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Great Reads

by Miroslav Fidler
Installation and the first look at U++ platform
by Marc Clifton
Implementing an SSL capable server in .NET Core WITHOUT ASP.NET, using nginx, and testing Postgres with EF, all running on an rPi
by Marc Clifton
Talk to your rPi over a Slack channel, getting status, controlling devices, and running shell (bash) commands and viewing the console output posted back to your Slack channel
by Andrew Kirillov
The article describes cam2web project - an open source application aimed for streaming cameras as MJPEG streams.

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
This post shows a way to change the default crontab editor in bash shell for Raspberry Pi.
by ToughDev
How to use Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless as cheap CCTV camera replacement
by Daniele Alberto Galliano
A guest OS for IoT devices, that can adapt easily to many different tasks

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29 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
How to minimize Raspbian OS to under 1GB
25 Apr 2016 by Lee P Richardson
How to fade an LED with PWM in Windows IoT
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
Raspberry Pi 2 - Running out of space
11 Dec 2016 by Dennis E White
VNC experiences on Raspberry Pi
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
Raspberry Pi 2: Configuring it as a complete WordPress Web Server – Part 3 – Install and Configure Apache and PHP
22 Feb 2021 by grilialex
This article is a continuation of the previous article on Creating a Smart Hydrophone Processing System – Hardware. It is assumed that you have already setup the Raspberry Pi to have remote desktop and SSH agents active.
22 Feb 2021 by grilialex
In scientific projects, it is often needed to sample sounds from remote locations, for classification or other purposes. As data link rates may be low or unreliable, transmitting raw samples to inland processing centers may not be an option. An alternative is to do off-line processing in batches.
4 Apr 2023 by ToughDev
How to use Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless as cheap CCTV camera replacement
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
How to configure Raspberry Pi 2 as a complete WordPress web server - syncing and scripts
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
How to configure Raspberry Pi 2 as a Complete WordPress Web Server – Install MySQL
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
Raspberry Pi 2: How to configure it as a complete WordPress Web Server
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
This post shows a way to change the default crontab editor in bash shell for Raspberry Pi.
27 Jul 2014 by aetheon
Unsafely powering off a #raspberrypi
30 Nov 2016 by Sujay Sarma
Raspberry Pi 2: Configuring it as a Complete WordPress Web Server – Part 2 – Install and Configure BIND and Transfer Windows DNS Zones
11 Jan 2016 by hans.hinnekint
How to serialize and encrypt an Object using C#
20 Jan 2014 by aetheon
How to create a wireless router/access point with #raspberrypi and #raspbian #linux
20 Oct 2016 by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
As opposed to the less powerful Arduino, the competitively priced and WiFi-enabled ESP8266 supports the Web-of-Things (WoT) since it can be programmed in JavaScript.
14 Mar 2016 by adityaswami89
Creating C# application’s on Raspberry Pi
9 Aug 2013 by Gergo Bogdan
A review of RaspberryPi Cookbook by Simon Monk
10 Mar 2014 by aetheon
How to create your own #nodejs development server with a #raspberrypi running #jenkins
3 Mar 2019 by Chris Boss
I have followed stories about learning to code in education and am intrigued by what I have read.