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by 401unauthorized
Allows working with most .NET classes in any COM-aware programming or scripting language
by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.

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by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
by 401unauthorized
Allows working with most .NET classes in any COM-aware programming or scripting language

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15 Oct 2010 by 401unauthorized
Allows working with most .NET classes in any COM-aware programming or scripting language
25 Dec 2009 by Christian Graus
wrote:but my question is does it will work if the end user doesn't have office installed on his machine??No. Your only option here is to learn the Word file format and write a program that can read and write it.
17 May 2012 by Jim Parsells
Explorer TreeView control with Shell Folder access class and Icon management.
5 Apr 2010 by Chris Meech
Just something else to look at. I've had similar issues where the space character being embedded in one of the folder names caused problems. Generally the highlighted files end up being tokenized by a space character and so an embedded one causes one filename to be split across two arguments.
25 Dec 2009 by Md. Marufuzzaman
I think you can't...If you are using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word v11 / v12.
25 Dec 2009 by Mostafa A. Ali
My question is can I manipulate word document when End user doesn't have office installed?The issue is I want to design a program that can save docx file as doc file (no need to open i just need to save it as doc file) I will add reference to office in my project and it will be an easy issue...