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Great Reads

by DotNetSteve
A gentle introduction for DI and IOC in the first program most of us have written - Hello World
by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
by Hein Pauwelyn
This is an application made for Windows (Universal) 10 devices made with MVVM, IoC-containers and dependency injection. There is also an API from Yahoo and SQLite service.
by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17

Latest Articles

by Jason Sultana
A look at some injection-style vulnerabilities
by Jason Sultana
Understanding and preventing Newline Injection
by Chinmaya C
Explanation about DIP and its need in the real time scenario
by L. Michael
This article provides a recipe on how to avoid producing legacy code at the speed of typing by using a proper architecture and unit testing.

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26 Feb 2016 by DotNetSteve
A gentle introduction for DI and IOC in the first program most of us have written - Hello World
28 Dec 2016 by Fiyaz Hasan
Learn how dependency injection mechanism has evolved from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
29 Jul 2016 by Hein Pauwelyn
This is an application made for Windows (Universal) 10 devices made with MVVM, IoC-containers and dependency injection. There is also an API from Yahoo and SQLite service.
1 Nov 2018 by Alexander Eremeev
The Windows kernel-hacking library and development framework written on C++17
14 Dec 2015 by Ciumac Sergiu
A simple way of using dependency injection and service locator in you class library
21 Mar 2014 by Baxter P
Dependency Injection Data Demo with Lazy Loading and Data Mocking
8 May 2014 by Halil ibrahim Kalkan
An implementation of dependency injection, repository and unit of work patterns using Castle Windsor and NHibernate.
30 Jul 2012 by Mike-MadBadger
A tour of various methods for protecting against PHP mail header injection and e-mail validation
26 Feb 2019 by L. Michael
This article provides a recipe on how to avoid producing legacy code at the speed of typing by using a proper architecture and unit testing.
7 Jun 2013 by Sarvesh Kushwaha
This article descirbes what SQL injection is and how to prevent from SQL injection.
21 Mar 2015 by Priyank Modi
In Depth Look: Strategy Design Pattern, Dependency Injection (DI), Open/Closed principle (OCP) and Loose Coupling vs Tight Coupling
28 Apr 2020 by Chinmaya C
Explanation about DIP and its need in the real time scenario
6 Feb 2012 by Apriorit Inc, Kotik Anton
In his article, we will consider an interesting, universal and rarely used method of code injection into a Windows process using KnownDlls sections. To demonstrate the method work we will develop a sample project to inject into all running processes and intercept some calls from ws2_32.dll.
10 Aug 2016 by Aless Alessio
Design your solution and code your classes as loosely-coupled objects. Learn how to use MOQ and Ninject for mocking your Service and injecting it at runtime with Ninject.
3 Sep 2013 by Nitin Singh India
How to identify dependencies and resolve them using Unity App Block. Simple Hello World.
19 Feb 2018 by syed shanu
How to use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core 2.0 and use the result to bind in our View page