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Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
Simple uber type app using Akka/React/TypeScript/Scala/Play/Kafka/MongoDb/Rx
by Sacha Barber
An article on how to use the open source Apache Kafka messaging framework, with a bit of RxScala thrown in for good luck
by Igor Ladnik
Simple Kafka producer and consumer written in C# and Scala with Avro schema read either from local file or simple Web server
by Sacha Barber
In this post what we will be doing is looking at: How to install Kafka/Zookeeper and get them running on Windows, walking through a KafkaProducer, walking through a Kafka Streams processing node, and the duality of streams, and walking through Kafka Streams interactive queries

Latest Articles

by Sandeep Mewara
Issues faced while setting up Kafka on Windows OS and how I resolved it
by Sandeep Mewara
A guide to help learn about Kafka and do a setup & test of data pipeline in Windows environment.
by Alfredo_Fernandez
A quick tip on dealing with failures and errors with Kafta
by Igor Ladnik
Simple Kafka producer and consumer written in C# and Scala with Avro schema read either from local file or simple Web server

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