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Node.js tools


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by Remo H. Jansen
A powerful IoC container for JavaScript apps powered by TypeScript
by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.
by A.Ebrahimi
Connect to local database on MS SQL Server in local machine and develop node.js code
by Dr. Song Li
How to host a private NPM registry

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by Dr. Song Li
How to host a private NPM registry
by pankajupadhyay29
A guide to creating an API Mocking utility in Node
by A.Ebrahimi
Connect to local database on MS SQL Server in local machine and develop node.js code
by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.

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Node.js tools 

10 Dec 2016 by Sibeesh Passion
In this post we will see how we can upload files or images to server using Node JS. Here we are going to use Visual Studio for our development and preceding NPM packages for our easy development. express multer body-parser We will briefly explain the use of these packages.
25 Nov 2017 by A.Ebrahimi
Connect to local database on MS SQL Server in local machine and develop node.js code
13 Apr 2015 by Black_Rose
You can try downloading from here[^]
23 Nov 2015 by codertravist
You can export your project on by clicking on your Project, then go to Settings, and then click on Export. This will download a JSON file that represents your project in JSON form. You can use this to either create a new project within, or use it within an application on Github...
16 Dec 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
You can't. One request = One response. If you're trying show a new page and download the file, the way to do it would be to have the new page make the request for the file, not the page you're leaving.
13 Apr 2015 by Am Gayathri
Anubody has installed mongo db in win 32 bit system, please help.I dont find Mongo DB set up file for Win 32 system in mongo db official site.[Mongo Db downloads]Here i can see set up for 64 bit but my system is 32. :(.I just installed RoboMongo without installing any other mongo db...
13 Apr 2015 by Am Gayathri
I got another link to download Mongo db for win 7 32 bit.[^]
5 Feb 2016 by ankitsrist
Hello, I am trying to install Ionic in my windows 7 pc. I have done installation of following DependenciesNode version v0.12.0, Cordova CLI, Ionic CLI version 1.7.14, Ionic app library version 0.7.0. But once i enter command npm start myapp blank It gives error cannot find...
21 Jul 2016 by Mayank_Gupta_
I tried using "PM2 module" for Clustering my Node.js application.But I am not sure about How will the Session Behave in this case. I have the following query regarding the same:1. Will the session be created only for a single core when the function is working on multi-core...
3 Aug 2016 by im.kishore
Hi i need a script (bat or ps.1) to generate node_modules as they are not checked in by the team to the repository. Im doing a XAML build from Visual Studio IDE the build agent folder is like D:builds\2\projectname\buildname\src\code\. I need the node_modules inside that...
4 Aug 2016 by baotdinh
hi guys,I am working with nodejs on godaddy hosting. I am using putty to install npm, nodejs on godaddy . Now in my nodejs application, when i run node server.js. It can listen. But i dont know how to use app.get('/getData'). How can i config the route ?Thanks.What I have...
22 Apr 2022 by Member 12435531
HyI want to create client-server . The server is in NOde.js and comunicate with hml/javascript page.Can you someone make me one example how to send to node.js and get back the sum to html file for variable in javascript?What I have tried://demo.html
15 Oct 2016 by Ali Majed HA
HelloFirs you have to use with id instead of name:Submitand your js function will be :function myFunction() { var x, y; // Get the value of the input field...
15 Oct 2016 by Member 12435531
Sum of two numbers function myFunction() { var x, y,sum; x = parseFloat(document.getElementById('firstnumber').value); y = parseFloat(document.getElementById('secondnumber').value); sum = x + y; ...
17 Oct 2016 by Keith Barrow
This is a broader question than can be given a detailed answer here. Your first step is to work out what you want your server side API to to look like - normally I'd suggest a REST architecture, but it only semi-applies here. In any case you need to define the URI scheme, that the client will...
14 May 2017 by User 4180254
refer to below link it should help - Installing and Running node.js applications within IIS on Windows - Are you mad? - Scott Hanselman[^]
10 Jul 2017 by veena nair
I am new to nodejs. When i tried to run the below code, it not giving me the correct out put. according to me the below program will generate a 'tmp.torrent' file . But it is not happening. What I have tried: var Torrent = require('webseeded-torrent-generator'); var fs = require('fs'); var...
10 Jul 2017 by _m0n
Hi, seems you are not handling error, and probably there are some connectivity issues, I suppose torrent.getMetadata().then(function data (buf) { fs.writeFileSync('tmp.torrent', buf) }, function err (err) { console.log('ERR', err) }) see error, handle it...
16 Dec 2017 by veena nair
how to send these 2 response for same single request.. when i tried the below code it shows an this error :- (node:4148) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Cant set headers after they are sent. (node:4148) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning:...
27 Feb 2018 by User 13555498
My node version is v9.3.0 and npm version is 5.6.0, and the angular-cli version being 1.6.1. Whenever I run a project, I receive the following error : Uncaught syntaxerror: use of 'const' in strict mode. Why is this error thrown ? How should I mitigate it ? What I have tried: I tried...
27 Feb 2018 by Cyrus_Vivek
Below is how the issue was handled in Git, trying this may help you resolve the issue. If you have a working version prior to update go to that installation and use: npm shrinkwrap or npm shrinkwrap --dev then a new file will be created npm-shrinkwrap.json Check that file and make sure...
5 Mar 2018 by Member 11052432
Hi All, My requirement is like - When User is already logged into Sharepoint then he does not need to enter his/her credentials on application. Here i am using Node JS and HTML page to fetch Sharepoint information and rendering on page. Every time Site/application is refreshed then it's asking...
6 Mar 2018 by Member 11052432
Hi all, How can i get Token of logged-in User on SharePoint? So that i can use this token to authenticate whether user is already signed-in or not on SP. I am using Node JS with HTML5. Can anybody help me on this. What I have tried: I am new to SP. So do not know how to get Token. Kindly...
14 Jun 2018 by Richard Deeming
Something like this: Title $20.00 Description… Title ...
14 May 2019 by Yonathan1111
Dear All, I got confused on how to authorize my node-app service using identity-server4, it is straight forward in dotnet environment but a bit confusing here in node. I wanted to secure all my services(shouldn't matter the platforms..) using Identity-Server4. Please clue me how to achieve...
21 Sep 2020 by Dr. Song Li
How to host a private NPM registry
22 Apr 2022 by Member 15611755
So we will use query string for this solution, so type this url in the browser localhost:9000/add?number1=25&number2=40. app.get('/add', function (req, res) { let sum = Number(req.query.number1) + Number(req.query.number2); res.send(`Sum...
20 Sep 2022 by jon773599
i want to get url of item but getting null string Link tag in xml const link =...
1 Dec 2016 by Sibeesh Passion
In this post, we will see how we can perform CRUD application in our SQL database using Node JS.
28 Nov 2016 by Neal Pandey
This article is a tutorial on creating a basic OData (Open Data Protocol) endpoint for a MongoDB database using MEAN stack.
10 Sep 2018 by pankajupadhyay29
A guide to creating an API Mocking utility in Node
2 May 2019 by Christian Graus
That's configuring auth in .NET core. It has little to do with identity server. .AddIdentityServerAuthentication (options => { options.Authority = "http://localhost:5000/"; options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false; options.ApiName = "api1"; }); This line is calling middleware provided by...
14 May 2019 by Yonathan1111
My solution is came out simple! What I did is, I have prepared an endpoint from the IdentityServer whereby tokens get validated. Then, I wrote a simple nodjes library whereby the nodejs service refers-to and uses it to send a token through and get validated by the IdentityServer. The nodejs...
27 Nov 2015 by Pavan Patle
I downloaded project and run successful but I want to know about how to implement or create new form.If we create new for using website then how to download that project or how to configure with github.
14 May 2017 by nik varma
Hi Guys, I am new in node. Kindly any one help me how can i deploy on production serve. i have searched on google but unfortunately i have not found any help full site. Please help me with the command (cli) if is their any to build for the node app What I have tried: i had tired with the git...
14 Jun 2018 by shivam gohel
SO, i want to make the horizontal line's mentioned in the image. like every coloum such match it's respective coloum with a dashed line. Please see the image for the information. I want exact copy of the pricing table in html/css. Here is the image link :...
2 Feb 2019 by Sathya5995
I need to create a workflow for management in node js using Since I am completely new to this, I seek help. Please advice what all things I should do for creating a workflow using this What I have tried: I tried to...