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Great Reads

by EgorYusov
An introduction to ray tracing API in Diligent Engine
by Kenneth Haugland
Create HLSL files, compile them and use them in a WPF appliction. A light Shazzam Shader Editor tool for Visual Studio
by Simon Jackson
HLSL Development Cookbook Review
by EgorYusov
This article introduces the problem of resource state management and synchronization in modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan and describes a solution offered by Diligent Engine.

Latest Articles

by EgorYusov
An introduction to ray tracing API in Diligent Engine
by EgorYusov
This article introduces the problem of resource state management and synchronization in modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan and describes a solution offered by Diligent Engine.
by Kenneth Haugland
Create HLSL files, compile them and use them in a WPF appliction. A light Shazzam Shader Editor tool for Visual Studio
by Simon Jackson
HLSL Development Cookbook Review

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11 Jan 2021 by EgorYusov
An introduction to ray tracing API in Diligent Engine
10 Sep 2015 by Kenneth Haugland
Create HLSL files, compile them and use them in a WPF appliction. A light Shazzam Shader Editor tool for Visual Studio
19 Sep 2013 by Simon Jackson
HLSL Development Cookbook Review
22 Dec 2018 by EgorYusov
This article introduces the problem of resource state management and synchronization in modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan and describes a solution offered by Diligent Engine.
13 Jan 2013 by John Weyland
Hello,I am trying to figure out a good strategy to dynamically load shader files into my DirectX 11 engine, but that doesn't seem to be working out too well. I have made my own method to scan a directory and its sub-directories, but I guess that doesn't work either. (I'm a bit rusty,...
17 Jan 2013 by Olivier Levrey
Hi guys,I am using Visual Studio 2010 and Shazzam Editor for a C#/WPF application.I would like to map colors to an image made of floats using a pixel shader but I am stucked.For example, let's say I want to map a blue-red gradiant to that image (the min/max will be set by the...
11 Feb 2013 by IDominator
Hi folks, I've been trying to generate shadow volumes with the gpu.But can't get the geometry shader to produce output.So how can I create a shader with stream output in slimdx? Can someone give me an example with code in hlsl and slimdx?Edit:@ CHill60here's some...
31 Dec 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is pure and very simple arithmetic. If, for example dist1 becomes 5, your r will be zero. Note that actually it could be non-zero value close to zero. Use the debugger and find the reason. This is all to be said based on your limited information.Good luck,—SA
8 Sep 2015 by Ravi Tuvar
Here is the scenario..I want to share HLS Live Streaming(.m3u8) on Facebook and it should play the live video in user's profile..How can i achieve this..?Here is my Sample Code..
12 Apr 2018 by Member 13755707
my code below I need to bind a shader to my program... My code below has no shader code only code for my menu hook only 'gui interface" #include "MenuClass.h" oReset pReset; oEndScene pEndScene; QmoMenu dMenu; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 g_pDevice = 0; int xFontOffSet = 15; int hackopt1; int...
21 Jun 2019 by OriginalGriff
Don't post this under Quick Answers - if you got the code from an article, then there is a "Add a Comment or Question" button at the bottom of that article, which causes an email to be sent to the author. They are then alerted that you wish to speak to them. Posting this here relies on them...
26 Oct 2012 by Inaki Ayucar
How to properly calculate the Diffuse contribution of lights in HLSL shaders
14 Feb 2013 by IDominator
hello folks,I keep getting an access violation exception when I create a pixelshader.Here's the code: HRESULT result; ID3D10Blob* errorMessage; ID3D10Blob* vertexShaderBuffer; ID3D10Blob* pixelShaderBuffer; D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC polygonLayout[2]; unsigned int...
1 Jan 2015 by mostwanted4
I have a pixel shader in which I have the following partimgcolor.b = 0;imgcolor.r = 1 - dist1 / 5;imgcolor.g = 0;if I make the following changeimgcolor.b = 0;imgcolor.r = 1 - dist1 / 5;imgcolor.g = 1 - min(1,max(0,dist2));where both dist1 and dist2 are float the red value becomes...