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by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode encoder class library is written in C#. The target framework is .NET Framework (net462) and .NET Standard (netstandard2.0). The encoder library allows you to create a PDF417 barcode image from a text string or a binary (byte) array. Two demo/test applications are included.
by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample

Latest Articles

by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
by gstolarov
An imbeddable SVG editor - jQuery plugin
by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode encoder class library is written in C#. The target framework is .NET Framework (net462) and .NET Standard (netstandard2.0). The encoder library allows you to create a PDF417 barcode image from a text string or a binary (byte) array. Two demo/test applications are included.

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8 Sep 2020 by Uzi Granot
The PDF417 barcode encoder class library is written in C#. The target framework is .NET Framework (net462) and .NET Standard (netstandard2.0). The encoder library allows you to create a PDF417 barcode image from a text string or a binary (byte) array. Two demo/test applications are included.
23 Oct 2023 by honey the codewitch
Create ASCII art from common image formats and text
2 Jun 2024 by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
20 Jan 2015 by Android on Intel
Android* Texture Compression - a comparison study with code sample
8 Apr 2016 by V.
Convert FITS file to known image formats and use those images for a "zooming" functionality (image transparency)
2 Feb 2022 by Chris Copeland
I think you've got most of the work done there, you just seem to be missing the part of the logic where you get the value from the select box which you can do using the following: # HTML ......
18 Feb 2015 by CHill60
Try examining the code on the following CodeProject articles (the first one in particular is very popular). Compare and contrast.CxImage[^]A user draw button that supports PNG files with transparency, for Visual C++ 6.0 and VS2005[^]Loading JPG & PNG resources using GDI+[^]
18 Feb 2015 by nv3
No, there is no such function in pure C++ and MFC. What you are doing is absolutely correct. First convert the PNG into a memory representation and then form a bitmap out of it. Even if there was a library function in MFC, it had to do it in the same way.If you are using that image often,...
18 Feb 2015 by CPallini
With GDI+ is simple matter, see "Loading and Displaying Bitmaps"[^] at MSDN.That's together with GdiplusStartup/GdiplusShutdown (sample usage here: "Drawing a Line"[^] at MSDN) is all you need.
7 Sep 2021 by gstolarov
An imbeddable SVG editor - jQuery plugin
1 Feb 2022 by Richard Deeming
const output = document.getElementById("output"); for (let i = 1; i
8 Dec 2014 by enhzflep
It's actually pretty easy, if one is vaguely familiar with image-based programming tasks.I left a description of the file format in a comment above, though this can be seen from the code below.I first tried to create the new image and then use GDI+ to save it as a PNG complete with 16...
18 Feb 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
You should load your first image into a DC then load the second into a memory DC, and then blit the second one into the first, using the appropriate operation code as described in[^].
2 Mar 2015 by Android on Intel
This sample demonstrates how to load and use these different formats with OpenGL ES* on Android.
19 Dec 2015 by OriginalGriff
"What are those type of logo's called?"A logo. It's just been embossed into the medium when it was printed. Talk to your printing company and they can give you the additional pricing."is it possible to create them in Photoshop?"Yes.
16 Feb 2016 by Jochen Arndt
When searching for ".net bitmap reduce color depth" the first result with Google is Fast Color Depth Change for Bitmaps[^]. It provides the function ConvertTo8bppFormat which should be what you want.
26 Dec 2019 by Richard MacCutchan png to bmp - Google Search[^]
28 Jun 2013 by Asp_Learner
I am using PngCs dll to fetch the chunk data for Png image file in ,I am able to do that ,but as if now I want to update the chunk data for that PNG ,Can anyone help me out ?? I tried hard ,I used PngWriter but it is creating whole new file without inheriting chunk data ,Please help me out
24 Jan 2014 by pooja work
Step:(1) Create ATL Project(2) Right Click on ATL Project, Added COM Control(3) Added Context Menu Manganer Event 1. CMenu 2. SetMenuItemInfo -- Inserted Transperant Png for each Menu ItemProblem:Transperant Png is appearing with black background in XP, it should be...
9 Oct 2014 by Brady Kelly
I need to do a hit test on a PNG, but not on the original image. I have an image of a model's face, and I need a hit test for her lips, her cheeks, her eyes etc. This would be done by drawing other objects over parts of her face, e.g. an ellipsoid type shape over her lips. Doing a hit test on...
27 Oct 2014 by Filipe Morgan
I am looking for a simple solution for converting a PDF file into any image format. I am trying to avoid using paid libraries.The goal is to, after converion, show a preview of the first PDF page inside a panel. To accomplish that, I need to convert at least the first page of the file into...
2 Dec 2014 by Azeem Tariq
i have an issue. actually i have cut down an image into pieces and after changing colors of the pieces i save them on server now i assemble these pieces on web page to make full image now i want to save full image on server. i have prices now and want to make full image from them. is it possible...
7 Dec 2014 by IceTrailer
Hello guys,I wonder how to convert binary files to an image (png) file. I have a folder with about 3700 binary files (ex. 0, 1, 2, 3, [..] 3721, 3749, 3752 etc).But do you know how to convert the complete content of the folder to png files?I may use QT if it's more stable /...
7 Dec 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
Try this:byte[] oByteArray= File.ReadAllBytes(@"path-to-binary-file");MemoryStream oMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(oByteArray);Image oImage = Image.FromStream(oMemoryStream);oImage.Save(@"path-to-png-image", ImageFormat.Png);
18 Feb 2015 by Member 10781325
Hi all!I have the following question:I have some .png files, which i want to Display in a CWnd in a given Rect.I found some code, which reads the BGRA values of one .png-File into an array and then creates a CBitmap out of this array and then displays the CBitmap.Is there any...
18 Feb 2015 by Member 10781325
hi all:-)I have the following question:I have two CBitMap objects, which represent 2 .png-Files.Now i want to overlay them the following way, where the 2nd cbitmap is over the first Bitmap:if a pixel of the 2nd cbitmap is white, i want to display the pixel of the first cbitmap....
19 Feb 2015 by KarstenK
You must handle the mouse messages. For that you must overwrite the message handler in your window. Here is the Microsoft documentation for the mouse messages. You must fetch the click coordinates and than check it with the coordinates of your picture.
2 Mar 2015 by Member 10922753[^]Hi everyone! I am working on Win32 program that reads DirectInput gamepad, and I wont to show position of each stick on the screen, and here is main problem I cant make background of static...
20 Nov 2015 by PythonHeadBanger
So I don't even know where to begin writing this part of my code --> so there is little sample code to post. I have figured out how to create PNG files using matplotlib and I want to display them one at a time and advance through them at the click of a TKinter button. def nextDay(): ...
20 Nov 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
16 Feb 2016 by Khurram Mumtaz
How to convert PNG-24 to PNG-8 in C#Basically i want to reduce a size of image in c# win forms application.I tried below code but not working in the case of PNG so i need different method.What I have tried:private void VaryQualityLevel(){ // Get a bitmap. Bitmap bmp1...
14 Sep 2022 by Member 12525162
Hi!I created a few PNGs in photoshop and uploaded them to my windows form. I want to place one picture over the other to create a picture with multiple layers. I'm making a super simple pizza maker program so when you select a box with a topping selection the topping appears onto of the base...
15 May 2016 by csharpukiller
It's all about the quality , try to release your image from photoshop as a transparent image then use it.
4 Jan 2018 by Member 13607450
I have built a neural network that recognizes handwritten digits in java. This neural network accepts an array of greyscale values for each pixel in the image. I have already trainedthe network using the mnist database of handwritten digits. I would like to query it based on an image that I have...
4 Jan 2018 by E.F. Nijboer
Getting the gray-scale value from an rgb-pixel is simply getting the average value of all 3. For example, a pixel with color: Red=25, Green=45, Blue=50 The average value is (25+45+50) = 120, 120 / 3 = 40. So the grayscale of the pixel is 40 (on a scale of 0 to 255). Repeat this for each pixel....
31 Jul 2018 by LiquidPenguin
Hi, My MFC application generates PDF's and now I'm trying to add support to PNG files with transparency. I'm starting with just using the entry /Mask to mask one color. What I have tried: I extracted the IDAT chunk of the PNG and added to the object stream and used the "transparent color"...
31 Jul 2018 by Gerry Schmitz
How to convert Image to PDF in C# in C# for Visual Studio 2005[^]
26 Dec 2019 by Graham Irons
I have an MS Access Database with an OLE Column of PNG images. I need to convert then during runtime within an For Each/Next loop. Your assistance will be appreciated. Graham What I have tried: Bing Search, Microsoft Search & Google Search
13 Sep 2020 by oronsultan
Hi, I'm looking for a way in c# to convert base64 png to base64 jpg. I'm extracting the data from the data-base and my api needs to return the base64 in jpg format without saving the file during the conversion. Thanks. What I have tried: I've...
13 Sep 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: Convert base64 png image to base64 jpg image without saving Procedure: - Get base64 stream - Convert back to normal png format - Convert to jpg - Convert to base64 Quote: I've trued to return the thumbnail of the original image but the...
13 Sep 2020 by User 11060979
This should help you private byte[] Base64Png2Jpeg(string base64) { byte[] jpgArray; Byte[] pngBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); using (MemoryStream msPng = new MemoryStream(pngBytes)) { using (Image img =...
13 Sep 2020 by OriginalGriff
Read the Base64 data into an Image class instance viaq a stream Save the Image as a JPG into a Stream, and convert that to Base64. private string FromBase64PNGToBase64JPG(string base64PNG) { byte[] bytes =...
9 Dec 2020 by carltannler
I have asked this question on Stack Overflow and have received minimal help. I believe the person who tried to help me may be on the right track but I still can't seem to solve this issue. Basically I need to take a local PNG file and insert it...
9 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
Here is a sample of Python using ODBC: Using DataDirect ODBC drivers with Python and pyodbc[^]
20 Apr 2021 by Member 15111478
Dear all, I am trying to create string metadata to be stored in a png file, depending on the value of a parameter called sc_status. Dim qualityParam As Object Dim encoderParams As Object = New Imaging.EncoderParameters(1) Dim ImgCodec As...
9 May 2021 by Indian Coder 2021
I am trying to make a online streaming service. but when i start converting images from one type to other it shows error. here is my code MyBitmapFile myFile = new MyBitmapFile(m_hDevice.ImageSize.Width, m_hDevice.ImageSize.Height, m_Frame); ...
9 May 2021 by OriginalGriff
We can't tell - but the most likely problem is that either JPG_IAMGE_STREAMis a path string and the path is not accessible to a Service because it doesn't run under your User credentials, or it is a Stream that doesn't support Seeking. Services...
3 Feb 2022 by PuppyDude
I am trying to display a specific image from different types of links using a dropdown option. What I want to do: I have six different types of links. These links needs to be added into a dropdown option. After the desired Option (category) is...
13 Mar 2015 by User 6918454
Light-weight image viewer for .NET 4.5.1, supporting multi-core processing
26 Aug 2016 by Javad Taheri (drjackool)
Creating Simple PNG Decoder/Encoder
7 Jun 2016 by The Zakies
[tut4] how to draw lines & to draw different types on end shapes like rectangle and circle using C#
20 Jun 2016 by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool
20 Apr 2016 by Varun Vasishtha
So I was doing a project of medical domain and I faced a big challenge to handle the Dicom files. The users of my application wanted to upload a zip file which contains some DICOM files and then they wanted to see it in image format. So I am sharing my efforts in the form of a sample project.
27 Oct 2014 by Richard Deeming
I generally use GhostScript[^] for this type of conversion. It's possible to load the DLL in-process and use P/Invoke to call it, but I usually shell out to the command-line version. That way, a corrupt or very large PDF won't affect my application.How To Convert PDF to Image Using...
15 May 2016 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment to the question. Probably, I actually can understand what you want to achieve.The solution, in its basic form, is extremely easy. The problem is: you are using such thing as PictureBox. By some reason, this near-useless control also became the most misused control in...
27 Oct 2014 by Wandaboiii
// open and load the fileusing (FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"Documents\TestFile.pdf", FileMode.Open)){ // this object represents a PDF document Document document = new Document(fs); // default rendering settings RenderingSettings settings = new...
14 Sep 2022 by Member 14527269
set this in your form_load() picturename.Parent= pictureBox1; picturename.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
17 Oct 2015 by Andy Lanng
Hi,I'm working on some tools for a new game called Terra Tech(check it out ^_^).You can create "techs", save, swap and tweet them. The save file is a png snapshot image. They put the object specifications in the image using steganography. I am trying to reverse engineer...
19 Dec 2015 by BladeLogan
Hello there! I've been overlooking some logo's latley & the ones that cought my attention was these[^]What are those type of logo's called? & is it possible to create them in Photoshop?
1 Feb 2022 by PuppyDude
I'm trying to fetch images from another URL using JavaScript or jQuery. The image URL is sequential. For example: etc... ...
25 Jun 2013 by Asp_Learner
I want to extract XMP metadata from .png and .pdf format files ,I am able to extract xmp from .jpeg and .tiff fromat ,for which I am using 'SE.Halligang.Xmp.dll'
19 Feb 2015 by Member 10781325
hi all:-)I have Cwnd in which i draw a .png-file. (First i convert it to a CBitmap, then i draw it)Now i need a hittest-function: If a user clicks on the png-Image, is there a way to find the pixel, he clicked on?What would help me too:If there is for example a circle in the png,...