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Great Reads

by Glenn Prince
This article is the first in the Data Cleaning with Python and Pandas series that helps working developers get up to speed on data science tools and techniques.
by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll set up everything we need to build a hardhat detector with OpenCV.
by Don Kackman
Using previous case and fatality numbers, predict future death rates based on current case counts
by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss materials and methods for this project.

Latest Articles

by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we implement a CycleGAN with a residual-based generator.
by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we discuss the concepts of conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN).
by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll create a container to run a CPU inference on the trained model.
by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll start applying our basic Docker knowledge while creating and running containers in the various MLng scenarios.

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29 May 2020 by Glenn Prince
This article is the first in the Data Cleaning with Python and Pandas series that helps working developers get up to speed on data science tools and techniques.
4 Jun 2020 by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll set up everything we need to build a hardhat detector with OpenCV.
2 Jan 2021 by Don Kackman
Using previous case and fatality numbers, predict future death rates based on current case counts
16 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss materials and methods for this project.
26 Apr 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll start applying our basic Docker knowledge while creating and running containers in the various MLng scenarios.
3 Jun 2020 by CHill60
The value of aid that you are trying to insert into the table ACTOR already exists on that table, and the column has a UNIQUE constraint on it. Either remove the UNIQUE constraint (probably not the right solution) OR check for whether you should...
22 Apr 2021 by Nick Veld
Jupyter + HDFS + YARN + Spark and only one open port using NGINX
17 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll work on restructuring ResNet50 to perform the new classification task.
18 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll fine-tune our ResNet50 model.
22 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll show you how to build a network for Covid-19 detection from scratch.
27 Apr 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll create a container to run a CPU inference on the trained model.
28 Oct 2022 by OriginalGriff
Rather than scraping which normally needs changing frequently to cope with site changes, I'd start here:[^] or here: How To Use the IMDb API (2021) [Tutorial] | RapidAPI[^]
22 Nov 2022 by Richard Deeming
Your code is iterating over the lines of the file, and testing whether the entire line is a digit. You need to remove the digits from each line instead. Try something like this: def removeDigits(str): return str.translate({ord(i): None for...
29 Aug 2020 by Eddie Winch
Hi there, I am using the following line of Code to get a DataFrame Output using Pandas :- import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import numpy as np import datetime as dt class work: def __init__(self,link): ...
4 Feb 2021 by Dave Kreskowiak
Short answer: No. The problem with what you want to do is the naïve notion of "one AI to rule them all". AI's have to be trained on a dataset to teach them about the data they are looking at. There is no one dataset or AI to predict the next...
19 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss the COVID-19 detection results we’ve achieved with our model and compare these results with those of other models.
18 Oct 2022 by OriginalGriff
Simple: if the condition is true, the continue statement is executed, and The rest of the loop body is not executed - the loop immediately goes round for another iteration on the next item in the collection.
22 Nov 2022 by Richard Deeming
Your res variable is a list of strings. You can't convert a list to upper-case; you need to convert each string within the list to upper-case. You can do that using the map function[^] again.
3 Jul 2020 by A. B. Dinshaa
I want to run java on jupyter notebook. On the upper right corner its only showing python3 no java at all. I have downloaded Ijava zip file but not able to find where to or in which folder to place the Ijava file and what to do to make it...
29 May 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
See How do I configure the kernel while iJAVA to use jupyter notebook for java codes - Stack Overflow[^]
31 May 2020 by A. B. Dinshaa
File "", line 37 sql_create_projects_table = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ACTOR { ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax when I write: sql_create_projects_table = CREATE...
31 May 2020 by OriginalGriff
Shouldn't that be a string? It's trying to process your SQL command as Pyuthon code ...
3 Jun 2020 by A. B. Dinshaa
IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: ACTOR.aid I was inserting entries into a table name as ACTOR by a python program which is giving above error. How to remove this error? What I have tried: I have tried to figure out why this error...
4 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
You have already been told how to fix this: How do I remove the following error?[^] Asking again is just wasting our time: if you don't understand the answer then you need to discuss it in the previous question. But solving all problems by...
12 Jun 2020 by A. B. Dinshaa
SQL Query: SELECT tod FROM Flights WHERE flno = 1; The file from which I am inserting by the SQL Query is a separate *.ipynb jupyter notebook file and the file in which I created the table is a separate *.ipynb jupyter notebook...
12 Jun 2020 by MadMyche
Based on the table structure you providedFlights( fino: integer -- PK , from: string , to: string , distance: integer , departs: time , arrives: time , price: integer ) Aircraft( aid: ...
21 Aug 2020 by Eddie Winch
Hi there I have the Following Code, which I run in Jupyter Notebook :- import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #res =...
20 Aug 2020 by OriginalGriff
Parse each line, and convert the date information to a datetime — Basic date and time types — Python 3.8.5 documentation[^] Those should sort "properly" where strings sort by finding the first different character pair and basing the whole...
23 Aug 2020 by Eddie Winch
Hi there, I have the following Python Code, which is run in Jupyter Notebook :- import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import numpy as np import datetime as dt class work: def __init__(self,link): ...
5 Nov 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
# YOUR CODE HERE That is the part that you are expected to write. This site does not provide code to order. However, if you have a specific question then please ask it and people will try to help you.
4 Feb 2021 by nuggetofwisdom
I'm not very good at coding, but I have some experience with python and google colab and I was wondering if there was a notebook/program that simply takes data and predicts the next piece of data? What I have tried: I've tried coding it myself,...
9 Feb 2021 by Member 15069110
There are actually a lot of automated platforms these days that are designed to help people tap into AI with no to little coding required. You might want to check out CLICK AI, they recently were on the news offering ㅁ free AutoML tool, by the...
5 Apr 2021 by Eddie Winch
Hi there, I am using the following Line Of Code, in Pandas :- diff = df6.loc[~df6['Venue'].isin(df1['Venue'])] diff And I am not getting, the DataFrame Output result I want. I wan't to have the DataFrame Rows Showing, where any Rows in the...
10 May 2021 by Sylron Fernandes
For example if a value from column b is in column a then print if value is present. -URL_Sites_List.insert(2,'MetaData','',True) Perform = Perform2.apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.lower())...
30 Jun 2021 by Halifia Hendri S Pd M Kom
I can't import cv2 in my Jupyter like this error message below: ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) in ----> 1 import cv2 ...
30 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Wherever you have installed opencv, the system cannot find it. Use pip to find out where it is: Quickstart - pip documentation v21.1.3[^].
3 Aug 2021 by Amel Hadfi
I've been able to use Sqoop & Flume import commands perfectly fine on Ubuntu terminal. But right now, I'm trying to do so on Jupyter notebook. 1) How can I import from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop command on Jupyter notebook? 2) what is Flume...
5 Mar 2022 by Junaid Ihsan
I have data in excel sheet, having two columns (YEAR, nT), now I want to plot these two but I'm not getting the required graph, the code is import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt M1 = pd.read_csv('MF.csv',...
2 Apr 2022 by OriginalGriff
Quote: im new to coding and i dont pay attention in class please help :( While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid...
2 Apr 2022 by A Barnard
"def isComposite(x):\n", " \"\"\"Returns whether or not the given number x is composite.\n", "\n", " A composite number has more than 2 factors.\n", " A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a...
2 Apr 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You do not have a function called isComposite; all you have at the beginning of your source are a lot of strings. Take a look at 4. More Control Flow Tools — Python 3.9.12 documentation[^].
19 Apr 2022 by darshanbs-wq
I have a dataset of covid total case total death and country name. I want add all details of total case,death and country name in world map using folium library and using popmarker, but it is showing "positional argument follows keyword...
19 Apr 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You have positional parameters after a keyword parameter which is invalid: folium.Marker( location=[data.iloc[i]['Latitude'], data.iloc[i]['Longitude']], popup=data.iloc[i]['Total_Case'], +' ' + data.iloc[i]['Total_Death'] +' ' +...
18 Oct 2022 by sunnyjohn
2000 4000 5000 4500 3800 If val is greater than 5500, why it is printing smaller values? and it gives different outputs after changing the location of print(val) functions. What I have tried: salary = [2000,4000, 5000,7000,8000,4500,3800] ...
18 Oct 2022 by OriginalGriff
Repost: Deleted. Please do not repost your question; use the Improve question widget to add information or reformat it, but posting it repeatedly just duplicates work, wastes time, and annoys people. I'll delete this one.
28 Oct 2022 by sunnyjohn
the tags are inside anchor tag.. a href and the title is inside a tags. I have tried it multiple time, but I am unable to extract title. can I scrap with any other method? What I have tried: movie = soup.find('a',href_="/title/tt0068646/") movie
4 Nov 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
You should make more use of the documentation, which explains exactly what the problem is: 4. More Control Flow Tools — Python 3.11.0 documentation[^].
22 Nov 2022 by DosNecro
def fileinput(): with open('constant.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() print(lines) print('Initial string: ', lines) res = ''.join([i for i in lines if not i.isdigit()]) print('Final string: ', res) fileinput() ...
9 Jan 2023 by ltxar
I have made a list of stopwords, called "stopwordlist" in Python, and then, the following code:STOPWORDS = set(stopwordlist) def cleaning_stopwords(text): return " ".join([word for word in str(text).split() if word not in STOPWORDS])...
29 Apr 2023 by Member 8840306
I am new in using tensorflow keras using python.I am trying to run this statement in Jupter Notebook import matlab.engine It is givng this error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matlab.engine'; 'matlab' is not a package For...
29 Apr 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
The relevant messages are: FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified // and RuntimeError: MATLAB installation not found in Windows Registry: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified And the...
30 Apr 2023 by Member 8840306
I am tyring to execute this code in anaconda Spyder import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python import keras from keras.models import Model from keras.models import load_model from keras.optimizers import Adam from keras.layers import Input,...
18 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we implement a CycleGAN with a residual-based generator.
14 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we discuss the concepts of conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN).
4 Nov 2022 by OriginalGriff
If you don't understand an error message, google it: SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument - Google Search[^] Every link there explains why it happens. So then look at your code: is there anywhere where a positional argument...
14 Feb 2018 by Jesse Casman
Using open source Jupyter Notebooks to show live code in your presentation
12 Jun 2020 by Thomas Daniels
This article provides some tips for experienced programmers to get up to speed with the basics of Python.
4 Apr 2023 by Mike Hankey
10 Sep 2020 by OwenDavies
How to get Jupyter Notebook running on Ubuntu 20.04
12 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we introduce transfer learning and ResNet50.
18 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Your code prints every value that is not greater than 5500. It should be for val in salary: if val > 5500: print(val) # print all values greater than 5500
2 Apr 2022 by silly baka
im new to coding and i dont pay attention in class please help :( scores = [87, 75, 75, 50, 32, 32] ranks = [] for score in scores: ranks.append(scores.index(score) + 1) ranks [1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5] (python OR Jupyter Lab) What I have tried: Ive...
5 Nov 2020 by wendy monyee
Anonymised scores (out of 60) for an examination are stored in a NumPy array. Write: A function that takes a NumPy array of the raw scores and returns the scores as percentages, sorted from lowest to highest (try using scores.sort(), where...
4 Nov 2022 by joyt18
fig = px.choropleth(overall_df, locations = 'state', locationmode = 'USA-states', scope = 'usa', color = 'positive', 'death', hover_name = 'state', ...
22 Nov 2022 by DosNecro
def removeDigits(str): return str.translate({ord(i): None for i in '0123456789'}) def fileinput(): with open('constant.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() print('Initial string: ', lines) res = list(map(removeDigits,...
9 Jan 2023 by Jebesh Barai
You can remove stopwords from Twitter data in Python using the NLTK library. The NLTK library has a list of stopwords that you can use to filter out words from your data. To remove stopwords, you can use the NLTK's stopwords corpus to filter out...
23 Mar 2023 by Prasanna Ravi JR
I want to read chart data for in trading for my assignment, how can i read the chart as image and scroll and then read once again like i want to read charts in real time from websites like tradingview or coingecko using any time frame. I want to...
4 Apr 2023 by Prasanna Ravi JR
this is my code to scrape the player data from this link from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd import requests as rq import numpy as np def remove(string): ns="" for i...
30 Apr 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Considering TensorFlow is underpinned by CUDA, which is nVidia specific, you've got a bit of a problem. See Can TensorFlow run on an AMD GPU? - Quora[^].