014 by Pragmateek
Synchronization, Memory Visibility and Leaky Abstractions
15 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
How to compile .NET 1.1 projects in Visual Studio 2008
15 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
13 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
Running .NET 1.1 Applications on .NET 2.0
23 Apr 2012 by Giorgi Dalakishvili
This post is part of a series about building a simple mathematical expression evaluator.
20 Aug 2013 by James Kolpack
Traveling Salesman problem visualization.
21 Jul 2015 by EngineerSpock
Turn on your brain and extract when its meaningful
29 Sep 2009 by Jeremy Likness
Decoupled ChildWindow Dialogs with Prism in Silverlight 3
6 Nov 2009 by Giorgio Bozio
Separating layers and components with constructor injection and Unity
15 Apr 2010 by Nuno M. F. Gomes
ASP.NET ListView Control
30 Mar 2011 by Chris_Green
Understanding BackgroundWorker threads and how to encapsulate your own thread class
15 Sep 2009 by Jeremy Likness
Learn about the implications of using the ref keyword on reference types.
24 Aug 2009 by Salmanzz
In this post, I will explain you how I have embedded JavaScript, images and stylesheet to my previous article.
13 Jan 2010 by Mahmudul Haque Azad
Database driven unit testing using VSTS
17 Mar 2010 by Arun Jacob
This article shows how to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
14 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Make your class library COM visible using few simple steps
22 Apr 2009 by Wes Aday
IntroductionPrism is a set of libraries that allow developers to compose applications from separate components into a composite application.
5 Sep 2015 by Pragmateek
Introduction If you've already developed COM APIs with .Net, typically in C# with VBA as the consuming language, you've probably leveraged two powerful features: by-reference parameter passing that allows the API to change the input object itself, not only its ... Continue reading ...
13 Apr 2010 by Nuno M. F. Gomes
The ControlAdapter is available since .NET framework version 2.0 and his main goal is to adapt and customize a control render in order to achieve a specific behavior or layout.
7 Oct 2009 by Jeremy Likness
The TextBox control is popular in Silverlight, but comes with a few nuances. Learn how to filter textboxes and force databinding with attached behaviors.
15 Jun 2009 by Diego Resnik
If you don't really need a big session management solution that will cost you in performance (no matter what..) and you only want 2-3 parameters that will help you identify some user's preference without all the fuss, consider - soap extension.
11 Oct 2013 by SonuKSingh
Types of constructors available in C#
7 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Some of both Documented and Undocumented Keywords that we dont use often like Check, StackAlloc, Fixed,default,@variables,Nullables, __arglist,__reftype etc are explained with simple examples
28 Jul 2009 by Jeremy Likness
One known issue with Silverlight is that the DataContext bound to a control may change, but there is no readily available change event. Unlike WPF, you don't have an explicit event to register with in order to track changes.
6 Aug 2009 by Jeremy Likness
The pipeline pattern (sometimes also referred to as pipes and filters) has many useful applications. C# makes implementation even easier with the yield keyword.
20 Apr 2009 by Diego Resnik
Use AOP principals to centralize application policy
19 Mar 2012 by Md. Rashim Uddin
How to define your own dialog box
16 Sep 2019 by DotnetShtien
The lock statement was introduced in c# 2.0 to prevent multi threads access to an object at the same time.. In async programming model the goal of the locks is to limit the number of concurrent execution of a block of code to a defined number..
22 Aug 2009 by Steve Wellens
There was a question about this on the ASP.NET forums and after a quick search I didn't find a good generic function so I thought I'd supply one. Note: I wanted this to be as broad and useful as possible, so the second parameter is a ListControl which both the ListBox and DropDownList inherit from.
24 Apr 2014 by Pragmateek
Introduction Following my previous article on a similar subject, Extend your VBA code with C#, VB.Net or C++/CLI, I’ve received an interesting feedback from a VBA developer who wanted to leverage the advanced support of the .Net framework for regular … Continue reading →
17 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
C# 4.0: Alternative To Optional Arguments
31 Jul 2010 by atverma
Criteria behind choosing IDisposable, IComponent, Component, MarshalByValueComponent and base Control classes(System.Windows.Form.Control and System.Web.UI.Control) while implementing a Class
2 Jul 2009 by Salmanzz
How to create a Date Picker Composite Control in ASP.NET (C#)
21 Jan 2010 by kiran dangar
Developing custom AD rotator control with multiple Image Mapping using C#.NET & XML
3 Jun 2009 by Jeremy Likness
Learn how to best embed/associate JavaScript with ASP.NET user controls
6 Oct 2009 by Jeremy Likness
One of the most powerful benefits of Silverlight is that it uses the DependencyProperty model. Using this model, you can have great attached properties to describe reusable behaviors and attach those behaviors to certain elements.
8 Sep 2009 by Ashish Sheth
Using CultureInfo for Globalization/Localization of an ASP.NET applictation.
7 Aug 2017 by JasonShort
Buffer.BlockCopy is not as fast as you think
18 May 2009 by gUrM33T
A simple workaround to avoid boxing and unboxing while still using a non-generic IList implementation