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by thoughts-on-coding
Implementation of Root Approximation Algorithms such as Bisection, Newton, Dekker and Brent
by Bahrudin Hrnjica
In this article, we are going to explore the main features in the new C# Juypter Notebook.
by Chris Maunder
A brief intro to using LaTeX in your articles

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by Bahrudin Hrnjica
In this article, we are going to explore the main features in the new C# Juypter Notebook.
by thoughts-on-coding
Implementation of Root Approximation Algorithms such as Bisection, Newton, Dekker and Brent
by Chris Maunder
A brief intro to using LaTeX in your articles

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10 Jun 2019 by thoughts-on-coding
Implementation of Root Approximation Algorithms such as Bisection, Newton, Dekker and Brent
16 Nov 2019 by Bahrudin Hrnjica
In this article, we are going to explore the main features in the new C# Juypter Notebook.
8 Mar 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
This is quite a difficult problem, to make the editor the way it is done in the page you referenced. This is done throw low-level graphics which is drawn on a bitmap which is then shown on the page. Drawing is not a problem at all, but logical structure of mathematical expression and translating...
11 Jan 2015 by Member 11367335
I am currently trying to develop a scientific calculator, and I have got to the point where any equations typed in by the user are transformed into LaTeX, I just need a control to view the equation. The control must also be able to function in real time to compensate for a blinking cursor.I...
11 Jan 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Basically, you would need to create a LaTex WPF component from scratch, but please look at this CodeProject article: A WPF TikZ Editor (TikzEdt)[^].Even though this is the editor, but your problem of rendering LaTex can be considered as a sub-problem of a problem solved in this...
11 Jan 2015 by Zoltán Zörgő
I doubt you will find something like that. You will need to use external tools or services. Take a look at the suggestions posted here: how to convert latex to picture[^]My suggestion is to use this one[^] to generate mathml. Than use something like this...
18 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Did you pay attention that the CodeProject content is viewed using Web browser, so it is delivered as HTML? :-) And HTML power in text and formula layout is pathetically miserable compared to LaTeX, which will defeat the purpose of all of the LaTeX power, in my opinion.An attempt to render...
27 Aug 2012 by ChineseGuy
28 Aug 2012 by Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko
TeX2PNG ([^]) is a tool for converting a LaTeX formula into a PNG image. It is written in C++ and uses classical software of Linux distributions: LaTeX, GhostScript and NetPBM (more precisely the programs pnmtopng and pnmscale).And you...
28 Aug 2012 by Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko
Usually, the LaTeX is used to create documents and for these purposes you should setup MikTeX or another TeX system. If you want to create only the formula, then you should consider the type of problem to be solved. For sites with dynamic content, it is advisable to use a modules like MathJs,...
28 Aug 2012 by Zoltán Zörgő
You could also use MathML, there is a library that can render it:[^]. And you can use this one to convert from latex to MathML:[^].
28 Aug 2012 by Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko
Notice nobody LaTeX does not overwrite its just execute. Use MathML is not always a good way out of this situation. Although in some situations, you could use it, for example when programming applications for browser or Microsoft Office or if you use MFC project with HTML Dialogs.
28 Nov 2013 by SubhamSoni123
Where can I get the latex Documentation like Java showing the set of classes, to help me develop documents because I am not able to remember the class names.Google isn't helping me out.
28 Nov 2013 by bjdestiny
For your reference please visit below mention below links.1. Wiki Link : Link[^]2.[^]3.[^]
8 Mar 2014 by Meysam Toluie
Hello ExpertsFirst, look at this page, please:[^]I need to create a user-control like something you saw in the above page;A Windows Form Label to show equations which are in laTex format. Is that even possible? If Yes, how?
8 Mar 2014 by Abhinav S
These articles might help youMath Equation Editor in C#[^]Converting math equations to C#[^]
19 Jun 2015 by NeverJustHere
use MathJax. It's a javascript library that does exactly what you want.[^]
1 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
SVN is a Source Version Control system - it holds and let's you "download" source code, not executables. Once you have downloaded source, you can compile it using the appropriate compiler. Depending on what language the code is written in, you will need to install the relevant compiler. For VB,...
14 Aug 2018 by Member 13949197
I'm trying to use MathJax to display some math that's been written in LaTex. I've put the MathJax script ( ) in the header, so everything loads just fine when the webpage first starts. But I need to be able to use this script with an onscreen button, rather than only in the header, so it will...
27 Nov 2021 by SAM FRYDMAN
I have been using Visual Studio Code for a couple months now and it has been fine. When I want to run a Python file (or any other file), there is a little green triangle button in the top right corner that I can click on. Yesterday, that triangle...
2 Nov 2021 by SAM FRYDMAN
Hi everyone. Thanks so much for your help. I am a math teacher and am also learning how to code. I used Microsoft Excel to create a bunch of worksheet generators so that I can press a button (Fn + F9) and generate a new worksheet with the same...
10 Jun 2014 by Chris Maunder
A brief intro to using LaTeX in your articles
18 May 2011 by ZeeroC00l
Hi,I have been reading a lot of CP articles lately, and found it odd that there is no LaTeX support provided in the Article Section. There are many articles Related to Image Processing includes equations regarding the Algorithms that needs to be implemented in them. Currently, those are...
13 Apr 2013 by jsolutions_uk
Over the past few months, I have been racking my brain to try and work out how, or even if it is possible to implement tabstops (and I do mean tabstops NOT tables) within lines broken using Knuths line breaking algorithm.It seems to me that the very nature of the algorithm means that when...
18 Jun 2015 by manish.communityhub
How to create mathematical Equation in
1 Dec 2017 by niksirat2030
I don't enough information about SVN, almost 10%. My question is: Is it possible to download the latest version of a free software with TortoiseSVN, and update it? My OS is Windows 10. For example, programs like TexLive or Code::Blocks. In the first case, the following points are...
18 Apr 2024 by MarkBarry
I create problems/questions in excel and transfer the questions to MS Word. I use MathType for Word. For nice math expressions I write the expression in Excel in Latex and copy and paste to Word. The you can "toggle" all Latex code and MathType...