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by Bruce Greene
A plot control based on the WPF Helix Toolkit for visualizing a real-time stream of 3D locations

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by Bruce Greene
A plot control based on the WPF Helix Toolkit for visualizing a real-time stream of 3D locations

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30 May 2018 by Bruce Greene
A plot control based on the WPF Helix Toolkit for visualizing a real-time stream of 3D locations
7 Oct 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: Track should be fake, no matter where, the main thing that would be in a circle. When a plane fly between too positions, it try to fly the shortest path. The shortest path is known as 'arc of great circle". Great circle - Wikipedia[^] Great-circle distance - Wikipedia[^] Why Are Great...
7 Oct 2018 by Ledrunning
Hello everyone! It is necessary to draw track way of a three-dimensional model of the aircraft on a 3D model of the Earth. Track should be fake, no matter where, the main thing that would be in a circle. Approximately as in the image(link). I read about physics, and about quaternions (also about...