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Everything / HTTP



Great Reads

by honey the codewitch
Unleash the tiny ESP-01 on your network
by Michael Bergman
Using Windows Communication Foundation to build a simple web server
by phillipvoyle
A sample implementation of a minimal http web server using boost::asio in C++
by honey the codewitch
Explore an Arduino based IoT web server and UDP multicaster for monitoring a remote water pump

Latest Articles

by honey the codewitch
Unleash the tiny ESP-01 on your network
by Michael Bergman
Using Windows Communication Foundation to build a simple web server
by phillipvoyle
A sample implementation of a minimal http web server using boost::asio in C++
by honey the codewitch
Explore an Arduino based IoT web server and UDP multicaster for monitoring a remote water pump

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by Michael Bergman
Using Windows Communication Foundation to build a simple web server
by honey the codewitch
Scraping the web is easy with Visual FA. Here's an example of how.
by dumsky
Getting it all together - Controller, Service, $http, caching and more
by metastruct
When WebClient, HttpRequest, and all else fail, BITSadmin solves your download woes
by Abdallah Al-Dalleh
How to handle post data coming inside an HTTP POST request
by Aniruddha Loya
How to set up Apache 2.2 on MacOS to test websites with self generated certificates in order to verify settings for secure HTTP (HTTPS)
by amove1
It is easy to import and use SOAP webservice with web reference facility in Visual Studio, however setting SOAPAction needs a extra work on webreference libraries specially when using third party Java provided services.
by Alexander Iskhakov
Creating a HTTP proxy using Play framework and WS API
by Dimitri Rakviashvili
Simple trick that allows you to log HTTP POST data in standard IIS log, without rewriting existing web application
by Amogh Natu
This tip explains how to call a web method with a POST request using xml request messaage in C#.
by Lewis Kerr
A quick code solution of how to make HTTP requests through a proxy with Java
by Ray Radin
In PHP, there is the standard, documented code for returning HTTP response code. This is the undocumented, shorter alternative.
by honey the codewitch
A simple home HTTP server that works across all .NET platforms
by Zijian
Upgrade to Angular 5 and HttpClient while Http is deprecated in NG5
by Prasad Agarmore
Datacontract channelfactory WCF way of consuming SOAP web services written in C, C++ using gSoap framework on Linux platform
by Martin Vorbrodt
by codiemorgan
When you want your Texture2D resource to download from the Internet