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Great Reads

by Carey Payette
The problem I am looking to solve while evaluating the LEADTOOLS SDK is to use a photo of a hard copy page of text taken with my phone, have it processed and displayed in the document viewer, then have it converted to Word format so that it can be easily edited.
by Chris_Riley
Warewolf is a promising offering to help nimble front-end applications perform heavy backend tasks. This write up is on my experience with the product.
by Dynamsoft
In this article, I’ll share with you how to utilize Dynamic .NET TWAIN in a WPF application to process your documents.
by meconer
Developing a display reader for raspberry pi

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
How to restore text from PDF files Encoded using custom CID fonts
by gbeene
Capture protected document content as text without the need for breaking DRM
by Chris Maunder
Working through the combinations to get PaddlePaddle and PaddleOCR installed and working everywhere
by Michael Haephrati
How to use an OCR SDK using C++ and libCurl

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