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Data Auditing Trigger Generator
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Spada via Modbs, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition with visualb basic,Arduino and firebird
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How to use Stored Procedures in Entity Framework Model First Approach
by Jason Parms
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Injection

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MyBatis.NET as DataMapper
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Description of useful SVG Filters and Interactivity
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When CDC is turned ON against a table and the underlying table schema changes, such as adding/removing a column, changing datatype etc

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28 Mar 2014 by jurhas
Spada via Modbs, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition with visualb basic,Arduino and firebird
9 Jul 2014 by Jason Parms
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Injection
1 Dec 2014 by Maciej Los
There is a bit difference between char and varchar[^] data types:char [ ( n ) ] Fixed-length, non-Unicode character data with a length of n bytes. n must be a value from 1 through 8,000. The storage size is n bytes. The SQL-2003 synonym for char is character.varchar [ ( n | max ) ] ...
27 Mar 2020 by Richard Deeming
As the error says, the column names in your outer SELECT are incorrect. Try: SELECT sr, [Basic Salary], [Food Allowance], [Tuition Allowance], [Transportation Allowance] FROM ( SELECT sr = CASE when...
10 Nov 2023 by Richard Deeming
You haven't specified which version of SQL Server you're using. Assuming 2017 or later, the simplest solution is to use STRING_AGG[^]: SELECT acctnum, STRING_AGG(note, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY srno) As note FROM YourTable GROUP BY...
25 Apr 2014 by Sanket Saxena
Trying to modify your code hope it helps. :)public List getallemployeeSalary() { var data = (from a in objentity.TblSalaryMonthlies join b in objentity.TblEmployeeRegistrations on a.EmployeeId equals b.EmployeeId ...
30 Jul 2014 by Kumarbs
You need to mention the size of the string while you are defining the parameterSqlParameter MemberId = new SqlParameter("@MemberId", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar,10,a);
28 Oct 2014 by Dilan Shaminda
loop through your table column ID and add '-04-' like below using STUFFSTUFF ( ID, 9, 0, '-04-' )STUFF ( character_expression , start , length , replaceWith_expression )Quote:The STUFF function inserts a string into another string. It deletes a specified length of characters in the...
28 Oct 2014 by King Fisher
Then Update your table with help of Substring Try it ,create table #dummy(ID nvarchar(max), LDID nvarchar(max), CusDI nvarchar(max))insert into #dummy values('20140411002', 'LD0000240301' ,'003045')insert into #dummy values('20140411005 ', 'LD0000240301' ,'003074')insert into...
29 Apr 2015 by Manoj Kumar Mandal
Hi,I think you have a data table for the list which you to save along with only one employee id.You can check this link It is about how you can send datatable to stored can use help from that article and send employee details as simple parameter and student details as...
15 Dec 2015 by F-ES Sitecore
try{ adapter.Fill(dt);}catch (Exception exp){ // do something}It's bad practice to catch "Exception" though, you can find out what specific exceptions are raised when SQL isn't available and catch those specifically to give a more targeted message.
2 Jan 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
Google for "VBScript parameterized sql queries".Also, you're making the MASSIVE mistake of storing password in clear text in your database.
18 Apr 2016 by phil.o
You cannot "attach a .bak file" to an instance ; .bak files are SQL backups, thus you have to restore from the .bak file to your instance.Please see Restore a Database Backup Using SSMS[^]
8 Feb 2018 by Maciej Los
Take a look at MS Access documentation: Quote: The Microsoft Access Round function returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places. However, the Round function behaves a little peculiar and uses something commonly referred to as bankers rounding. So before using this function,...
1 Apr 2018 by Wendelius
What I would suggest is that instead of storing different months as columns you'd store them as rows in a new table. Each row would have a date column defining the month and another column defining the actual value plus a reference to the parent table. Consider following table example ...
8 Apr 2019 by Steve Grattan
You say you have tried this. I assume this is an attempt at the syntax (rather than it returning incorrect results) as there are errors: 1. Enrollement is not a table name - should be Enrollment 2. Program_Year_When_Enorolled - this is a misspelling isn't it? 3. avg_third_year_marks has been...
30 Sep 2020 by Gerry Schmitz
You've got the same "if" in both places (i.e. there is no effective "else") if (rd.SelectedValue == "Individual")
27 Feb 2024 by Richard Deeming
Firstly, the "100% cost" just means that your clustered index scan/seek accounts for 100% of the cost of that query. It doesn't mean that the query is less efficient than it would be without that index. Secondly, you need to design your indexes...
5 Jun 2024 by OriginalGriff
Basically, it's a bad idea to use WA in a website - which is where the IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool bit is coming from. Because IIS runs under a "generic user" rather than a specific, logged in, "real-world" user, that is the ID that you are trying...
19 Jul 2010 by tucho
I am trying to get an asp:SessionParameter of a SelectParameters, to use a property of an object in sessioninstead of having a string in the session like Session["CustomerID"] Something like Session["Customer"] where the property is ((Customer) Session["Customer"]).CustomerID)I don’t...
22 Nov 2010 by Uwe Keim
I just did resolve this issue by deriving my own class from SessionParameterInfo.See this example as a start:namespace MyNameSpace{ using System.Reflection; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public class LoggedInUserSessionParameter...
19 Sep 2011 by genious Developer
do any one know how to take the DB backup from online databasefor MSSQL 2008 RI tried but no luckI had SQL Server Managment Studioto update and edit manualy @ DB Some one told me i need to dump database first by using sql query then make backup but i donot know the procedure how i...
20 Sep 2011 by Muralikrishna8811
Hi, Here 'm providing my code for showing data in textbox when selection changed in listbox protected void ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { MylocalDataClassesDataContext db = new MylocalDataClassesDataContext(); var h = from g in...
2 Oct 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
The following will work on most RDBM servers :select *from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESThe actual columns returned might vary between server types but the core ones TABLE_NAME etc. exist in all.
2 Oct 2011 by OriginalGriff
Try:using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strCon)) { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U'", con)) { using (SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (r.Read())...
11 Oct 2011 by P.Salini
select cast(substring([Enquiry id],12,len([Enquiry Id])) as int) from tablenametry thisthis will be helpful if this string "Enquiry id:" in your column is fixed.
30 Nov 2011 by Keith Barrow
The problem is that the SqlDataSource is unaware of the changes so they do not propagate through to the grid.One option is to perform the insert via the SqlDataSource[^] which will do the job with no code-behind in some [limited] circumstances.A simpler method is to call...
30 Nov 2011 by Eduard Lu
Rebind the datasource after the save method.private void SaveRecord(){ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConStr"].ConnectionString.ToString()); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); con.Open(); da.InsertCommand = new...
25 Feb 2012 by e-Lopes
How to concatenate many rows into a single text string using SQL Server 2008.
26 Aug 2012 by Dev-0001
string sqlConn =@"Data Source=USER-PC;Initial Catalog=rack;User ID=trial;Password=trial112";[^]
17 Oct 2012 by chaau
I'd say use the hints. Imagine if the stored procedure is being called by a program that is using a global transaction object used across the program by several threads (I am not saying that it is a right or wrong way to do, I just saw it happen). The isolation level set in your stored procedure...
17 Oct 2012 by Aadhar Joshi
I agreed Andrew Cherednik. just i want to confirm so i posted the question.Actually where i am working is a large transaction traffic and by using isolation level, sometimes u get data with dirty reads or penthoms. But as far locks are safe.
23 Apr 2013 by Pallavi Waikar
it is because u r already reading value from reader remove this line from code datareader.Read()i.eProtected Sub btnAddUser_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddUser.Click Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=BRIAN-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial...
23 Apr 2013 by ZurdoDev
You called .Read() twice on the DataReader. So it has advanced too far.Since you are only expecting one user record try something like this insteadIf datareader.HasRows THEN datareader.Read() user_id_select = datareader("user_id")End If
21 May 2013 by Prasad Khandekar
Hello,Sql Server 2012 has introduced SEQUENCE objects, which allow you to generate sequential numeric values not associated with any table. You can define a sequence as shown below.CREATE SEQUENCE Schema.SequenceNameAS intSTART WITH 1INCREMENT BY 1So lets say you have defined a...
21 May 2013 by gvprabu
hi,Try like this...create Procedure [dbo].[pro_Monitor]( @Monitor_Name varchar(50), @Monitor_model varchar(50), @Monitor_O_N int , @Qty_Device_ID varchar, @Qty_Recived bigint ) AsBeginDECLARE @Monitor_ID varchar(50)=NULL-- Get the next Monitor count...
19 Nov 2013 by iratus7
Hello there...I want to show in one gridview one item from one sqldatasource(first), one item from a second datasource and one other item from another (third)datasource. Any idea how it can be shown three sqldatasources in one gridview?This is just an example:
3 Jan 2014 by Aarti Meswania
some should apply index on column which you are using for WHERE clauseand if you are using joins then make sure index is applied to that table's columns' toocheck execution plan if table with more data should not be scan it should be seekDo not include unnecessary...
20 Jan 2014 by Rajib Mahata
CREATE PROCEDURE `FetchSupplierByRequest`(intConferenceId int, intRank int,intTableNo int)BEGINSELECT Distinctc.ID , c.CompanyName,c.TypeFROM conferencetabletop cp, companies c,meeting mWHERE cp.ConferenceID = intConferenceId AND c.ID = m.SupplierIDand...
22 Jan 2014 by idenizeni
According to the information I can find, older versions of MySQL cannot use variables in the LIMIT clause and constants must be used. Similar issue posted to StackOverflow with some useful information.[^]
28 Mar 2014 by OriginalGriff
Yes...but it's not at all simple, and it would be a much, much better idea to separate those into separate rows in a different table, with a foreign key relationship back to this one. The problem is that SQL string handling is...basic...and it doesn't know about comma separated data, or arrays,...
5 Apr 2014 by Schatak
Well it depends 1. if you want to give your database access to your client then you can attach database file .bak or throught .mdf file in installed SQL Express on client computer simply and change the path in web.config. (the connection String should be there as you have done development on...
20 Apr 2014 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
you could write a method like this and should work. But without the query your are testing its hard to tell public int AppUserID { get { object AppUserID= Session["AppUserID"] as object; if (AppUserID == null) { ...
21 Apr 2014 by thatraja
Check this bunch..NET Installer that Automatically Installs SQL 2005 Express[^]Create database during installation of a .NET application - Version 2[^]Deploy your Application and Database[^]FYIEmbedding SQL Server Express into Custom Applications[^]How to: Deploy a SQL Server Compact...
4 May 2014 by Peter Leow
Study this example and adapt to your need:the aspx page:
4 May 2014 by praveen_07
Add Checkbox in GridviewHere is the format for project and drag the gridview control Font-Names="Verdana" PageSize="5" Width="55%" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"> ...
15 Jun 2014 by DamithSL
you can use SQL INSERT INTO SELECT [^]statement Example:INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, Country)SELECT SupplierName, Country FROM SuppliersWHERE Country='Germany';
16 Jun 2014 by Nayan Rudani
You may try with:INSERT INTO table1 (date, voucherno, cashbalance, bankbalance, narration)SELECT date,voucherno,Case ledgerhead when 'cash' then balance else 0 end as cashbalance,Case ledgerhead when 'bank' then balance else 0 end as bankbalance,narration FROM table2
2 Jul 2014 by Jαved
Hi,Go through this-send email after record insert in Database[^]
25 Feb 2015 by OriginalGriff
AFAIK, there is nothing built in to SQL to do this: striung handling is not it's forte.While you can do it, (this deals with Capitalising Each Word:[^] and it wouldn;t be hard...
21 Mar 2015 by OriginalGriff
"The server was not found or was not accessible"What do you think that means?Look at your data source: (LocalDB)\\v11.0That's fine for a development machine, but in production it is very, very unlikely to be right. You need to have a connections string that is stored in a parameter file...
7 Apr 2015 by Richard Deeming
At a guess, you forgot to set e.Cancel = true in the RowUpdating event handler. As a result, the GridView is calling the UpdateCommand on the associated DataSource control after your code has already called the same command.EDIT: You'll also need to set the EditIndex to -1 before re-binding...
2 Apr 2015 by phil.o
It's a way too general question to fit in this forum. You have to have a clear idea of both systems, database schemas. Then you need to define your needs precisely. From these requirements you can start to write down a general schema to fulfill your requirements, and start to code for it.There...
29 Apr 2015 by eddiecjc
Not sure if all the syntax below works with SQL2000.The solution is to pass a list of Student Names as XML into the Stored Procedure, and update the INSERT statement to insert multiple records.DECLARE @students TABLE (st_name VARCHAR(50));DECLARE @students_xml XML;INSERT @students ...
26 May 2015 by OriginalGriff's isn't independant of the server time. And is, sort of.What you do is store all values in the server relative to a specific time zone (which can be the time zone the server normally lives in but that can be a bad idea) - and the best zone to pick is UCT: Universal...
30 Jul 2015 by Wendelius
One simple way is, using a SqlCommand, you execute a BACKUP[^] command. After the backup is successfully created, copy the files created where you want.Just make sure that - you have sufficient privileges.- the target folder is accessible by the credentials your program uses.
6 Oct 2015 by Richard Deeming
Try copying the code from the answer to your previous copy of this question[^] correctly.You've replaced OR between the conditions with a +:SELECT * FROM [RUPLOAD] WHERE (([Skill] LIKE '%' +@Skill+ '%') OR ([SkillArea] LIKE '%' +@SkillArea+ '%'))
6 Nov 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
You can try the technique of binding the dropdown in DataBound[^] Event. Refer - Bind DropDownList in ItemTemplate of TemplateField in ASP.Net GridView[^]. See how a dropdownlist is bound inside the RowDataBound Event of GridView. You need to do something similar.
1 Jan 2016 by Manas_Kumar
Try with below code:
7 Mar 2016 by Andy Lanng
You can't order by state in the row_number because it isn't assessed before the row_number column. The aliases are applied after the query.You have two options:Create another cte before the tempProfile cte that does the alias assignments first:SET @SqlString='WITH aliases as...
23 Aug 2016 by OriginalGriff
Don't list it in the SELECT statement.Instead of doingSELECT * FROM MyTableList only the columns You want to see:SELECT ColumnIWant, OtherColumnIWant, LastColumnIWant FROM MyTableYou should get into the habit of doing this anyway: never retrieve columns you don't need (it's inefficient and...
23 Aug 2016 by F-ES Sitecore
Explicitly define the fields you want back rather than using "select *" which is something you should do anywayPerson------ID, Name, EmailAddressSELECT ID, Name FROM PersonThe above will create a result set with just ID and Name, not EmailAddress.
23 Aug 2016 by Maciej Los
Start reading MSDN documentation:CREATE PROCEDURE (Transact-SQL)[^]Stored Procedures (Database Engine)[^]Grant Permissions on a Stored Procedure[^]Sql Server - How To Write a Stored Procedure in SQL Server[^]SQL Server Performance SQL Server Stored Procedures – Fundamentals[^]
28 Aug 2016 by Maciej Los
Start reading MSDN documentation:SELECT - SQL Command - WITH Clause[^]Views[^]There you'll find tons of examples and you'll be able to list all differences.Few basic differences were listed here:Difference between SQL View and WITH clause - Stack Overflow[^]
21 Oct 2016 by Faran Saleem
Hello there,Need your help again.I am curre tly trying to convert an nvarchar value in correct datetime format. There is a column in SQL Local_time it is nvarchar and it has values like 1160119104041, if i break this down it will be like '1' 'yy' 'mm' 'dd' 'hh' 'mm' ss'.What i want to...
20 Oct 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
You can use LEFT() and RIGHT() to do so.Example:declare @test varchar(30)set @test='1160119104041'select '20'+left(right(@test,LEN(@test)-1),2)+'-'+left(right(@test,LEN(@test)-3),2)+'-'+left(right(@test,LEN(@test)-5),2)+'...
12 Feb 2017 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
First of all, would recommend to try something before asking question in the forums.You can try something like-SELECT EMPID,EMPNAME,COUNT(PLACE) AS NoOfPlacesFROM EMP_TABLE ELEFT JOIN CITY_TABLE C ON E.EMPID=C.EMPIDGROUP BY EMPID,EMPNAMEHAVING COUNT(PLACE)>1Hope, it helps :)
12 Feb 2017 by Peter Leow
Try this:select * from emp_table e where exists ( select 1 from city_table c where c.empid=e.empid having count(*) > 1)
24 Mar 2017 by OriginalGriff
Don't. It's a PITA to use, and though it's simple to insert the values to start with, it rapidly descends into nastiness.Instead, have a "linking" table:ID Name Dept Sal 1 Abc Mech 20000 Techid Techname 1 Abc 2 def 3 ghiDeptTechsID...
24 Mar 2017 by Bryian Tan
Not clear what your query is trying to do, look like it is incomplete. I'm guessing this is what you trying to do. Let us know if that not the case.DECLARE @Table1 TABLE (ID INT,Value INT)INSERT INTO @Table1VALUES...
8 Aug 2017 by OriginalGriff
This is not a question we can answer in a little text box: it's a complicated subject and depends heavily on your data and exactly what you are doing with it. Start here: How to optimize store procedure and database - Google Search[^] and read the links - follow some of the references they will...
25 Sep 2017 by Bryian Tan
You can use PIVOT function. Here is an example SQL PIVOT Rows to Columns - Stack Exchange Data Explorer[^] DECLARE @test TABLE ( Grado VARCHAR(50), Codigo VARCHAR(50), Nombre VARCHAR(50), Detalle VARCHAR(50), Valor VARCHAR(50) ) INSERT INTO @test SELECT...
3 Nov 2017 by Santosh kumar Pithani
UPDATE Student SET Student.ID_Request = R1.ID_Request FROM Request R1 INNER JOIN Request R2 ON (Student.ID_Request = R2.ID_Request) INNER JOIN Student ON (Student.St_Code=R2.St_Code)
12 Dec 2017 by OriginalGriff
Names must match: string instanceName = source["InstanceName"].ToString(); ... instance = source["InstanceName"].ToString(); Try string instanceName = source["InstanceName"].ToString(); ... instanceName = source["InstanceName"].ToString(); Then, use your collected data in your WriteLines:...
8 Feb 2018 by Member 7870345
If your numbers only have one decimal position (that is there are no number like 546.51 or 546.49) you can use: select cast(round(x-0.01,0) as int
16 Dec 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: select * from table where 1=1 take 45 minutes table have 1 million records . You are selecting 1 million records in a single select and you wonder why it takes time ? You need a really faster server and a really fast network too. Or learn database design. PS: After 99 question, you...
19 Jan 2020 by Patrice T
Quote: the result set has no current row. May be you should check the number of records in result. Advice: Never calculate a next id by your code because one day or another, 2 users will create a new id at same time anf you will end up with 2 records with same id. Let the server handle it for...
20 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT Car_No FROM CarRegistration");; You are assuming that the resultset contains some data. You need to check first whether any rows are present.
4 Feb 2020 by Maciej Los
Check this out: DECLARE @mbr TABLE(eid INT, mid INT) INSERT INTO @mbr(eid, mid) VALUES(1, 15), (1, 14), (2, 18), (2, 17), (3, 19), (3, 20) DECLARE @nm TABLE(mid INT, nmid INT) INSERT INTO @nm(mid, nmid) VALUES(15, 100), (14, 104), (18, 109), (17, 108), (19, 999), (20, 110) UPDATE t1 SET...
17 Feb 2020 by phil.o
You cannot convert a SQL timestamp to a datetime, unfortunately. How to convert SQL Server's timestamp column to datetime format - Stack Overflow[^] gives a deeper insight about it.
1 Jun 2020 by OriginalGriff
You don't use a DataReader with an SQL UPDATE command - only with queries that contain a SELECT statement. Instead, use ExecuteNonQuery: Dim query1 As String = " Update verfication SET device = device - 1 WHERE serial=@serial" ...
8 Oct 2020 by Tan Chee Yong
Assuming your table name is TBL_Holidays and saturday, sunday are non-working days You can try this to get the working date: DECLARE @NoOfWorkingDays INT; SET @NoOfWorkingDays = 5; DECLARE @StartDate DATE SET @StartDate = '20201001' DECLARE...
25 Nov 2020 by OriginalGriff
Try: SqlCeConnection myConnection = new SqlCeConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = $"Data Source={txtPath.Text}";
10 Mar 2021 by CHill60
Would give you a fully worked example but I'm just about to go into a meeting. I did something similar in my article about loops in SQL Server - see Processing Loops in SQL Server[^] the section about "Traversing a Hierarchy". You can then...
10 Mar 2021 by Richard Deeming
You are trying to delete a record from the documents table, but you have related records in the doc_source table which depend on the record you are trying to delete. You will need to delete the related records from the doc_source table before...
10 Mar 2021 by k5054
To delete the related records manually, without changing the foreign key to use the CASCADE option, you can do it in two steps: delete from doc_source where document_id = 209965; delete from documents where document_id = 209965; You may want to...
2 Mar 2022 by Luc Pattyn
Hi, one way would be to use a DataTable and a BindingSource. The DataTable is to hold all the books. The BindingSource is a go-between that passes the DataTable to the DataGridView; it has a Filter capability. DataTable dt = new DataTable();...
26 Oct 2023 by Pete O'Hanlon
Without knowing the data types of the different fields in your query, this is impossible to answer. What we do know is that one of your fields is a string (NVARCHAR), and you are trying to treat it as a number. Take a look at the types of your...
10 Nov 2023 by Maciej Los
There's few ways to achieve that. I'd like to provide a sample with Common Table Expressions: ;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT 1 Lvl, acctnum, note, srno, note newnote FROM Table1 WHERE acctnum IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT C.Lvl +1, C.acctnum,...
8 Jan 2024 by OriginalGriff
Don't do that. Don't store CSV data in a single column, it's wasteful, inefficient, and leaves you with nasty problems whenever you want to use the data or change it. SQL string handling is ... um ... poor, so you have to jump through a lot of...
8 May 2010 by 4277480
Sample table to explain the problem (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,ManagerID)In my item template of my gridView I have a dropDownList which binds as follows:When you choose dataSource I set EmployeeName to be the field that is being displayed and the EmployeeID for the value. Then in the Edit...
8 May 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
4277480 wrote:After I perform an insert I am trying to apply a SqlDataSource.FilterExpression however an error is thrown saying that the value of the dropDownList is not found in the list? Did you updated the dataset after the insert? It looks like the filter is workin on the old data and...
22 Sep 2010 by butterfly123
Hello Please try to solve my query :1) in form load i populated customer data in datagridview2) after some filtering i am displaying that data in another DGV3) i created a button 4) Now i wanted when i click the button 2 DGV data should save in database tablei tried...
24 Jan 2011 by dabbourabd
hi every one i made project in c# to save data in sql server data base "*.mdf"the data i want to save text in about 10000 text filesso my project read each text file and save text in databasebut i notice that when i run my project the memory which "sqlserver.exe" used increased to make...
24 Jan 2011 by Dylan Morley
Open SQL management studio and connect to your SQL instance. Under object explorer, right click on the server name and choose properties - the 'Server Properties' dialog is shownYou can configure memory here, such as the minimum and maximum memory values allowed by SQL serverI think the...
23 Mar 2011 by uipatel
hi I want to discared(Hide) HTML tag which is comming in dropdown.My dropdown is binded with sqldatasource, so data is comming from sql database.At Run time/display time I want to show in dropdown only data insted of HTML tageIt display Like thisExample: a...