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Great Reads

by Sacha Barber
A little demo app to try out OpenFin
by Dave Kerr
I'm going to share my experiences of experimenting in Angular 2, as someone who needs a pretty compelling reason to move away from React/Redux!
by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using React/Redux and hooks
by Dave Ceddia
Where and when to fetch data with Redux

Latest Articles

by NitinShrivastava
Basic skeleton of React and Redux development environment for a book store application
by Volodymyr Kopytin
In this article, we will see how to build a small application in a functional way.
by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using React/Redux and hooks
by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Learn how to integrate rest API calls into React-Redux for client-side state management, using Redux to manage the data instead of directly accessing component state.

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6 Mar 2019 by Sacha Barber
A little demo app to try out OpenFin
26 Apr 2016 by Dave Kerr
I'm going to share my experiences of experimenting in Angular 2, as someone who needs a pretty compelling reason to move away from React/Redux!
27 Apr 2020 by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using React/Redux and hooks
2 Feb 2018 by Dave Ceddia
Where and when to fetch data with Redux
28 Oct 2020 by NitinShrivastava
Basic skeleton of React and Redux development environment for a book store application
7 Feb 2023 by priyamtheone
I'm new into Angular development and learning how to use Redux. While trying to install Redux using npm install redux @angular-redux/store --save , the terminal throws up the following error: npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to...
8 Mar 2018 by jimmyHuey
I have a function like following, this is a rudux to provide EstateList. import {render} from "react-dom"; import React from "react"; import {Provider} from "react-redux"; import store from "./Store"; import EstateList from "../estates/estateList/estateList"; function estateList() { ...
25 Mar 2020 by FireMonkey92
Hi, I am working on a react project. My requirement is to clear redux store when ever the use closes the browser. (Not on Refreshing the page.) i have done some research on it and found about EventListner events "beforeunload". Here what i have...
25 Mar 2020 by Richard Deeming
If you return a value from the beforeunload event, the browser will display a confirmation message to the user asking whether they want to leave the page. By the time the user clicks "cancel", your code has already run, and your state has been...
30 Mar 2020 by FireMonkey92
const COLUMNS = [ { title: 'GROUP ID', dataIndex: 'groupId', key: 'groupId', rowKey: 'groupId', default: true, sorter: (a, b) => a.groupId - b.groupId, }, { title: 'ADMIN ID', dataIndex: 'adminId', key:...
11 Apr 2020 by Aitzaz Ahsan
On the submit button, I am calling one API after successfully run I want to send data to another activity in the react-native. I tried following source code, I am a newbie in react-native. What I have tried: On submit I am calling this...
23 Apr 2020 by Member 14811477
import React,{Component} from 'react'; import * as uuid from 'uuid'; import { render } from '@testing-library/react'; class TodoList extends React.Component{ state={ text:'' } onChange=(e)=>{ this.setState({, }) }...
23 Apr 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
I assume you mean the line: const newState=state.filter((todo)=> !==; The message is telling you that the variable todo has not been set to refer to anything.
9 Aug 2020 by Volodymyr Kopytin
In this article, we will see how to build a small application in a functional way.
22 Jul 2022 by ONKAR MEHRA
I have been trying to nest stack navigator inside bottom tab navigator and which has been nested into drawer navigator. In terms of nesting, bottom tab navigator is at the top, then bottom tab navigator and then at the end stack navigator. I have...
27 Oct 2021 by jsanch
I am building a display board. I want to call the API when the component first mounts. Then, I want to create an interval that calls that API every 20 seconds. Currently I dispatching two calls. I know why it's happening, but haven't been able to...
14 Nov 2021 by jashan khangura
I'm trying to make social media app using react, redux and firebase. I have been stuck at this for a while. I'm using redux to maintain the data in my react app and using firebase database to store it. I'm unable to assign the name property of...
23 Jan 2022 by Stefan Ungureanu
state = { selectedPatient : { patientAllergiesID : [{id: "123"}, {id: "124"} ]}, patientAllergies : [], } export const getPatientAllergies = createAsyncThunk( "selectedPatient/getPatientAllergies", async (arg, { getState...
22 Jul 2022 by Member 15714599
You have good approach but the problem is that we can not use these navigations from React but instead we can use Flux one.
29 Aug 2022 by Member 15737473
I want to add to cart data but when I send an object from dispatch it does not itrate on Please give me a solution. I am posting my file What I have tried: //store import { configureStore } from "@reduxjs/toolkit" const initia_State = { ...
29 Aug 2022 by BEST Physics
try to change AddCartData: [] to AddCartData: {}
25 Oct 2022 by GuyThiebaut
I have a React site that makes use of Typescript and Redux to handle the state. I have found that if I call the dispatcher to update the state via Redux that the state is updated(I can see this via dev tools) but React does not pick up the...
2 Dec 2022 by geomukkath
I am working on a simple React app which is a blog app. I have a component which is used to display the name of the Author. ``` import React from "react"; import { useSelector } from "react-redux"; const AuthorPost = ({ authorId }) => { ...
14 Feb 2023 by geomukkath
This might sound like a noob question but I need some help here: ``` export const loginUser = createAsyncThunk( 'users/login', async ({ email, password }, thunkAPI) => { try { const response = await fetch( ...
15 Feb 2023 by priyamtheone
@angular-redux/store hasn't been updated in years and doesn't specify that it supports the latest Angular 15 version, which NPM considers as an error. This can be ignored using npm install --legacy-peer-deps, but Angular's official library...
18 Apr 2018 by AkiStar
Use of Redux in Angular application
6 Jul 2019 by Anurag Gandhi
A general purpose quiz application in React that can be used to run quizzes, mock tests, surveys, etc. This is an alternate version of my another article: "Quiz Application in Angular".
12 Dec 2019 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Learn how to integrate rest API calls into React-Redux for client-side state management, using Redux to manage the data instead of directly accessing component state.
28 Nov 2018 by Codeworks_
A state organizational proposal for Redux that scales based on relational data
14 Feb 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
These might help - How to Pass Data and Events Between Components in React[^] Using Context to pass data[^] How to Pass Data from Child to Parent in React[^] a Snippet from the last link - While there is no direct way to pass data from the...