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Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
A little demo app to try out OpenFin
by Dave Kerr
I'm going to share my experiences of experimenting in Angular 2, as someone who needs a pretty compelling reason to move away from React/Redux!
by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using React/Redux and hooks
by Dave Ceddia
Where and when to fetch data with Redux

Latest Articles

by NitinShrivastava
Basic skeleton of React and Redux development environment for a book store application
by Volodymyr Kopytin
In this article, we will see how to build a small application in a functional way.
by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using React/Redux and hooks
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Learn how to integrate rest API calls into React-Redux for client-side state management, using Redux to manage the data instead of directly accessing component state.

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26 Apr 2016 by Dave Kerr
I'm going to share my experiences of experimenting in Angular 2, as someone who needs a pretty compelling reason to move away from React/Redux!
2 Feb 2018 by Dave Ceddia
Where and when to fetch data with Redux