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by Mashudu Nemukula
Generate C# object class from common SQL databases types
by Stefan Timovski
Tutorial on how to start developing SSMS extensions
by Kuv Patel
Debug stored procedures in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.
by Vivek Johari
Migrating SQL Database to Azure SQL Database using SSMS Export/Import Contents

Latest Articles

by Bert O Neill
This article provides an overview for developers, on how to quickly generate a dependency Entity Relationship Diagram for a table and its immediately related tables, within SQL Server.
by Federico Di Marco
spSearchTables: a helper T-SQL stored procedure for digging into (large) databases
by Federico Di Marco
Query Excel or CSV files with T-SQL without importing them in a table first
by Vadim Loboda
This is an alternative for "VS2010 Box Selection with Copy and Paste"

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3 Feb 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Exciting SSMS features derived from Visual Studio
5 Feb 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
In this series of posts, we’ll see few great yet less known and under utilized tips/features that are there since earlier versions of Visual Studio and later made their way to SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).
2 Nov 2019 by Ghanshyam N Patel
How to shrink SQL Server database log file
2 Jul 2021 by Kevin Chadney
Creating a simple SSMS extension which accesses the query window and object browser.
6 Mar 2019 by Melick
How to copy your production SharePoint database to development environment
24 Nov 2018 by Vivek Johari
Migrating SQL Database To Azure SQL Instance using Microsoft Database Migration Assistant (DMA) Tool Contents Introduction Microsoft Database Migration Assistant (DMA) tool Migrate SQL Server database To Azure SQL Instance using DMA tool Detecting the compatibility issues using Assessment Type
14 Aug 2019 by essentialSQL
Query plans in SQL
27 Dec 2018 by Vivek Johari
Creating an Azure SQL Database Contents Introduction Creation of Azure SQL Database Step 1: Select Database Name Step 2: Select Azure Subscription Step 3: Choose Resource Group Step 4: Choose Database Source Step 5: Choose SQL Server Step 6: Choose Elastic Pool Option Step 7: Choose Service Tier for