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by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
by Marc Clifton
Discovering some of the nuances of IIS and looking under the hood at how Katana/Owin does its initialization.
by Pawel idzikowski
How to replace the web API request query string to provide case insensitive OData search
by Shawn1Xu
OData Interoperability with .NET C# and Java applications

Latest Articles

by Jeremy Likness
Wisej is a powerful platform that abstracts away the nuances of client/server interactions while embracing all the web has to offer, including third-party HTML5-based solutions, it is the perfect tool for building enterprise web applications.
by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
by CurtisOHD
Best dialog for maintaining many to many tables
by Aydin Homay
How to use Microsoft OWIN to build a Microservice

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16 Feb 2015 by John Atten
Identity is fully compatible with the OWIN Authorization model, and when used in this manner, represents a very useful, ready-to go concrete implementation.
23 Mar 2015 by John Atten
This is the third post in a series in which we have built up a minimal, self-hosted, OWIN-based Web Api application essentially from scratch. In this post we'll pull in a minimal ASP.NET Identity implementation.
7 Aug 2014 by Sebastian Solnica
Common Authentication/Authorization between .NET4.0 and .NET4.5 Web Applications
5 May 2015 by Jasminder Singh
In this article, I will share my learning about what are O.W.I.N. and Katana and will also try to get into some basic details that makes them important concept to be learnt. So let's start with their basic definitions first.