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Great Reads

by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
by Marc Clifton
Discovering some of the nuances of IIS and looking under the hood at how Katana/Owin does its initialization.
by Pawel idzikowski
How to replace the web API request query string to provide case insensitive OData search
by Shawn1Xu
OData Interoperability with .NET C# and Java applications

Latest Articles

by Jeremy Likness
Wisej is a powerful platform that abstracts away the nuances of client/server interactions while embracing all the web has to offer, including third-party HTML5-based solutions, it is the perfect tool for building enterprise web applications.
by kusnaditjung
Web specification and framework
by CurtisOHD
Best dialog for maintaining many to many tables
by Aydin Homay
How to use Microsoft OWIN to build a Microservice

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14 Apr 2016 by Alon Lek
Create a simple self hosted Web API service that runs as console and as service in just 2 minutes
3 Dec 2014 by Assil
This post demonstrates the simplest use of OWIN with ASP.NET. It will not teach you OWIN nor Claim-based auth, nor design or security.
3 Mar 2018 by Ajit Hegde
This tip describes how to use ASP.NET identity entity framework with mysql database.
28 Sep 2017 by Denis Pashkov
How to get MVC response body inside your owin middleware class