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Great Reads

by Clark Fieseln
Protect your privacy against malicious network activity and policy violations
by AD Colab Group
In the 2nd article in this thread, we start building out the 3D environment for the robots using the Visualization ToolKit (VTK).
by schollii
Recipe that can be included in a pytest or nose test suite to compare a PyQt widget's appearance with a reference saved on disk, or generate the reference if it does not exist.
by schollii
Investigation on effect of using pyqtSlot in PyQt5

Latest Articles

by Clark Fieseln
Protect your privacy against malicious network activity and policy violations
by schollii
Recipe that can be included in a pytest or nose test suite to compare a PyQt widget's appearance with a reference saved on disk, or generate the reference if it does not exist.
by schollii
Investigation on effect of using pyqtSlot in PyQt5
by AD Colab Group
In the 2nd article in this thread, we start building out the 3D environment for the robots using the Visualization ToolKit (VTK).

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5 Feb 2024 by Clark Fieseln
Protect your privacy against malicious network activity and policy violations
30 Sep 2014 by AD Colab Group
In the 2nd article in this thread, we start building out the 3D environment for the robots using the Visualization ToolKit (VTK).
16 Nov 2016 by schollii
Recipe that can be included in a pytest or nose test suite to compare a PyQt widget's appearance with a reference saved on disk, or generate the reference if it does not exist.
4 Sep 2016 by schollii
Investigation on effect of using pyqtSlot in PyQt5
25 Apr 2012 by Geoff Samuel
Create a PyQt Widget that can be drawn on
18 Oct 2021 by Maciej Los
Please, follow these links: Python PyQt clipboard example - Python[^], python - PyQt clipboard doesn't copy to system clipboard - Stack Overflow[^] PyQt5 - QClipboard[^]
8 Jul 2014 by Vidhu Shah
I'm building an application in which a check box is connected to a button and the button only gets activated when the check box is marked. I have the button and check box defined in initUI function and i have created a button hide function which ive connected to my check box, but i keep getting...
21 Oct 2017 by User 10872085
Hello again, guys. I'm stuck here -- still learning OOP and Python. How do I structure this program so that I am able to spawn a QWidget object on start-up? Moreover, how do I make it so that each time I click on the System Tray Icon (namely mediaIcon.png), that same widget will not...
18 Dec 2016 by Member 12911699
Hello,I am currently learning python by trying to create a GUI with PyQt5, and i'm not very good at it. So i went started going through tutorials at PyQt5 tutorial - learn GUI programming with PyQt5[^] and started combining the some of the sections of code to understand it more.Then i got...
20 Mar 2017 by Member 13072382
Paths:echo $PATH: /usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands:/Users/me/.rvm/binPYTHON PATH:...
20 Mar 2017 by Member 13072382
CLOSED:Reinstalled everything.
31 Oct 2017 by TheLostJedi
I have a report generation script (let's call this script A)that generates a PDF report. I want to import this in a new script (script B) and call the functions from within this new script. The problem: 1. Script A crashes when called from Script B exactly at the creation of a QPixmap object....
31 Oct 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
The following code looks wrong to me: dirPath = "C:\\Users\\michael\\Downloads\\Ethernet\\scripts\\" ResultName = "SelfTest_Results" testName = name+".pdf" subDirPath = dirPath # this is now the same as dirPath if(os.path.isdir(dirPath)): ...
18 Apr 2018 by Boukhalfa Lim
Hello, I'm building an small desktop mobile testing application with Python, using PyQt5 Library for GUI design. I want to know if there is a way to save a TreeView of data into an XML file, to parse it and get the data from it, or vice-versa (get data from XML file and insert the into the...
27 Mar 2019 by BinshaS
I have text file to read the values and plot a graph as a slideshow. For that I split the data into n sets for the graph to show as a slideshow. I have two list containing values as: x_data: [array([[-210. ],[-209.98], [-209.96],[82.54]]),array([[-82.5 ],[44.96],[44.98]]),...array([[300. ...
5 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
Repost: deleted. Please do not post the same question multiple times.
5 Jul 2019 by OriginalGriff
Repost: deleted. Please do not post the same question multiple times.
19 Feb 2022 by python3.x_dev
Hello, I'm am making a browser(like Firefox, Chrome, Opera) using pyqt5, the user can open new tabs & close them. I am trying to make the tab icon change to the websites favicon. I did some research and I found out that most website store their...
23 Nov 2020 by Nayna Agarwal
I am trying to execute import executer class Window(QtWidegets.QWidget): def __init__(self): ..... ..... self.runBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton( ...
23 Nov 2020 by Richard Deeming
Quote: Make sure 'QVector' is registered using qRegisterMetaType() Try following the instructions in the error message. QMetaType Class | Qt Core 5.15.2[^]
24 Dec 2020 by Member 15029563
I am having some difficulties to display the output of stdout to a QTextEdit Widget. My GUI does not have only one widget (It has 3 QListWidget and 1 QTableWidget), so I am not using QMainWindow. But the weird thing is that the whole code works...
22 Jan 2021 by ibilalkayy
class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() # Importing data from Qt UI file uic.loadUi("pathSelection.ui", self) self.nameBrowse1.clicked.connect(self.browseFiles1) ...
25 Jan 2021 by ibilalkayy
class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() uic.loadUi("driveSelection.ui", self) self.setWindowTitle("Welcome Screen") self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("Picture.png")) ...
6 Feb 2021 by RickZeeland
This article might get you started: Simple QT Application for data entry to MongoDB using Python and mongoengine[^] The source code can be found here: GitHub - frodrig3ND/QT_Mongo_DB: Simple QT Application to interact with MongoDB[^]
25 Feb 2021 by Rimmm45
i work on this project and i did moving random circles. after a while some of them will change the color and keep moving. I tried to do it in the method update_scene using add_Ellipse but they are not moving and i didn't understand why. I am new...
28 Mar 2021 by saif khan 2021
I have designed two screens in PyQt5 It is runnig fine on startup every button is working. But when I click back button on second screen that is Ui_Dialog to go to first screen then on first screen If I click again any button It gives error that...
3 May 2021 by Khaled121212
It is giving me attributeerror: 'MyQlineEdit' object has no attribute M1.Below is part of the code: class MyQLineEdit(QLineEdit): def focusOutEvent(self, e): print(self.M1.text()) # here is the error super(MyQLineEdit,...
3 May 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
print(self.M1.text()) # here is the error super(MyQLineEdit, self).focusOutEvent(e) where self.Mi=MyQLineEdit(Form) Because M1 is not Mi.
29 Jun 2021 by Xeнεi Ξэnвϵς
I am using Python 3.9.5 I want to create a PyQt6 music player, I intend its main interface to be a tree-like view, it should have multiple columns, and should have three levels, first level are the artists, second level are the albums and third...
29 Jun 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
Quote: How can I fix the code? And How can I make the treeview meet all the criteria above? Just posting a lot of code with such general questions makes it difficult to know where to start. And given that you have stated that you are not...
28 Jul 2021 by MeowCoder
I am trying to develop an app which manages stock of our personal needs. I am stuck at opening the list and then show it on the list box. I expected that this app will first add some data which user gives using add button and then save it in a...
13 Sep 2021 by CEO CEO
Hello, I am finding it difficult to display retrieved photo varbinary data as a photo (an image). I have a qtablewidget where the retrieved data are stored. The varbinary data gets displayed there. I am coding in Python, managing my database...
29 Sep 2021 by vihaanp
I'm making a text editor with PyQt5 and I get a weird error from the save dialog. When I close the application, it scans for any unsaved changes and if there are it will bring up the 'save or discard changes' dialog. It works fine, but I get a...
18 Oct 2021 by Pranav Oct2021
How do i copy text to clipboard in pyqt6 i want to copy a text in line edit on clicking a button What I have tried: cb = QApplication.clipboard() cb.clear(mode=cb.Clipboard()) cb.setText(self.blogurl.text(),...
19 Feb 2022 by Testcloud4567
To do this you just put in the add tab function this: self.tabs.setTabIcon(i, browser.icon()) browser.iconChanged.connect(lambda icon, browser=browser: self.update_icon(browser, icon)) and create this fuction: def update_icon(self,...
29 Mar 2022 by"Rix")
Hello, coding guys, as you saw in the title, my code returns a ImportError, here's the error below: Traceback (most recent call last): ��File "", line 1, in ����from PyQt5.QtGui import * ImportError: cannot open...
3 Jul 2022 by OriginalGriff
Getting your code to run does not mean your code is right! :laugh: Think of the development process as writing an email: compiling successfully means that you wrote the email in the right language - English, rather than German for example - not...
4 Aug 2022 by Anh Nguyen Jul2022
I'm creating a calculator app using PyQt5, and when I'm assigning an action to my button to update the label text that resides in a different class from the button class. It seems to be doing something, but instead of what I'm expecting to...
4 Aug 2022 by crypL edEntity
You should not create a new instance of MainWindow() class inside button_click() method. Use the same mw you created, when accessing the label attribute and setting the text. I did it for you. import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qtwidget import...
23 Sep 2022 by mayaduc
Hello everyone, I am new to programming and currently I am creating an application using python and PyQt with controller/joystick, using the pygame library. When I integrated the controller module, I created a while loop to handle all...
23 Sep 2022 by mayaduc
Hello everyone, I am new to the programming world and I'm trying to develop a script in python (and PyQt) that does MRI slicing. I am using Pyvista to slice and display MRI images. The problem is that slicing takes too long when I'm using...
9 Oct 2022 by Thodoris Spirantis
I searched on similar cases but i didnt find one that corresponds to the way i set up my application. In the below code, i call a QtWidgets.QDialog class from my main window. And after a button is pressed a heavy operation is starting. My problem...
23 Sep 2014 by AD Colab Group
This set of tutorials demonstrate how to use the Visualization ToolKit (VTK) to develop robotics user interfaces.
21 Oct 2017 by Member 3377453
modified code this worked with me. i am using Qt5. you my modify as yours def systemIcon(self, reason): w = QDialog() if reason == QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger: print ("Clicked.") w.exec_()
10 Nov 2020 by ilrbid
That's impossible. I have not seen anyway in the docs for that to work.
14 Jan 2022 by Member 15500228
Hello, You can make display favicon using self.tabs.setTabIcon(current_tab_index, QIcon(QWebEngineView.icon()))
3 Jul 2022 by Eyaa Rajandran
here is the coding i need seems like got some error and someone can fix it ? i couldn't get value x and cant plot the graph x is coefficient import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import...