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by Marc Clifton
A deep dive into the $lookup aggregator with examples of one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and nested relational "queries"
by Vikas Sharma
In this article, we will focus on aggregation pipeline. I'll try to cover each major section of it using simple examples. We will be writing mongo shell commands to perform aggregation.
by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases in MongoDB
by DiponRoy
Quick start example to run DB and clients in docker

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by Akram El Assas
Car Rental Platform with a mobile app
by Akram El Assas
Rental Property Management Platform with a Mobile App
by Akram El Assas
Microservices sample architecture using ASP.NET Core, Ocelot, MongoDB and JWT
by Akram El Assas
Open Source eCommerce Platform on Next.js

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21 Jun 2016 by Marc Clifton
A deep dive into the $lookup aggregator with examples of one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and nested relational "queries"
27 Oct 2016 by Vikas Sharma
In this article, we will focus on aggregation pipeline. I'll try to cover each major section of it using simple examples. We will be writing mongo shell commands to perform aggregation.
16 Jan 2013 by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases in MongoDB
6 Jul 2022 by DiponRoy
Quick start example to run DB and clients in docker
17 Oct 2017 by Nikola M. Živković
MongoDB basics
23 Feb 2018 by Manjunath Matathamana
Setting up Node.js and MongoDB backend, and then getting an application up and running can be challenging. This tutorial helps you make the whole process easier.
25 Jan 2018 by George Swan
How to use encryption and authentication to secure MongoDB
19 May 2022 by André Marcos (Advisor), GracianoSouza
React Native, Node.js and PostreSQL, a PERN stack to develop an app to support the lost pets searching process
19 Feb 2013 by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
7 Sep 2015 by Sander Rossel
The seventh in a series on MEAN web development.
13 Feb 2016 by Paulo Henrique S.S.
Getting started with MongoDB 3.2 and C# driver 2.0
3 Mar 2016 by witnes
CRUD with filtering for MongoDB version 2 driver
2 Oct 2016 by dileep
This post explains how to implement CRUD Operations in the MongoDB by using C#.
3 May 2017 by Pankaj Kumar Choudhary
Basics of MEAN stack development and concepts that are required for MEAN stack development
18 Oct 2017 by Nikola M. Živković
MongoDB basics
29 Dec 2015 by Peter Carrasco
This article describes a pub-sub model using AWS Lamdba along with SNS to keep your AWS-hosted RDMB system of record and cache in sync.
12 Feb 2016 by Marc Clifton
Part 1 of a 3 part series on how to use MongoDB for implementing a semantic database
3 Dec 2017 by Sibeesh Passion
How to use a MongoDB on our Node JS application with the help of the package Mongoose
9 Jan 2018 by Programming Tutorials by Tests4Geeks
Spring Data, Spring Boot, MongoDB (Example & Tutorial)
1 Mar 2018 by Sibeesh Passion
This is the continuation of exploring the Mongo shells, we will be performing some commands on the Mongo shells.
8 Nov 2019 by Petru Faurescu
Simplified guide to building a fast, secure web application backend
4 Nov 2014 by binit.ku.singh
Connect MongoDB from any working directory on ubuntu
8 Apr 2015 by ColdskyXia
How to get started with mongodb
9 Apr 2015 by johannesnestler
You Need to include "async" identifier in your method signature. MSDN is your friend:[^]
19 Jul 2016 by Intel
The exercise described in this article demonstrates how to recreate the prototype from the path-to-product project.
3 Jan 2017 by Fitim Skenderi
Connecting securely to MongoDB by using SSL from GO
6 Aug 2018 by Sarathlal Saseendran
This is a sample Python Flask program uses mongodb as database.
27 Dec 2018 by
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Manage Staffs - Part 2
23 Nov 2018 by Luke Vosyka
What if your Json contains a datetime value like "2018-11-23T20:56:05.3117673Z" and you need it to be in a BsonDocument as a proper BsonDateTime value?
24 Nov 2018 by Luke Vosyka
Serializing DateTimeOffset to DateTime in MongoDB is currently not supported. This solution will show you how it can work.
24 Nov 2021 by Arctype SQL
There are three major types of database models in use today. Learn about their differences and what applications they are good for.
14 Aug 2023 by Sandeep Mewara
It's a well documented sample application for learning WebSocket (using & react/node.js). References: Video: Realtime Chat App with React, Node.js, and MongoDB - YouTube[^] How to Create a Professional Chat API Solution...
17 Oct 2018 by Aditya Rajendra Patil
Don't mess with docker Network, else the below article on Docker with Network Complexity will be helpful!
N 10 Jun 2024 by Dave Kreskowiak
I seriously doubt it. The "source of truth" for whether the syntax is correct or not is going to be the mongoDb engine itself. It makes no sense to write another library to check the syntax when that ability is already in the db engine. Think of...
12 Sep 2013 by dmgcodevil
Framework for performing aggregation and plain MongoDB queries in myBatis style
27 Oct 2014 by xinxin0629
my application host server is and my mongodb server is, and now the mongodb server was started. the message was below:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[root@mongodb ~]# mongod --port 27017 --bind_ip...
9 Apr 2015 by anil pathak
// it will work if your .net framework would be 4 or 4.5 or upper[HttpPost]public async Task Createaccount(Register reg){ if (ModelState.IsValid) { var client = new MongoClient(); var db =...
13 Apr 2015 by Black_Rose
You can try downloading from here[^]
16 Jun 2015 by Chris_Riley
I recently spent some time with Rogue Wave OpenLogic product. OpenLogic is an “open source” component review tool.
31 May 2016 by roks nicolas
For those who deal with Text Research in MongoDb 3.2 with the new C# Driver, here is some advice.
28 Jul 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Not sure, why didn't find anything for such keywords but here a few of the articles on such thing, check if these are useful-Using AngularJS with MongoDB | Mongo JS | InformIT[^]AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners With NodeJS ExpressJS and MongoDB (Part I) - Adrian Mejia’s Blog[^]Try...
6 Jul 2017 by Pankaj Jha
This tip explains how to apply a filter on a nested array in a MongoDB collection.
21 Sep 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
What is the best? The one that works for you. This is such a subjective question it is impossible to give a valid answer.
27 Oct 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
Project Fields to Return from Query — MongoDB Manual 3.4[^].
12 Nov 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
java json - Google Search[^]
4 Dec 2017 by Sibeesh Passion
A chat application in Node JS with the back end MongoDB
9 Jan 2018 by Nicolas Bohorquez
In this article, we’ll explore using Alibaba Cloud’s ApsaraDB for MongoDB service, which allows us to set up NoSQL databases in a simple but scalable way.
16 Mar 2018 by Yaseer Mumtaz
After setting up the basic development environment, let's create the master/layout and home page
19 Nov 2018 by
Overview. As mentioned in "Manage Staffs - Part 2" part, It was easy to query the list of staffs as they were prepared before hand.. All necessary preparation steps occurred in "Add/ update staff information".. Let see "Add staff" first.. Add the following line into staffs.
16 Apr 2019 by Petru Faurescu
What’s about Problem / solution format brings an easier understanding on how to build things, giving an immediate feedback.
22 Mar 2020 by phil.o
Image data type is binary content. JSON, on the other hand, is text-based. The simplest solution would be to encode the binary content as Base64 strings on the mongodb side, and then decode the Base64 strings back into byte arrays on the MySQL...
11 Aug 2020 by Tridib Chatterjee
I'm trying to upload multiple files from my NodeJs application to a MongoDB database using Multer. But the problem is when I'm saving the location of the file in my database only one file location is saved while others are ignored. This is...
16 Apr 2022 by Mr Dev 2022
const [input, setInput] = useState([]); change this code like this. const [input, setInput] = useState({});
2 Sep 2022 by CHill60
Richard's idea is a good one and simple to implement. However it does not cater for growing data. I suggest that you extract the data as individual rows (per product per price) and then pivot that datatable to produce another Here are a couple...
16 Jan 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You are adding a new client twice, at the start of your code and then again within another if else statement. I am not familiar with the code used ?-Java/MongoDb -? but the basics is the same How it works - 1. Search data table for client with...
20 Feb 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
See Learn about building, deploying, and managing your apps on Heroku.[^]
13 Dec 2018 by ali_1
Hi, I want to insert a JSON file but it's showing that duplicate _id cannot be inserted in MongoDB . I have json input file in below format {"Name":"Name1","age": 21,..................} {"Name":"Name1","age": 21,..................} can any one help ? What I have tried: var client = new...
14 Jul 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
The problem lies within your 'removeElm' function when you try to laod 'userid - the path to 'demo/users is not found and thus no 'userid' is returned. Some steps to try and find the reason why the file is not found - 1) Make sure your localhost...
24 Sep 2020 by Sam_k_khan
router.get("/GetCategories", (req, res) => { console.log("again"); category.find((err, docs) => { if (!err) { res.render("Category", { viewTitle: req.viewTitle, list: docs, }); } else { ...
16 Aug 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
a Few changes is needed to make sure your message is sent and viewed - In chat.html - 1) Add a check to see if the user enters a message before sending it. 2) 'Listening' for the 'Enter' key press in the input field to send messages -
22 Oct 2023 by Member 16121670
Hi, I know it's a bit late to answer this question, but you could use reflection to construct the generic method with something similar to this: //var typeO = objeto.GetType(); //here is the problem. The var typeO is not accepted. //var...
21 Feb 2012 by NapsterBack
My Conf.xml file contains
9 Mar 2012 by manish86b
i have the same problem. Did you get any resolution to this problem ?I have posted a similar question on spring forums.[^]
29 Nov 2012 by sshl
29 Nov 2012 by André Kraak
Your BSON document exceed the limit being supported as the error message clearly states.See MongoDB Limits and Thresholds[^] for documentation about the limit.The way to solve this is making your document smaller.
26 Dec 2012 by theHollow
HelloI would first of all choose the ObservableCollection instead of the List.That is because that list inherits the ICollectionChanged interface so that changes in the collection will appear in the UI when binding to the collection form the ItemSource property on the datagrid. Second, ...
26 Dec 2012 by Oleksandr Kulchytskyi
Well obviously You might need to replace List> to more WPF convenient collection ObservableCollection> Items , where KeyValueHolder is siple entity , see:public class KeyValueHolder{ public string Key {get;set;} public string Value...
6 Feb 2013 by MemberCva
Hi all, I am new to mongodb, I have installed db and started working on simple curd operations. My application with database as Sql with lacks of records, I have to use mongodb for better performance of my application, so how can i work with and how do i start with MongoDB in my...
19 Feb 2013 by DevD9
Thanks. This is how i resolve it.table = new DataTable(); dgSearchResult.Columns.Clear(); string broker = string.Empty; string producttype = string.Empty; string currency = string.Empty; string productsubtype =...
1 Mar 2013 by aminov
i'm charged to developp web application with J2EE using mongodb database firstly i'm trying with a simple exemple : form login but it doesn't work.i need a simple exemple using mongodb database
1 Mar 2013 by Abhishek Pant
Integrate MongoDB into java web applications[^]
1 Mar 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
Then you should do some proper research: like this[^].
18 Mar 2013 by Manfred Rudolf Bihy
No!Yes: Getting Started with MongoDB Development[^]Since you didn't specify which language you are going to use to write your aplication, here is a list of all language bindings for MongoDB: MongoDB Drivers and Client Libraries[^]In case you want to use the C# language binding you...
2 Apr 2013 by Lalit Jethani
Hi,I am planning to make a high traffic website for a particular Geography, something like facebook,cricinfo which is expected around 20 lac hits daily(approx).It would also include rich user interface, Recommendation engine, profiles, games, chat feature etcIs there any favorite choice...
23 Jul 2013 by ridoy
Better if you start from this one..MongoDB and C#[^]And then..[^][^][^]
8 Aug 2013 by Benedict955
I have 2 mongodb database environments in my application and am able to switch from one to the other when testing. In one of the databases am not able to insert data, when I call db.Save(...) mongodb generates an object Id, but when I go back to retrieve using the object Id the data is not...
13 Aug 2013 by Musakkhir
I need one example of Insert,Update,Delete operation using MongoDB, ASP.NET and C#.
13 Aug 2013 by Code-Hunt
1 Sep 2013 by teamberks
How to automatically backup MongoDB ? for example dailyps : daily , monthly