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by Michael Gledhill
Replacing slow Page_Load functions with UpdatePanels and asynchronous data loading
by ASP.NET Community
jQuery helps a lot in order to bind events to the control across the browser. But when using the Asp.Net Ajax UpdatePanel, there are some issues
by Declan Bright
A technique which ensures that an ASP.NET GridView displays nicely on small screen devices.
by ASP.NET Community
ConceptWith the rise of ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0, developers were fascinated by the great AJAX Server controls, but they missed that some of

Latest Articles

by Michael Gledhill
Replacing slow Page_Load functions with UpdatePanels and asynchronous data loading
by Declan Bright
A technique which ensures that an ASP.NET GridView displays nicely on small screen devices.
by ASP.NET Community
jQuery helps a lot in order to bind events to the control across the browser. But when using the Asp.Net Ajax UpdatePanel, there are some issues
by ASP.NET Community
ConceptWith the rise of ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0, developers were fascinated by the great AJAX Server controls, but they missed that some of

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28 May 2012 by member60
you should add the UpdatePanel_Unload to the OnUnload event of the UpdatePanel:In Code behind :protected void UpdatePanel_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e) { MethodInfo methodInfo =...
16 Feb 2016 by Michael Gledhill
Replacing slow Page_Load functions with UpdatePanels and asynchronous data loading
20 Mar 2012 by Mohamed Mitwalli
hi ,you can use loop . foreach (GridViewRow item in GridView1.Rows) { string test= item.Cells[2].Text; }
20 Mar 2012 by SpringLo
foreach (GridViewRow item in GridView1.Rows) { string str= item.Cells[i].Text; }Oryou can add a ItemTemplate to Rows and add a Button to Template.Add Bind the parameter "CommandName " and "CommandArgument".protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender,...
28 May 2012 by Hadi Basiri
Hi.I have Problem by UpdatePanel.Please help error: Cannot unregister UpdatePanel with ID '' since it was not registered with the ScriptManager. This might occur if the UpdatePanel was removed from the control tree and later added again, which is not supported. Parameter...
25 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
i want to register my user controls export button to my Page's Update panel's post back triggerAll you need is to register the button as PostbackTrigger for that update panel.
22 Jan 2013 by Yaseer Arafat
The tag has two childtags - the ContentTemplate and the Triggers tags. The ContentTemplate tag is required, since it holds the content of the panel. The content can be anything that you would normally put on your page, from literal text to web controls. The Triggers tag allows...
18 Apr 2013 by JaffreenaMichael
" UpdateCommand="Update Products SET name=@name,category=@category WHERE product_id=@product_id" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO Products(name,category,product_id) VALUES...
31 Jul 2013 by Anele Ngqandu
if you loading your dropdown dynamically using c# code then try this protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){if (IsPostBack) {//code to load yo dropdown }}ORif (!IsPostBack) {//code to load yo dropdown }Then you can set...
7 Aug 2013 by Musakkhir
1st method :: Javascript Code:function refreshddlItem2(){document.getElementById('').SelectedIndexChanged();}Add property to dropdownlist.AutoPostBack="true"onselectedIndexChanged="refreshddlItem2()"2nd Method:protected void Page_PreRender(object...
28 Jan 2014 by Member 10557402
I have an ascx with a tree view and I need to reload the tree for every 10 seconds to check for new nodes. To do that I added an Update Panel with a timer to update the tree view.Enterprise.ascx ...
29 Jan 2014 by Ahmed Bensaid
Treeview in update panel[^]
10 Jun 2014 by Nirav Prabtani
see this.. :)How to have a javascript callback executed after an update panel postback?[^]Javascript in update panel doesn't work after partial postback[^]jQuery Plugins not working after ASP.Net AJAX UpdatePanel Partial PostBack or when Asynchronous request is over[^]jQuery...
4 Jul 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Add one AsyncPostBackTrigger.
20 Aug 2014 by Karthik Harve
Hi,Issue is quite simple. your dropdowmlist is inside update panel and gridview is outside update panel. whenever dropdownlist triggers the postback, only the area inside update panel will get refreshed. So, take the gridview inside update panel then it works fine.hope it helps.
9 Sep 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
SolutionWhy are you dynamically adding the button as a Trigger. You are doing it because you are calling one custom Event that is "AddParameterClick".Whatever you are doing inside this Event can be done inside the ItemCommand[^] Event itself. And you can declare ItemCommand Event as a...
19 Mar 2015 by Rahul121616
Following is the Jquery code for the change event whenever the file uploaded or changed. var document1FileUpload = $('#Document1FileUpload');var fileNameTextBox1= $('#fileNameTextBox1');document1FileUpload.die();'change', function () { ...
11 Oct 2016 by Mcbaloo
Just trying to blend things a bit. I have a button outside an update panel which controls an update panel very well. I also want another button to also update this same update panel which the click event is triggered. Anyway to achieve this?What I have tried:i have been able to make...
11 Oct 2016 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
How about - Please let me know if your requirement is different than this.Thanks :)
12 Oct 2016 by manu_dhobale
Please referAssign PostBack Trigger (Full PostBack) for LinkButton inside GridView within AJAX UpdatePanel in ASP.Net[^]
28 Apr 2017 by Samira Radwan
managed to do it by adding Javascript:void OR adding href="#!" But i...
30 Jun 2017 by LuciusAvette
Fixed. Seems like my code behind for "DeleteRecord" just dislikes "TemplateField" and prefers "BoundField".
19 Jul 2017 by Sheila Pontes
Hi, How you didn't post the code and i could not create the error. I will write all the elements necessary for you create a master page. Your master page 1 - Scriptmanager component is obrigatory. 2 - Updatepanel...
15 Mar 2012 by Velkumar Kannan
Hi, I have two updatepanel in my page. Each panel has one combobox, first panel has a combobox, which contains list of countries. Second updatepanel has a Combobox, which contains list of states corresponding to the country selected in country combo. I have to load the states dependa upon...
15 Mar 2012 by Prasad_Kulkarni
Post some code so we can get what exactly problem is.Else have a look Simple Way to Implement Country/State/City Dropdown List in ASP.NET[^]
16 Mar 2012 by yl2rox
I have included two Dropdown-lists inside an UpdatePanel. First Dropdown-list contains a list of Departments. What I want to do is, when the user selects a department, the second Dropdown-list should be populated with the list of employees work in that particular department.I have used an...
16 Mar 2012 by Prabhakaran Soundarapandian
Add the below code inside your update panel
20 Mar 2012 by yl2rox
Hello,I have added a GridView to my web form and I want to retrieve a value from it during runtime.The gridview is located inside an UpdatePanel. I set the AutoGenerateSelectButton property to true. But when I click on an auto generated button it doesn't fire any events. The buttons are...
20 Mar 2012 by uspatel
Use rowcommand event int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow row = GridView1.Rows[index]; lblassinmentno.Text = row.Cells[1].Text;
21 Mar 2012 by Patel Azharuddin
Hiiiii !!!!!!I can understand your question. But think about what is the purpose of updatepanel?Updatepanel is ajax control. So ajax control not post back any data to server. That's why your button does not work. if you are not using updatepanel that your gridview event should be fire and...
31 May 2012 by Nuha IT
Hi,I am wroking to add a gridview to my website with using the javascript, I have used- commandField and added the Delete, and Edit Buttons, with alert message of javascript to show the messagebox.- also used the navigation for each 5 pages.All that is used inside UpdatePanel of...
25 Jun 2012 by kishhr
Update Panel has AsyncPostBack triggers, within which you can embed button and point to the respective panel, this solves your problem
25 Jun 2012 by alibaig
Hi All,I am trying to use Ajax progress bar with Ajax update panel and FileUpload Control.FileUpload is working with updatepanel using PostBackTrigger in Triggers template.But i want to use them all (Fileupload,updatepanel,progressbar)please share your valuable...
25 Jun 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
FileUpload is working with updatepanel using PostBackTrigger in Triggers template.When it's complete postback (using PostbackTrigger), UpdateProgress does not work directly. You need to work around it using Javascript. Have a look here:Update Progress show on Ajax Full Postback...
29 Jun 2012 by sadegh_rusta
i have a updatepane;in this update panel is a panelin this panel is a fileUpload and a Buttoni do clicked on the fileupload and select a file,and when click on the button return ""in my button_click is this code:button1.text= filaeupload1.filename;why return null value?my...
29 Jun 2012 by AmitGajjar
Hi,After reading your comments what i understand is, you need to upload file Asynchronously. you can not use default Fileuploaded with Update panel to upload file. you need to use some thirdparty control for Asynchronous file uploading.Read Asynchronous File Upload[^] Article. this may...
29 Jun 2012 by Mits Machhi
use Trigger on Script Manager : // your content ...
29 Jun 2012 by Mits Machhi
use Trigger on Script Manager : // your content ...
17 Jul 2012 by snamyna
I have a dropdownlist and gridview inside an update panel whereby the data in gridview will change according to dropdownlist selectedindexchanged. However, I just receive this kind of error which i never get before.what does it mean and how can I solve this?Microsoft JScript runtime...
17 Jul 2012 by Vani Kulkarni
Put your dropdown inside trigger of your update panel:Try below code:
26 Jul 2012 by Velkumar Kannan
Hi, In my aspx page I have a usercontrol(ascx). In this usercontrol there is an updatepanel inside this updatepanel it has another updatepanel. If any asyn postback generated from child update panel the parent updatepanel will also updated. How can i solve this problem.Note: I have...
28 Jul 2012 by ali_heidari_
set this property of parent updatepanelUpdateMode="Conditional"and ChildrenAsTriggers="False"i think this must solve your problem
5 Aug 2012 by Velkumar Kannan
Hi, In master page I have 3 content placeholders left, right and bottom. The left and right content placeholders are placed in updatepanels. The right content placeholder is where the content page is displayed. The trigger for this right updatepanel is both left and right...
15 Aug 2012 by sunilkumarsistla
Hi my webpage heirarchy ispage -> updatepanel1 -> user_control1page -> textbox1user_control1 hierarchyuser_control1 -> table1 -> row1 -> cell1 -> updatepanel2 -> label(acting as count down timer)user_control1 -> table1 -> row1 -> cell2 -> textbox2PROBLEM:I want to...
15 Aug 2012 by Jinu _George
if u dont need to refresh the whole page(just content inside the update panel only) try AsyncPostbackTriggerotherwise add this in page loadTextBox2.Focus();
16 Aug 2012 by Jinu _George
can u please post the aspx page content...
16 Aug 2012 by Jinu _George
in your code where is upadate panel, async trigger... any how plese remove ontick="timer_Counter_Tick" and try...
24 Sep 2012 by PBGuy
This exception is thrown when I use update progress with update panel in my Ajax tab panel enclosed in master page. I didn't use trigger in update panel, because it would disturb my UI, I have around 4 buttons, of which 3 buttons are dedicated to download xlsx file using response object. Any...
26 Sep 2012 by Shiridish
I have a Google Map on which I display markers by fetching the latlng's from a database on a Button Click. To avoid postback I put this button in an update panel.
2 Oct 2012 by Shiridish
I have found the solution. The issue was with the HiddenField. The HiddenField was not within the Update panel so my Javascript function wasn't able to read the data. I moved the HiddenField into the update panel and its done.
10 Oct 2012 by AshishSarang
I have an update panel which is causing a postback on part of the page and after postback the control that had focus (which is not in the update panel) loses focus. How can I identify which control had focus and save that value, so that I can refocus to it when the page reloads. Thank you.
4 Nov 2012 by Maciej Los
Start here:[^][^][^]And...
25 Nov 2012 by suryansh4u
Hi,I have javascript and css style applied for a page.My problem is when i click the add new button, it does not postback coz it is in update panel.But javascript and css style applied for the control is not working.//=================
28 Nov 2012 by Ranjith Reddy CSE
Dear Friends,Am working on C#, GRIDVIEW , SqlServer 2005.I have Created a program in c# and Database as SqlServer 2005.My SqlServer Database will Update the data for every 1 Minute. So am displaying this data in Gridview.So my problem is What should i use to...
28 Nov 2012 by sachinkale20[^]
28 Nov 2012 by Member 9581488
Please refer following code. I hope that helps.:)Also you have to add Script Manager.
4 Jan 2013 by snamyna
Hye all,Here is my scenario:- When user click on a button (Change Section button), it causes another button (Submit button) to appear. I need to put the submit button inside updatepanel otherwise the button wud not be displayed when user click change section.- Now the submit button...
4 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Following should help: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException - what it is and how to avoid it [^]
24 Jan 2013 by gouravkaila
Dear Mentors,I am trying using Ajax Update Panel to update my gridview without using postback.But surprised to see that its not working with xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy" in web.config. So i commented this tag in Web.configbut after that my CSS for the GridView is not...
12 Feb 2013 by gouravkaila
Dear All,Although i have already asked almost the same questions in past also,But I am still not clear about following thing in AJAX partial postbacks and partial renderings.I have a few straightforward questions that are still annoying me...1) I have multiple frames on my page. Can...
21 Feb 2013 by Hrushikesh_phapale
hello,find the link below,[^]
21 Feb 2013 by Sisir Patro
Hi,Check for the following links...
27 Mar 2013 by Member 4643583
Hello,I am developing website. Without adding ajax scriptmanegr and update panel my page working properly. But after adding scriptmanager and update panel I found that Page.IsPostBack and ScriptManager1.IsInAsyncPostBack always return false.Please suggest regarding it.Thanks...
28 Mar 2013 by Member 8112455
To call postback event , try below Specifies a control and event that will cause a full page update (a full page refresh). This tag can be used to force a full refresh when a control would...
15 Apr 2013 by Pyakaa
i have a updates panels in my page which is a must.the fileupload works fine with PostBackTrigger, but when i try retrieve the file from database, i am not able to do so with the update panel arroutnd.the code snippet illstrated my exact piont of problem
16 Apr 2013 by aravindnass
heyy..I use a update panel inside that dropdown and a listbox and outside the update panel a label is there ..When No data the label show show a message ...but I could not access the label that is outside the update is my code.. ...
16 Apr 2013 by PrashantSonewane
Add this somewhere above the update panel. You are missing this.
16 Apr 2013 by gouravkaila
Please help!I am tryin to call a javascript after clicking the pager pages of a grid view. But i am not able to get the JS code executed.I have tried almost everything like- Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "myScript", "alert('Done with paging');", True)I...
17 Apr 2013 by gouravkaila
Thanks Mentords.I got it.function pageLoad(sender, args) can be used as it is called in every load/postback(synchronous or asynchronous).I have tried almost eveything but finally it worked .:)
29 Apr 2013 by gaurish thakkar
I have a webform in and It had 2 updatepanels .on button xyz it posts to server to get some details and Populate a div with repater datai want to stop...
8 May 2013 by Pham Dinh Truong
I came across 1 situation that I've found a solution yet. Here's the problem:I override Render method in Page object. The purpose is to modify something after HTML is rendered and before it is outputted to UI. It works well with normal ASP. page. However, with UpdateManager on the page, the...
11 May 2013 by Mohd Riaz
I use a web service to insert new user. It works well while i insert the data for the first time. When i insert it immediately i am not getting any response. Please find the code below.SCServiceAPI webService = new SCServiceAPI();UserInfo NewUser = new UserInfo();NewUser.Username =...
11 May 2013 by arunrv
Hi Mohd Riaz Can you show the code how u have written in web service because you are telling that for the first time its working good but for 2nd time its giving problem so the it may be having problem on web service.
13 May 2013 by jiji2663
i have a imagebutton and image in updatepanelbut image dosen't refrresh when i click on imagebuttonit's work fine in chrome,but don't work in FF,IE,Safari
14 May 2013 by sunil mali
Hello all,I want to call my javascript function from my button inside update panelI have written above code but its not calling that function, as it is inside update panel. ...
14 May 2013 by Deepaks86
Hi Sunil,it looks like your javascript functions have issues, not with update panel.debug your javascript functions, run your page and see if you get any javascript error in left bottom of issue i noticed is:var temp =...
14 May 2013 by sunil mali
Thanks yaar, you are right...One more silly mistake by me... :)Thank you so much.
3 Jun 2013 by Yoyosch
I am implementing general layout using This application uses single ASPX with dynamically loaded ASCX's:
3 Jun 2013 by AmitDotKothari
Use CreateChildControl.Or unload and reload the control on every postback....
27 Jun 2013 by pprasad5
HiIn my website i want to refresh my menu bar after an interval of 1 i had putted 1 timer in update panel and menu bar(content place holder1)Now when I am running any pages then its working fine until i won't open any popup extenderwhen i am opening popup extender its getting...
3 Jul 2013 by satya syam prasad
HI,In my application.aspx page i have two update panels. In one updatepanel contain only one asp timer control and its interval time 30000 (3 secs), but other update panel have no timer control. also i mentioned some logic in Tick event. but debug the application.aspx page, the entire page...
4 Jul 2013 by satya syam prasad
In my update panel, I used Timer and its interval 30000 ms, its working fine. My problem is for every 30000 ms, my Text box is refreshed automatically and with out enter key its reached to targeted panel(ie., other Update panel)How to solve this issue...Please any one help...
4 Jul 2013 by Nirav Prabtani
Put TextBox outside from Update panel...:)
4 Jul 2013 by bobb024
Hey Guys,I have an web application and I am getting everything to fire with the newly added update panel except my ashx method. It will not fire or render, below is the code and any help would be great. It will work in Chrome and get called in chrome but not IEswitch (iProof)...
5 Jul 2013 by Mahesh_Bhosale
hay jagdish,Change your dropdownlist properties AutoPostBack : Trueits work..
6 Jul 2013 by KuttiSankar
I think you can give the property in design page itself. first value second value
20 Jul 2013 by sharadtripathi204
I had requirement that editor should have only Bold, Italic, Underline tools, so I customized Html editor of ajaxcontroltoolkit by inheriting AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.Editor class. It works fine but It returns old content after first time. e.g. I browse the page and write - "ABCD" in...
29 Jul 2013 by Kunal Ved
I have a small application in . I am using Ajax toolkit in that. I wish to display the date in a text box . I have given a small calendar icon as PopPupButtonId. When I click on that calendar button to the update panel shows loading processand it never proceeds further .
29 Jul 2013 by Member 9762654
check this link i think this will help you[^]
29 Jul 2013 by Thanks7872
Check that you added in your page.Also make sure you added proper reference to dll and dont forget to include page directive something like
31 Jul 2013 by bhagyap
Hi..Following is my code,even though am using update panel for dropdownlist its getting reset after i select different value:- City: ...
31 Jul 2013 by Mukesh Ghosh
Make AutoPostBack="true" as False
31 Jul 2013 by Yasir Farooq
In Triggerin cs you must haveprotected void ddlCity_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){}
31 Jul 2013 by Adarsh chauhan
OnSelectedIndexChanged its calling a method "ddlCity_SelectedIndexChanged".make sure that it exist in code behind.or if you don't need anything to be done on selected index changed event just removeOnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlCity_SelectedIndexChanged"
4 Aug 2013 by udusat13
Hi Expert, Working on Application. I have used javascript for time picker control.Timepicker textbox is in update panel. It works fines only for first time.And second time it does not work when i click any button or postback. Please help me. Here is my...
5 Aug 2013 by Maarten Kools
I would say that the time picker isn't reinitialized (it's basically a new element) after the asynchronous postback. I don't know how you initialize it, but I assume you're using $(document).ready now?You should use the pageLoaded event, like...