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Visual Studio .NET 2002


Great Reads

by Stoyan Damov
Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system
by Alexey
The ALXGrid Control Library is a set of classes for management of data as a table.
by Stephane Rodriguez.
This article demonstrates how to automate IE's Save As functionality
by Dan Peverill
A managed DirectX class library that can be used as a foundation for basic 2D games. Demo included.

Latest Articles

by User 257328
Demonstrates how to call ASP.NET webservices from the client within other languages and platforms
by Tom Clement
A magical edit menu that works with no connections to the rest of your project
An article on how to combine Slider Controls and Progress bar into one class using custom draw
by Southmountain
Gems for typedef and namespace in C

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Visual Studio .NET 2002 

11 Sep 2016 by Avatar2400
This is a simple class that allows you to have message box with checkbox and other small features.
9 Mar 2016 by Nadir Muhammed
Easily setup service example with windows application
10 Mar 2017 by Southmountain
Gems for typedef and namespace in C